BREAKING: House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation

Interesting question. No..actually I think 9/11 was and is the worst attack on our republic.

Jan. 6 was a farce--that exposed the ineptitude of the far Right. With grim-faced dudes holding zip ties looking lost. An actual Q-shaman presiding.
A faux guillotine...which has to make me laugh..given the historical context.
But a few died..a tragedy. But the attacks on the Towers and the Pentagon..and the potential attack that didn't happen..the White House or the Capital--were far worse..IMO.
i can kinda agree there ..i wish one of those reporters in the crowd would have told the WH spokes person that when she said it was Jan 6th....
It's just like Pelosi and Schumer were bragging about. Pelosi set Trump up and it was Schumer's job to finish him off.
She's cold busted. None of what happened on January 6 was Trump's fault.

Gateway Pundit you fucking idiot...

How many times can they sell you a load of shite that you want to believe it true....

The Problem is Not the Gateway Pundit anymore, it is you...

You are so fucking gullible, I have a dog in the house who learns faster than you
Looks like we need another investigation into trump.
Gateway Pundit you fucking idiot...

How many times can they sell you a load of shite that you want to believe it true....

The Problem is Not the Gateway Pundit anymore, it is you...

You are so fucking gullible, I have a dog in the house who learns faster than you
Liar sez what?
More bullshit. No one foresaw that Trump would sic the crowd on the Capital, not did anyone for-see..although they should have, the organized elements within the crowd.
That's on a lot of people..but probably not Pelosi.
We are complacent in our it was business as usual. No one dreamed that thousands of people, carrying the Presidents banner, would show such disrespect and have the temerity to storm Congress.

This is just the usual Trumpista one cares. one.
The people who could know that they would attack(FBI) actually worked for the Executive branch and they reported to Trump & Co...
She's cold busted. None of what happened on January 6 was Trump's fault.

Gateway pundit is a fake news site. It gives a little bit of truth then spins it to hell and back, with fake news.

A whole article about a report that real partisan hacks in congress did, that points to Pelosi being the culprit for 1/6 riot,

But they DID NOT GIVE US THE REPORT to review??? They just TOLD YOU WHAT TO THINK OF THE REPORT, without us being able to review it or see it????

PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, stop being a fake news PAWN.

TRUMP mentioned 10,000 ng troops in passing to his secretary of defense

ON JANUARY FIFTH, 5TH..... The afternoon on January 5th, less than 24 hours before the riot,



So trump mentioning 10,000 NG troops when DC only has a thousand or two, the night before the event, without anyone knowing he was going to illegally send the protesters marching down to the Capitol, which Trump purposely kept quiet from Capitol Police and Park Police, and did not apply for a permit to do, so no one at the Capitol knew what Trump would do and did....was all part of Trump's element of surprise....and telling them he'd march with them crap, really added to it all.... And telling them they needed to FIGHT LIKE HELL or they wouldn't have a country any more bull crap..... Set the whole thing up...trump set it all up, with no notice via a permit, to walk to the capitol.....

Sheesh... Do some research of some real news with actually facts.....

The Gateway Pundit is NOT a news site, it is with no doubt, a FAKE NEWS site, meant to DECEIVE through omission of facts and details.
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The reason J6 happened has ALWAYS boiled down to this:

IF the DC Mayor, Nancy Pelosi, and the Sergeants-At-Arns of the House and Senate had called on the National Guard to defend the Capitol after they had been briefed about the possibility of a large protest crowd coming on the near future J6 WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED.

If the FBI had focused on PREVENTING J6 from happening - instead or planning, prepping, infiltrating the Oath Keepers and crowds, and admittedly running 3 separate 'Entrapment Scheme' opetations involving NLT 28 undervover FBI & ATF agents within the Oath Keepers, and inside the Capitol (dressed as Trump supporters) BEFORE Capitol police starthed opening doors to let the crowd in - J6 WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED.

She's cold busted. None of what happened on January 6 was Trump's fault.

Patriotic Americans have 3 reasons to celebrate. Pelosi, Cheney and Kinzinger will be gone from Congress in January. Perhaps the representatives of the people can actually help the people now. We have survived 3 terrible infections and are still alive.
The people who could know that they would attack(FBI) actually worked for the Executive branch and they reported to Trump & Co...
...and betrayed the President multiple times over the last 6 years, violating the Constitution & US Laws, defrauding the FISA Court no less than 12 times, trampling US citizens' rights, betraying the American people's trust, and admittedly knowingly participating in a failed coup attempt despite admitting they knew there was nothing to the 'Russian Collusion' scam.
No, that is what is called a lie.

Nope. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it a lie.

Even law enforcement said it was planned ahead of time.

Or are the cops lying now, too?

But Trumps speech a mile away and 5 minutes before the capitol breech is what did it, huh?

Yea, stick with that story. It keeps you looking stupid.
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The reason J6 happened has ALWAYS boiled down to this:

IF the DC Mayor, Nancy Pelosi, and the Sergeants-At-Arns of the House and Senate had called on the National Guard to defend the Capitol after they had been briefed about the possibility of a large protest crowd coming on the near future J6 WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED.

If the FBI had focused on PREVENTING J6 from happening - instead or planning, prepping, infiltrating the Oath Keepers and crowds, and admittedly running 3 separate 'Entrapment Scheme' opetations involving NLT 28 undervover FBI & ATF agents within the Oath Keepers, and inside the Capitol (dressed as Trump supporters) BEFORE Capitol police starthed opening doors to let the crowd in - J6 WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED.

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Bull crap.

Trying to blame Capitol Police, or Pelosi, or metro police for a protest.... and the insurgents attack on the Capitol that Trump planned and set forth and sent there spontaneously, is utterly ridiculous!

Trump knew he was going to fire the crowd up, and send them Marching to the Capitol to fight like hell, and he would be there with them statement, is what set this off in the biggest manner possible!

Trump told his event pkanner, he wanted the march down to the Capitol a secret, so he could have it as a surprise in his incinerate Ellipse speech,

So they DID NOT FILE for the permit with Park services so they and capitol and metro police could be aware that there would be a protest march, the two miles, to the Capitol Building, and could prepare for it.

Remember, this was not some off group of 1000 protesters that decided to insurge the Capitol, that the police there could have handled....

This was the tens of thousands of ellipse protesters sent marching down to the Capitol, by the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.....
Bull crap.

Trying to blame Capitol Police, or Pelosi, or metro police for a protest.... and the insurgents attack on the Capitol that Trump planned and set forth and sent there spontaneously, is utterly ridiculous!

Trump knew he was going to fire the crowd up, and send them Marching to the Capitol to fight like hell, and he would be there with them statement, is what set this off in the biggest manner possible!

Trump told his event pkanner, he wanted the march down to the Capitol a secret, so he could have it as a surprise in his incinerate Ellipse speech,

So they DID NOT FILE for the permit with Park services so they and capitol and metro police could be aware that there would be a protest march, the two miles, to the Capitol Building, and could prepare for it.

Remember, this was not some off group of 1000 protesters that decided to insurge the Capitol, that the police there could have handled....

This was the tens of thousands of ellipse protesters sent marching down to the Capitol, by the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.....

Except that this breech of the building had been openly planned online for weeks. But yea, it was a speech 5 minutes before and two miles away that caused it. Yep, an organized attack of thousands was organized in MERE MINUTES. AMAZING!!!

Please God I hope the left uses that as their "proof" in court. This will be hilarious!
Bull crap.

Trying to blame Capitol Police, or Pelosi, or metro police for a protest.... and the insurgents attack on the Capitol that Trump planned and set forth and sent there spontaneously, is utterly ridiculous!

Trump knew he was going to fire the crowd up, and send them Marching to the Capitol to fight like hell, and he would be there with them statement, is what set this off in the biggest manner possible!

Trump told his event pkanner, he wanted the march down to the Capitol a secret, so he could have it as a surprise in his incinerate Ellipse speech,

So they DID NOT FILE for the permit with Park services so they and capitol and metro police could be aware that there would be a protest march, the two miles, to the Capitol Building, and could prepare for it.

Remember, this was not some off group of 1000 protesters that decided to insurge the Capitol, that the police there could have handled....

This was the tens of thousands of ellipse protesters sent marching down to the Capitol, by the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.....

So you are trying to claim if the National Guard had been deployed days before J6, after the FBI briefed of a possible threat, J6 would still have happened, that conservatives would have pushed passed them and made it into the Capitol.

Way to forfeit any credibility you may have had.

So you are trying to claim if the National Guard had been deployed days before J6, after the FBI briefed of a possible threat, J6 would still have happened, that conservatives would have pushed passed them and made it into the Capitol.

Way to forfeit any credibility you may have had.

View attachment 740959

Don't worry, he never had any.

The left is great at ignoring facts that don't support their argument. Inconvenient truth is their catch phrase.
Nope. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it a lie.
Correct. The fact that it didn't happen makes it a lie.
Even law enforcement said it was planned ahead of time.

Or are the cops lying now, too?

Sure it was. Somehow though your source doesn't say Pelosi dropped the ball now does it fuck face?
But Trumps speech a mile away and 5 minutes before the capitol breech is what did it, huh?
The one where he told them to "fight like hell"?

Yea, stick with that story. It keeps you looking stupid.
You must live in a house of mirrors.
Bull crap.

Trying to blame Capitol Police, or Pelosi, or metro police for a protest.... and the insurgents attack on the Capitol that Trump planned and set forth and sent there spontaneously, is utterly ridiculous!

Trump knew he was going to fire the crowd up, and send them Marching to the Capitol to fight like hell, and he would be there with them statement, is what set this off in the biggest manner possible!

Trump told his event pkanner, he wanted the march down to the Capitol a secret, so he could have it as a surprise in his incinerate Ellipse speech,

So they DID NOT FILE for the permit with Park services so they and capitol and metro police could be aware that there would be a protest march, the two miles, to the Capitol Building, and could prepare for it.

Remember, this was not some off group of 1000 protesters that decided to insurge the Capitol, that the police there could have handled....

This was the tens of thousands of ellipse protesters sent marching down to the Capitol, by the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.....
Well, they also said at different times that the police let the crowd into the building, the crowd was all BLM and ANTIFA, the insurrectionists were invited into the capitol, the insurrectionists were forced into the capitol, the insurrectionists were all FBI agents, the FBI stormed the capitol, and now apparently the crowd was going to storm the capitol but decided to stop and listen to the blob along the way.

They can't figure out which lie to stick to.

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