BREAKING: House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation

That's an outright lie

From one of the most dishonest MagaRats on this board

Is it?

We have copies of the actual documents showing 4 days before the attacks the offer for NG troops. Page 4, appendix A:

Why would they say they were considering a request if the request had not been brought forth?

Ooops, guess CNN got this one wrong as well.
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The reason J6 happened has ALWAYS boiled down to this:

IF the DC Mayor, Nancy Pelosi, and the Sergeants-At-Arns of the House and Senate had called on the National Guard to defend the Capitol after they had been briefed about the possibility of a large protest crowd coming on the near future J6 WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED.

If the FBI had focused on PREVENTING J6 from happening - instead or planning, prepping, infiltrating the Oath Keepers and crowds, and admittedly running 3 separate 'Entrapment Scheme' opetations involving NLT 28 undervover FBI & ATF agents within the Oath Keepers, and inside the Capitol (dressed as Trump supporters) BEFORE Capitol police starthed opening doors to let the crowd in - J6 WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED.

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Yeah, it's Democrats' fault Trump spent 2 solid months lying to his MAGAts about election fraud that never really happened.

You don't have it straight. The FBI warned other authorities they had information that this riot could take place. Trump offered to have the National Guard there from the beginning of the day, and that offer was declined by the Democrats. That's the story. However we have two different claims here: One is Trump made no such offer, and two it was never rejected by Piglosi or the Capitol police. We can go back and forth on which is accurate, but now that these e-mails and texts surfaced, it may tell us which side is correct.
If Trump thought the national guard would be necessary to defend violence from his mob, why did he go through with the event?

That means Trump was well aware before time that his supporters would riot, but chose to have the rally anyway.
Is it?

The Trump administration issued no formal threat assessment about the likelihood of violence that day.

DHS is supposed to be on this. They weren’t.

Furthermore, the national guard were supposed to be on call to quickly respond to violence. They weren’t. It took hours for them to do anything.
Indeed..being armed in not dependent on which weapon one has. One assumes gun...but that need not be the case. In the case of the Jan. 6 rioters, they were armed with a variety of weapons, right? Therefore, one is correct when one makes the statement, "Armed rioters entered the Capital", yes?
When you say “armed”, it is presumed to be a firearm. If they are using something other than a firearm, it is qualified as “armed with (knife, club, rock, etc)”
The Trump administration issued no formal threat assessment about the likelihood of violence that day.

DHS is supposed to be on this. They weren’t.

Furthermore, the national guard were supposed to be on call to quickly respond to violence. They weren’t. It took hours for them to do anything.

You can thank pissloser for that. Trump made the offer, it wasn't accepted.

Not his fault.
She's cold busted. None of what happened on January 6 was Trump's fault.

Non Democrat Media Bubble Cultists have known and stated that for almost 2 years.
You can thank pissloser for that. Trump made the offer, it wasn't accepted.

Not his fault.

Liar, Trump made no such "offer." In a meeting with a couple of other people, he suggested there should be 10000 national guard present. He never ordered it. He never offered it. He never told anyone to make it happen. And no one in that meeting did anything about it.
Well, they also said at different times that the police let the crowd into the building, the crowd was all BLM and ANTIFA, the insurrectionists were invited into the capitol, the insurrectionists were forced into the capitol, the insurrectionists were all FBI agents, the FBI stormed the capitol, and now apparently the crowd was going to storm the capitol but decided to stop and listen to the blob along the way.

They can't figure out which lie to stick to.

It's weird that we have such a high percentage within the females ranks that are simply brain dead moron cult members.
Obvious examples of why women didn't get to vote for the first century and a half of our countries existence.
I'm claiming, Pelosi was not asked, nor turned down National Guard help.

Trump's defense dept did not want to send national guard to help, FOR APPEARANCE reasons.

The Sargeant of arms for the house and senate report to committees in the house and senate, of which McConnell was in charge, and the head sergeant of arms was the HEAD sergeant of arms for the Senate.

An the sergeant of arms DID NOT turn down 10,000 or 20,000 or whatever number you choose to MAKE UP, what they did is say they did not need them NOW based on the intelligence they had, BUT REQUESTED that a National Guard quick response team could be on standby to deploy IF they did need them.

No one KNEW that Trump would do, what he did at the Ellipse rally. No one knew HE WOULD SEND HIS CROWD, down to the capitol, because he INTENTIONALLY kept it from them.

The Capital Police documented it on their calander you fucking twitt.
Well finally you admit that the security at the capitol was a failure. I believe you are making progress! :113:
Pretty disengenious to try to blame Donald Trump's failed coup on "inadequate security" isn't it?

I mean think about it.

It doesn't even make sense.
Pretty disengenious to try to blame Donald Trump's failed coup on "inadequate security" isn't it?

I mean think about it.

It doesn't even make sense.

It wasn't Donald Trump's anything, it was individuals that decided to break the law. And if you suspect there's a good chance of individuals doing it, you take necessary precautions.
The Trump administration issued no formal threat assessment about the likelihood of violence that day.

DHS is supposed to be on this. They weren’t.

Furthermore, the national guard were supposed to be on call to quickly respond to violence. They weren’t. It took hours for them to do anything.

Those delays were because of the Pentagon. It was the FBI that warned everybody about the potential threat.
If Trump thought the national guard would be necessary to defend violence from his mob, why did he go through with the event?

That means Trump was well aware before time that his supporters would riot, but chose to have the rally anyway.

No, he didn't "know" they were going to riot, just a possibility that it could happen.
Figuratively of course as you conveniently leave out the many times he mentioned “peacefully” in the same speech. Do I really need to provide quotes of Democrats who have used the exact same phrase over the last few years WITHOUT “peacefully” being thrown in?

Looks like you were duped by the MSM who frequently mis-quote and take things out of context to trick their herd.

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