Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

Nunes said, "....IC incidentally collected information about U.S. Citizens..."

Do you know what "incidental" collection is? It's intelligence equivalent of overhearing a conversation in the hallway as you sit in your own office. That's not even remotely close to what it means to say that the IC tapped Trump's wires. To suggest otherwise is to show unequivocally one's utter ignorance on the matter.

"Incidental" meant that Trump and his staff was under surveillance by that asshole Obama when Obama said Trump was never under surveillance. What part of that don't you understand?

That Obama is one hellva liar, isn't he?

No. It doesn't.

If you are tapping Person A (like the Russian Ambassador) - then "incidental" might mean the people with whom he was conversing.

The claim that Obama was spying on Trump was thoroughly bunked.
A man brilliant enough to build a $10B empire and be elected President of the United States isn't apt to pull claims out of his ass on Twitter. You pitiful leftists forgot who you're dealing with here....he throws you a head fake and you jump out of your sandals.....He's like trying to hit Mayweather with a solid shot....ain't likely.
He seems to be self-administering one gaping headwound after another. If that's "brilliant" to you defenders of trump treason, it's no wonder you buy his bullshit.
Don't worry though. It'll be over soon.
And the best part? Comey can't say shit because "he can't comment on ongoing investigations"....welcome to Trump's trick bag, ya pompous jackass. :lol:
He seems to be self-administering one gaping headwound after another. If that's "brilliant" to you defenders of trump treason, it's no wonder you buy his bullshit.
Don't worry though. It'll be over soon.

It's already over....have somebody with a 3-digit IQ explain it to you.
Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.
Now I suppose you're going to bully us into believing this nonsense.
I don't really care. It's happening. Don't act surprised when the hammer comes down.
I walked by the TV and Sean Spicer is on. It appears to me that they have him in light Peach lipstick with a white-peach matching eye-shadow? What is the world coming to?

AND I swear on Jakes' mormon Bible that I saw a guy on MSNBC wearing FALSE EYELASHES. I think the end is near for me. I CANNOT TAKE ANYMORE of MSM!

Trump is proven correct again, they "tapped and leaked". I won't hold my breath waiting on Jail time. Comey takes years and years on the Beast...........nothing happens.
Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.
The guy who gave the report said none of the spying was related to russia.
You lost the election.
And now you're just being a cry baby F'r about it.
You're telling the wrong person bro. Here's how to contact the FBI: Contact Us — FBI

It's their investigation. Feel free to tell them they're being cry baby F'rs
Freank'n snipe hunt.
Nunes said, "....IC incidentally collected information about U.S. Citizens..."

Do you know what "incidental" collection is? It's intelligence equivalent of overhearing a conversation in the hallway as you sit in your own office. That's not even remotely close to what it means to say that the IC tapped Trump's wires. To suggest otherwise is to show unequivocally one's utter ignorance on the matter.

"Incidental" meant that Trump and his staff was under surveillance by that asshole Obama when Obama said Trump was never under surveillance. What part of that don't you understand?

That Obama is one hellva liar, isn't he?

No. It doesn't.

If you are tapping Person A (like the Russian Ambassador) - then "incidental" might mean the people with whom he was conversing.

The claim that Obama was spying on Trump was thoroughly bunked.
Trump keeps changing his story.

Phones ................ debunked
Wiretaps .............. debunked
Trump Towers ...... debunked
Before Victory ...... debunked
Obama Tapping ... debunked

His current story looks nothing like his original story.
His current story looks nothing like his original story.

Doesn't seem to matter. Trumptards will apparently believe any stupidity he offers.
Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.

Nunes is pissed. It is illegal to unmask any American. Oh and the information that was spread around and leaked had nothing to do with Russia for the most part.

"Nunes said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected. He said that he believes the information was legally collected.

Nunes said that the intelligence has nothing to do with Russia and that the collection occurred after the presidential election."
Nunes said he briefed House Speaker Paul Ryan
Paul RyanRepublican flips to yes on healthcare bill GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team (R-Wis.) on the revelation and will inform the White House later today.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Nunes? I don't care what a partisan hack running cover for Trump has to say. I want this investigation to be thorough and for Russia's pro-Trump intervention into our free elections to be explained, along with why multiple members of the Trump team were in direct contact with Russia during the campaign and transition period.

I'm fucking with you all the way. Investigate the shit out of Tony Podesta working for the Kremlin bank.

Investigate that slime ball John Podesta for sitting on a board of a company started by Putin.\

Let's go for it. Lets investigate the DNC operative who helped the Ukrainian government set up Paul Manafort and lie that he was under investigation by the Uk government for corruption.

I want to see all the names of the liars associated with that fairy tale dossier.

And best of all I want that old mother fucker McCain on the hotseat to find out how he came into possession of the dossier.

I want all the names of the people who paid for it.

Yeah old school lets investigate to the max.

And last but not least the names of the leakers and throw them in jail.

AND make the FBI examine the DNC servers.
See that's the difference between you and me. You want witch hunts to take down people you have a personal beef with. While I want justice for a man who accepted the help of a foreign government to win an election through sabotage.

In another universe, where Trump isn't a prolific liar, maybe I'd think you have some ground to stand on. But you probably still think Ted Cruz's dad helped kill JFK and that Obama was born in Kenya.

Oh I want answers as much as I want to see people in orange and wearing silver bracelets.
Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.
The guy who gave the report said none of the spying was related to russia.
You lost the election.
And now you're just being a cry baby F'r about it.
You're telling the wrong person bro. Here's how to contact the FBI: Contact Us — FBI

It's their investigation. Feel free to tell them they're being cry baby F'rs
Freank'n snipe hunt.
Remember; don't act surprised.
'Trump personal communications collected'

As already reported:
- We know Trump has under investigation by both the NSA and FBI since July 2016
--- And we are to believe that at no time during this whole investigation did the FBI or NSA engage in 'electronic surveillance', ie 'wire-tapping'?

- NSA documents show Trump was under 'electronic' surveillance'
--- Ok there WAS 'electronic surveillance'. So if it did not include 'wire-tapping' WTF did their 'electronic surveillance' consist of?

- Now we have the Intel chairman declaring Trump's 'personal communications were collected': 'Members of the Donald Trump transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under U.S. government surveillance'.
--- How can you collect someone's 'personal communications' if you are not listening in on their conversations and phone calls?

- “I have seen intelligence reports that clearly show that the president-elect and his team were, I guess, at least monitored,” Nunes told reporters.

--- HOW were they monitored? every detail needs to come out!

When all of this comes out and the same Democrats who illegally spied on US citizens / reporters / the media / CONGRESS and LIED UNDER OATH ABOUT IT (Clapper) declare they did not illegally (or even legally) wire-tap Trump, I smell BULLSHIT!

“It looks to me like it was all legally collected, but it was essentially a lot of information on the president-elect and his transition team and what they were doing.”
-- That is not necessarily what CNN reported. They reported Obama 'illegally' collected private/personal info on Trump and his team then gave it to his hold-overs in the Intel Community. Then again, CNN is a FAKE NEWS agency.

"Nunes described the surveillance as most likely being “incidental collection.” This can occur when a person inside the United States communicates with a foreign target of U.S. surveillance."
--- This is somewhat contradicted by other reports, such as CNN's, which states Trump and his team members' information was 'COLLECTED' / 'MONITORED', as in information obtained through active investigation rather than just being 'stumbled upon' / through 'incidental collection'.

"He said the information that he had seen and was disseminated across the intelligence community appeared to him to have "little or no apparent intelligence value."

--- Which goes to show why the Democrats have found NO EVIDENCE of collusion during their 9 month 'fishing expedition'.

"The Intelligence panel is set to hold a public hearing next Tuesday with members of the Obama administration, including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan and former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, who was fired by Trump in January after refusing to defend his first travel ban executive order in court."

--- It was members of the Obama administration - Obama hold-overs - btw, who was just fingered for having committed Felony ESPIONAGE. This is one helluva 'stellar cast': Clapper lied under oath about 'NOT' illegally spying on millions of Americans during the Obama administration, and Yates - another Obama holdover - refused to comply with her boss' orders. Not hard to guess which side the holdovers took.

Nunes: Trump transition members were under surveillance during Obama administration
if President Bush had wiretapped Mr Obama's transition, I'm sure liberals would think that's okey-dokey
'Trump personal communications collected'

As already reported:
- We know Trump has under investigation by both the NSA and FBI since July 2016
--- And we are to believe that at no time during this whole investigation did the FBI or NSA engage in 'electronic surveillance', ie 'wire-tapping'?

- NSA documents show Trump was under 'electronic' surveillance'
--- Ok there WAS 'electronic surveillance'. So if it did not include 'wire-tapping' WTF did their 'electronic surveillance' consist of?

- Now we have the Intel chairman declaring Trump's 'personal communications were collected': 'Members of the Donald Trump transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under U.S. government surveillance'.
--- How can you collect someone's 'personal communications' if you are not listening in on their conversations and phone calls?

- “I have seen intelligence reports that clearly show that the president-elect and his team were, I guess, at least monitored,” Nunes told reporters.

--- HOW were they monitored? every detail needs to come out!

When all of this comes out and the same Democrats who illegally spied on US citizens / reporters / the media / CONGRESS and LIED UNDER OATH ABOUT IT (Clapper) declare they did not illegally (or even legally) wire-tap Trump, I smell BULLSHIT!

“It looks to me like it was all legally collected, but it was essentially a lot of information on the president-elect and his transition team and what they were doing.”
-- That is not necessarily what CNN reported. They reported Obama 'illegally' collected private/personal info on Trump and his team then gave it to his hold-overs in the Intel Community. Then again, CNN is a FAKE NEWS agency.

"Nunes described the surveillance as most likely being “incidental collection.” This can occur when a person inside the United States communicates with a foreign target of U.S. surveillance."
--- This is somewhat contradicted by other reports, such as CNN's, which states Trump and his team members' information was 'COLLECTED' / 'MONITORED', as in information obtained through active investigation rather than just being 'stumbled upon' / through 'incidental collection'.

"He said the information that he had seen and was disseminated across the intelligence community appeared to him to have "little or no apparent intelligence value."
--- Which goes to show why the Democrats have found NO EVIDENCE of collusion during their 9 month 'fishing expedition'.

"The Intelligence panel is set to hold a public hearing next Tuesday with members of the Obama administration, including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan and former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, who was fired by Trump in January after refusing to defend his first travel ban executive order in court."

--- It was members of the Obama administration - Obama hold-overs - btw, who was just fingered for having committed Felony ESPIONAGE. This is one helluva 'stellar cast': Clapper lied under oath about 'NOT' illegally spying on millions of Americans during the Obama administration, and Yates - another Obama holdover - refused to comply with her boss' orders. Not hard to guess which side the holdovers took.

Nunes: Trump transition members were under surveillance during Obama administration
No. It doesn't.

If you are tapping Person A (like the Russian Ambassador) - then "incidental" might mean the people with whom he was conversing. The claim that Obama was spying on Trump was thoroughly bunked.

There's no "might" to it. That is precisely what it means.
  • It's analogous to putting a net into your fish tank to scoop out a dead critter laying on the bottom and getting some gravel in the net along with the creature.
Seems it was an improper collecting, with nothing criminal, nothing regarding Russia, and improper unmasking. Seems surveillance was done. Seems a whistleblower has come forward. From Nunes.
Seems it was an improper collecting, with nothing criminal, nothing regarding Russia, and improper unmasking. Seems surveillance was done. Seems a whistleblower has come forward. From Nunes.

The OP says it was collected legally. I thought NaziCons were against "anonymous" sources.

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