Breaking: Judge Reinhart Formally Rejects DOJ Argument to Keep Trump Raid Affidavit Sealed

Ah. That scene. That scene. 🙂

Judge had a very active imagination.
It’s an excellent point. He doesn’t want it released.

But it raises the question as to why Trump claimed publicly he wants it released.

The answer is he’s a lying hack.
Nonsense. He also didn’t seek to oppose it. Why didn’t you mention that I wonder?

Release comes with upsides for him too. So, he figured (yes, I’m guessing here) “whatever happens, I’ll play it as it lays.”
Nonsense. He also didn’t seek to oppose it. Why didn’t you mention that I wonder?

Release comes with upsides for him too. So, he figured (yes, I’m guessing here) “whatever happens, I’ll play it as it lays.”
Two reasons. The DoJ already was opposing it. He can’t take overt actions that betray his bullshit.

Release only comes with upside if the release corroborates his claims. Based on available information, that doesn’t seem likely.

The best thing for Trump is for it not to be released so he can say whatever he wants.
This is what should have been expected. The FBI/DOJ will release anything that doesn't harm their investigation or case.

To have it appear that the FBI/DOJ are being forced beyond their chosen limits, is the perfect resolution of the question. Of the most importance of all, the FBI/DOJ needs to create the 'appearance' that they are playing fair.

However, in the real world the details have already been leaked to likely a score of privileged people, and their lackeys.
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Two reasons. The DoJ already was opposing it. He can’t take overt actions that betray his bullshit.

Release only comes with upside if the release corroborates his claims. Based on available information, that doesn’t seem likely.

The best thing for Trump is for it not to be released so he can say whatever he wants.
Basically right! The FBI/DOJ will easily turn the whole thing into a nothing-burger on account of being feigned by Trump as being a big deal.

guaranteed 100% to not play against the FBI/DOJ's wishes. ]/b]
Two reasons. The DoJ already was opposing it. He can’t take overt actions that betray his bullshit.
So? They want to keep their surprises safe for a more advantageous time. I doubt he shares their desire. Nobody would ordinarily take actions contrary to their own perfectly rational interests.
Release only comes with upside if the release corroborates his claims. Based on available information, that doesn’t seem likely.
Wrong. Release may show (even if not intentionally) the DOJ’s lthinking” behind the effort. And it’s already pretty clear that the government didn’t consider it urgent to seek a warrant at all. They were already in negotiations and had already received many documents via subpoena. Trump doesn’t need to have the Government’s allegations support his own claims. Don’t be absurd.
The best thing for Trump is for it not to be released so he can say whatever he wants.
Silly analysis. At some point ( if our partisan hack deep state DOJ continues to behave as they have been) they will indict Trump on “something.” And hearings and trials will eventually reveal the affidavits, therefore. And it still won’t matter.

The government went off half-cocked. They targeted a political opponent of the incumbent President.
They have lied in the past about him and about this entire 5+ year “investigation.” And in the end, the documents were no longer classified.
His physical possession of the documents wasnt criminal.
He in no way obstructed “justice.”
It is obviously a general warrant.
This is a fucking Soviet style show trial in the making and the American people are going to finally recognize how insidious it all is.

I’m not Trump’s lawyer. I’m just another US citizen. My interest is to know exactly what has been happening. Bring it on. Go ahead and redact names and identifying information of confidential sources. But otherwise, unseal and share the affidavit and supporting documents FULLY.
I guess death threats work, huh.
Not really....look at how Chucky threatened Judges, heck even one of the brownshirts showed up at a Justice's house to try and murder him.....the Judge is still Judging.
What doesn’t add up is how the DOJ said the supposed info needed to be seized immediately even though we now know they knew about the info weeks ago.

If it was such an extreme circumstance, why did they wait so long?

I’m guessing the there was damning stuff about the FBI in those files and they had to go get it so no one finds out
Unseal the whole damn thing. Like the far lefties always say, “Americans have the right to know!”

Not so fast. Today, the judge is issuing a statement saying the DOJ made it's case to keep the Affidavit sealed, and it's unlikely that the Affidavit will be unsealed at this time.

Once the investigation is complete and charges are filed, then it will be appropriate for the Affidavit to be unsealed.
Not so fast. Today, the judge is issuing a statement saying the DOJ made it's case to keep the Affidavit sealed, and it's unlikely that the Affidavit will be unsealed at this time.

Once the investigation is complete and charges are filed, then it will be appropriate for the Affidavit to be unsealed.
Incorrect application of what you wish was so and feel is fair.

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