BREAKING-FBI Official: Rosenstein To Be Fired After Memo Release; USED Bogus Dossier FISA Warrant

Who proved that it NEVER HAPPENED as you claim?
Mueller and the Democrats. Going on 2 years now and they still do not have evidence a crime was committed that warranted the investigation in the 1st place.
That's what the investigation is for--to gather evidence. This has been one of the dumbest damned arguments against the Special Investigation from the get go. And it has been less than one year that the investigation has been going on.

There has to be something that indicates a crime was committed. The whole thing about the Dossier is this UNSUBSTANTIATED, FROM A FOREIGN SPY THROUGH A COMPANY WORKNIG FOR THE RUSSIANS is NOT enough legally to open a Witch Hunt of this magnitude, to legally obtain warrants to spy on the political opposition during an election!

This investigation should NEVER have been opened because there was no evidence of a crime THEN, and going on the 2nd year of the witch hunt THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME NOW ... not committed by TRUMP.

Evidences DOES show crimes committed by HILLARY, MUELLER, MCCABE, STRZOK, LYNCH, RICE, CLAPPER, BRENNAN, ...and ...arguably, Obama himself!
Easy, I think a couple of things raised the question of campaign involvement: The large number of Trump staff/campaign members with Russian contact. The fact that the Russians very obviously favored Trump in the campaign. Trump doing plenty in the neighborhood of obstruction to make the investigation by the FBI go away. That was just suspicious until he fired Comey.
I don't see that there is ANY evidence of crimes committed by Mueller or McCabe, or the other people you listed. It's all as "imaginary" as what you say the Dems are "imagining" via collusion with Russia/money laundering.
You can't judge the investigation until you get its findings. That is when the evidence or lack thereof will be reported. I know you don't see that, but it is 100% true.

Are you kidding us, really!

Who handed the Russians the reset button, lol.......that fell apart?

Oldlady, you have no clue, really you don't, and I am sorry for you. Do you know why the Obama Administration tried to reset relations with the Russians?

Want me to tell you?

Because they needed the Russians to support the Iran deal, that's why!

And what was Trumps 3rd biggest issue? Getting rid of the Iran Deal.

Seriously, you really do not get it, you really don't!
Easy, I think a couple of things raised the question of campaign involvement: The large number of Trump staff/campaign members with Russian contact. The fact that the Russians very obviously favored Trump in the campaign.


OBAMA himself that campaign staffs pre-coordinating with foreign reps was NORMAL. HE did it. HILLARY did it.

- Received $145 MILLION from the Russian KGB Bank as Hillary had done

- Whose Spouse had received $500k a speech from the KGB bank. like bill did
- When he could not meet with the Russian Nuclear Commission he reportedly met with Putin himself

- Received thousands of shares of un-reported stocks from the Russian KGB Bank like Hillary's campaign manager had

- Had 1/3rd of their own company's board of directors being prominent Russian businessmen who had direct contacts to the Kremlin and Putin Himself like Podesta

- Had a business working for the Russians

- Had a Brother who not only worked for the KGB Bank but also the Russian SPY agency that supposedly spied on the DNC

You DAMN-WELL .. or SHOULD ... that the Clintons and their campaign had infinitely more connections to the Russians. NOTHING Trump or any of his people were doing even comes CLOSE to what is listed above. While Mueller and Democrats still LOOK for evidence that Trump received Russian cash, stocks, help of any kind THERE IS NO DEN7YING THE MONEY THAT CHANGED HANDS BETWEEN THE RUSSIANDS AND HILLARY AND HER TEAM!
It's pretty obvious, though, that the Russians weren't helping get her elected. That's the difference.
When you prove to me that you are a FISA judge, I'll respect your opinion on that.

I am citing some of the links / articles I have posted, much of what I have read and studied during all of this.

Even the FBI Director firing his Deputy Director after reviewing the Summary of Evidence about to come out is not enough evidence for you that something illegal / bad went down within the FBI.

I no longer give a damn if you respect me or not. You are going out of your way to deny existing evidence and to defend Felons, Perjurers, and traitors.
It's pretty obvious, though, that the Russians weren't helping get her elected. That's the difference.

And are you really trying to say the absence of evidence that the Russians were helping Hillary is proof they were helping Trump?


They helped Hillary 145 MILLION more times than they helped Trump...
Who proved that it NEVER HAPPENED as you claim?
Mueller and the Democrats. Going on 2 years now and they still do not have evidence a crime was committed that warranted the investigation in the 1st place.
That's what the investigation is for--to gather evidence. This has been one of the dumbest damned arguments against the Special Investigation from the get go. And it has been less than one year that the investigation has been going on.

There has to be something that indicates a crime was committed. The whole thing about the Dossier is this UNSUBSTANTIATED, FROM A FOREIGN SPY THROUGH A COMPANY WORKNIG FOR THE RUSSIANS is NOT enough legally to open a Witch Hunt of this magnitude, to legally obtain warrants to spy on the political opposition during an election!

This investigation should NEVER have been opened because there was no evidence of a crime THEN, and going on the 2nd year of the witch hunt THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME NOW ... not committed by TRUMP.

Evidences DOES show crimes committed by HILLARY, MUELLER, MCCABE, STRZOK, LYNCH, RICE, CLAPPER, BRENNAN, ...and ...arguably, Obama himself!
Easy, I think a couple of things raised the question of campaign involvement: The large number of Trump staff/campaign members with Russian contact. The fact that the Russians very obviously favored Trump in the campaign. Trump doing plenty in the neighborhood of obstruction to make the investigation by the FBI go away. That was just suspicious until he fired Comey.
I don't see that there is ANY evidence of crimes committed by Mueller or McCabe, or the other people you listed. It's all as "imaginary" as what you say the Dems are "imagining" via collusion with Russia/money laundering.
You can't judge the investigation until you get its findings. That is when the evidence or lack thereof will be reported. I know you don't see that, but it is 100% true.

Are you kidding us, really!

Who handed the Russians the reset button, lol.......that fell apart?

Oldlady, you have no clue, really you don't, and I am sorry for you. Do you know why the Obama Administration tried to reset relations with the Russians?

Want me to tell you?

Because they needed the Russians to support the Iran deal, that's why!

And what was Trumps 3rd biggest issue? Getting rid of the Iran Deal.

Seriously, you really do not get it, you really don't!
You might be right. I'm not going down every rabbit hole with everyone who digs one, that's for damned sure. I'm not going to be distracted from the Special Investigation by a bunch of Trump supporters pointing to the Clintons and Obama, though. It stinks too much of partisan mud slinging to distract from what could be a very bad outcome for Trump. If the FBI/DOJ did wrong, yes they should be held accountable. I've got no problem with that whatsoever, and when someone I trust tells me the facts, I'll listen.
It's pretty obvious, though, that the Russians weren't helping get her elected. That's the difference.
It has been PROVEN Comey and Obama knew about Russian crimes and meddling back in 2014, through 2016, and they did nothing. Barry did nothing because he was trying to get Putin's blessing to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria.

It has been proven that the Russians were conducting a PsyOp mission in which they conned snowflakes on Social Media to organize and march for them, that they PAID LIBERAL GROUPS (Antifa, BLM, the Black Fist...) to spread racial division and hatred.

That hatred and division is still being perpetrated - for the Russians - by Democrats who can not / will not accept the outcome of the election, who cling to a witch hunt that can not even prove a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation!
It's pretty obvious, though, that the Russians weren't helping get her elected. That's the difference.

And are you really trying to say the absence of evidence that the Russians were helping Hillary is proof they were helping Trump?


They helped Hillary 145 MILLION more times than they helped Trump...
They only released Democratic dirt to Wikileaks and their bots and fake social media accounts pushed Trump. They popped open champagne bottles when Trump's win was announced.
I'm a little embarrassed for you that I even needed to answer that question.
You might be right. I'm not going down every rabbit hole with everyone who digs one, that's for damned sure.
There are no 'rabbit holes', only EVIDENCE of crimes liberals - and you, as proven - refuse to see look at.
Easy, I think a couple of things raised the question of campaign involvement: The large number of Trump staff/campaign members with Russian contact. The fact that the Russians very obviously favored Trump in the campaign.


OBAMA himself that campaign staffs pre-coordinating with foreign reps was NORMAL. HE did it. HILLARY did it.

- Received $145 MILLION from the Russian KGB Bank as Hillary had done

- Whose Spouse had received $500k a speech from the KGB bank. like bill did
- When he could not meet with the Russian Nuclear Commission he reportedly met with Putin himself

- Received thousands of shares of un-reported stocks from the Russian KGB Bank like Hillary's campaign manager had

- Had 1/3rd of their own company's board of directors being prominent Russian businessmen who had direct contacts to the Kremlin and Putin Himself like Podesta

- Had a business working for the Russians

- Had a Brother who not only worked for the KGB Bank but also the Russian SPY agency that supposedly spied on the DNC

You DAMN-WELL .. or SHOULD ... that the Clintons and their campaign had infinitely more connections to the Russians. NOTHING Trump or any of his people were doing even comes CLOSE to what is listed above. While Mueller and Democrats still LOOK for evidence that Trump received Russian cash, stocks, help of any kind THERE IS NO DEN7YING THE MONEY THAT CHANGED HANDS BETWEEN THE RUSSIANDS AND HILLARY AND HER TEAM!
It's pretty obvious, though, that the Russians weren't helping get her elected. That's the difference.

You know what, that is a partisan answer if I ever saw one. You have NOTHING on Trump, and yet you believe it. But when we try and show you what is actually going on, you just push it aside.

I always thought that you were an honest broker, but it appears not.
When you prove to me that you are a FISA judge, I'll respect your opinion on that.

I am citing some of the links / articles I have posted, much of what I have read and studied during all of this.

Even the FBI Director firing his Deputy Director after reviewing the Summary of Evidence about to come out is not enough evidence for you that something illegal / bad went down within the FBI.

I no longer give a damn if you respect me or not. You are going out of your way to deny existing evidence and to defend Felons, Perjurers, and traitors.
Easy, McCabe wasn't fired.
I'm done talking to you about this. I've said my piece and hammering me over the head with more of your bullshit isn't going to change my mind.
Easy, I think a couple of things raised the question of campaign involvement: The large number of Trump staff/campaign members with Russian contact. The fact that the Russians very obviously favored Trump in the campaign.


OBAMA himself that campaign staffs pre-coordinating with foreign reps was NORMAL. HE did it. HILLARY did it.

- Received $145 MILLION from the Russian KGB Bank as Hillary had done

- Whose Spouse had received $500k a speech from the KGB bank. like bill did
- When he could not meet with the Russian Nuclear Commission he reportedly met with Putin himself

- Received thousands of shares of un-reported stocks from the Russian KGB Bank like Hillary's campaign manager had

- Had 1/3rd of their own company's board of directors being prominent Russian businessmen who had direct contacts to the Kremlin and Putin Himself like Podesta

- Had a business working for the Russians

- Had a Brother who not only worked for the KGB Bank but also the Russian SPY agency that supposedly spied on the DNC

You DAMN-WELL .. or SHOULD ... that the Clintons and their campaign had infinitely more connections to the Russians. NOTHING Trump or any of his people were doing even comes CLOSE to what is listed above. While Mueller and Democrats still LOOK for evidence that Trump received Russian cash, stocks, help of any kind THERE IS NO DEN7YING THE MONEY THAT CHANGED HANDS BETWEEN THE RUSSIANDS AND HILLARY AND HER TEAM!
It's pretty obvious, though, that the Russians weren't helping get her elected. That's the difference.

You know what, that is a partisan answer if I ever saw one. You have NOTHING on Trump, and yet you believe it. But when we try and show you what is actually going on, you just push it aside.

I always thought that you were an honest broker, but it appears not.
What do I believe about Trump?
They only released Democratic dirt to Wikileaks and their bots and fake social media accounts pushed Trump.

Except Assange denies the snowflake claims.

Except the claims that the Russians hacked their information was never substantiated because the DNV would never turn over their server for verification.

AT THE SAME TIME THE DNC WAS CLAIMING THE RUSSIANS HACKED THEM, the story about how Debbie Wasserman-Schultz had given terrorist-connected Pakistani spies access to the DNC's server, all the DNC's e-mails, their usernames, and passwords.

The DNC, that rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, illegally used campaign contributions meant for other candidates on Hillary, and who had illegally given access to classified House files AND all of their own information tp terrorist-connected Pakistani spies were claiming 'the Russians did it' without providing any evidence they did.....

....and you just want to buy it hook, line, and sinker.

:p Bwuhahahaha......
Easy, I think a couple of things raised the question of campaign involvement: The large number of Trump staff/campaign members with Russian contact. The fact that the Russians very obviously favored Trump in the campaign.


OBAMA himself that campaign staffs pre-coordinating with foreign reps was NORMAL. HE did it. HILLARY did it.

- Received $145 MILLION from the Russian KGB Bank as Hillary had done

- Whose Spouse had received $500k a speech from the KGB bank. like bill did
- When he could not meet with the Russian Nuclear Commission he reportedly met with Putin himself

- Received thousands of shares of un-reported stocks from the Russian KGB Bank like Hillary's campaign manager had

- Had 1/3rd of their own company's board of directors being prominent Russian businessmen who had direct contacts to the Kremlin and Putin Himself like Podesta

- Had a business working for the Russians

- Had a Brother who not only worked for the KGB Bank but also the Russian SPY agency that supposedly spied on the DNC

You DAMN-WELL .. or SHOULD ... that the Clintons and their campaign had infinitely more connections to the Russians. NOTHING Trump or any of his people were doing even comes CLOSE to what is listed above. While Mueller and Democrats still LOOK for evidence that Trump received Russian cash, stocks, help of any kind THERE IS NO DEN7YING THE MONEY THAT CHANGED HANDS BETWEEN THE RUSSIANDS AND HILLARY AND HER TEAM!
It's pretty obvious, though, that the Russians weren't helping get her elected. That's the difference.

You know what, that is a partisan answer if I ever saw one. You have NOTHING on Trump, and yet you believe it. But when we try and show you what is actually going on, you just push it aside.

I always thought that you were an honest broker, but it appears not.
What do I believe about Trump?

That he and the Russians were involved!

Do you understand if you take the lefts view, how idiotic that is?

If you listen to the left, he is the dumbest, idiotic, incompetent, self centered, no nothing President we have ever had. And yet, this guy has been able to hide all his collusion from the brilliant, FB!, DOJ, CIA, and NSA, for 18 months.

Do YOU, as a thinking individual actually think that sounds realistic to you?
Buckle your seatbelts folks. The shit is hitting the fan today and basically, all week. The House Intelligence Committee will vote at 5 PM Eastern today to release the memo spelling doom for Rosenstein, and others. In essence, it's the beginning of the end of the Deep State.

FBI Official: Rosenstein Will Be Fired After Memo Released; USED Bogus Trump Dossier for FISA Warrant – True Pundit
This is more of a prediction than Breaking News. You're taking a lot for granted, here.

propaganda does that.
Easy, I think a couple of things raised the question of campaign involvement: The large number of Trump staff/campaign members with Russian contact. The fact that the Russians very obviously favored Trump in the campaign.


OBAMA himself that campaign staffs pre-coordinating with foreign reps was NORMAL. HE did it. HILLARY did it.

- Received $145 MILLION from the Russian KGB Bank as Hillary had done

- Whose Spouse had received $500k a speech from the KGB bank. like bill did
- When he could not meet with the Russian Nuclear Commission he reportedly met with Putin himself

- Received thousands of shares of un-reported stocks from the Russian KGB Bank like Hillary's campaign manager had

- Had 1/3rd of their own company's board of directors being prominent Russian businessmen who had direct contacts to the Kremlin and Putin Himself like Podesta

- Had a business working for the Russians

- Had a Brother who not only worked for the KGB Bank but also the Russian SPY agency that supposedly spied on the DNC

You DAMN-WELL .. or SHOULD ... that the Clintons and their campaign had infinitely more connections to the Russians. NOTHING Trump or any of his people were doing even comes CLOSE to what is listed above. While Mueller and Democrats still LOOK for evidence that Trump received Russian cash, stocks, help of any kind THERE IS NO DEN7YING THE MONEY THAT CHANGED HANDS BETWEEN THE RUSSIANDS AND HILLARY AND HER TEAM!
It's pretty obvious, though, that the Russians weren't helping get her elected. That's the difference.

You know what, that is a partisan answer if I ever saw one. You have NOTHING on Trump, and yet you believe it. But when we try and show you what is actually going on, you just push it aside.

I always thought that you were an honest broker, but it appears not.
What do I believe about Trump?

That he and the Russians were involved!

Do you understand if you take the lefts view, how idiotic that is?

If you listen to the left, he is the dumbest, idiotic, incompetent, self centered, no nothing President we have ever had. And yet, this guy has been able to hide all his collusion from the brilliant, FB!, DOJ, CIA, and NSA, for 18 months.

Do YOU, as a thinking individual actually think that sounds realistic to you?

who says he's hidden anything? it took two years to investigate the BS that is Benghaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzziiiiiii and Watergate took years, so did Kenny boi starr's little investigation of a failed land deal that turned into a blue dress

you all should probably stop protecting the orange one. then maybe you'd have some credibility.
WHY, after making a trip and reviewing the Summary of Evidence, did Wray return to the FBI and immediately 'Force Out' (not 'fire' :p ) McCabe?

Can a Liberal please give me a reason, with either evidence or realistic common sense to explain it?

Sending McCabe packing before the Summary is released is Wray's acknowledgment of the crime that went down within the FB!

-- We'll see.

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