BREAKING-FBI Official: Rosenstein To Be Fired After Memo Release; USED Bogus Dossier FISA Warrant

When you prove to me that you are a FISA judge, I'll respect your opinion on that.

I am citing some of the links / articles I have posted, much of what I have read and studied during all of this.

Even the FBI Director firing his Deputy Director after reviewing the Summary of Evidence about to come out is not enough evidence for you that something illegal / bad went down within the FBI.

I no longer give a damn if you respect me or not. You are going out of your way to deny existing evidence and to defend Felons, Perjurers, and traitors.
Easy, McCabe wasn't fired.
I'm done talking to you about this. I've said my piece and hammering me over the head with more of your bullshit isn't going to change my mind.

Of course he was fired. He was given a choice: take leave now until you retire, or you will be fire and lose your pension.
I hope you're wrong about this.

I hope I am too, but at this point - I'd bet a dollar to make 75 cents that this is exactly what's about to transpire. It's a highly transparent end around that will create a constitutional crisis.

Maybe it should. The politicians in Washington aren't stupid. This memo, if released, and if explosive, will be a lot like Watergate.


It will only be "explosive" in the respect that it's cherrypicked, out of context info as Little Devin and his team of trolls deemed relevant to getting Mueller fired.

PS: Nunes is a STUPID fuck

That's the standard leftwing exuse when they are caught on video doing something they shouldn't.
TruePundit again? LoL - they are not far off however. The House Intel Committee votes probably today on whether to release a memo cherrypicked out of context from classified information which the Justice Department warned would be "extraordinarily reckless" without their prior review. Devin "The Orange Panther" Nunes (who is supposed to be recused after thoroughly embarrassing himself with his botched midnight run to the White House) is at it again and Ryan, McCarthy and the rest of these traitors will likely vote it through - then it goes to (you'll never guess) T-Rump for final approval and release to the public.

Being a hit piece on Rosenstein, Sessions will promptly fire him and find someone else willing to fire Mueller. They claim of course that this has nothing to do with Russia, when it's obvious to anyone with a brain that it's ALL ABOUT Russia. All these bastards need to be arrested for leaking sensitive intel (reminder - totally cherrypicked and out of context) that could put our nation at risk.

Can you feel the desperation as Mueller gets closer and closer to closing the obstruction deal og back to 2013n Donald and the rest of these thugs? I know I can ...

House Intel committee could vote on Nunes memo as soon as Monday - CNNPolitics
I hope you're wrong about this.

By the looks of it he is... Page was a person of interest going back to 2013... So trying to say that a guy like Rosenstein is somehow sloppy is a joke... He is known for being meticulous and a Republican...

This is a hail mary to smear the FBI again...
Are you guys watching Tucker? The secret service dude suggested The Fake Dossier Hoax can be tied directly to...Barry "The Butthurt" OBAMA apparently! Not just Crooked Hillary!
From the very start the Democrats put together the ULTIMATE treasonous little coup.

Hillary, Obama, Rosenstein, Holder, Lynch, Comey, Mueller, Strzok, Rice, Abedin, Mills...

It was BOUND to come unraveled because there is no way to hide something this huge, too many 'moving parts', to much of a trail, too much of a paper trail.

Knock it off you are tickling me........ Keep trying you might impressed me with your fantasy.
Easy, I think a couple of things raised the question of campaign involvement: The large number of Trump staff/campaign members with Russian contact. The fact that the Russians very obviously favored Trump in the campaign.


OBAMA himself that campaign staffs pre-coordinating with foreign reps was NORMAL. HE did it. HILLARY did it.

- Received $145 MILLION from the Russian KGB Bank as Hillary had done

- Whose Spouse had received $500k a speech from the KGB bank. like bill did
- When he could not meet with the Russian Nuclear Commission he reportedly met with Putin himself

- Received thousands of shares of un-reported stocks from the Russian KGB Bank like Hillary's campaign manager had

- Had 1/3rd of their own company's board of directors being prominent Russian businessmen who had direct contacts to the Kremlin and Putin Himself like Podesta

- Had a business working for the Russians

- Had a Brother who not only worked for the KGB Bank but also the Russian SPY agency that supposedly spied on the DNC

You DAMN-WELL .. or SHOULD ... that the Clintons and their campaign had infinitely more connections to the Russians. NOTHING Trump or any of his people were doing even comes CLOSE to what is listed above. While Mueller and Democrats still LOOK for evidence that Trump received Russian cash, stocks, help of any kind THERE IS NO DEN7YING THE MONEY THAT CHANGED HANDS BETWEEN THE RUSSIANDS AND HILLARY AND HER TEAM!

Are you still on the Russian payroll?
They only released Democratic dirt to Wikileaks and their bots and fake social media accounts pushed Trump.

Except Assange denies the snowflake claims.

Except the claims that the Russians hacked their information was never substantiated because the DNV would never turn over their server for verification.

AT THE SAME TIME THE DNC WAS CLAIMING THE RUSSIANS HACKED THEM, the story about how Debbie Wasserman-Schultz had given terrorist-connected Pakistani spies access to the DNC's server, all the DNC's e-mails, their usernames, and passwords.

The DNC, that rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, illegally used campaign contributions meant for other candidates on Hillary, and who had illegally given access to classified House files AND all of their own information tp terrorist-connected Pakistani spies were claiming 'the Russians did it' without providing any evidence they did.....

....and you just want to buy it hook, line, and sinker.

:p Bwuhahahaha......

What do you expect from Assange admit it?
Not surprised how dumb and ignorant you are believing Assange.

You LIED a lot. ALL your post here I mean ALL are not even worth reading.
Breaking Update!

The FISA memo was just delivered to White House 17 minutes ago.

Stay tune for updates.
I hope you're wrong about this.

I hope I am too, but at this point - I'd bet a dollar to make 75 cents that this is exactly what's about to transpire. It's a highly transparent end around that will create a constitutional crisis.

Maybe it should. The politicians in Washington aren't stupid. This memo, if released, and if explosive, will be a lot like Watergate.


It will only be "explosive" in the respect that it's cherrypicked, out of context info as Little Devin and his team of trolls deemed relevant to getting Mueller fired.

PS: Nunes is a STUPID fuck

That's the standard leftwing exuse when they are caught on video doing something they shouldn't.

Caught on video? Oh like the phony James O'Keefe videos?? Okay whatever Trumpling.
As the OP's news posts here are notorious for being wrong and/or misleading, I did a quick check. It all stems from this article that was posted two days ago; A Frustrated Trump Has Reportedly Mulled Firing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Once the far right blogosphere gets done putting their own spin on it, facts become irrelevant.
As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative with impeccable moral values and character, I only post the factual truth. The Jew Rob Rosenstein will be fired after the memo release.
We're all SO excited! Anything yet?

Has Trump been impeached yet? I've been asking that question for almost a year.
No, in fact there's been no move to start the process. How about that Special Counsel for H. Clinton we had a mod assure us was imminent on July 29......and her indictments? What about them?

And the point here is the silliness of jumping the gun in these situations.

Steve I don’t even bother to read where your links came from.
I bet you did though! American Patriot Steve McGarrett is not fooled.

Wrong again dude. I just look at where those link came from then press Done before wasting more of my time.

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