BREAKING-FBI Official: Rosenstein To Be Fired After Memo Release; USED Bogus Dossier FISA Warrant

I have no doubt that Rosenstein if all of this stuff is true,
is dead meat.

This is all going to create an interesting batting order.
A diversion, if you prefer.

The Donald, the master of making people look over there, instead
of here, will be in his prime area.

He will move quickly to replace Rosenstein. Whomever it is will have
to be approved. Rosenstein's spot will be covered by an appointee of
The Donald, while approval is sought for the new appointment.

Rosenstein's temp is gonna create just enough havoc to force the Dems
to speed up the approval.

But folks, Rosenstein's replacement is only going to be that for a short
period of time. A very short period of time. The Individual hired to replace
Rosenstein, will, in actuality, be hired to replace Sessions.

The plan is simple.

* Oust Rosenstein
* Another Dep AG (This one a Trump appointee) takes his spot.
* New Replacement approved.
* After a very brief lull...Trump fires Sessions,
* Rosenstein's replacement is named "Acting" Atty General.
* Senate approves Appt.
* The current Dep AG that replaced Rosenstein stays as back-up
to the new AG
* Trump appoints new #3 in the DOJ

Trump ain't going after just Rosenstein...he's going after Sessions
also because of how inept he has been in the position,

He just needs to keep the DOJ functioning properly so he doesn't
oust Sessions, w/o guaranteeing a GOP successor.
Rodenstein WAS TRUMPS PICK for the job, silly.

Your god is running scared of something, wonder what it is that he wants to cover up? He's acting like a mob boss crook....
Uh no! Sessions suggested Trump hire him. It's clear now that Sessions was a Deep State mole that insulated himself early in the Trump campaign in case Trump was elected. He could lay down interference in case Trump went after the crimes perpetuated by the Obama and his loyalists in their coup to oust him.
Steele did not pay Russians. That is another one of your fucking lies.

Being unsubstantiated does not mean it is not true.

The parts of the dossier that Steele did not do were indeed substantiated.

If anyone did something illegal, they should follow the protocol, to investigate, then charge with the ALLEDGED crime or mislead.

No one believes Nunez and his partisan hype, because he chose to politicize it and chose to work with no one else on the intelligence committee that he heads, though supposedly recused from due to him being on the Trump transition team....

Only TrumpTards would buy in to this unethical garbage and handling of this.... :cuckoo:
I have no doubt that Rosenstein if all of this stuff is true,
is dead meat.

This is all going to create an interesting batting order.
A diversion, if you prefer.

The Donald, the master of making people look over there, instead
of here, will be in his prime area.

He will move quickly to replace Rosenstein. Whomever it is will have
to be approved. Rosenstein's spot will be covered by an appointee of
The Donald, while approval is sought for the new appointment.

Rosenstein's temp is gonna create just enough havoc to force the Dems
to speed up the approval.

But folks, Rosenstein's replacement is only going to be that for a short
period of time. A very short period of time. The Individual hired to replace
Rosenstein, will, in actuality, be hired to replace Sessions.

The plan is simple.

* Oust Rosenstein
* Another Dep AG (This one a Trump appointee) takes his spot.
* New Replacement approved.
* After a very brief lull...Trump fires Sessions,
* Rosenstein's replacement is named "Acting" Atty General.
* Senate approves Appt.
* The current Dep AG that replaced Rosenstein stays as back-up
to the new AG
* Trump appoints new #3 in the DOJ

Trump ain't going after just Rosenstein...he's going after Sessions
also because of how inept he has been in the position,

He just needs to keep the DOJ functioning properly so he doesn't
oust Sessions, w/o guaranteeing a GOP successor.
Rodenstein WAS TRUMPS PICK for the job, silly.

Your god is running scared of something, wonder what it is that he wants to cover up? He's acting like a mob boss crook....

Of course he nominated him. Now he's going to get rid of him and then
he'll dump Sessions.
I have no doubt that Rosenstein if all of this stuff is true,
is dead meat.

This is all going to create an interesting batting order.
A diversion, if you prefer.

The Donald, the master of making people look over there, instead
of here, will be in his prime area.

He will move quickly to replace Rosenstein. Whomever it is will have
to be approved. Rosenstein's spot will be covered by an appointee of
The Donald, while approval is sought for the new appointment.

Rosenstein's temp is gonna create just enough havoc to force the Dems
to speed up the approval.

But folks, Rosenstein's replacement is only going to be that for a short
period of time. A very short period of time. The Individual hired to replace
Rosenstein, will, in actuality, be hired to replace Sessions.

The plan is simple.

* Oust Rosenstein
* Another Dep AG (This one a Trump appointee) takes his spot.
* New Replacement approved.
* After a very brief lull...Trump fires Sessions,
* Rosenstein's replacement is named "Acting" Atty General.
* Senate approves Appt.
* The current Dep AG that replaced Rosenstein stays as back-up
to the new AG
* Trump appoints new #3 in the DOJ

Trump ain't going after just Rosenstein...he's going after Sessions
also because of how inept he has been in the position,

He just needs to keep the DOJ functioning properly so he doesn't
oust Sessions, w/o guaranteeing a GOP successor.
Rodenstein WAS TRUMPS PICK for the job, silly.

Your god is running scared of something, wonder what it is that he wants to cover up? He's acting like a mob boss crook....
Uh no! Sessions suggested Trump hire him. It's clear now that Sessions was a Deep State mole that insulated himself early in the Trump campaign in case Trump was elected. He could lay down interference in case Trump went after the crimes perpetuated by the Obama and his loyalists in their coup to oust him.
I have no doubt that Rosenstein if all of this stuff is true,
is dead meat.

This is all going to create an interesting batting order.
A diversion, if you prefer.

The Donald, the master of making people look over there, instead
of here, will be in his prime area.

He will move quickly to replace Rosenstein. Whomever it is will have
to be approved. Rosenstein's spot will be covered by an appointee of
The Donald, while approval is sought for the new appointment.

Rosenstein's temp is gonna create just enough havoc to force the Dems
to speed up the approval.

But folks, Rosenstein's replacement is only going to be that for a short
period of time. A very short period of time. The Individual hired to replace
Rosenstein, will, in actuality, be hired to replace Sessions.

The plan is simple.

* Oust Rosenstein
* Another Dep AG (This one a Trump appointee) takes his spot.
* New Replacement approved.
* After a very brief lull...Trump fires Sessions,
* Rosenstein's replacement is named "Acting" Atty General.
* Senate approves Appt.
* The current Dep AG that replaced Rosenstein stays as back-up
to the new AG
* Trump appoints new #3 in the DOJ

Trump ain't going after just Rosenstein...he's going after Sessions
also because of how inept he has been in the position,

He just needs to keep the DOJ functioning properly so he doesn't
oust Sessions, w/o guaranteeing a GOP successor.
Rodenstein WAS TRUMPS PICK for the job, silly.

Your god is running scared of something, wonder what it is that he wants to cover up? He's acting like a mob boss crook....

Of course he nominated him. Now he's going to get rid of him and then
he'll dump Sessions.
"Only the best people"
Steele did not pay Russians. That is another one of your fucking lies.

Being unsubstantiated does not mean it is not true.'

1. Steele did not collect all the data in his dossier himself. The accounts he wrote n the dossier are not all 1st-hand accounts. He was given / sold information in the dossier from RUSSIANS. Get your information straight.

2. 'Unsubstantiated' information is information not PROVEN to be true - like Mueller's whole witch hunt - NO EVIDENCE, just rumor / speculation, and hearsay. You can NOT legally get warrants to spy on people based on BS like that....but they did...illegally.
If anyone did something illegal, they should follow the protocol, to investigate, then charge with the ALLEDGED crime or mislead.
That's the thing - Democrats can't even prove a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

The entire basis for the investigation was / is RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE...and it has been PROVEN to be NOTHING - NEVER HAPPENED.

The evidence of that is that the Democrats are trying to go after Trump now for THINKING of firing Mueller, the investigator of a NON-crime proven now to never have happened. The Russian dossier is not even being talked about anymore EXCEPT in that it now looks like Mueller used it to ILLEGALLY obtain warrants to investigate Trump and his team, again, for a NON-CRIME.

Once more in this investigation Democrat crimes and potential Democrat crimes have been exposed and need investigating.
I have no doubt that Rosenstein if all of this stuff is true,
is dead meat.

This is all going to create an interesting batting order.
A diversion, if you prefer.

The Donald, the master of making people look over there, instead
of here, will be in his prime area.

He will move quickly to replace Rosenstein. Whomever it is will have
to be approved. Rosenstein's spot will be covered by an appointee of
The Donald, while approval is sought for the new appointment.

Rosenstein's temp is gonna create just enough havoc to force the Dems
to speed up the approval.

But folks, Rosenstein's replacement is only going to be that for a short
period of time. A very short period of time. The Individual hired to replace
Rosenstein, will, in actuality, be hired to replace Sessions.

The plan is simple.

* Oust Rosenstein
* Another Dep AG (This one a Trump appointee) takes his spot.
* New Replacement approved.
* After a very brief lull...Trump fires Sessions,
* Rosenstein's replacement is named "Acting" Atty General.
* Senate approves Appt.
* The current Dep AG that replaced Rosenstein stays as back-up
to the new AG
* Trump appoints new #3 in the DOJ

Trump ain't going after just Rosenstein...he's going after Sessions
also because of how inept he has been in the position,

He just needs to keep the DOJ functioning properly so he doesn't
oust Sessions, w/o guaranteeing a GOP successor.
Rodenstein WAS TRUMPS PICK for the job, silly.

Your god is running scared of something, wonder what it is that he wants to cover up? He's acting like a mob boss crook....
Uh no! Sessions suggested Trump hire him. It's clear now that Sessions was a Deep State mole that insulated himself early in the Trump campaign in case Trump was elected. He could lay down interference in case Trump went after the crimes perpetuated by the Obama and his loyalists in their coup to oust him.

I don't know that Sessions was a mole. But, I've seen strong evidence since
he became AG that he is a weasel.

Rosenstein would run interference for Obama, and everybody at the DOJ
is running circles around Sessions.

The Donald just needs to be smart. Get this info out and then Dump Rosenstein. Leave Mueller alone for the time being. Do not Change the
Issue. Do not give the Dems other talking points. Get a new person
appointed...then dump Sessions.

I heard the other day that The Donald could help shape Mueller questions
to him, by telling him he'll answer questions on Collusion but wants an
opinion from SCOTUS on "Obstruction of Justice...compared to him doing
his job as POTUS."

Their definition/directions would handcuff Mueller.

Forget Mueller. Get this crap cleared up at the DOJ and the Mueller
probe will take care of itself.
If anyone did something illegal, they should follow the protocol, to investigate, then charge with the ALLEDGED crime or mislead.
That's the thing - Democrats can't even prove a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

The entire basis for the investigation was / is RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE...and it has been PROVEN to be NOTHING - NEVER HAPPENED.

The evidence of that is that the Democrats are trying to go after Trump now for THINKING of firing Mueller, the investigator of a NON-crime proven now to never have happened. The Russian dossier is not even being talked about anymore EXCEPT in that it now looks like Mueller used it to ILLEGALLY obtain warrants to investigate Trump and his team, again, for a NON-CRIME.

Once more in this investigation Democrat crimes and potential Democrat crimes have been exposed and need investigating.
Who proved that it NEVER HAPPENED as you claim?
Who proved that it NEVER HAPPENED as you claim?
Mueller and the Democrats. Going on 2 years now and they still do not have evidence a crime was committed that warranted the investigation in the 1st place.
Steele did not pay Russians. That is another one of your fucking lies.

Being unsubstantiated does not mean it is not true.'

1. Steele did not collect all the data in his dossier himself. The accounts he wrote n the dossier are not all 1st-hand accounts. He was given / sold information in the dossier from RUSSIANS. Get your information straight.

2. 'Unsubstantiated' information is information not PROVEN to be true - like Mueller's whole witch hunt - NO EVIDENCE, just rumor / speculation, and hearsay. You can NOT legally get warrants to spy on people based on BS like that....but they did...illegally.

The under oath FUSION GPS testimony before the Intel congressional committees state's no one was paid, for the info...

So who is it that told you Steele paid for the info lie?
If anyone did something illegal, they should follow the protocol, to investigate, then charge with the ALLEDGED crime or mislead.
That's the thing - Democrats can't even prove a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

The entire basis for the investigation was / is RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE...and it has been PROVEN to be NOTHING - NEVER HAPPENED.

The evidence of that is that the Democrats are trying to go after Trump now for THINKING of firing Mueller, the investigator of a NON-crime proven now to never have happened. The Russian dossier is not even being talked about anymore EXCEPT in that it now looks like Mueller used it to ILLEGALLY obtain warrants to investigate Trump and his team, again, for a NON-CRIME.

Once more in this investigation Democrat crimes and potential Democrat crimes have been exposed and need investigating.
Who proved that it NEVER HAPPENED as you claim?
no federal intelligence agency looked at the DNC server. case over.
no federal intelligence agency looked at the DNC server. case over.
You're supposed to take the DNC's word for it.... the word of the DNC Hillary 'Bought' and used illegally, the DNC that rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, and the DNC exposed by their own e-mails as being racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic. :p
Memo claims Rosenstein approved application to extend surveillance of Carter Page: report

'Deputy Attorney General
Rod Rosenstein approved an application last year to extend surveillance of former Trump campaign associate Carter Page, according to a secret Republican memo detailed in a The New York Times report.

According to the Times, which cited three people familiar with the memo, the FBI and Justice Department's application was based partially on research by investigator Christopher Steele, who compiled a dossier containing unverified claims about
President Trump's ties to Russia.

The GOP memo alleges officials did not sufficiently explain their reasoning for extending the surveillance, it added.

"Based on numerous news reports, top officials at the F.B.I. have engaged in conduct that shows bias against President Trump and bias for
Hillary Clinton," he said, according to the Times.'

Yeah, much to the chagrin of the Left on here, not only is the memo to be released, the evidence supporting the conclusion is also. That is the key!

They have a lot more, but are keeping their powder dry, for when the Left tries to lie. The other evidence will make the Democrats keep quiet.

By the way------------> Ummmmmm, Trump has repeatedly said there was no collusion. At least 25 times I think.

Where exactly are the texting twosome, and the rest of the Democrats denying the allegations against them? We haven't heard a thing, have we? Wonder why-)

And the same goes for the Democrats................they haven't claimed the conclusions are all lies, just kinda taken out of context. Basically all we have seen from them is------> constant attempts to block its release. Wonder why on that too-)
the left isn't against interfering in elections. it is quite clear. so since they don't care why is there a mueller?
Ummm Dr, Nunes was doing his job going to the president pointing out this problem with illegal spying, which was right all along. Therefore Adam Schiff asking for Nunes to recuse himself to protect this Dem illegal activity end up being the one "obstructing justice" and now has to be questioned as to how much he knew and why did Adam "leaker" Schiff not recuse himself knowing he could not be non partisan and knew of the phoney investigation as a political tactic by his party.

LoL - Nunes is not a "Doctor" of anything. He's an intellectually challenged bumpkin from Tulare/ Fresno area with an AG degree. But if you're looking for further embarrassment and legal peril - He's your guy!
I didn't call him a Dr, the comma denoted addressing you, or have you forgotten your posting name already. *LOL*
Nunes was being a patriot while you want him not to be and support the people like Schiff who are treasonous in their soft coup activities.

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