Breaking! John Bolton Endorses Joe Biden

One man one vote, And he should consider him self lucky, he gets to do mail in and not stand in virus filled lines.
Biden is in a bind with this endorsement.

Just made me laugh for the second time today... One year ago John Bolton was the object of the Leftists ire, they called him everything but christian. Now they are having a love fest..... oh well, the enemy of my enemy is my friend until i win, then I'll have to him hung too.
Ouch, that is not gonna help Biden one damn bit with his base....Its hilarious though!
If elected, Biden won’t be dumb enough to appoint this bastard to even a position as dogcatcher. Everybody, including Bolton, knows that. There are always enough liberal warmongers and imperialists to meet any need. Biden may end up getting us involved in military adventures, or not. His and U.S. foreign policy can never be predicted exactly. The Bernie Sanders/AOC/Tulsi Gabbard antiwar people in the party must fight Biden and the MIC tooth and nail. Chastened Obama policies are probably the best that can be realistically expected from a Biden presidency.

Trump himself never wanted to get us involved in “endless wars” overseas — he just didn’t have the vision or chops to de-escalate anywhere. His “tough talk” and “secondary sanctions” just infuriated allies, and overthrew nobody. He doubled the U.S. military personnel in the Middle East, with zero results. He barely avoided a shooting war with Iran after following Pompeo’s dumb advice to kill General Soleimani, and his tearing up the JCPOA agreements leaves the situation there more difficult and dangerous than before. But he didn’t start any new wars. It is very doubtful he can resist the temptation forever. Probably, he doesn’t have time to start one in the next five months, not even with Venezuela. But never say never.
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