Breaking! Kamala Harris says she ‘may have to take over’ as President

Kamala or Biden or Barack Ovomit..... or any of those traitors.....meh.....what difference does that it make at this point in time -like Killary said!

The country is so fucked up by now it could be difficult to fucked it even more! :dunno:
She shits herself even when the Democrats’ state-run media asks her questions. Democrats had the chance to elect her but Tulsi destroyed Kamala in the Democrat primary debates and Kamala finished dead last.
Prediction: One way or another she will be acting president before the 2024 election. They must be negotiating with Biden for him to leave office due to all his criminality about to be revealed if they move to impeach. Nevertheless Kamala is not even a natural born Citizen and eligible for Article 2 Section 1.

Good. I PRAY they install this woman. That guarantees a Trump victory
Prediction: One way or another she will be acting president before the 2024 election. They must be negotiating with Biden for him to leave office due to all his criminality about to be revealed if they move to impeach. Nevertheless Kamala is not even a natural born Citizen and eligible for Article 2 Section 1.

You do understand that that is every VP's job, right?
The Presidential Succession Act of 1947 set the law. When Nixon resigned, Agnew and Ford moved up one notch. When Agnew was bounced Ford became POTUS. That's the law and the President can't pick a VP, except as a running mate.
It never ceases to sadden me when the far left now only boasts of their ignorance about our government but will refuse to acknowledge that they are wrong.

Prediction: One way or another she will be acting president before the 2024 election. They must be negotiating with Biden for him to leave office due to all his criminality about to be revealed if they move to impeach. Nevertheless Kamala is not even a natural born Citizen and eligible for Article 2 Section 1.

Come on now…let’s be honest about this. She was talking about in general terms…not like..imminently. As VP, yes, she has to be ready to take over on a moments notice, we all know this, but her statements in that article weren’t necessarily and indication that it’s on the table right now.
Come on now…let’s be honest about this. She was talking about in general terms…not like..imminently. As VP, yes, she has to be ready to take over on a moments notice, we all know this, but her statements in that article weren’t necessarily and indication that it’s on the table right now.
What are you talking about? It’s Breaking! news that the Vice President becomes President if the current President dies. None of us knew that before.
She can't appoint a VP. McCarthy as Speaker of the House would automatically become VP.

Order of presidential succession​

If a U.S. president cannot carry out the duties of the office, the responsibilities are passed to another government leader in a specific order.
The president of the United States may be replaced if he or she:
  • Becomes incapacitated
  • Dies
  • Resigns
  • Is unable to hold office
  • Is removed from office
The U.S. Constitution and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 outline the presidential order of succession. The line of succession of cabinet officers is in the order of their agencies’ creation.
  1. Vice President
  2. Speaker of the House
  3. President Pro Tempore of the Senate
  4. Secretary of State
  5. Secretary of the Treasury
  6. Secretary of Defense
  7. Attorney General
  8. Secretary of the Interior
  9. Secretary of Agriculture
  10. Secretary of Commerce
  11. Secretary of Labor
  12. Secretary of Health and Human Services
  13. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
  14. Secretary of Transportation
  15. Secretary of Energy
  16. Secretary of Education
  17. Secretary of Veterans Affairs
  18. Secretary of Homeland Security

I don’t think that applies here. That’s just the order of succession to president, if by chance the current potus nor the current vp could not continue to fulfill their duties, then the order of succession is followed.

I think she would get to pick her vp

Kamala or Biden or Barack Ovomit..... or any of those traitors.....meh.....what difference does that it make at this point in time -like Killary said!

The country is so fucked up by now it could be difficult to fucked it even more! :dunno:
Now…here’s a thought experiment for you. Let’s say Biden did step down…who would the new president Harris appoint as her vp?…hillary? Then once appointed, she herself steps down and then hillary becomes president..

Or…what about Obama. Cotus says you can’t be president for more than 2 terms, but it’s not specific about if the former president can or cannot be vp. What happens if she nominated Obama as vp, and then she herself steps down…does Obama become the new president because of the established order of succession? We all know he would be disqualified because he has already served two terms, but then he would be qualified under the succession rule, right? How would that work?
Now…here’s a thought experiment for you. Let’s say Biden did step down…who would the new president Harris appoint as her vp?…hillary? Then once appointed, she herself steps down and then hillary becomes president..

Or…what about Obama. Cotus says you can’t be president for more than 2 terms, but it’s not specific about if the former president can or cannot be vp. What happens if she nominated Obama as vp, and then she herself steps down…does Obama become the new president because of the established order of succession? We all know he would be disqualified because he has already served two terms, but then he would be qualified under the succession rule, right? How would that work?
Just ask any Democrat here. They know everything.
Now…here’s a thought experiment for you. Let’s say Biden did step down…who would the new president Harris appoint as her vp?…hillary? Then once appointed, she herself steps down and then hillary becomes president..

Or…what about Obama. Cotus says you can’t be president for more than 2 terms, but it’s not specific about if the former president can or cannot be vp. What happens if she nominated Obama as vp, and then she herself steps down…does Obama become the new president because of the established order of succession? We all know he would be disqualified because he has already served two terms, but then he would be qualified under the succession rule, right? How would that work?
Former President Barack Hussein Obama is not qualified.

However, Michelle Obama is qualified.
If Kumquat assumes the presidency in a week a nuke will be dropped on Ukraine and China will have taken Taiwan.
Former President Barack Hussein Obama is not qualified.

However, Michelle Obama is qualified.
But he is qualified to be VP. It’s something the constitution doesn’t address. Just says you can’t serve more than 2 terms a potus.

So, again, how would that work?
You do understand that that is every VP's job, right?
In 2020 election cycle I believed the most presidential of the four was Pence. That means nothing. The worse two was Joe and Kamala. Pence is a hundred times better than Kamala. It's just that the attacks on Christianity which is real and threatening Pence should have realized that only Trump would give them a lifeboat. So, the sanctimonious gazes and self-important stare movements means nothing. To understand what someone who goes against the grain of the swamp is incredulous. If Trump failed in anything is debatable. He did not fail for Pence and his faith. And no one else would have been elected on the Republican side in 2016. Which means a potential of three Progressive Socialist Supreme Court judges. That is why the Progs destroyed an aging Supreme Court judge to put another younger moron Prog as one. Primal ways are coming.

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