BREAKING: Is this part of the WikiLeaks October Surprise?

^^^^^^^^^^ oh look. How sweet. They are on each end yet laughing in unison.
^^^^^^^^^^ oh look. How sweet. They are on each end yet laughing in unison.
Another win for America blasting back from the past.

I am cautiously optimistic. I am unclear why Asange feels he needs a press conference to release this stuff. A few key strokes and off it goes to news outlets. So far his timing has not been good if he is trying to destroy Hellary. Had he released the "Bernie was screwed" emails on Wednesday of the DNC convention it would have deflated the entire convention. Instead he released on Sunday and it wasn't even an issue by the time the bulldyke accepted the nomination. We shall see.
I am cautiously optimistic. I am unclear why Asange feels he needs a press conference to release this stuff. A few key strokes and off it goes to news outlets. So far his timing has not been good if he is trying to destroy Hellary. Had he released the "Bernie was screwed" emails on Wednesday of the DNC convention it would have deflated the entire convention. Instead he released on Sunday and it wasn't even an issue by the time the bulldyke accepted the nomination. We shall see.
I think Assange has his own time table to deal with that we dont know much about.

It could be that he has some dirt on Sweden's government and after torturing the Democrats here in the USA he plans to black mail Sweden into dropping charges against him.
2 minute warning! Watch it live action! The chat is scrolling like crazy.

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Ill believe it when I see it.

All this sensationalism has always lead to one thing - bullshit. Had this been the case it would have been released right away.
I wonder who is able to get/hack the source material, or make it up, and be motivated to give it to WikiLeaks during strategic times in the election cycle?
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Hacker(s) who are patriotic OR a foreign Government who wants to see the totally corrupt US political machine implode on itself. Doesn't matter who did it, we the American people, will benefit.

One of the valid criticizims (sp?) of Ms. Clinton is that when she and Obama engineered the takedown of Lybian president Quadhifi without adequately planning for what happened next. It's interesting that one of the Board's leading Trump supporters is now sponsoring the overthrow of the supposedly "corrupt US political machine" saying that the people will benefit; much like the people in Lybia have benefitted I suppose. After all, Trump regularly cites Lybia as a mess made by I guess they are hoping for a duplication here???

How we got to the point to where large segments of the population hate their country enough to cheer for it's demise is a strange phenomenon that will have psychiatrists second guessing Trumpians for generations.
Whatever your personal beef with the government is, I can assure you that it is nowhere near as corrupt as anarchy that is being sponsored.
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So candycorn the USA has a choice between a corrupt government/media establishment and the anarchy of the third world country of Muslims? :p The choice since The Donald first started his run to President is accountable government The Donald represents vs corrupt government of the Crooked Hillary establishment. Or simply put Good vs Evil. The choice could not be easier even for low info folks.
I wonder who is able to get/hack the source material, or make it up, and be motivated to give it to WikiLeaks during strategic times in the election cycle?
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Hacker(s) who are patriotic OR a foreign Government who wants to see the totally corrupt US political machine implode on itself. Doesn't matter who did it, we the American people, will benefit.

One of the valid criticizims (sp?) of Ms. Clinton is that when she and Obama engineered the takedown of Lybian president Quadhifi without adequately planning for what happened next. It's interesting that one of the Board's leading Trump supporters is now sponsoring the overthrow of the supposedly "corrupt US political machine" saying that the people will benefit; much like the people in Lybia have benefitted I suppose. After all, Trump regularly cites Lybia as a mess made by I guess they are hoping for a duplication here???

How we got to the point to where large segments of the population hate their country enough to cheer for it's demise is a strange phenomenon that will have psychiatrists second guessing Trumpians for generations.
Whatever your personal beef with the government is, I can assure you that it is nowhere near as corrupt as anarchy that is being sponsored.
hating YOU is not the same thing as hating the country, is it? do you walk around all day thinking you're the living symbol of america? queen of england, emperor of japan, candy corn of america...
so far it's all trick and no treat, just some woman praising wikileaks like an infomercial, still waiting for the albino guy to come out with it about hillary. although just now the alex jones is calling out ctr like it's the fz, so that's kind of interesting.
Net result is no specific announcement other than information will commence being released this week. Alex Jones is pissed.
So candycorn the USA has a choice between a corrupt government/media establishment and the anarchy of the third world country of Muslims? :p The choice since The Donald first started his run to President is accountable government The Donald represents vs corrupt government of the Crooked Hillary establishment. Or simply put Good vs Evil. The choice could not be easier even for low info folks.

You mean the same guy who won't share his income taxes (after dozens if not hundreds of candidates have in the past) is the guy who is going to bring accountability to the government? You're dumber than you look

"Good vs. Evil". A child like metaphor for someone who has a child like understanding of the world. We're not surprised you had to dumb it down for your fellow boot lickers.

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