BREAKING! It's Official---FISA Memo Will Be Released Next Week After SOTU And Names Will Be Named

Leftists, and some on the right, just don't get it! (present company excluded)

Do you know how you are going to know, that all this is real? Because they are going to arrest a few people, and it won't be for something they did 5 years ago.

People have been all over Sessions, haven't they! Well, guess why it took this long to be released. Because he had to have the proof to arrest people, that's why! In this memo, 12 or 13 names are going to be released as the people who pulled this off, and more than 1 is going to be arrested, and more than a few fired.

This isn't going to be like the collusion/delusion, it is going to be in your face with facts, documents, and people are going to do the perp walk. It would not be surprising at all to see a congress person arrested in this matter, so disgusting is what these people have done.

Think this is all phony?

How many of you know that a high level aid of John Mcains' went to talk to certain individuals about keeping him out of this because of his health? Not that he colluded, but he was USED!

And if you think this memo is the end, you are fooling yourselves. This is just the opening salvo to put Americans who do not pay attention on the scent. Virtually everything needed is already in their hands, this will just be a slow walk towards the middle of this year, as the mid-terms come closer, and closer.

The Leftists on here can say anything they want, it will make no difference, so bad is this. And your friends in the media? Well, when it becomes obvious there is no way out, they will throw your people under the bus for ratings, and newspaper sales. They won't change their stripes, but money and power are great aphrodisiacs, and they will want to cash in while the cashing in is good.

But the MOST important thing that will come of this is--------> the Left will be laid bare, as the party that REALLY IS the police state. If you knew how deep this goes, you would poop your pants, and it isn't just Democrats!

And so, the bottom line to everyone is this----------->when everything comes out through the year of what was done, you need to ask yourselves a question---------------> Do you want to live in a democratic republic, or are you willing to give that all up, just so your person can WIN!?!?!?!?!?!?! And if you are willing, what does that say about how much you think of our country!

Wake me when someone that actually matters gets arrested.

Well, lets see what happens 1st, firings, or arrests, shall we-)

Sure. you keep up that hope.

I have been "political" since the days of Reagan, I have seen our elected officials do some deeply dishonest and illegal stuff in that time, selling arms to our enemy to contract fixing to wars based upon fake intel and more.

A few people get fired a few low on the totem pole people get arrested and nothing changes.

40 years of history tells me that this time will be no different. All we have are a bunch of drama queen politicians throwing red meat to the masses and then it will go the way of the buggy whip.
Not so. This time the majority of the population will demand justice because nothing like this lawlessness has ever happened before. People who excuse and defend the Clinton-Obama Crime Cartel are guilty too.

There is not and has never been an Obama-Clinton Crime Cartel. Only a fool believes there is. There are only Republican lies, deceits and smears.
Oh hell yes there is. And they're going to jail too.
Clinton and Obama will totally be indicted for sure this time!

And this time is totally unlike all the other hundreds of times we said that!

Why? Because we say it is!

Given our track record, how could you not believe us?
Wake me when someone that actually matters gets arrested.

Well, lets see what happens 1st, firings, or arrests, shall we-)

Sure. you keep up that hope.

I have been "political" since the days of Reagan, I have seen our elected officials do some deeply dishonest and illegal stuff in that time, selling arms to our enemy to contract fixing to wars based upon fake intel and more.

A few people get fired a few low on the totem pole people get arrested and nothing changes.

40 years of history tells me that this time will be no different. All we have are a bunch of drama queen politicians throwing red meat to the masses and then it will go the way of the buggy whip.
Not so. This time the majority of the population will demand justice because nothing like this lawlessness has ever happened before. People who excuse and defend the Clinton-Obama Crime Cartel are guilty too.

There is not and has never been an Obama-Clinton Crime Cartel. Only a fool believes there is. There are only Republican lies, deceits and smears.
Oh hell yes there is. And they're going to jail too.

17 investigations and not a single charge, witness or piece of evidence against the Clintons except the blow job perjury.

Not a single piece of evidence against Obama despite 10 or so Tepublucan lead investigations either.

In order for people to go to jail, they have to have committed indictable crimes, there has to be witnesses, evidence and a trial. So far you have none of the above.

Examine all of the allegations against Clinton or Obama and it’s all partisan rumours with no basis in fact or evidence.

Look how calm Hillary is in testifying for 11 hours before the Senate. That’s not a guilty face. She’s not losing her temper, throwing hissy fits and demanding the investigations end.

Nothing makes Donald Trump look more guilty in the Russia investigation than Trump’s hysteria and attempts to shut it down. If he has nothing to hide, why does he continue to lie and cover up stuff? He acts guilty.
Well, lets see what happens 1st, firings, or arrests, shall we-)

Sure. you keep up that hope.

I have been "political" since the days of Reagan, I have seen our elected officials do some deeply dishonest and illegal stuff in that time, selling arms to our enemy to contract fixing to wars based upon fake intel and more.

A few people get fired a few low on the totem pole people get arrested and nothing changes.

40 years of history tells me that this time will be no different. All we have are a bunch of drama queen politicians throwing red meat to the masses and then it will go the way of the buggy whip.
Not so. This time the majority of the population will demand justice because nothing like this lawlessness has ever happened before. People who excuse and defend the Clinton-Obama Crime Cartel are guilty too.

There is not and has never been an Obama-Clinton Crime Cartel. Only a fool believes there is. There are only Republican lies, deceits and smears.
Oh hell yes there is. And they're going to jail too.

17 investigations and not a single charge, witness or piece of evidence against the Clintons except the blow job perjury.

Not a single piece of evidence against Obama despite 10 or so Tepublucan lead investigations either.

In order for people to go to jail, they have to have committed indictable crimes, there has to be witnesses, evidence and a trial. So far you have none of the above.

Examine all of the allegations against Clinton or Obama and it’s all partisan rumours with no basis in fact or evidence.

Look how calm Hillary is in testifying for 11 hours before the Senate. That’s not a guilty face. She’s not losing her temper, throwing hissy fits and demanding the investigations end.

Nothing makes Donald Trump look more guilty in the Russia investigation than Trump’s hysteria and attempts to shut it down. If he has nothing to hide, why does he continue to lie and cover up stuff? He acts guilty.
Another Clinton/Obama biographer floats to the top of the cesspool.
Well, lets see what happens 1st, firings, or arrests, shall we-)

Sure. you keep up that hope.

I have been "political" since the days of Reagan, I have seen our elected officials do some deeply dishonest and illegal stuff in that time, selling arms to our enemy to contract fixing to wars based upon fake intel and more.

A few people get fired a few low on the totem pole people get arrested and nothing changes.

40 years of history tells me that this time will be no different. All we have are a bunch of drama queen politicians throwing red meat to the masses and then it will go the way of the buggy whip.
Not so. This time the majority of the population will demand justice because nothing like this lawlessness has ever happened before. People who excuse and defend the Clinton-Obama Crime Cartel are guilty too.

There is not and has never been an Obama-Clinton Crime Cartel. Only a fool believes there is. There are only Republican lies, deceits and smears.
Oh hell yes there is. And they're going to jail too.

17 investigations and not a single charge, witness or piece of evidence against the Clintons except the blow job perjury.

Not a single piece of evidence against Obama despite 10 or so Tepublucan lead investigations either.

In order for people to go to jail, they have to have committed indictable crimes, there has to be witnesses, evidence and a trial. So far you have none of the above.

Examine all of the allegations against Clinton or Obama and it’s all partisan rumours with no basis in fact or evidence.

Look how calm Hillary is in testifying for 11 hours before the Senate. That’s not a guilty face. She’s not losing her temper, throwing hissy fits and demanding the investigations end.

Nothing makes Donald Trump look more guilty in the Russia investigation than Trump’s hysteria and attempts to shut it down. If he has nothing to hide, why does he continue to lie and cover up stuff? He acts guilty.

And I can't believe I am saying this but-------> I agree with Dragon!

Therefore, let us see if the Trump administration can! Let us see what the memo, and all documents say.......with proof! RELEASE THE MEMO, with PROOF!
Damn dude! I hope you didn't get anything on the keyboard with that Trump induced climax.

She hasn't denied it?

Did you read the above
She never denied it? Are you kidding?

Apparently you didn't read the letter signed by the lady and which is published in this very thread. Here is what it says:

“I recently became aware that certain news outlets are alleging that I had a sexual and/or romantic affair with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago,” Clifford writes in the letter, which Cohen provided to news outlets, including The Daily Caller.

“I am stating with complete clarity that this is absolutely false,” she continued, adding that she considered Trump to be “gracious, professional and a complete gentleman.”

“Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false,” she wrote.

“If indeed I did have a relationship with Donald Trump, trust me, you wouldn’t be reading about it in the news, you would be reading about it in my book. But the fact of the matter is, these stories are not true.”

Trump Lawyer Releases Letter From Porn Star Denying Affair With POTUS

That sounds like a denial to me. You have the last word. I said what I wanted to and I am done with all this silliness.

There's no evidence of that ever happening. Besides, that's not the thread topic about the FISA warrant being released.

A letter that isn't notarized, is signed with a stage name, and came from Trump's lawyer instead of Stormy's. If it was written in crayon it would hold just as much validity.

Leftists, and some on the right, just don't get it! (present company excluded)

Do you know how you are going to know, that all this is real? Because they are going to arrest a few people, and it won't be for something they did 5 years ago.

People have been all over Sessions, haven't they! Well, guess why it took this long to be released. Because he had to have the proof to arrest people, that's why! In this memo, 12 or 13 names are going to be released as the people who pulled this off, and more than 1 is going to be arrested, and more than a few fired.

This isn't going to be like the collusion/delusion, it is going to be in your face with facts, documents, and people are going to do the perp walk. It would not be surprising at all to see a congress person arrested in this matter, so disgusting is what these people have done.

Think this is all phony?

How many of you know that a high level aid of John Mcains' went to talk to certain individuals about keeping him out of this because of his health? Not that he colluded, but he was USED!

And if you think this memo is the end, you are fooling yourselves. This is just the opening salvo to put Americans who do not pay attention on the scent. Virtually everything needed is already in their hands, this will just be a slow walk towards the middle of this year, as the mid-terms come closer, and closer.

The Leftists on here can say anything they want, it will make no difference, so bad is this. And your friends in the media? Well, when it becomes obvious there is no way out, they will throw your people under the bus for ratings, and newspaper sales. They won't change their stripes, but money and power are great aphrodisiacs, and they will want to cash in while the cashing in is good.

But the MOST important thing that will come of this is--------> the Left will be laid bare, as the party that REALLY IS the police state. If you knew how deep this goes, you would poop your pants, and it isn't just Democrats!

And so, the bottom line to everyone is this----------->when everything comes out through the year of what was done, you need to ask yourselves a question---------------> Do you want to live in a democratic republic, or are you willing to give that all up, just so your person can WIN!?!?!?!?!?!?! And if you are willing, what does that say about how much you think of our country!

Wake me when someone that actually matters gets arrested.

Well, lets see what happens 1st, firings, or arrests, shall we-)

Sure. you keep up that hope.

I have been "political" since the days of Reagan, I have seen our elected officials do some deeply dishonest and illegal stuff in that time, selling arms to our enemy to contract fixing to wars based upon fake intel and more.

A few people get fired a few low on the totem pole people get arrested and nothing changes.

40 years of history tells me that this time will be no different. All we have are a bunch of drama queen politicians throwing red meat to the masses and then it will go the way of the buggy whip.
Not so. This time the majority of the population will demand justice because nothing like this lawlessness has ever happened before. People who excuse and defend the Clinton-Obama Crime Cartel are guilty too.

Sure they will. Keep telling yourself that.
It was announced tonight and on Laura Ingraham's show about 20 minutes ago. Next week will be a poignant moment in American history as it will be the beginning of the end of the Deep State. Expect the Democrat hierarchy to go into full fanatic panic mode up until Trump delivers the State of the Union Address Tuesday night. They will enable the liberal MSM to trot out fake news distractions right and left in an effort to deflect from the truth being released. One good thing about all this is that #ReleaseTheMemo will be all about making America great again.

Remember, names will be named!


Just another fever swamp circle-jerk. Here is some real news:

Jimmy Kimmel To Interview Stormy Daniels After Trump’s State Of The Union
That should be interesting--Asshole interviews Whore.
Are you calling Stormy Daniels an asshole?
It was announced tonight and on Laura Ingraham's show about 20 minutes ago. Next week will be a poignant moment in American history as it will be the beginning of the end of the Deep State. Expect the Democrat hierarchy to go into full fanatic panic mode up until Trump delivers the State of the Union Address Tuesday night. They will enable the liberal MSM to trot out fake news distractions right and left in an effort to deflect from the truth being released. One good thing about all this is that #ReleaseTheMemo will be all about making America great again.

Remember, names will be named!


Just another fever swamp circle-jerk. Here is some real news:

Jimmy Kimmel To Interview Stormy Daniels After Trump’s State Of The Union
It won't be real news since Stormy herself has already debunked it a few weeks ago.


Nevertheless, like I said, it proves my point that Kimmel is doing this to deflect from the memo exposing his liberal overlords.
A letter sign using her porn star name?
Her real name is Stephanie Clifford.

If nothing happened, why the $130k?

Logic is not your strong suit. Since nothing happened, it should be obvious to you that the $130K didn't happen either.

Trump denies the allegations and the woman herself strongly denies them. But truth doesn't matter to Trump haters. They have been spreading lies about the man since day one.

I sure would like to know what sources you relied upon to justify your allegation of a $130K payoff. Was it someone of impeccable character, someone who had nothing to gain, someone who had no political motivation? I doubt it.

Dude. You really should change your screen name.

You believed Glenn Beck for years. But this $130,000 payoff which has not been denied is too much for you to fathom?

So weird.
It was announced tonight and on Laura Ingraham's show about 20 minutes ago. Next week will be a poignant moment in American history as it will be the beginning of the end of the Deep State. Expect the Democrat hierarchy to go into full fanatic panic mode up until Trump delivers the State of the Union Address Tuesday night. They will enable the liberal MSM to trot out fake news distractions right and left in an effort to deflect from the truth being released. One good thing about all this is that #ReleaseTheMemo will be all about making America great again.

Remember, names will be named!


Just another fever swamp circle-jerk. Here is some real news:

Jimmy Kimmel To Interview Stormy Daniels After Trump’s State Of The Union
That should be interesting--Asshole interviews Whore.
Are you calling Stormy Daniels an asshole?
I assume she has one.
Leftists, and some on the right, just don't get it! (present company excluded)

Do you know how you are going to know, that all this is real? Because they are going to arrest a few people, and it won't be for something they did 5 years ago.

People have been all over Sessions, haven't they! Well, guess why it took this long to be released. Because he had to have the proof to arrest people, that's why! In this memo, 12 or 13 names are going to be released as the people who pulled this off, and more than 1 is going to be arrested, and more than a few fired.

This isn't going to be like the collusion/delusion, it is going to be in your face with facts, documents, and people are going to do the perp walk. It would not be surprising at all to see a congress person arrested in this matter, so disgusting is what these people have done.

Think this is all phony?

How many of you know that a high level aid of John Mcains' went to talk to certain individuals about keeping him out of this because of his health? Not that he colluded, but he was USED!

And if you think this memo is the end, you are fooling yourselves. This is just the opening salvo to put Americans who do not pay attention on the scent. Virtually everything needed is already in their hands, this will just be a slow walk towards the middle of this year, as the mid-terms come closer, and closer.

The Leftists on here can say anything they want, it will make no difference, so bad is this. And your friends in the media? Well, when it becomes obvious there is no way out, they will throw your people under the bus for ratings, and newspaper sales. They won't change their stripes, but money and power are great aphrodisiacs, and they will want to cash in while the cashing in is good.

But the MOST important thing that will come of this is--------> the Left will be laid bare, as the party that REALLY IS the police state. If you knew how deep this goes, you would poop your pants, and it isn't just Democrats!

And so, the bottom line to everyone is this----------->when everything comes out through the year of what was done, you need to ask yourselves a question---------------> Do you want to live in a democratic republic, or are you willing to give that all up, just so your person can WIN!?!?!?!?!?!?! And if you are willing, what does that say about how much you think of our country!

Wake me when someone that actually matters gets arrested.

Well, lets see what happens 1st, firings, or arrests, shall we-)

Sure. you keep up that hope.

I have been "political" since the days of Reagan, I have seen our elected officials do some deeply dishonest and illegal stuff in that time, selling arms to our enemy to contract fixing to wars based upon fake intel and more.

A few people get fired a few low on the totem pole people get arrested and nothing changes.

40 years of history tells me that this time will be no different. All we have are a bunch of drama queen politicians throwing red meat to the masses and then it will go the way of the buggy whip.
Not so. This time the majority of the population will demand justice because nothing like this lawlessness has ever happened before. People who excuse and defend the Clinton-Obama Crime Cartel are guilty too.

Sure they will. Keep telling yourself that.
Oh, I already know it. I'm keeping you informed.
Wake me when someone that actually matters gets arrested.

Well, lets see what happens 1st, firings, or arrests, shall we-)

Sure. you keep up that hope.

I have been "political" since the days of Reagan, I have seen our elected officials do some deeply dishonest and illegal stuff in that time, selling arms to our enemy to contract fixing to wars based upon fake intel and more.

A few people get fired a few low on the totem pole people get arrested and nothing changes.

40 years of history tells me that this time will be no different. All we have are a bunch of drama queen politicians throwing red meat to the masses and then it will go the way of the buggy whip.
Not so. This time the majority of the population will demand justice because nothing like this lawlessness has ever happened before. People who excuse and defend the Clinton-Obama Crime Cartel are guilty too.

Sure they will. Keep telling yourself that.
Oh, I already know it. I'm keeping you informed.

Of course you do. I am sure the little voices in your head are keeping you very up to date with it a..
Get Caught Up: Trump's Alleged Affair With Adult Film Star Stormy ...
NPR › 2018/01/19 › get-caught-up-trum...
Jan 19, 2018 · And in a statement also supplied to the Journal by Cohen, Daniels denied both the affair and receiving any payment. "Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false," she told the Journal via .
Get Caught Up: Trump's Alleged Affair With Adult Film Star Stormy ...
NPR › 2018/01/19 › get-caught-up-trum...

Quit trying to derail the thread.
It was announced tonight and on Laura Ingraham's show about 20 minutes ago. Next week will be a poignant moment in American history as it will be the beginning of the end of the Deep State. Expect the Democrat hierarchy to go into full fanatic panic mode up until Trump delivers the State of the Union Address Tuesday night. They will enable the liberal MSM to trot out fake news distractions right and left in an effort to deflect from the truth being released. One good thing about all this is that #ReleaseTheMemo will be all about making America great again.

Remember, names will be named!


Just another fever swamp circle-jerk. Here is some real news:

Jimmy Kimmel To Interview Stormy Daniels After Trump’s State Of The Union
It won't be real news since Stormy herself has already debunked it a few weeks ago.


Nevertheless, like I said, it proves my point that Kimmel is doing this to deflect from the memo exposing his liberal overlords.
A letter sign using her porn star name?
Her real name is Stephanie Clifford.

If nothing happened, why the $130k?

Logic is not your strong suit. Since nothing happened, it should be obvious to you that the $130K didn't happen either.

Trump denies the allegations and the woman herself strongly denies them. But truth doesn't matter to Trump haters. They have been spreading lies about the man since day one.

I sure would like to know what sources you relied upon to justify your allegation of a $130K payoff. Was it someone of impeccable character, someone who had nothing to gain, someone who had no political motivation? I doubt it.

Dude. You really should change your screen name.

You believed Glenn Beck for years. But this $130,000 payoff which has not been denied is too much for you to fathom?

So weird.
Well, lets see what happens 1st, firings, or arrests, shall we-)

Sure. you keep up that hope.

I have been "political" since the days of Reagan, I have seen our elected officials do some deeply dishonest and illegal stuff in that time, selling arms to our enemy to contract fixing to wars based upon fake intel and more.

A few people get fired a few low on the totem pole people get arrested and nothing changes.

40 years of history tells me that this time will be no different. All we have are a bunch of drama queen politicians throwing red meat to the masses and then it will go the way of the buggy whip.
Not so. This time the majority of the population will demand justice because nothing like this lawlessness has ever happened before. People who excuse and defend the Clinton-Obama Crime Cartel are guilty too.

Sure they will. Keep telling yourself that.
Oh, I already know it. I'm keeping you informed.

Of course you do. I am sure the little voices in your head are keeping you very up to date with it a..
Actually, the voices were Trey Gowdy, Peter King and Devin Nunes.
Sure. you keep up that hope.

I have been "political" since the days of Reagan, I have seen our elected officials do some deeply dishonest and illegal stuff in that time, selling arms to our enemy to contract fixing to wars based upon fake intel and more.

A few people get fired a few low on the totem pole people get arrested and nothing changes.

40 years of history tells me that this time will be no different. All we have are a bunch of drama queen politicians throwing red meat to the masses and then it will go the way of the buggy whip.
Not so. This time the majority of the population will demand justice because nothing like this lawlessness has ever happened before. People who excuse and defend the Clinton-Obama Crime Cartel are guilty too.

Sure they will. Keep telling yourself that.
Oh, I already know it. I'm keeping you informed.

Of course you do. I am sure the little voices in your head are keeping you very up to date with it a..
Actually, the voices were Trey Gowdy, Peter King and Devin Nunes.

Oh, the drama queens. Hell dude, you should listen to the voices in your head, they are far more reliable.
So, now Gowdy wants to question them about their secret society comments-
Gowdy: FBI's Strzok, Page should testify to answer allegations, questions about 'secret society'

Good use of your tax dollars, eh?
Congress critters get paid whether they are questioned or not. They're not spending money asking questions. Are you afraid the criminals will tell the truth?

What you don’t know would serve as a fine education for any American.

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