Breaking: ISIS praises "3 Lions" of San Bernadino attack; Great job Obama!!! Beat Global Warming!

America's sheep dogs smell lion. It's time for fucking limp wristed liberal sheep to shut the fuck up and stand aside.

Yeah right.

They better not make the handcuffs too tight if they do take one of these pieces of shit alive or Morris Dees will squeal about islamophobia.

The bed wetters will never shut the fuck up.


If FRANCE can do it, so can America!

  • The Latest: France Shuts Down 3 Mosques in Crackdown
    ABC ^
    The latest on the recovery from and investigation into the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. All times local: 2:35 p.m. French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve says three mosques have been shut down in France since the Paris attacks as part of a crackdown on extremist activities. Cazeneuve told reporters it was the first time mosques are being closed in France "on grounds of radicalization."

What is your point? We have no information yet as to who these people are, what they were trying to accomplish or really anything of value at this point. Terrorist organizations applauding killers - WGAF. It is what they do. Before you jump on the condemn Obama train for terrorism you might just want to wait to find out some facts.

If FRANCE can do it, so can America!

  • The Latest: France Shuts Down 3 Mosques in Crackdown
    ABC ^
    The latest on the recovery from and investigation into the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. All times local: 2:35 p.m. French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve says three mosques have been shut down in France since the Paris attacks as part of a crackdown on extremist activities. Cazeneuve told reporters it was the first time mosques are being closed in France "on grounds of radicalization."
Because here in America we have RIGHTS.

If I wanted a socialistic government that could remove my rights as they see fit and violate them in fear I would go move to France. Instead I live in the US where law and rights actually matter.
Did it?

I happen to think that is VERY likely to be the case. The fact is though, we have no idea if that is actually what has happened.
Because here in America we have RIGHTS.

A temporary condition.

Never forget that we have a Democrat dictator-wannabe and Democrat minions who are busily working on that problem.
Yes. That is not what I am truly worried about though. The poster I quoted is anything but a democrat.

Right here we have stunning examples of the right trying to abolish freedoms on a national scale and they are not small in number either.
If it's a shooting by a single person it's usually a maniac. If there are two or more shooters it's gang related or terrorist. In this case there is little doubt it was a terrorist attack.
Global warming will eventually kill many millions. There will be famine and wars over habitable land and precious resources - not to mention diseases and other health catastrophes.
Yeah, Bush fucked us really long time!

It was the Crusades. Left wing whackos have been telling us for years. Didn't you get the memo?

The CHICKENS HAVE COME HOME TO ROOST. Where did I hear that before? Hmmmmmmmmm. Got to think on that.
Yet more people have been killed in this fashion by Americans, yet, no outrage....

Almost 3,000 Americans in one day in new york should be a wake up call. Since 9-11, we've had freedoms taken away via the patriot act. Americans can't enter or leave America without the strict searches of their bodies and luggage, so why should unknowns from the "holy land" be able to sashay in here and be given the keys to America?
Global warming will eventually kill many millions. There will be famine and wars over habitable land and precious resources - not to mention diseases and other health catastrophes.

Wars over land and resources and religion have happened for many thousands of years. Way before cars.

America's biggest threat isn't cow farts and Ford F150s. It's ISIS.
Obama should be impeached and tried for treason.

Clinton should be jailed.

In any sane nation that would happen.

Not here. We have to wait til a new election.

God do I wish George w Bush could take over again and not be so far tax cuts. he'd flatten isis and do a lot of what I want.
He helped create ISIS.........Duh..............

Bush had nothing to do with ISIS in it's current manifestation.

Oh apart from training their military leader.

Swell idea.
But hey....the way it's warming will only kill Muslims!!!! Because by the time it kills everyone....ISIS will have converted the Earth.

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