BREAKING: Is this part of the WikiLeaks October Surprise?

And it’s come to the sad point where Republicans are hanging their election hopes on the likes of Assange and a bizarre conspiracy theory.
The words of a scared man.

Make no mistake about it, nobody is hanging their hopes on Clinton losing because of WikiLeaks. She'll lose because she represents everything the majority of Americans in this country despise.

Sanders and Trump were the ONLY ones able to tap into this distrust and complete rejection of the Washington political machine. She loses on that and that alone
I wonder who is able to get/hack the source material, or make it up, and be motivated to give it to WikiLeaks during strategic times in the election cycle?
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It got that skank bitch Debbie Wasserman-Schultz fired as well as a bunch of people at the DNC. And it showed the DNC is just like the Clinton's....utterly corrupt. :D
And what happened to her? Hillary rewarded her with a position in the Hillary campaign....

In other words, NOTHING.

The corrupt clump together. They know where the bodies are buried.
I wonder who is able to get/hack the source material, or make it up, and be motivated to give it to WikiLeaks during strategic times in the election cycle?
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Hacker(s) who are patriotic OR a foreign Government who wants to see the totally corrupt US political machine implode on itself. Doesn't matter who did it, we the American people, will benefit.
Serial Killer,

Your nominee lost over 900 million dollars in 1995.

His 1995 tax returns were just leaked. He ran several businesses into the ground.

Which is to say: you're side is going to need crooks like Assange and Putin to rig this election.

Your side is teaming up with foreign enemies just like Reagan teamed up with Iran against Carter.

One question remains: can you fabricate enough dirt on Hillary to get sane people to vote for a guy who knows nothing about policy and has a very questionable history in the private sector?
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Serial Killer,

Your nominee lost over 900 million dollars in 1995.

His 1995 tax returns were just leaked. He ran several businesses into the ground.

Which is to say: you're side is going to need crooks like Assange and Putin to rig this election.

Your side is teaming up with foreign enemies just like Reagan teamed up with Iran against Carter.

One question remains: can you fabricate enough dirt on Hillary to get sane people to vote for a guy who knows nothing about policy and has a very questionable history in the private sector?
Yo ahole....there's enuf dirt in Aleppo to bury Hillary...for anyone who is paying attention.
I don't think people who support Clinton will really care about anything negative that comes out about here. Anyone who supports someone as dishonest and dishonorable as she is, is no better themselves.
Assange has NOTHING and THIS is why:

"Assange claimed the information could alter the election result, adding: 'I think it's significant. It depends on how it catches fire in the public and in the media.'"



UNLESS the info being released is HUGE - so big that it renders the pro-Clinton media's effect on it moot - it is doomed to fail....and according to Assange's own words it is NOT that.

Unless Assange has a picture of Hillary standing over Vince Foster's dead body with a smoking gun in her hand, and even then I'm not sure, it will make no impact on the Hillary zombies...or the non-citizen terrorist voting bloc. :p
All of the media outlets reported on the first Wikileak about the DNC and it still accomplished nothing.

It got that skank bitch Debbie Wasserman-Schultz fired as well as a bunch of people at the DNC. And it showed the DNC is just like the Clinton's....utterly corrupt. :D
This is true, but I was referring to Clinton's poll numbers.
One, two, three, four, five
Everybody in the limo
C'mon let's ride
To the liquor store around the corner
The wife's outta town, so i think I really wanna...

Call some names from my little black book
Guaranteed to make this party cook
We'll call Angela and Pamela and Buffy and Vicki
And 'fore you know it -- everything will be freaky

We're gonna throw it down
Then we're gonna pick it up
These girls are cute as a little speckled pup
I know I said I'd learned my lesson
But i just can't keep from messin'...

A little bit of Monica in my life
A little bit of Erica by my side
A little bit of Rita, if you please
A little bit of Tina, she's a sleaze
A little bit of Sandra, she's so funky
A little bit of Mary, she's kinda chucky
A little bit of Jessica's what I see
A great big break from Hillary

Jump up and down
Move it all around
Throw your hands in the air
Throw your clothes on the ground
Climb on board -- we'll have fun
Gonna take a ride on Air Force One
We'll climb so high we'll touch the sky
And if we get caught, we'll lie

A little bit of Sandy on my lap
A little bit of Tiffany, she likes rap
A little bit of Rita, if you please
A little bit of Tina, she's a sleaze
A little bit of Sandra on the fly
A little bit of Mary on the sly
A little bit of Jessica, raisin' cain
A little break from that ol' ball & chain

A little bit of Monica in the house
A litte bit of somethin' on her blouse
A little bit of Rita, she's a go
A little bit of Tina, she's a ho
A little bit of Sandra on the desk
A little bit of Mary, she's the best
A little bit of Jessica in my life
A great big secret from my wife

Hey girls -- me and you
I can get y'all a job at Revlon too
You know me -- I love to freak
See you babes same time next week?
Like he could really do anything. Oh right....he likes to use cigars.

I do wish this thread would get back to the OP, but I guess it is not.
Like he could really do anything. Oh right....he likes to use cigars.

I do wish this thread would get back to the OP, but I guess it is not.
Well the big news wont hit for another 3 and a half hours.

Gotta talk about sumpin, I guess.

Hey, I know, lets discuss which candidate has more felons working in their campaign organizations!
Like he could really do anything. Oh right....he likes to use cigars.

I do wish this thread would get back to the OP, but I guess it is not.
Well the big news wont hit for another 3 and a half hours.

Gotta talk about sumpin, I guess.

Hey, I know, lets discuss which candidate has more felons working in their campaign organizations!

:lol: I give up! Just go with the flow I guess :lol:

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