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Breaking- Its Manafort -Indicted

You wan't someone that has nothing to do with this cluster f*ck to tell you why someone involved in it did something. How much more INSANE can you get?

You're here defending this clusterfuck, pal. So if you're going to defend it, then you're going to have to answer the tough questions. Or you can not, and continue being a little nobody.
you want to know go ask him.

I'm asking you. And if you cannot say why this guy lied to the FBI, then the only reasonable answer is that he did so to hide his collusion because he thought he would get away with it.

No wrong. The probably reason he lied is because he broke the law, collusion isn't illegal, therefor he had no reason to lie about that.
You are repeating a lie Fox News said. What you are saying is mostly false.

Fox News host's Mostly False claim collusion isn't a crime

Stop repeating Fox News lies. Rush lies. Breitbart lies. You are just liars and you are traitors and colluders. Trump is the biggest criminal. Drain the swamp my fucking ass.

You're just stupid aren't you? Our laws are codified. If "collusion" were a crime you could point out the relevant statute. It isn't (not in this context anyway) therefor you can't.

It's pretty simple to understand. Politically colluding with the Russians would be bad for any politician, but criminally it would not. Now if money or promises of favors are exchanged, then yes various laws apply, but just saying "collusion" does not point to any illegal activity.
it's only a crime when money exchanges hands. and guess where money changed hands? Yep can you say 145 million, how about 500K for one speech. hmmmm where did that yellow cake uranium go and what did the US get from the deal?
Still a nothing burger? What a hoot. Can't deny you guys colluded with the russians now. Now what you'll do is the tired old tactic of talk about Hillary and make shit up about her and Obama. Distract, deflect, lie.

And in the end Trump will pardon these guys. So I guess it is a nothing burger. But don't for a second suggest Trump and his team aren't dirty. And they must go. DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!
If trump pardons any of these criminals or the others soon indicted his presidency is over. Kaput.
What is this, "We got him now" number 15,864?
Well we may just have to wait and beat him in 2020 if he's going to pardon everyone in his administration who is a criminal and hopefully Republicans go down with Trump just like they rode his coat tails to victory last year.
If Trump pardons them all, it is just another example of his complete and utter disrespect for American law and fair play.
And shit stain pardoned how many drug dealers?
They had served time
we have evidence we don't need to know her intentions accept to hide her dealings. oops.

You have no evidence. That's the point. You saying you do is an attempt to draw heat off Trump and the Conservatives, of which there is now a willing informant (Papdopolous) who is corroborating all the worst shit we've been alleging.
You wan't someone that has nothing to do with this cluster f*ck to tell you why someone involved in it did something. How much more INSANE can you get?

You're here defending this clusterfuck, pal. So if you're going to defend it, then you're going to have to answer the tough questions. Or you can not, and continue being a little nobody.
huh? dude, seriously? Laugh out fking loud
we have evidence we don't need to know her intentions accept to hide her dealings. oops.

You have no evidence. That's the point. You saying you do is an attempt to draw heat off Trump and the Conservatives, of which there is now a willing informant (Papdopolous) who is corroborating all the worst shit we've been alleging.
were 33,000 emails deleted by hitlery? yes of course, that's called evidence. obstruction of an investigation. you should look it up.
What ever you say Boo Boo. Sorry if I don't bother trying to keep up with your silly attempts to mischaracterize what's happening. Right wing logic is just so strained.
so by your own logic, you're saying what modesta did in 2013, while working with podesta, will somehow link him to bad things trump did 3 years later.

and *my* logic is strained.

I'm saying a charge of tax improprieties could make Manafort more cooperative with the rest of the investigation. You doubt that?

Yes anyone with logic will. All Trump has to do is pardon Manafort.

Yes. Obstruction of justice is something you could expect from him.
The president has the constitutional power to pardon for any reason he sees fit, thus, it is not obstruction.
No, but firing Comey was. He's gonna get his hiny singed for that one.
collusion isn't a crime. D'OH

I knew this would happen. I said even if we caught the Trumpster red handed suddenly the shift would go to denying collusion occurred to saying it's no big deal. You guys are so pathetic.

You are a lying piece of shit.

Fox News host's Mostly False claim collusion isn't a crime

What are they paying you?

collusion isn't a crime, not in the way it's being used here.

Example, if Trump and Putin had made a TV commerical together, wheere they made fun of Hillary . Not a crime.

Now if Trump had paid Putin, or given him some financial consideration or promised some form of payment, that's a violation of federal campaign laws because you can NOT pay a foreigner for campaign work, but that is not collusion. Collusion in this context absolutely is not against the law.

You guys didn't explain it this way a month ago. A month ago there was no collusion. Nothing burger remember. You didn't explain that there was collusion but it was the OK kind.

"It seems to me that what has been meant by collusion since this controversy began has been some agreement or understanding that the Russians would in some way assist Trump’s electoral prospects and would be rewarded in some way by Trump as president acting favorably toward Russia," Lowenstein said. "That would very likely be illegal and surely would be highly improper."

Stanford University law professor Nathaniel Persily cited the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. A 2011 U.S. District Court ruling based on that law found that foreign nationals could not make expenditures "to expressly advocate the election or defeat of a political candidate."

"A foreign national spending money to influence a federal election can be a crime," Persily said. "And if a U.S. citizen coordinates, conspires or assists in that spending, then it could be a crime."

How much did Russia spend on Facebook ads alone making up fake anti Hillary stories?

Russia's RT reveals Twitter's pitch to sell millions of dollars in 2016 election ads

I wasn't here a month ago, but those of us who speak English as our first language know that saying "collusion isn't a crime" doesn't mean "there was collusion"

The fact is collusion isn't a crime AND you have no evidence that it took place anyway.

But if we do have evidence, it's not a crime, right? Because a month ago we didn't have evidence YOU THOUGHT but no we do, now you're moving the goal post.

And yes, it can be a crime. What you are saying is mostly false.

You've only been here a month but you're just as stupid as all the rwnj's who've been here for years.

Welcome by the way.

Being called stupid by the likes of you isn't exactly a crushing blow.

Here's an actual statute

18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments

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Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

Now, as you can PLAINLY see the statute only applies in situations where a US citizen is corresponding with a foreign government to influence the US government , or it's decisions. "making Hillary look like an idiot" doesn't qualify.
you want to know go ask him.

I'm asking you. And if you cannot say why this guy lied to the FBI, then the only reasonable answer is that he did so to hide his collusion because he thought he would get away with it.

No wrong. The probably reason he lied is because he broke the law, collusion isn't illegal, therefor he had no reason to lie about that.
You are repeating a lie Fox News said. What you are saying is mostly false.

Fox News host's Mostly False claim collusion isn't a crime

Stop repeating Fox News lies. Rush lies. Breitbart lies. You are just liars and you are traitors and colluders. Trump is the biggest criminal. Drain the swamp my fucking ass.

You're just stupid aren't you? Our laws are codified. If "collusion" were a crime you could point out the relevant statute. It isn't (not in this context anyway) therefor you can't.

It's pretty simple to understand. Politically colluding with the Russians would be bad for any politician, but criminally it would not. Now if money or promises of favors are exchanged, then yes various laws apply, but just saying "collusion" does not point to any illegal activity.
it's only a crime when money exchanges hands. and guess where money changed hands? Yep can you say 145 million, how about 500K for one speech. hmmmm where did that yellow cake uranium go and what did the US get from the deal?

Oh now we're talking about Hillary now? Is she indicted? After 40 years you have nothing on the Clinton's. Took less than a year and we have something much bigger than Monica Lewinsky.
If trump pardons any of these criminals or the others soon indicted his presidency is over. Kaput.
What is this, "We got him now" number 15,864?
Well we may just have to wait and beat him in 2020 if he's going to pardon everyone in his administration who is a criminal and hopefully Republicans go down with Trump just like they rode his coat tails to victory last year.
If Trump pardons them all, it is just another example of his complete and utter disrespect for American law and fair play.
And shit stain pardoned how many drug dealers?
They had served time
And Clinton buddy Mark Rich?
so by your own logic, you're saying what modesta did in 2013, while working with podesta, will somehow link him to bad things trump did 3 years later.

and *my* logic is strained.

I'm saying a charge of tax improprieties could make Manafort more cooperative with the rest of the investigation. You doubt that?

Yes anyone with logic will. All Trump has to do is pardon Manafort.

Yes. Obstruction of justice is something you could expect from him.
The president has the constitutional power to pardon for any reason he sees fit, thus, it is not obstruction.
No, but firing Comey was. He's gonna get his hiny singed for that one.

Yep Comey was a moron who deserved to be fired right up until Trump fired him LOL
you want to know go ask him.

I'm asking you. And if you cannot say why this guy lied to the FBI, then the only reasonable answer is that he did so to hide his collusion because he thought he would get away with it.

No wrong. The probably reason he lied is because he broke the law, collusion isn't illegal, therefor he had no reason to lie about that.
Stop being Eric Bolling's parot

Legal scholars told us the word "collusion" is vague and may not be specifically used in legal language. But conduct that may be described as collusion could potentially be subject to multiple federal laws, including statutes on foreign contributions to elections and fraud.

We rate Bolling’s statement Mostly False.

Share The Facts

Eric Bolling
Fox News host

"Collusion is not illegal."
on 'Fox News Specialists' – Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Politifact is left leaning. Therefore your post is irrelevant.
so by your own logic, you're saying what modesta did in 2013, while working with podesta, will somehow link him to bad things trump did 3 years later.

and *my* logic is strained.

I'm saying a charge of tax improprieties could make Manafort more cooperative with the rest of the investigation. You doubt that?

Yes anyone with logic will. All Trump has to do is pardon Manafort.

Yes. Obstruction of justice is something you could expect from him.
The president has the constitutional power to pardon for any reason he sees fit, thus, it is not obstruction.
No, but firing Comey was. He's gonna get his hiny singed for that one.

Comey overstepped his role associated with his position. Appropriate that he was fired

Manafort and Gates plead not guilty

Paul Manafort and Rick Gates pleaded not guilty to all charges against them during a hearing at a federal courthouse in Washington on Monday. Manafort appeared in person, with his lawyer saying he "definitely disagrees with the strength of the indictment" against him. Gates did not appear. His court-appointed lawyer said he was invoking the 5th Amendment, and planned to hire private counsel.

Government lawyers sought bail bond of $10 million for Manafort and $5 million for Gates, with an official from pre-trial services specifically requesting "high-intensity supervision" for Manafort as he is considered a flight risk. Both defense lawyers said their clients had turned over their passports.

What's next: The court is currently in recess. After a decision on bail, the next hearing will be on November 2nd at 2pm.

Manafort and Gates plead not guilty

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