Breaking: ISIS praises "3 Lions" of San Bernadino attack; Great job Obama!!! Beat Global Warming!

Obama should be impeached and tried for treason.

Clinton should be jailed.

In any sane nation that would happen.

Not here. We have to wait til a new election.

God do I wish George w Bush could take over again and not be so far tax cuts. he'd flatten isis and do a lot of what I want.
He helped create ISIS.........Duh..............
But that was only when they were the JV team, remember? It took Obamy to turn it into an international terrorist power.
Global warming will eventually kill many millions. There will be famine and wars over habitable land and precious resources - not to mention diseases and other health catastrophes.
Yeah. Like right now I'm freezing. It's 42 degrees outside. Of course I live in the dessert so...
One has to remember Bush had lyme disease. Basically his dad and Bill C took over in those last two years of his Presidency. I am still really disturbed about this.
Farooq Saeed. Hmmmmmm. Sounds like a white guy from Iowa.
Global warming will eventually kill many millions. There will be famine and wars over habitable land and precious resources - not to mention diseases and other health catastrophes.
Yeah. Like right now I'm freezing. It's 42 degrees outside. Of course I live in the dessert so...

Maybe you should do some "credible" research to learn what the effects of global warming are.
Hard to say how many global warming killed today

Famine in Africa is killing tens of thousands a year
Global warming will eventually kill many millions. There will be famine and wars over habitable land and precious resources - not to mention diseases and other health catastrophes.
Do you really expect that retard to even begin to understand what you are talking about?
3 Causes of Famine in Africa - The Borgen Project

2. Climate Change
Climate change directly affects food production, which can create widespread food insecurity and famine. For instance, rising temperatures reduces crop yields by reducing photosynthesis and soil fertility. Higher temperatures, too, increase the survival rate of weeds and diseases that reduce agricultural output.

Increased rainfall and droughts destroy cropland and prevent production entirely. In 2007, heavy rain destroyed a quarter of Bangladesh’s rice crop and over one million acres of cropland.

Extreme variation in weather and intense affects of climate change such as rising temperatures, rainfall and droughts prevent farmers from making accurate predictions regarding agricultural seasons. This, in turn, affects the output of food from farmers, which increases food insecurity. High food insecurity both motivates conflict, as mentioned before, and increases the likelihood of famine.
Global warming will eventually kill many millions. There will be famine and wars over habitable land and precious resources - not to mention diseases and other health catastrophes.
Yeah. Like right now I'm freezing. It's 42 degrees outside. Of course I live in the dessert so...

Maybe you should do some "credible" research to learn what the effects of global warming are.
Why? It's always this cold at night in December here.
Global warming will eventually kill many millions. There will be famine and wars over habitable land and precious resources - not to mention diseases and other health catastrophes.
Do you really expect that retard to even begin to understand what you are talking about?

No, but maybe less retarded folks may see it and be prompted to expand their knowledge.
Global warming will eventually kill many millions. There will be famine and wars over habitable land and precious resources - not to mention diseases and other health catastrophes.
Yeah. Like right now I'm freezing. It's 42 degrees outside. Of course I live in the dessert so...
Well, if it isn't warm in your zip code, there can't be such a thing as global warming.

Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs,
Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
As expected, the liberals are calm.

Also as expected, the conservatives are soiling themselves uncontrollably.

So, same old same old.

Fortunately for everyone, most conservatives wear diapers now. They've learned the necessity of it.
Hard to say how many global warming killed today

Famine in Africa is killing tens of thousands a year
Famine has killed people there since biblical times. Just sayin.
Very true

Which is why we shouldn't make it worse
Really? You thinking we are nearing the end times then?

How biblical.

Of course not.....The earth is robust and adaptable to wild swings in climate

Living things however, are not
Global warming will eventually kill many millions. There will be famine and wars over habitable land and precious resources - not to mention diseases and other health catastrophes.
We already have wars and famines and disease and health catastrophes. But don't worry about it. No one leaves alive.
LWNJ's do not fear Islamofascist terrorists.

They fear global warming, secondhand cigarette smoke, and micro-aggressions.

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