BREAKING: Judge Issues Insane Restrictions on Donald Trump and Family...Is THIS Venezuela or NYC?

Guilty of Sex Laws - Millions
Guilty of Fraud - Loss of the ability to conduct business in NY
Both of these have been conducted in Civil Court but the Fraud case may change to criminal very quickly.
And it's just started. 91 to go.
The case is still in court, jackass.

What sex laws has he been convicted of violating?
What are YOU going to do about Keyboard Commando????

He lied, cheated and stole throughout his entire life. You have to have been wilfully blind to have missed it.

Trump has been lying cheating and stealing since the 1970's.

You accuse Trump of lying, cheating and stealing through his entire life. That may be true as many people who become rich are not always paragons of virtue. He may have even committed crimes in his past.

But I look at Joe Biden and see a man who has lied throughout his entire career, has been caught plagiarizing numerous times and may have sold his influence as VP or allowed his family to profit from that influence.

If I am willing to admit Trump is not perfect, are you willing to admit Joe Biden may also have serious ethical problems and may be guilty of crimes?
What you just showed is what an utterly credulous moron you are. The judge's verdict will be over turned. This entire case is a huge fraud. The machinations of leftwing government toadies is no reflection on Trump's business acumen. won't be overturned. I believe Trump and his spawn are going to lose their right to do business in New York state.
Couldn't happen to nicer people. :) won't be overturned. I believe Trump and his spawn are going to lose their right to do business in New York state.
Couldn't happen to nicer people. :)
Yes it will be overturned. Do you actually believe the USSC will back up this prog insanity?
What is wrong with your comprehension of basic facts? A judge has already found both him and his two sons guilty of fraud.
What you are seeing now is determining how much money he will be forced to part with. But what's way worse for Trump, is that
the business saavy of the man behind the Art of The Deal....will be shown to be a bunch of bullshit. :)There goes the brand.
You think it stops with this kangaroo court?
You think it stops with this kangaroo court?
This is the low hanging fruit. The least of Trump's worries legally. Financially, it could cripple him and mirage of his business acumen would disappear overnight. But he won't go to prison for it.
Still got 91 of those type of indictments to go. :)
This is the low hanging fruit. The least of Trump's worries legally. Financially, it could cripple him and mirage of his business acumen would disappear overnight. But he won't go to prison for it.
Still got 91 of those type of indictments to go. :)
You really do have an active imagination

BREAKING: Judge Issues Insane Restrictions on Donald Trump and Family...Is THIS Venezuela or NYC?​

QUOTE: Wow. Donald Trump literally just issues a cry for help over this trial. Meanwhile, Fox News keeps getting roasted on its OWN air. Watch the newest example with me.

OP COMMENT: Corrupt racist judge, fake charges, of course the restrictions are insane.

Damn, she's totally boring. I guess anybody can do a podcast.

No imagination necessary. The judge has already found he's committed fraud.
How much he pays will now be decided.

Against who? Who is the complainant? Without a complaint there was no predicate for an investigation. You can bet it will be overturned on appeal.

You accuse Trump of lying, cheating and stealing through his entire life. That may be true as many people who become rich are not always paragons of virtue. He may have even committed crimes in his past.

But I look at Joe Biden and see a man who has lied throughout his entire career, has been caught plagiarizing numerous times and may have sold his influence as VP or allowed his family to profit from that influence.

If I am willing to admit Trump is not perfect, are you willing to admit Joe Biden may also have serious ethical problems and may be guilty of crimes?

Biden's lies. Let's see, he lied about his college marks. Who got hurt by that?

Trump lied about his casinos, and look who got hurt: US Banks, everybody who invested in Trump's public company, and the banks who lent him money, as well as everyone he stiffed along with the banks.
Biden's lies. Let's see, he lied about his college marks. Who got hurt by that?
Everyone in the United States was hurt by that, dingbat.

Trump lied about his casinos, and look who got hurt: US Banks, everybody who invested in Trump's public company, and the banks who lent him money, as well as everyone he stiffed along with the banks.
What lie did he tell about his casinos?

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