Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

I don't understand what the big deal is

The big deal is they broke the law by unmasking individuals. And this. How it was spread around when the information had nothing to do with any foreign intelligence value.

That's a freaking biggie.

The U.S. intelligence community incidentally collected information on members of President Trump's transition team and the information was "widely disseminated" in intelligence reports, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Wednesday.
"I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions, the intelligence community collected information on U.S. individuals involved in the Trump transition," Nunes told reporters.
"Details about U.S. persons involved in the incoming administration with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in intelligence community reports."

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

The nuts that cheered the illegal hacking of the DNC are suddenly expressing an interest in the law.


You can't make this shit up, I guess once a trumptard always a trumptard. But the whining and crying whaaaaaaaaaaaa.
First it was "Incidental" surveillance that resulted in the recording of private citizen Flynn. Now it turns out that SEVERAL Trump people were under this "incidental" surveillance between Election Day and the inauguration. Obviously, this was all being directed by Obama people.

There is a big storm brewing. Before it is all said and done many Democrat pols are going to prison.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

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Once again for the slow kids.....


Here's your hint if you still need it --- check out the adverbial phrase immediately following "tapp [sic] my phones".
Electronic surveillance then, if you please.
I don't understand what the big deal is

The big deal is they broke the law by unmasking individuals. And this. How it was spread around when the information had nothing to do with any foreign intelligence value.

That's a freaking biggie.

The U.S. intelligence community incidentally collected information on members of President Trump's transition team and the information was "widely disseminated" in intelligence reports, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Wednesday.
"I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions, the intelligence community collected information on U.S. individuals involved in the Trump transition," Nunes told reporters.
"Details about U.S. persons involved in the incoming administration with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in intelligence community reports."

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

The nuts that cheered the illegal hacking of the DNC are suddenly expressing an interest in the law.


What do they say? Oh yeah, if it helps uncover corruption its fine. Suddenly, not so much.
Trump's history, comments, campaign strategy, and embarrassing Presidency have convinced me that Trump is bad. Now get back to work trying to deflect this into being about "unmasking," and not about the traitors that were unmasked, like your masters want you to.

Those that were unmasked did nothing illegal. But some in the intel community can and will be hunted and brought to justice for the unmasking and leaking.

The only crime committed that we know of at this point is the unmasking and leaking. Whoever the guilty party is needs to be identified and brought to justice.

We don't know that that's a crime. We don't know that FISA was violated because a FISA warrant is not necessary for listening in on foreign agents' phone calls. Comey made that clear when Gowdy was making a mockery of himself the other day.


One is legal and the other isn't.

The "unmasking" of Flynn's name is routine, Wittes said. But, he said, sharing Flynn's name publicly "is both shocking and inappropriate."

It is a crime to disclose or "leak" classified information. The contents of intelligence collected under the authorities of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, are classified. Flynn's conversation with Kislyak was collected under these authorities and therefore classified.
Then it was a crime for the FBI to "unmask" Hillary when they took e-mails from Huma and Anthony Weiner. What did Comey say back then? That he felt the American people deserved to know? Hmm
Grasping at straws now
Trumptards? Seems about right.

Defending this shit because what?

News from The Associated Press

Manafort proposed in a confidential strategy plan as early as June 2005 that he would influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and the former Soviet republics to benefit the Putin government, even as U.S.-Russia relations under Republican President George W. Bush grew worse.

Manafort pitched the plans to Russian aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska, a close Putin ally with whom Manafort eventually signed a $10 million annual contract beginning in 2006, according to interviews with several people familiar with payments to Manafort and business records obtained by the AP. Manafort and Deripaska maintained a business relationship until at least 2009, according to one person familiar with the work.
Trump's history, comments, campaign strategy, and embarrassing Presidency have convinced me that Trump is bad. Now get back to work trying to deflect this into being about "unmasking," and not about the traitors that were unmasked, like your masters want you to.

Those that were unmasked did nothing illegal. But some in the intel community can and will be hunted and brought to justice for the unmasking and leaking.

The only crime committed that we know of at this point is the unmasking and leaking. Whoever the guilty party is needs to be identified and brought to justice.

We don't know that that's a crime. We don't know that FISA was violated because a FISA warrant is not necessary for listening in on foreign agents' phone calls. Comey made that clear when Gowdy was making a mockery of himself the other day.


One is legal and the other isn't.

The "unmasking" of Flynn's name is routine, Wittes said. But, he said, sharing Flynn's name publicly "is both shocking and inappropriate."

It is a crime to disclose or "leak" classified information. The contents of intelligence collected under the authorities of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, are classified. Flynn's conversation with Kislyak was collected under these authorities and therefore classified.
Then it was a crime for the FBI to "unmask" Hillary when they took e-mails from Huma and Anthony Weiner. What did Comey say back then? That he felt the American people deserved to know? Hmm

Since the FBI was not conducting surveillance of a foreigner inside the US, Hillary was not 'unmasked'.


When a U.S. intelligence agency, such as the National Security Agency, conducts surveillance of a foreigner inside the U.S., sometimes that surveillance will include the name of an American that the foreigner is speaking to or about. When this happens, intelligence analysts are obliged to hide or "minimize" the name of the American, unless knowing the American's name is necessary to understanding the foreign intelligence described in the report.

"If, for instance, an intelligence piece were about Russian intelligence assets engaged in an operation to influence political figures, the identity of the political figure would be necessary," said Todd Hinnen, head of the Justice Department's National Security Division during the Obama administration and a National Security Council staff member under George W. Bush. "Unless you know the answer to that question, you can't appreciate the meaning and importance of the intelligence."
Trump was right and Obama lied.

That Obama is a lying deceitful asshole, isn't he?
Those that were unmasked did nothing illegal. But some in the intel community can and will be hunted and brought to justice for the unmasking and leaking.

The only crime committed that we know of at this point is the unmasking and leaking. Whoever the guilty party is needs to be identified and brought to justice.

We don't know that that's a crime. We don't know that FISA was violated because a FISA warrant is not necessary for listening in on foreign agents' phone calls. Comey made that clear when Gowdy was making a mockery of himself the other day.


One is legal and the other isn't.

The "unmasking" of Flynn's name is routine, Wittes said. But, he said, sharing Flynn's name publicly "is both shocking and inappropriate."

It is a crime to disclose or "leak" classified information. The contents of intelligence collected under the authorities of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, are classified. Flynn's conversation with Kislyak was collected under these authorities and therefore classified.
Then it was a crime for the FBI to "unmask" Hillary when they took e-mails from Huma and Anthony Weiner. What did Comey say back then? That he felt the American people deserved to know? Hmm
Grasping at straws now
No, that's the GOP's strategy over this Russia treason.
It doesn't sound like anything illegal was done...
Nunes said, "....IC incidentally collected information about U.S. Citizens..."

Do you know what "incidental" collection is? It's intelligence equivalent of overhearing a conversation in the hallway as you sit in your own office. That's not even remotely close to what it means to say that the IC tapped Trump's wires. To suggest otherwise is to show unequivocally one's utter ignorance on the matter.
unless knowing the American's name is necessary to understanding the foreign intelligence described in the report.

"If, for instance, an intelligence piece were about Russian intelligence assets engaged in an operation to influence political figures, the identity of the political figure would be necessary," said Todd Hinnen, head of the Justice Department's National Security Division during the Obama administration and a National Security Council staff member under George W. Bush. "Unless you know the answer to that question, you can't appreciate the meaning and importance of the intelligence."

I'd say that knowing it's the fucking future National Security Adviser is PRETTY DAMN NECESSARY
Odds are the intel community back doored the warrants IF there were warrants. I'm trying to get a handle on it.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

No you aren't. You're just looking for something salacious to say.

Nunes said, "....IC incidentally collected information about U.S. Citizens..."

Do you know what "incidental" collection is? It's intelligence equivalent of overhearing a conversation in the hallway as you sit in your own office. That's not even remotely close to what it means to say that the IC tapped Trump's wires. To suggest otherwise is to show unequivocally one's utter ignorance on the matter.
Odds are the intel community back doored the warrants IF there were warrants. I'm trying to get a handle on it.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
This is not new information. It was already known that some of Trump's people, like Flynn, were caught talking to Russians who were under surveillance.

If you read the link you would understand why Nunes is pissed off. The information from the surveillance that was indiscriminately passed around had nothing to do with foreign intelligence.
Nunes said, "....IC incidentally collected information about U.S. Citizens..."

Do you know what "incidental" collection is? It's intelligence equivalent of overhearing a conversation in the hallway as you sit in your own office. That's not even remotely close to what it means to say that the IC tapped Trump's wires. To suggest otherwise is to show unequivocally one's utter ignorance on the matter.

"Incidental" meant that Trump and his staff was under surveillance by that asshole Obama when Obama said Trump was never under surveillance. What part of that don't you understand?

That Obama is one hellva liar, isn't he?

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