BREAKING-FBI Official: Rosenstein To Be Fired After Memo Release; USED Bogus Dossier FISA Warrant

Easy, I think a couple of things raised the question of campaign involvement: The large number of Trump staff/campaign members with Russian contact. The fact that the Russians very obviously favored Trump in the campaign.


OBAMA himself that campaign staffs pre-coordinating with foreign reps was NORMAL. HE did it. HILLARY did it.

- Received $145 MILLION from the Russian KGB Bank as Hillary had done

- Whose Spouse had received $500k a speech from the KGB bank. like bill did
- When he could not meet with the Russian Nuclear Commission he reportedly met with Putin himself

- Received thousands of shares of un-reported stocks from the Russian KGB Bank like Hillary's campaign manager had

- Had 1/3rd of their own company's board of directors being prominent Russian businessmen who had direct contacts to the Kremlin and Putin Himself like Podesta

- Had a business working for the Russians

- Had a Brother who not only worked for the KGB Bank but also the Russian SPY agency that supposedly spied on the DNC

You DAMN-WELL .. or SHOULD ... that the Clintons and their campaign had infinitely more connections to the Russians. NOTHING Trump or any of his people were doing even comes CLOSE to what is listed above. While Mueller and Democrats still LOOK for evidence that Trump received Russian cash, stocks, help of any kind THERE IS NO DEN7YING THE MONEY THAT CHANGED HANDS BETWEEN THE RUSSIANDS AND HILLARY AND HER TEAM!
It's pretty obvious, though, that the Russians weren't helping get her elected. That's the difference.

You know what, that is a partisan answer if I ever saw one. You have NOTHING on Trump, and yet you believe it. But when we try and show you what is actually going on, you just push it aside.

I always thought that you were an honest broker, but it appears not.
What do I believe about Trump?

That he and the Russians were involved!

Do you understand if you take the lefts view, how idiotic that is?

If you listen to the left, he is the dumbest, idiotic, incompetent, self centered, no nothing President we have ever had. And yet, this guy has been able to hide all his collusion from the brilliant, FB!, DOJ, CIA, and NSA, for 18 months.

Do YOU, as a thinking individual actually think that sounds realistic to you?
That he and the Russians were involved!
? No, I don't believe that. I'm waiting for the investigation and see what it says.

I think Trump IS the dumbest, most self centered and incompetent President we have ever had, that's true, but it has nothing to do with the Russia investigation.

OBAMA himself that campaign staffs pre-coordinating with foreign reps was NORMAL. HE did it. HILLARY did it.

- Received $145 MILLION from the Russian KGB Bank as Hillary had done

- Whose Spouse had received $500k a speech from the KGB bank. like bill did
- When he could not meet with the Russian Nuclear Commission he reportedly met with Putin himself

- Received thousands of shares of un-reported stocks from the Russian KGB Bank like Hillary's campaign manager had

- Had 1/3rd of their own company's board of directors being prominent Russian businessmen who had direct contacts to the Kremlin and Putin Himself like Podesta

- Had a business working for the Russians

- Had a Brother who not only worked for the KGB Bank but also the Russian SPY agency that supposedly spied on the DNC

You DAMN-WELL .. or SHOULD ... that the Clintons and their campaign had infinitely more connections to the Russians. NOTHING Trump or any of his people were doing even comes CLOSE to what is listed above. While Mueller and Democrats still LOOK for evidence that Trump received Russian cash, stocks, help of any kind THERE IS NO DEN7YING THE MONEY THAT CHANGED HANDS BETWEEN THE RUSSIANDS AND HILLARY AND HER TEAM!
It's pretty obvious, though, that the Russians weren't helping get her elected. That's the difference.

You know what, that is a partisan answer if I ever saw one. You have NOTHING on Trump, and yet you believe it. But when we try and show you what is actually going on, you just push it aside.

I always thought that you were an honest broker, but it appears not.
What do I believe about Trump?

That he and the Russians were involved!

Do you understand if you take the lefts view, how idiotic that is?

If you listen to the left, he is the dumbest, idiotic, incompetent, self centered, no nothing President we have ever had. And yet, this guy has been able to hide all his collusion from the brilliant, FB!, DOJ, CIA, and NSA, for 18 months.

Do YOU, as a thinking individual actually think that sounds realistic to you?
That he and the Russians were involved!
No, I don't believe that. I'm waiting for the investigation and see what it says.

I think Trump IS the dumbest, most self centered and incompetent President we have ever had, that's true, but it has nothing to do with the Russia investigation.
so naive.
Easy, I think a couple of things raised the question of campaign involvement: The large number of Trump staff/campaign members with Russian contact. The fact that the Russians very obviously favored Trump in the campaign.


OBAMA himself that campaign staffs pre-coordinating with foreign reps was NORMAL. HE did it. HILLARY did it.

- Received $145 MILLION from the Russian KGB Bank as Hillary had done

- Whose Spouse had received $500k a speech from the KGB bank. like bill did
- When he could not meet with the Russian Nuclear Commission he reportedly met with Putin himself

- Received thousands of shares of un-reported stocks from the Russian KGB Bank like Hillary's campaign manager had

- Had 1/3rd of their own company's board of directors being prominent Russian businessmen who had direct contacts to the Kremlin and Putin Himself like Podesta

- Had a business working for the Russians

- Had a Brother who not only worked for the KGB Bank but also the Russian SPY agency that supposedly spied on the DNC

You DAMN-WELL .. or SHOULD ... that the Clintons and their campaign had infinitely more connections to the Russians. NOTHING Trump or any of his people were doing even comes CLOSE to what is listed above. While Mueller and Democrats still LOOK for evidence that Trump received Russian cash, stocks, help of any kind THERE IS NO DEN7YING THE MONEY THAT CHANGED HANDS BETWEEN THE RUSSIANDS AND HILLARY AND HER TEAM!
CIA had reported that Putin gave direct instructions to help Trump.
And clapper says it also.
But its more than just Russia, its voter id / suppression also.

Clinton Foundation can receive foreign money because Citizens United allows it.
Trump campaign did same thing.
Easy, I think a couple of things raised the question of campaign involvement: The large number of Trump staff/campaign members with Russian contact. The fact that the Russians very obviously favored Trump in the campaign.


OBAMA himself that campaign staffs pre-coordinating with foreign reps was NORMAL. HE did it. HILLARY did it.

- Received $145 MILLION from the Russian KGB Bank as Hillary had done

- Whose Spouse had received $500k a speech from the KGB bank. like bill did
- When he could not meet with the Russian Nuclear Commission he reportedly met with Putin himself

- Received thousands of shares of un-reported stocks from the Russian KGB Bank like Hillary's campaign manager had

- Had 1/3rd of their own company's board of directors being prominent Russian businessmen who had direct contacts to the Kremlin and Putin Himself like Podesta

- Had a business working for the Russians

- Had a Brother who not only worked for the KGB Bank but also the Russian SPY agency that supposedly spied on the DNC

You DAMN-WELL .. or SHOULD ... that the Clintons and their campaign had infinitely more connections to the Russians. NOTHING Trump or any of his people were doing even comes CLOSE to what is listed above. While Mueller and Democrats still LOOK for evidence that Trump received Russian cash, stocks, help of any kind THERE IS NO DEN7YING THE MONEY THAT CHANGED HANDS BETWEEN THE RUSSIANDS AND HILLARY AND HER TEAM!
CIA had reported that Putin gave direct instructions to help Trump.
And clapper says it also.
But its more than just Russia, its voter id / suppression also.

Clinton Foundation can receive foreign money because Citizens United allows it.
Trump campaign did same thing.
Easy, McCabe wasn't fired.

FBI's No. 2 'removed' from post"

I stand 'corrected'. :p

"Top FBI official Andrew McCabe has been "removed" from his post as deputy director, Fox News is told, leaving the bureau after months of conflict-of-interest complaints from Republicans including President Trump"

Sure as hell sounds like he was 'fired' to me..... Can someone explain to me what the difference is?

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe 'removed' from the bureau

FBI's No. 2 official McCabe, blasted by Trump, steps down
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe stepping down
New York Times:
F.B.I. Deputy Director, Attacked by Trump, Steps Down

Stepped down.

OBAMA himself that campaign staffs pre-coordinating with foreign reps was NORMAL. HE did it. HILLARY did it.

- Received $145 MILLION from the Russian KGB Bank as Hillary had done

- Whose Spouse had received $500k a speech from the KGB bank. like bill did
- When he could not meet with the Russian Nuclear Commission he reportedly met with Putin himself

- Received thousands of shares of un-reported stocks from the Russian KGB Bank like Hillary's campaign manager had

- Had 1/3rd of their own company's board of directors being prominent Russian businessmen who had direct contacts to the Kremlin and Putin Himself like Podesta

- Had a business working for the Russians

- Had a Brother who not only worked for the KGB Bank but also the Russian SPY agency that supposedly spied on the DNC

You DAMN-WELL .. or SHOULD ... that the Clintons and their campaign had infinitely more connections to the Russians. NOTHING Trump or any of his people were doing even comes CLOSE to what is listed above. While Mueller and Democrats still LOOK for evidence that Trump received Russian cash, stocks, help of any kind THERE IS NO DEN7YING THE MONEY THAT CHANGED HANDS BETWEEN THE RUSSIANDS AND HILLARY AND HER TEAM!
It's pretty obvious, though, that the Russians weren't helping get her elected. That's the difference.

You know what, that is a partisan answer if I ever saw one. You have NOTHING on Trump, and yet you believe it. But when we try and show you what is actually going on, you just push it aside.

I always thought that you were an honest broker, but it appears not.
What do I believe about Trump?

That he and the Russians were involved!

Do you understand if you take the lefts view, how idiotic that is?

If you listen to the left, he is the dumbest, idiotic, incompetent, self centered, no nothing President we have ever had. And yet, this guy has been able to hide all his collusion from the brilliant, FB!, DOJ, CIA, and NSA, for 18 months.

Do YOU, as a thinking individual actually think that sounds realistic to you?
That he and the Russians were involved!
No, I don't believe that. I'm waiting for the investigation and see what it says.

I think Trump IS the dumbest, most self centered and incompetent President we have ever had, that's true, but it has nothing to do with the Russia investigation.

Well then, we can agree to disagree.
Buckle your seatbelts folks. The shit is hitting the fan today and basically, all week. The House Intelligence Committee will vote at 5 PM Eastern today to release the memo spelling doom for Rosenstein, and others. In essence, it's the beginning of the end of the Deep State.

FBI Official: Rosenstein Will Be Fired After Memo Released; USED Bogus Trump Dossier for FISA Warrant – True Pundit


Trump and Putin hacked the ELECTION!





DIAF or ESAD, Progs.
They only released Democratic dirt to Wikileaks and their bots and fake social media accounts pushed Trump.

Except Assange denies the snowflake claims.

Except the claims that the Russians hacked their information was never substantiated because the DNV would never turn over their server for verification.

AT THE SAME TIME THE DNC WAS CLAIMING THE RUSSIANS HACKED THEM, the story about how Debbie Wasserman-Schultz had given terrorist-connected Pakistani spies access to the DNC's server, all the DNC's e-mails, their usernames, and passwords.

The DNC, that rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, illegally used campaign contributions meant for other candidates on Hillary, and who had illegally given access to classified House files AND all of their own information tp terrorist-connected Pakistani spies were claiming 'the Russians did it' without providing any evidence they did.....

....and you just want to buy it hook, line, and sinker.

:p Bwuhahahaha......

you're funny trumpflake. there were no rigged primaries. ithe dems did not engage in electoral fraud and Hillary never illegally gave access to house files.

assange is a Russian tool...

got it, sergei?
They only released Democratic dirt to Wikileaks and their bots and fake social media accounts pushed Trump.

Except Assange denies the snowflake claims.

Except the claims that the Russians hacked their information was never substantiated because the DNV would never turn over their server for verification.

AT THE SAME TIME THE DNC WAS CLAIMING THE RUSSIANS HACKED THEM, the story about how Debbie Wasserman-Schultz had given terrorist-connected Pakistani spies access to the DNC's server, all the DNC's e-mails, their usernames, and passwords.

The DNC, that rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, illegally used campaign contributions meant for other candidates on Hillary, and who had illegally given access to classified House files AND all of their own information tp terrorist-connected Pakistani spies were claiming 'the Russians did it' without providing any evidence they did.....

....and you just want to buy it hook, line, and sinker.

:p Bwuhahahaha......

you're funny trumpflake. there were no rigged primaries. ithe dems did not engage in electoral fraud and Hillary never illegally gave access to house files.

assange is a Russian tool...

got it, sergei?
except that they did. thanks.
so you don't want to end corruption in DC? what a shame.
I'd like to, but I feel some of Trump's followers are among the corrupt. I'll wait til I see the memo before I decide what it "proves."

It will "prove" absolutely nothing out of the context to the entire CLASSIFIED file that Little Devin Demanded and then cherrypicked.
I didn't call him a Dr, the comma denoted addressing you, or have you forgotten your posting name already. *LOL*
Nunes was being a patriot while you want him not to be and support the people like Schiff who are treasonous in their soft coup activities.

Thanks for the clarification but it wasn't at all clear - That Little Bitch is a Dr of Idiocy, Stonewalling and Shade-throwing.
I hope you're wrong about this.

I hope I am too, but at this point - I'd bet a dollar to make 75 cents that this is exactly what's about to transpire. It's a highly transparent end around that will create a constitutional crisis.

Maybe it should. The politicians in Washington aren't stupid. This memo, if released, and if explosive, will be a lot like Watergate.

I hope you're wrong about this.

I hope I am too, but at this point - I'd bet a dollar to make 75 cents that this is exactly what's about to transpire. It's a highly transparent end around that will create a constitutional crisis.

Maybe it should. The politicians in Washington aren't stupid. This memo, if released, and if explosive, will be a lot like Watergate.


It will only be "explosive" in the respect that it's cherrypicked, out of context info as Little Devin and his team of trolls deemed relevant to getting Mueller fired.

PS: Nunes is a STUPID fuck
Since everyone including foreign leaders supposedly knows what's in the memo, shouldn't Nunes be arrested for revealing classified information when it is still classified?

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