BREAKING: Judge Roy Moore Suspended for Violating Gay Marriage Ruling

No one in the Obama administration was ever in violation of a court order or held in contempt like Roy Moron was. Secondly, the administration is not actively blocking the enforcement of any law but simply not making enforcement a priority- at least when it comes to drugs. As far as immigration goes, they have in fact deported a hell of a lot of people.
Nice derail.

Unlike you, I think officials, both elected and appointed, should uphold the law. If they can't do it, they should resign.
They do uphold the laws but we have a lot of them and what they focus on is up to the Administration.
Agreed.. not my point though. He ordered the DoJ to not defend an existing law before the law was struck down because he felt it was, his words, probably unconstitutional.
Agreed, but arguing with political partisans is like arguing with conspiracy theorists; you'll never change their mind. The best you can do is show not everyone is so biased or blind to reality.
BREAKING: Judge Roy Moore Suspended for Violating Gay Marriage Ruling

That title is untrue. The judicial panel suspended him for decorum violations and said this to be clear to the public: Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore suspended for rest of term

"At the outset, this court emphasizes that this case is concerned only with alleged violations of the Canons of Jucial Ethics," the COJ states. "This case is not about whether same-sex marriage should be permitted: indeed, we recognize that a majority of voters in Alabama adopted a constitutional amendment in 2006 banning same-sex marriage, as did a majority of states over the last 15 years."
The Obama administration's decision to not enforce DOMA for starters...

The Obama administration stopped defending DOMA, they didn't stop enforcement (i.e. it's application under the law). It took the Windsor decision because the federal government stopped enforcement and that was a court order.

Statement of the Attorney General on Litigation Involving the Defense of Marriage Act

Agreed, thus proving, once again, ProgressivePatriot is wrong.

the President has concluded that given a number of factors, including a documented history of discrimination, classifications based on sexual orientation should be subject to a more heightened standard of scrutiny. The President has also concluded that Section 3 of DOMA, as applied to legally married same-sex couples, fails to meet that standard and is therefore unconstitutional. Given that conclusion, the President has instructed the Department not to defend the statute in such cases. I fully concur with the President’s determination.

Since when does the POTUS get to decide the constitutionality of a law?
He said that in his opinion-which he is entitled to- that it was unconstitutional. The court decided- rightfully- that it was unconstitutional.

Agreed.. not my point though. He ordered the DoJ to not defend an existing law before the law was struck down because he felt it was, his words, probably unconstitutional.
And, he is allowed to do so. There is no requirement that laws be defended in court. The Californians pass Prop 237, making black people slaves again, the governor is well within his rights to tell his AG don't even bother defending this POS in court, it's s waste of time and money. That is how the system works. Do learn before complaining.
BREAKING: Judge Roy Moore Suspended for Violating Gay Marriage Ruling

That title is untrue. The judicial panel suspended him for decorum violations and said this to be clear to the public: Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore suspended for rest of term

"At the outset, this court emphasizes that this case is concerned only with alleged violations of the Canons of Jucial Ethics," the COJ states. "This case is not about whether same-sex marriage should be permitted: indeed, we recognize that a majority of voters in Alabama adopted a constitutional amendment in 2006 banning same-sex marriage, as did a majority of states over the last 15 years."
Your unethical homophobe hero just ate it again, homo hater. So sad, for you that is.

Now he has time to post here and let me teach him ethics and human sexuality.
He takes an oath to defend the Constitution not to defend probably unconstitutional laws in the courts. In this case that would have just been a waste of time and money. Everyone with a brain knew that POS was going down. It was very obviously unconstitutional.
Nice spin. Is POTUS or any other official obligated to uphold the law if it's probably Constitutional? The fact remains, like Judge Moore or Kim Davis, all those sworn to a duty must uphold that duty or excuse themselves....even if that means resigning. Picking and choosing purely for partisan reasons is part of our nation's problems.
Your unethical homophobe hero just ate it again, homo hater. So sad, for you that is.

Now he has time to post here and let me teach him ethics and human sexuality.
Well, at least you have that in common. He hates gays and you hate Jews. Haters gonna hate. You should start a club.
And now we return to bidding another fond farewell to that POS, Roy Moore. May his rock do us all a favor and crush him to death.

Wishing someone to be dead, eh Bitch tits.

Mighty internet warrior that you are.
It's a long list. I don't mind it when scum dies. Speaking of which, how is Israel today?

You're an asshole. Just thought I should make that clear.
Your Zionism is showing.
He takes an oath to defend the Constitution not to defend probably unconstitutional laws in the courts. In this case that would have just been a waste of time and money. Everyone with a brain knew that POS was going down. It was very obviously unconstitutional.
Nice spin. Is POTUS or any other official obligated to uphold the law if it's probably Constitutional? The fact remains, like Judge Moore or Kim Davis, all those sworn to a duty must uphold that duty or excuse themselves....even if that means resigning. Picking and choosing purely for partisan reasons is part of our nation's problems.
Upholding the law is one issue. Defending a law in court is another. They are not the same thing.
Your Zionism is showing.
Your antisemitism is showing
No. That is anti-Jew not anti-Israel. Israel does not equal Jew.
Sure, no doubt some of your best friends are Jews. LOL

Zionist is code for "fucking Jews". Every person who hates Zionists is a Jew-hater.
There are Jews who also hate, the more correct term, Political Zionism. What are they, Jewish anti-Semites?

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