BREAKING: House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation

Really dickless? So..if a suspect has a knife..he's not armed? A club..not armed? they say..suspect is armed with a knife, or a club, or a bat?
Every time I read your posts I can feel the stupid just oozing from you~
When the police or media report or state that a suspect is “armed”, they mean that he has a firearm. They don’t include suspects armed with knives, guns, or bats. If the suspect is doing something with a knife, bat, club or other object, they will explicitly state which weapon.
So let me get this straight.

January 6th is the fault of Democrats because they failed to fully anticipate the capacity for violence of the Trump supporting mob and thus failed to provide enough police to adequately beat them into submission.

Weird story.
When the police or media report or state that a suspect is “armed”, they mean that he has a firearm. They don’t include suspects armed with knives, guns, or bats. If the suspect is doing something with a knife, bat, club or other object, they will explicitly state which weapon.
Indeed..being armed in not dependent on which weapon one has. One assumes gun...but that need not be the case. In the case of the Jan. 6 rioters, they were armed with a variety of weapons, right? Therefore, one is correct when one makes the statement, "Armed rioters entered the Capital", yes?
Indeed..being armed in not dependent on which weapon one has. One assumes gun...but that need not be the case. In the case of the Jan. 6 rioters, they were armed with a variety of weapons, right? Therefore, one is correct when one makes the statement, "Armed rioters entered the Capital", yes?
They were protestors. Nevertheless, no doubt most of the protestors had two arms. That would suggest doubly armed.
Indeed..being armed in not dependent on which weapon one has. One assumes gun...but that need not be the case. In the case of the Jan. 6 rioters, they were armed with a variety of weapons, right? Therefore, one is correct when one makes the statement, "Armed rioters entered the Capital", yes?
No one is swallowing the horseshit your peddling. The Jan 6 protesters were not armed.
You forgot the part about "Fight Like Hell."

We don't know because they didn't search them.
But a couple people have been PROVEN to be packing (it's already been linked) do your own search Simp.

Why did trump want the Mags turned off? Huh Simp.
He knew they had guns, that's why.
So now saying “Fight like hell” is inciting an insurrection?

WAnna see the montage of Dimwingers saying basically the same thing again, Simp?

And thanks for admitting you have zero evidence anyone in the Capitol had a gun.
Also baseball bats, crutches, golf clubs.. protesting is legit.. arson, vandalism and violence are not. Do you know the difference?

I was so disappointed when Trump threw out the Taskforce for 21 st Century Policing and went with his violent rhetoric instead.
BLM protestors threw bricks and frozen water bottles at police during many of their protests in 2020 and police were injured.
Gateway Pundit you fucking idiot...

How many times can they sell you a load of shite that you want to believe it true....

The Problem is Not the Gateway Pundit anymore, it is you...

You are so fucking gullible, I have a dog in the house who learns faster than you
Is the thread about these emails -

Is that why Trump wanted his armed mob to be allowed to enter the area around the Capital building?

Jordan is a pile of shit who will do anything to distract from Trump's culpability on what happened on Jan.6. Without Trump, no one would give a shit if Jordan even had a pulse. Without Trump, Jordan is a non person, a fucking nobody. A waste of skin who has accomplished not a fucking thing in the HOR except run his big mouth.

The charges are coming soon! You got him now!

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