BREAKING-FBI Official: Rosenstein To Be Fired After Memo Release; USED Bogus Dossier FISA Warrant

As the OP's news posts here are notorious for being wrong and/or misleading, I did a quick check. It all stems from this article that was posted two days ago; A Frustrated Trump Has Reportedly Mulled Firing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Once the far right blogosphere gets done putting their own spin on it, facts become irrelevant.
As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative with impeccable moral values and character, I only post the factual truth. The Jew Rob Rosenstein will be fired after the memo release.
As the OP's news posts here are notorious for being wrong and/or misleading, I did a quick check. It all stems from this article that was posted two days ago; A Frustrated Trump Has Reportedly Mulled Firing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Once the far right blogosphere gets done putting their own spin on it, facts become irrelevant.
As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative with impeccable moral values and character, I only post the factual truth. The Jew Rob Rosenstein will be fired after the memo release.
We're all SO excited! Anything yet?
Anything yet? It's 10:28 on the East Coast.....why so slow?
I see you are mentally challenged when it comes to reading comprehension skills. I posted when the vote will take place for the memo release in the op.
As the OP's news posts here are notorious for being wrong and/or misleading, I did a quick check. It all stems from this article that was posted two days ago; A Frustrated Trump Has Reportedly Mulled Firing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Once the far right blogosphere gets done putting their own spin on it, facts become irrelevant.
As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative with impeccable moral values and character, I only post the factual truth. The Jew Rob Rosenstein will be fired after the memo release.
We're all SO excited! Anything yet?

Has Trump been impeached yet? I've been asking that question for almost a year.
As the OP's news posts here are notorious for being wrong and/or misleading, I did a quick check. It all stems from this article that was posted two days ago; A Frustrated Trump Has Reportedly Mulled Firing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Once the far right blogosphere gets done putting their own spin on it, facts become irrelevant.
As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative with impeccable moral values and character, I only post the factual truth. The Jew Rob Rosenstein will be fired after the memo release.
We're all SO excited! Anything yet?

Has Trump been impeached yet? I've been asking that question for almost a year.
No, in fact there's been no move to start the process. How about that Special Counsel for H. Clinton we had a mod assure us was imminent on July 29......and her indictments? What about them?
Buckle your seatbelts folks. The shit is hitting the fan today and basically, all week. The House Intelligence Committee will vote at 5 PM Eastern today to release the memo spelling doom for Rosenstein, and others. In essence, it's the beginning of the end of the Deep State.

FBI Official: Rosenstein Will Be Fired After Memo Released; USED Bogus Trump Dossier for FISA Warrant – True Pundit

From what I have gathered based on what has been leaked so far, if the Russia-Propaganda-filled, unsubstantiated report bought by Hillary, the FBI, the DNC, and Obama was really used as the basis for obtaining ILLEGAL warrants with which to ILLEGALL wire tap and spy on the GOP candidate during an election (can you say WORSE than Watergate / Constitutional Violation), BEING FIRED SHOULDBE THE LEAST OF ROSENSTIEN'S WORRIES.

The dude should be the 1st of many to be PERP-WALKED....quickly followed by Comey, McCabe, Strzok, & Lynch...not long followed by Mueller, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, & Sheryl Mills....then NSA Director James Clapper and CIA Director Brennan... and eventually by Barak Obama!
Buckle your seatbelts folks. The shit is hitting the fan today and basically, all week. The House Intelligence Committee will vote at 5 PM Eastern today to release the memo spelling doom for Rosenstein, and others. In essence, it's the beginning of the end of the Deep State.

FBI Official: Rosenstein Will Be Fired After Memo Released; USED Bogus Trump Dossier for FISA Warrant – True Pundit

From what I have gathered based on what has been leaked so far, if the Russia-Propaganda-filled, unsubstantiated report bought by Hillary, the FBI, the DNC, and Obama was really used as the basis for obtaining ILLEGAL warrants with which to ILLEGALL wire tap and spy on the GOP candidate during an election (can you say WORSE than Watergate / Constitutional Violation), BEING FIRED SHOULDBE THE LEAST OF ROSENSTIEN'S WORRIES.

The dude should be the 1st of many to be PERP-WALKED....quickly followed by Comey, McCabe, Strzok, & Lynch...not long followed by Mueller, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, & Sheryl Mills....then NSA Director James Clapper and CIA Director Brennan... and eventually by Barak Obama!

So, your candidate and/or someone in his campaign was picked up by spying on Russian agents, and it is the Democrat's fault.

If a judge OK a warrant, doesn't that make it legal.?
It's now 11: 26 on the East Coast. Any word yet? Half their working day is over.
So, your candidate and/or someone in his campaign was picked up by spying on Russian agents, and it is the Democrat's fault.

If a judge OK a warrant, doesn't that make it legal.?

Please provide the evidence / links to support you BS....

And the answer to your question is NO. If an unsubstantiated document obtained from a foreign spy through a company working for the Russians is used as a basis to obtain a warrant to spy on an opposing political candidate during an election it is NOT legal.

Rosenstein and Mueller (proven with links posted last week, and before) prove Rosenstein have a documented history of breaking laws, hiding evidence, lying, and trampling witnesses' right to get what they want. They have billed witnesses, withheld evidence that would have prevented innocent people from going to jail, and concocted fake crimes to send innocent people to jail.

This would be just another crime they have committed. Rather than just be fired, again, Rosenstein should be PERP-WALKED if this turns out to be true.
TruePundit again? LoL - they are not far off however. The House Intel Committee votes probably today on whether to release a memo cherrypicked out of context from classified information which the Justice Department warned would be "extraordinarily reckless" without their prior review. Devin "The Orange Panther" Nunes (who is supposed to be recused after thoroughly embarrassing himself with his botched midnight run to the White House) is at it again and Ryan, McCarthy and the rest of these traitors will likely vote it through - then it goes to (you'll never guess) T-Rump for final approval and release to the public.

Being a hit piece on Rosenstein, Sessions will promptly fire him and find someone else willing to fire Mueller. They claim of course that this has nothing to do with Russia, when it's obvious to anyone with a brain that it's ALL ABOUT Russia. All these bastards need to be arrested for leaking sensitive intel (reminder - totally cherrypicked and out of context) that could put our nation at risk.

Can you feel the desperation as Mueller gets closer and closer to closing the obstruction deal on Donald and the rest of these thugs? I know I can ...

House Intel committee could vote on Nunes memo as soon as Monday - CNNPolitics
I hope you're wrong about this.
so you don't want to end corruption in DC? what a shame.

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