BREAKING: Last year Hillary Clinton quietly settled a campaign finance violation over reporting the *Steele Dossier* funding as legal services

Stay tuned... remember your guy didn't win the dems cheated... that won't be so easy next time....
LMAO. Nobody cheated. Eventually, most people figure out Trump is a real first-class piece of shit. I mean here is a thought, does he have any friends? A buddy he plays golf with? Old college buddies that still hang out once in a while? Maybe someone at the country club that visits him every now and then?

Nope, he has got nothing. Hell, some of his own kids won't have anything to do with him. He shits on everyone, eventually. I mean Eric and Trump Jr seem to still be attached, but good God Almighty, they ain't got enough brains between the two of them to find their way out of the dark. Ivanka has had enough, and honestly, she ain't that bright.
Complete bullshit.

Opposition research into your opponent is pretty much as old as elections themself. Especially in light of most of the Trump campaign management having been convicted felons; mainly involving their contacts with Russia and having subsequently lied about it at various times. Flynn, Manafort, Sessions, etc...

Only a Trump supporter would try to raw a parallel between opposition research and paying a porn star for sex.

But that is where the Trump cult is...unhinged to the bitter end.
Collusion with Russia I thought was a crime. No it's only a crime if it's Trump
Well damn, now you done went and did it. About the only bigger piece of shit than James Comer is Maria, fake boobs, Bartiromo. Where the hell is the Jared Kuschner investigation? He made numerous trips to Saudia Arabia and the Saudi Arabian leader orders an American citizen to be executed and dismembered with a damn hacksaw and the Trump administration doesn't do diddly squat shit. Kuschner's new investment firm gets two BILLION dollars from Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth fund to manage, that is like fifty million in fees a year.

Look, you show me the Biden family getting 50 million a year in management fees and we might have something to "investigate". Otherwise, Comer is a huge ass piece of shit for turning a blind eye away from Kuschner.
Look, give Easy a break. The poor fool can't think for himself. I have seen him post so much junk from PJ media that I am pretty sure he calls them up and asks them if it is OK if he takes a shit in the morning.

And Trump didn't pay Stormy Daniels for sex, he paid her for a NDA, a non-disclosure agreement. I mean lets just let that sit and settle for a moment.

Imagine, carrying around an NDA when you are cruising the singles bar scene. What kind of twerp does that? And I got to say it, Stormy Daniels was an utter fool for signing it, although she has expressed that it was signed under duress and threats. Just another reflection on what a low-life scumbag Trump really is.

I mean I just don't get it. Defending someone that pays hush money to a porn star? Or hell, even defending someone that had sex with a porn star, talk about nasty. And desperate too. But hell, that is just one of the things that make Trump a total piece of shit.
Complete and total TDS inspired bullshit. Your jealousy over the women Trump has been with is pretty obvious. But being a lowlife is something you seem to be well versed in. You’d likely be surprised to find out that many of your heroes have slept with hookers and porn stars. And have NDAs with them. So by your standards, you would also be a piece of shit for supporting them. Think about that.
Well damn, now you done went and did it. About the only bigger piece of shit than James Comer is Maria, fake boobs, Bartiromo. Where the hell is the Jared Kuschner investigation? He made numerous trips to Saudia Arabia and the Saudi Arabian leader orders an American citizen to be executed and dismembered with a damn hacksaw and the Trump administration doesn't do diddly squat shit. Kuschner's new investment firm gets two BILLION dollars from Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth fund to manage, that is like fifty million in fees a year.

Look, you show me the Biden family getting 50 million a year in management fees and we might have something to "investigate". Otherwise, Comer is a huge ass piece of shit for turning a blind eye away from Kuschner.
Sorry moron. Kushner didn’t get that money. The firm he works for did. So, you are a huge piece of shit for demanding the Xiden family crimes get ignored so you can try and fail to get Trump again.
'Trump and Hillary Have Been Accused of the Same Crime, but Hillary Never Faced Potential Arrest'

"The justice system is supposed to be blind to political affiliations and treat all individuals equally under the law. It’s hard to deny that there seems to be a double standard when it comes to the way justice is applied to those on the left versus those on the right. The mere possibility of Donald Trump facing possible arrest and charges for something that, at most, might result in a minor fine for a Democrat is a prime example of this disparity. Just look at Hillary Clinton.

Last year, the Federal Election Commission fined Hillary Clinton for misreporting payments made to a law firm during the 2016 campaign to hide spending. The law firm in question was Perkins Coie, which hired Fusion GPS to conduct research that resulted in the Steele Dossier, which was later used by Congress to impeach Trump. Clinton classified these expenses as “legal services” and was fined $113,000 for the misrepresentation.

“By intentionally obscuring their payments through Perkins Coie and failing to publicly disclose the true purpose of those payments,” Hillary’s presidential campaign and DNC “were able to avoid publicly reporting on their statutorily required FEC disclosure forms the fact that they were paying Fusion GPS to perform opposition research on Trump with the intent of influencing the outcome of the 2016 presidential election,” the initial complaint read per the Associated Press.

Hillary's crime was part of the 2nd biggest criminal political scandal in US history (behind Obama's/Biden's failed coup) - the 'Russian Collusion' scandal.

At NO TIME did Hillary face the possibility of indictement / arrest / charges for her 'campaign finance violation', let alone face any charges for the scandal she initiated.

She, however, is 'HILLARY CLINTON', CRIMINAL SCANDAL MATRIARCH of the Demo rat Party.

She is also a DEMOCRAT.

Bribery and a disagreement over election paperwork is not the same thing. If he is arrested, it has nothing to do with Clinton. Two different cases. Worth noting that the report was never used for the campaign so there is a legitimate question. Just because the FEC said so, it does not mean it would have stood up in court. However most campaigns pay the fine and move on.
Look, give Easy a break. The poor fool can't think for himself. I have seen him post so much junk from PJ media that I am pretty sure he calls them up and asks them if it is OK if he takes a shit in the morning.

And Trump didn't pay Stormy Daniels for sex, he paid her for a NDA, a non-disclosure agreement. I mean lets just let that sit and settle for a moment.

Imagine, carrying around an NDA when you are cruising the singles bar scene. What kind of twerp does that? And I got to say it, Stormy Daniels was an utter fool for signing it, although she has expressed that it was signed under duress and threats. Just another reflection on what a low-life scumbag Trump really is.

I mean I just don't get it. Defending someone that pays hush money to a porn star? Or hell, even defending someone that had sex with a porn star, talk about nasty. And desperate too. But hell, that is just one of the things that make Trump a total piece of shit.
Especially when that "someone" was President and is again asking for your vote. Is this the guy you want representing the nation?

As for easyt65 I often wonder if some people just post here to drive mouse clicks for websites. I'm on TikTok quite often. There is seldom a time when a side-gig type of enterprise doesn't show up in my feed. I wonder if this is just a side-gig for some of the posters here...they get paid if you click on their link because you're driving traffic to their right wing kook site. Maybe...???? Not sure.
Well damn, now you done went and did it. About the only bigger piece of shit than James Comer is Maria, fake boobs, Bartiromo. Where the hell is the Jared Kuschner investigation? He made numerous trips to Saudia Arabia and the Saudi Arabian leader orders an American citizen to be executed and dismembered with a damn hacksaw and the Trump administration doesn't do diddly squat shit. Kuschner's new investment firm gets two BILLION dollars from Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth fund to manage, that is like fifty million in fees a year.

Look, you show me the Biden family getting 50 million a year in management fees and we might have something to "investigate". Otherwise, Comer is a huge ass piece of shit for turning a blind eye away from Kuschner.
Yet, unlike your boy Crackhead Hunter, Kushner did not receive that money personally. It went to his firm. Big difference there dumbfuck. But not surprising you missed it.
His firm you stupid shit. Fifty million plus management fees. Two billion from Saudi Arabia out of three billion totally managed. I mean if I spend ten dollars at a PRIVATELY HELD BUSINESS, I guess I am giving the money to the cashier, not the owner. Good God but you are one stupid shit.
Well short bus rider tell me why we had the muller spical investigation
Well, to investigate the collusion that was demonstrated by the findings and resulted in multiple Trump campaign officials going to jail.

It was great.

Mueller should have hauled the blob's ass in front of him for direct questioning but he didn't do so. Huge mistake on his part. But for what it was...good job Mueller.

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