BREAKING: Judge Roy Moore Suspended for Violating Gay Marriage Ruling

Who said anything about legality? It's about performing ones duty as a agent of the government. and if you have an illegal alien in custody, you should report that to the proper federal authorities once the State justice system is done with them.
Illegals are policed by the Federals. They are not a city or even a state issue. If the Federals want them then they are responsible for rounding them up.

Having the local police ask immigration questions makes it that much more difficult to keep the local peace and, it's not their fucking job.

Nice dodge there, bitch tits.
That is not a dodge. The local police are also not responsible for making sure you obey the fire codes, we have people for that, food safety rules, we have people for that, or reading your water meter, we have people for that. When it comes to illegals we have people for that and it ain't the local piggies.

They have someone in their custody and that person is wanted by the feds for ANY OTHER REASON, the feds would be notified. Why is illegal status to be treated differently?

After all, they have already been arrested. Isn't it a failure of the duty to protect to ignore their illegal status?

The Federals are made aware of who is in jail. If they want them then they are responsible for coming and getting them. This had been tested in the courts. You can't just hold someone under local custody because you think they might be illegal. That is an issue for ICE.

So now the feds are also not doing their thing, and I assume you are OK with that as well, right?
No, it does not. They aren't allowed to declare war on Germany either just because the Congress won't.
Another nice, but weak dodge. The Constitution has a war clause, not an illegal immigration clause. You should learn about the 9th and 10th Amendments.
There is nothing new about this being a Federal, and only a Federal, issue. Congress made it so. Just deal with it.
The Obama administration's decision to not enforce DOMA for starters...

The Obama administration stopped defending DOMA, they didn't stop enforcement (i.e. it's application under the law). It took the Windsor decision because the federal government stopped enforcement and that was a court order.

Statement of the Attorney General on Litigation Involving the Defense of Marriage Act

Agreed, thus proving, once again, ProgressivePatriot is wrong.

the President has concluded that given a number of factors, including a documented history of discrimination, classifications based on sexual orientation should be subject to a more heightened standard of scrutiny. The President has also concluded that Section 3 of DOMA, as applied to legally married same-sex couples, fails to meet that standard and is therefore unconstitutional. Given that conclusion, the President has instructed the Department not to defend the statute in such cases. I fully concur with the President’s determination.

Since when does the POTUS get to decide the constitutionality of a law?
He said that in his opinion-which he is entitled to- that it was unconstitutional. The court decided- rightfully- that it was unconstitutional.
Illegals are policed by the Federals. They are not a city or even a state issue. If the Federals want them then they are responsible for rounding them up.

Having the local police ask immigration questions makes it that much more difficult to keep the local peace and, it's not their fucking job.

Nice dodge there, bitch tits.
That is not a dodge. The local police are also not responsible for making sure you obey the fire codes, we have people for that, food safety rules, we have people for that, or reading your water meter, we have people for that. When it comes to illegals we have people for that and it ain't the local piggies.

They have someone in their custody and that person is wanted by the feds for ANY OTHER REASON, the feds would be notified. Why is illegal status to be treated differently?

After all, they have already been arrested. Isn't it a failure of the duty to protect to ignore their illegal status?

The Federals are made aware of who is in jail. If they want them then they are responsible for coming and getting them. This had been tested in the courts. You can't just hold someone under local custody because you think they might be illegal. That is an issue for ICE.

So now the feds are also not doing their thing, and I assume you are OK with that as well, right?
Not doing their thing? They deport people right and left. They just aren't stripping all the darkies to underwear and making them stand against the war until you are satisfied they are here legally.
Nice dodge there, bitch tits.
That is not a dodge. The local police are also not responsible for making sure you obey the fire codes, we have people for that, food safety rules, we have people for that, or reading your water meter, we have people for that. When it comes to illegals we have people for that and it ain't the local piggies.

They have someone in their custody and that person is wanted by the feds for ANY OTHER REASON, the feds would be notified. Why is illegal status to be treated differently?

After all, they have already been arrested. Isn't it a failure of the duty to protect to ignore their illegal status?

The Federals are made aware of who is in jail. If they want them then they are responsible for coming and getting them. This had been tested in the courts. You can't just hold someone under local custody because you think they might be illegal. That is an issue for ICE.

So now the feds are also not doing their thing, and I assume you are OK with that as well, right?
Not doing their thing? They deport people right and left. They just aren't stripping all the darkies to underwear and making them stand against the war until you are satisfied they are here legally.

Keep spinning bitch tits.
That is not a dodge. The local police are also not responsible for making sure you obey the fire codes, we have people for that, food safety rules, we have people for that, or reading your water meter, we have people for that. When it comes to illegals we have people for that and it ain't the local piggies.

They have someone in their custody and that person is wanted by the feds for ANY OTHER REASON, the feds would be notified. Why is illegal status to be treated differently?

After all, they have already been arrested. Isn't it a failure of the duty to protect to ignore their illegal status?

The Federals are made aware of who is in jail. If they want them then they are responsible for coming and getting them. This had been tested in the courts. You can't just hold someone under local custody because you think they might be illegal. That is an issue for ICE.

So now the feds are also not doing their thing, and I assume you are OK with that as well, right?
Not doing their thing? They deport people right and left. They just aren't stripping all the darkies to underwear and making them stand against the war until you are satisfied they are here legally.

Keep spinning bitch tits.
Well that is what you want, a Papers Please police force stopping everyone?
They have someone in their custody and that person is wanted by the feds for ANY OTHER REASON, the feds would be notified. Why is illegal status to be treated differently?

After all, they have already been arrested. Isn't it a failure of the duty to protect to ignore their illegal status?

The Federals are made aware of who is in jail. If they want them then they are responsible for coming and getting them. This had been tested in the courts. You can't just hold someone under local custody because you think they might be illegal. That is an issue for ICE.

So now the feds are also not doing their thing, and I assume you are OK with that as well, right?
Not doing their thing? They deport people right and left. They just aren't stripping all the darkies to underwear and making them stand against the war until you are satisfied they are here legally.

Keep spinning bitch tits.
Well that is what you want, a Papers Please police force stopping everyone?

No, but if you get taken into custody, your immigration status is checked, and if you are illegal, See Ya.
The Federals are made aware of who is in jail. If they want them then they are responsible for coming and getting them. This had been tested in the courts. You can't just hold someone under local custody because you think they might be illegal. That is an issue for ICE.

So now the feds are also not doing their thing, and I assume you are OK with that as well, right?
Not doing their thing? They deport people right and left. They just aren't stripping all the darkies to underwear and making them stand against the war until you are satisfied they are here legally.

Keep spinning bitch tits.
Well that is what you want, a Papers Please police force stopping everyone?

No, but if you get taken into custody, your immigration status is checked, and if you are illegal, See Ya.
Why don't you learn how it works before complaining that it doesn't work? Even if they are illegal the locals cannot hold them just for that. It's against the law. The same if we can't deport them because their home country won't take them back. After six months, by law, they must be released. And you can't just hold someone after their sentence if they are illegal just because they are illegal. That is also illegal.

How the system works is out there. Read up.
And now we return to bidding another fond farewell to that POS, Roy Moore. May his rock do us all a favor and crush him to death.
Just broke on twitter.

Good for the Alabama Judicial Court

Way to go, guys.

If a judge doesn't obey the law they should be removed.

I wish that was enforced on liberal judges, but there is a double standard.
So now the feds are also not doing their thing, and I assume you are OK with that as well, right?
Not doing their thing? They deport people right and left. They just aren't stripping all the darkies to underwear and making them stand against the war until you are satisfied they are here legally.

Keep spinning bitch tits.
Well that is what you want, a Papers Please police force stopping everyone?

No, but if you get taken into custody, your immigration status is checked, and if you are illegal, See Ya.
Why don't you learn how it works before complaining that it doesn't work? Even if they are illegal the locals cannot hold them just for that. It's against the law. The same if we can't deport them because their home country won't take them back. After six months, by law, they must be released. And you can't just hold someone after their sentence if they are illegal just because they are illegal. That is also illegal.

How the system works is out there. Read up.

Show me the laws that states we have to let them go if they are illegal and their country doesn't want them back.

They are here illegally, if they are arrested and found to be so, See Ya.
The POTUS takes an oath to uphold the laws and defend the constitution.... not just the ones he agrees with.
He takes an oath to defend the Constitution not to defend probably unconstitutional laws in the courts. In this case that would have just been a waste of time and money. Everyone with a brain knew that POS was going down. It was very obviously unconstitutional.

Probable constitutionality is not his call, that is the call of the courts. Why then can't Judge Moore decide that gay marriage is probably unconstitutional and as such, refuse to marry gay couples?

And again, I am not defending Judge Moore.. he needs to perform hist duties as prescribed by the law.
The Obama administration's decision to not enforce DOMA for starters...

The Obama administration stopped defending DOMA, they didn't stop enforcement (i.e. it's application under the law). It took the Windsor decision because the federal government stopped enforcement and that was a court order.

Statement of the Attorney General on Litigation Involving the Defense of Marriage Act

Agreed, thus proving, once again, ProgressivePatriot is wrong.

the President has concluded that given a number of factors, including a documented history of discrimination, classifications based on sexual orientation should be subject to a more heightened standard of scrutiny. The President has also concluded that Section 3 of DOMA, as applied to legally married same-sex couples, fails to meet that standard and is therefore unconstitutional. Given that conclusion, the President has instructed the Department not to defend the statute in such cases. I fully concur with the President’s determination.

Since when does the POTUS get to decide the constitutionality of a law?
He said that in his opinion-which he is entitled to- that it was unconstitutional. The court decided- rightfully- that it was unconstitutional.

Agreed.. not my point though. He ordered the DoJ to not defend an existing law before the law was struck down because he felt it was, his words, probably unconstitutional.
The POTUS takes an oath to uphold the laws and defend the constitution.... not just the ones he agrees with.
He takes an oath to defend the Constitution not to defend probably unconstitutional laws in the courts. In this case that would have just been a waste of time and money. Everyone with a brain knew that POS was going down. It was very obviously unconstitutional.

Probable constitutionality is not his call, that is the call of the courts. Why then can't Judge Moore decide that gay marriage is probably unconstitutional and as such, refuse to marry gay couples?

And again, I am not defending Judge Moore.. he needs to perform hist duties as prescribed by the law.
The courts decide what is or isn't constitutional. The President, or a Governor, can tell their AG don't bother defending this one, it's probably unconstitutional. It;' good money after bad and there is no requirement that bad laws be defended by the government. Another party can, if they have standing, defend the law just without the government's help. It's a judgment call and it's entirely legal. Learn how the government works please.
No one in the Obama administration was ever in violation of a court order or held in contempt like Roy Moron was. Secondly, the administration is not actively blocking the enforcement of any law but simply not making enforcement a priority- at least when it comes to drugs. As far as immigration goes, they have in fact deported a hell of a lot of people.
Nice derail.

Unlike you, I think officials, both elected and appointed, should uphold the law. If they can't do it, they should resign.

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