BREAKING-FBI Official: Rosenstein To Be Fired After Memo Release; USED Bogus Dossier FISA Warrant

TruePundit again? LoL - they are not far off however. The House Intel Committee votes probably today on whether to release a memo cherrypicked out of context from classified information which the Justice Department warned would be "extraordinarily reckless" without their prior review. Devin "The Orange Panther" Nunes (who is supposed to be recused after thoroughly embarrassing himself with his botched midnight run to the White House) is at it again and Ryan, McCarthy and the rest of these traitors will likely vote it through - then it goes to (you'll never guess) T-Rump for final approval and release to the public.

Being a hit piece on Rosenstein, Sessions will promptly fire him and find someone else willing to fire Mueller. They claim of course that this has nothing to do with Russia, when it's obvious to anyone with a brain that it's ALL ABOUT Russia. All these bastards need to be arrested for leaking sensitive intel (reminder - totally cherrypicked and out of context) that could put our nation at risk.

Can you feel the desperation as Mueller gets closer and closer to closing the obstruction deal on Donald and the rest of these thugs? I know I can ...

House Intel committee could vote on Nunes memo as soon as Monday - CNNPolitics
I hope you're wrong about this.
so you don't want to end corruption in DC? what a shame.
I'd like to, but I feel some of Trump's followers are among the corrupt. I'll wait til I see the memo before I decide what it "proves."
TruePundit again? LoL - they are not far off however. The House Intel Committee votes probably today on whether to release a memo cherrypicked out of context from classified information which the Justice Department warned would be "extraordinarily reckless" without their prior review. Devin "The Orange Panther" Nunes (who is supposed to be recused after thoroughly embarrassing himself with his botched midnight run to the White House) is at it again and Ryan, McCarthy and the rest of these traitors will likely vote it through - then it goes to (you'll never guess) T-Rump for final approval and release to the public.

Being a hit piece on Rosenstein, Sessions will promptly fire him and find someone else willing to fire Mueller. They claim of course that this has nothing to do with Russia, when it's obvious to anyone with a brain that it's ALL ABOUT Russia. All these bastards need to be arrested for leaking sensitive intel (reminder - totally cherrypicked and out of context) that could put our nation at risk.

Can you feel the desperation as Mueller gets closer and closer to closing the obstruction deal on Donald and the rest of these thugs? I know I can ...

House Intel committee could vote on Nunes memo as soon as Monday - CNNPolitics
I hope you're wrong about this.
so you don't want to end corruption in DC? what a shame.
I'd like to, but I feel some of Trump's followers are among the corrupt. I'll wait til I see the memo before I decide what it "proves."
dude, I think corruption is everywhere exposed by trump. it is very fking clear.
Hey does anyone know the over under of Peter Strzok being Mysteriously mugged without money missing from his wallet?
You think the circle of people want him ratting them out?
I hope someone in the DOJ is going through his circle of messenger and phone record contacts, if not I'm sure google as them, it's part of the permissions you give up on any phone. *L*
Look at his google maps for ideas of who's involved and where they meet at.
Who proved that it NEVER HAPPENED as you claim?
Mueller and the Democrats. Going on 2 years now and they still do not have evidence a crime was committed that warranted the investigation in the 1st place.
That's what the investigation is for--to gather evidence. This has been one of the dumbest damned arguments against the Special Investigation from the get go. And it has been less than one year that the investigation has been going on.
Who proved that it NEVER HAPPENED as you claim?
Mueller and the Democrats. Going on 2 years now and they still do not have evidence a crime was committed that warranted the investigation in the 1st place.
That's what the investigation is for--to gather evidence. This has been one of the dumbest damned arguments against the Special Investigation from the get go. And it has been less than one year that the investigation has been going on.
what are they investigating? I'm sorry, but the DNC server was never investigated and that is what supposedly was hacked. So what exactly happened based on any evidence to start an investigation. I'm still waiting years later.
TruePundit again? LoL - they are not far off however. The House Intel Committee votes probably today on whether to release a memo cherrypicked out of context from classified information which the Justice Department warned would be "extraordinarily reckless" without their prior review. Devin "The Orange Panther" Nunes (who is supposed to be recused after thoroughly embarrassing himself with his botched midnight run to the White House) is at it again and Ryan, McCarthy and the rest of these traitors will likely vote it through - then it goes to (you'll never guess) T-Rump for final approval and release to the public.

Being a hit piece on Rosenstein, Sessions will promptly fire him and find someone else willing to fire Mueller. They claim of course that this has nothing to do with Russia, when it's obvious to anyone with a brain that it's ALL ABOUT Russia. All these bastards need to be arrested for leaking sensitive intel (reminder - totally cherrypicked and out of context) that could put our nation at risk.

Can you feel the desperation as Mueller gets closer and closer to closing the obstruction deal on Donald and the rest of these thugs? I know I can ...

House Intel committee could vote on Nunes memo as soon as Monday - CNNPolitics

By "the Justice Department," you mean Rosenstein. How inexplicable that he would be trying to prevent the publication of a memo that is extremely prejudicial to his conduct.

Rosenstein deserves to be fired for being involved in a coup against a lawfully elected president.
Who proved that it NEVER HAPPENED as you claim?
Mueller and the Democrats. Going on 2 years now and they still do not have evidence a crime was committed that warranted the investigation in the 1st place.
That's what the investigation is for--to gather evidence. This has been one of the dumbest damned arguments against the Special Investigation from the get go. And it has been less than one year that the investigation has been going on.

There has to be something that indicates a crime was committed. The whole thing about the Dossier is this UNSUBSTANTIATED, FROM A FOREIGN SPY THROUGH A COMPANY WORKNIG FOR THE RUSSIANS is NOT enough legally to open a Witch Hunt of this magnitude, to legally obtain warrants to spy on the political opposition during an election!

This investigation should NEVER have been opened because there was no evidence of a crime THEN, and going on the 2nd year of the witch hunt THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME NOW ... not committed by TRUMP.

Evidences DOES show crimes committed by HILLARY, MUELLER, MCCABE, STRZOK, LYNCH, RICE, CLAPPER, BRENNAN, ...and ...arguably, Obama himself!
Who proved that it NEVER HAPPENED as you claim?
Mueller and the Democrats. Going on 2 years now and they still do not have evidence a crime was committed that warranted the investigation in the 1st place.
That's what the investigation is for--to gather evidence. This has been one of the dumbest damned arguments against the Special Investigation from the get go. And it has been less than one year that the investigation has been going on.
what are they investigating? I'm sorry, but the DNC server was never investigated and that is what supposedly was hacked. So what exactly happened based on any evidence to start an investigation. I'm still waiting years later.
What's the problem with him requesting an extension from a judge for the surveillance?
LOL Crime of century!
No surveillance was needed or most importantly warranted in the 1st place.
The 'evidence' used the 1st time was unsubstantiated - hearsay BS not proven.
Rosenstein had nothing more as a result of the 1st surveillance warranting an extension....

AGAIN, going into the 2nd year Democrats STILL can't prove any crime was committed warranting an investigation....or surveillance...and the surveillance produced NOTHING.
Rosenstein will be replaced by his next in line, Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand, a young Trump appointee. She'll then most likely appoint a second special councel and go after Hillary and the Deep State.

Rachel Brand - Wikipedia

You may recall this is exactly what I predicted last week

Tom Horn
polishing knuckles on his shirt.
From the very start the Democrats put together the ULTIMATE treasonous little coup.

Hillary, Obama, Rosenstein, Holder, Lynch, Comey, Mueller, Strzok, Rice, Abedin, Mills...

It was BOUND to come unraveled because there is no way to hide something this huge, too many 'moving parts', to much of a trail, too much of a paper trail.
Who proved that it NEVER HAPPENED as you claim?
Mueller and the Democrats. Going on 2 years now and they still do not have evidence a crime was committed that warranted the investigation in the 1st place.
That's what the investigation is for--to gather evidence. This has been one of the dumbest damned arguments against the Special Investigation from the get go. And it has been less than one year that the investigation has been going on.

There has to be something that indicates a crime was committed. The whole thing about the Dossier is this UNSUBSTANTIATED, FROM A FOREIGN SPY THROUGH A COMPANY WORKNIG FOR THE RUSSIANS is NOT enough legally to open a Witch Hunt of this magnitude, to legally obtain warrants to spy on the political opposition during an election!

This investigation should NEVER have been opened because there was no evidence of a crime THEN, and going on the 2nd year of the witch hunt THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME NOW ... not committed by TRUMP.

Evidences DOES show crimes committed by HILLARY, MUELLER, MCCABE, STRZOK, LYNCH, RICE, CLAPPER, BRENNAN, ...and ...arguably, Obama himself!
Easy, I think a couple of things raised the question of campaign involvement: The large number of Trump staff/campaign members with Russian contact. The fact that the Russians very obviously favored Trump in the campaign. Trump doing plenty in the neighborhood of obstruction to make the investigation by the FBI go away. That was just suspicious until he fired Comey.
I don't see that there is ANY evidence of crimes committed by Mueller or McCabe, or the other people you listed. It's all as "imaginary" as what you say the Dems are "imagining" via collusion with Russia/money laundering.
You can't judge the investigation until you get its findings. That is when the evidence or lack thereof will be reported. I know you don't see that, but it is 100% true.
What's the problem with him requesting an extension from a judge for the surveillance?
LOL Crime of century!
No surveillance was needed or most importantly warranted in the 1st place.
The 'evidence' used the 1st time was unsubstantiated - hearsay BS not proven.
Rosenstein had nothing more as a result of the 1st surveillance warranting an extension....

AGAIN, going into the 2nd year Democrats STILL can't prove any crime was committed warranting an investigation....or surveillance...and the surveillance produced NOTHING.
When you prove to me that you are a FISA judge, I'll respect your opinion on that.
Easy, I think a couple of things raised the question of campaign involvement: The large number of Trump staff/campaign members with Russian contact. The fact that the Russians very obviously favored Trump in the campaign.


OBAMA himself that campaign staffs pre-coordinating with foreign reps was NORMAL. HE did it. HILLARY did it.

- Received $145 MILLION from the Russian KGB Bank as Hillary had done

- Whose Spouse had received $500k a speech from the KGB bank. like bill did
- When he could not meet with the Russian Nuclear Commission he reportedly met with Putin himself

- Received thousands of shares of un-reported stocks from the Russian KGB Bank like Hillary's campaign manager had

- Had 1/3rd of their own company's board of directors being prominent Russian businessmen who had direct contacts to the Kremlin and Putin Himself like Podesta

- Had a business working for the Russians

- Had a Brother who not only worked for the KGB Bank but also the Russian SPY agency that supposedly spied on the DNC

You DAMN-WELL .. or SHOULD ... that the Clintons and their campaign had infinitely more connections to the Russians. NOTHING Trump or any of his people were doing even comes CLOSE to what is listed above. While Mueller and Democrats still LOOK for evidence that Trump received Russian cash, stocks, help of any kind THERE IS NO DEN7YING THE MONEY THAT CHANGED HANDS BETWEEN THE RUSSIANDS AND HILLARY AND HER TEAM!
Steele did not pay Russians. That is another one of your fucking lies.

Being unsubstantiated does not mean it is not true.'

1. Steele did not collect all the data in his dossier himself. The accounts he wrote n the dossier are not all 1st-hand accounts. He was given / sold information in the dossier from RUSSIANS. Get your information straight.

2. 'Unsubstantiated' information is information not PROVEN to be true - like Mueller's whole witch hunt - NO EVIDENCE, just rumor / speculation, and hearsay. You can NOT legally get warrants to spy on people based on BS like that....but they did...illegally.

The under oath FUSION GPS testimony before the Intel congressional committees state's no one was paid, for the info...

So who is it that told you Steele paid for the info lie?

Than why is fusion GPS fighting the investigation of their banking records?
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The fact that the Russians very obviously favored Trump in the campaign.

BASED ON WHAT? I did not know that showering Hillary, her husband, and her campaign team with millions of dollars, Russian stocks, etc... was a sign of favoritism to TRUMP.

Trump doing plenty in the neighborhood of obstruction to make the investigation by the FBI go away.
- Democrats too stupid to realize 'I HOPE you' is not the same thing as 'I ORDER you to'?
- Trump firing Mueller, which he had ever tight to do since he leaked classified, hid evidence of Russian crimes dating back to 2014 (2014-2016), criminally protecting Hillary from indictment?

..and for God's sake be honest enough to admit Trump had the Constitutional authority to fire the FBI Director. Guess what - he won't do it but he also has the authority to fire Mueller.
The fact that McCabe suddenly resigned is an indication that things are falling apart in the Mueller investigation. Maybe Hillary is next.
I don't see that there is ANY evidence of crimes committed by Mueller or McCabe, or the other people you listed.
I am starting to lose more and more respect for you because your objectivity ... and intelligence .. is starting to come into question.

Evidence exists proving Mueller hid evidence of Russian crimes in 2009.

Comey - we talked about.

McCabe: Mr. 'Insurance Policy'? Mr. Leaked classified, the guy the FBI Director just FIRED after looking at the Summary of Evidence?

Strzok: Proven to have taken action preventing the indictment of Hillary, Abedin, Mills

Hillary - PROVEN to have committed crimes

Lynch: Evidence shows she knew Hillary would not be indicted when Comey wrote the letter exonerating her prior to the investigation ending - the IG identified deviations from standard practices within the FBI and DOJ during Hillary's investigation

And on and on....

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