BREAKING: Judge Issues Insane Restrictions on Donald Trump and Family...Is THIS Venezuela or NYC?

I get it. You don’t like him. But, he’s in a civil case where James says he frauded “the people of NY”…. How specifically did he fraud NY?

Because he failed to pay proper amounts of property taxes, and by claiming illegal tax deductions for them.

The story of the upstate New York property is a classic case of Trump, undervaluing the property and suing the community over the property tax assessment for a period of 10 years until finally, they devalued their assessment, and he settled for pennies on the dollar to what he actually owed.

The county had already spent the money years before, so Trump’s failure to pay the taxes assessed, and to grind the county to a halt in expensive litigation, means that the rest of the county residents had their taxes increased to cover the amount Trump failed to pay.

But all of the explanations require a banker, or a lawyer’s, knowledge of property values and assessments, for it to make any sense at all to them.

You can’t put the explanations on a bumper sticker so that Republicans can understand it.
Because he failed to pay proper amounts of property taxes, and by claiming illegal tax deductions for them.

The story of the upstate New York property is a classic case of Trump, undervaluing the property and suing the community over the property tax assessment for a period of 10 years until finally, they devalued their assessment, and he settled for pennies on the dollar to what he actually owed.

The county had already spent the money years before, so Trump’s failure to pay the taxes assessed, and to grind the county to a halt in expensive litigation, means that the rest of the county residents had their taxes increased to cover the amount Trump failed to pay.

But all of the explanations require a banker, or a lawyer’s, knowledge of property values and assessments, for it to make any sense at all to them.

You can’t put the explanations on a bumper sticker so that Republicans can understand it.
So, county assessors agreed with Trump, and you’re crying foul?
Did the Banks evaluate the collateral?
Irrelevant. He lied. Therefore..fraud.
I didn't write the rules. The state of NY did.
Take it up with them if you don't like it.
But stop bitching about it.
The judge has already ruled he committed fraud.
So, county assessors agreed with Trump, and you’re crying foul?

No they didn’t agree, he simply outspent and outlasted them. Filing appeal after appeal while the county had to pay legal bills to fight him.

If this tactic seems familiar to you, it’s always been how Trump has done business. Using his access to wealth and power, and bribery - which he bragged of frequently.
You can search this MB or the Internet. Either way, it's already been covered and your cite cite cite doesn't do a thing. Do you own search.
I could but it won’t be there so homework assignment declined
I don't think you get how it happens...

Secret service have sworn an oath to the constitution and country, not fucking Donald J Trump....

If they see a bench warrant they will get in contact with each other and arrange things..

Secret Service is not a private army, if they ever showed loyal to the protectee over the country they would be reassigned... Trump would have very little say..
They will not allow Trump to be taken to a place where they cannot be near him. Sitting in your theoretical cell with him is not an option.
No they didn’t agree, he simply outspent and outlasted them. Filing appeal after appeal while the county had to pay legal bills to fight him.

If this tactic seems familiar to you, it’s always been how Trump has done business. Using his access to wealth and power, and bribery - which he bragged of frequently.
So, he appealed, and won in the courts, and now you want to cry sour grapes…Nothing he did was illegal
Jesus, you don’t even know how Banks work…
The biggest negative factor of liberal participants on USMB is that 80% here have no working experience with , nor knowledge of, the issues they are commenting on. Absent such they comment based on what they wish or feel and scramble madly for op ed links that support them

BREAKING: Judge Issues Insane Restrictions on Donald Trump and Family...Is THIS Venezuela or NYC?​

If you are caught dealing drugs, your car, your house, the change in your pocket are all confiscated before your conviction.

Trump has been caught committing fraud. His property is held in escrow until the penalty phase, which is where we are now, determines how large a fine he must pay.
If you are caught dealing drugs, your car, your house, the change in your pocket are all confiscated before your conviction.

Trump has been caught committing fraud. His property is held in escrow until the penalty phase, which is where we are now, determines how large a fine he must pay.
Apples to tire irons

A lib 101 staple.

Your very first word is “if”. How about “when” which would be a reality but you all deny reality and project “what if” like it already happened-Fake
Yeah, I do know how they run. I was a bank manager for 5 years before I went into law.
That career path would be a very unusual one which likely means you would not have entered Law School until 30 or older which is also unlikely. I think you need to become aware that there are intelligent and successful people here who know and have experienced how life works. Those persons don’t include You.
Bullshit. Trump has gotten away with all of it for years, anyone with a brain has seen it. Trump isn't being charged with half of the things he's gotten away with just during his presidency.

There are no charges for all of his "pay for play" at the golf clubs, or the billions missing from the US Treasury that were never accounted for. And that's just the beginning.

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