BREAKING: Lose your job when you defend the Constitution and are against socialism

Should the Board member have been fired?

  • No. The Board has lost its minds

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • Yes. There is no excuse for defending the Constitution and being against Socialism

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters
Lol. I live in what libertards would consider a socialist paradise.
I don’t believe New Zealand (if that is where you actually live) is really a Marxist socialist worker’s paradise. It is more of a capitalist economy with some cuddly socialistic programs.

Socialism in New Zealand had little traction in early colonial New Zealand but developed as a political movement around the beginning of the 20th century. Much of socialism's early growth was found in the labour movement.

The extent to which socialism plays a part in modern New Zealand politics depends on which definitions of socialist are used, but few mainstream politicians would describe themselves using the word "socialist". The term "social-democrat" is more common, but the general "left-wing" or "centre-left" are used far more frequently. New Zealand has a complicated assortment of socialist causes and organisations. Some of these play a considerable role in public activism, such as the anti-war movement; other groups are strongly committed to socialist revolution.

Several prominent political parties in New Zealand, such as the New Zealand Labour Party, have historical links to socialism but are not generally considered socialist today due to their acceptance of a capitalist economy.[1] More likely to receive this label are the small Marxist organisations that exist outside the political mainstream, such as Organise Aotearoa, the International Socialist Organisation, Socialist Aotearoa,[2]or the Communist Party of Aotearoa.[citation needed]…emphasis added
More likely this

One of the four women who say they were “groomed” for sex by Ghislaine Maxwell testified Wednesday that the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein took her to meet Donald Trump when she was just 14.

Why is Epstein bringing four fourteen year olds to meet Trump?
Maxwell Accuser Claims Epstein Took Her to Meet Donald Trump at 14
he first victim to testify in Ghislaine Maxwell's trial alleged that Jeffrey Epstein took her to Mar-a-Lago when she was 14 years old to meet Donald Trump.

Trump banned Jeffrey Epstein from Mar-a-Lago after sex criminal hit on member's daughter, book claims
President Donald Trump banned his former friend, the wealthy investor Jeffrey Epstein, from his exclusive Mar-a-Lago Club for hitting on the teenage daughter of another member,
What i find deplorable about you, is that you knew, Bill Clinton was a rapist during his presidency, then when you found out that he was raping 14 year olds on Epstein Island, of course you have to, like a good little Eichmann, try to tie President Trump to Jeffy boy also.
/——-/ Slavery ended 160 years ago. True on the other stuff. The USA still works to correct its mistakes.
And it is going to take a very long time to fix the mistakes that the Progs who voted for the brown turd Obama and idiot Joe, have done to this country.
/——-/ If it had any legitimacy the democRATs would be screaming it from the roof tops. No amount of hush money could keep it from Adam Shytface after all these years. Give it up already.
But aren't the deep state globalist Democrats the same as the RINO's who didn't go along with Trump? No different? If you're going to believe in the deep state believe. Don't always cop out with "the liberal media". It ain't as liberal as you think. It's only liberal on social issues. BFD. What about oil, global warming, taxes on the rich, unions, invading iraq, what went down in 2000 Bush V Gore.
Maxwell Accuser Claims Epstein Took Her to Meet Donald Trump at 14

Trump banned Jeffrey Epstein from Mar-a-Lago after sex criminal hit on member's daughter, book claims What i find deplorable about you, is that you knew, Bill Clinton was a rapist during his presidency, then when you found out that he was raping 14 year olds on Epstein Island, of course you have to, like a good little Eichmann, try to tie President Trump to Jeffy boy also.
Pot, meet kettle. Your faux outrage is noted. Like when you cared that Clinton lied under oath. Turns out you don't care if someone lies as long as it's not under oath. If not under oath, lie away.

Republicans have become champions for liars in the name of 1st amendment rights. Pathetic sir.
But aren't the deep state globalist Democrats the same as the RINO's who didn't go along with Trump? No different? If you're going to believe in the deep state believe. Don't always cop out with "the liberal media". It ain't as liberal as you think. It's only liberal on social issues. BFD. What about oil, global warming, taxes on the rich, unions, invading iraq, what went down in 2000 Bush V Gore.
/——/ The Deep State refers to the unelected career bureaucrats who run Washington behind the scenes .
Calling out Tim Kaine's wife didn't win her any favors but to sit there and claim that slavery was not enshrined in the Constitution just showed a complete ignorance on her part. I guess the 3-5ths compromise was not taught in her American History class in India.
The three fifth compromise was about political power, not slavery. The southern states wanted their property (slaves) fully counted in the census, the northern states didn’t want slaves counted at all. It gave the southern states control of the US government until just before the ACW. The loss of that control was a direct cause of the ACW.
Not how you guys used the term during Trump's reign. Any Republican who went against him was a globalist, deep state, RINO. Part of the deep state.
/——-/ Simmer down, sealy. You’re getting yourself all discombobulated with the terms.

deep state​

  • 1.a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy
The three fifth compromise was about political power, not slavery. The southern states wanted their property (slaves) fully counted in the census, the northern states didn’t want slaves counted at all. It gave the southern states control of the US government until just before the ACW. The loss of that control was a direct cause of the ACW.

And here you had to use the term slave twice to explain what it was really about. They weren't talking about 3/5ths of horses or mules or goats. They were talking about S.L.A.V.E.S.
Sorry, everyone on an aircraft goes into the manifest. It’s an FAA regulation and failure will cost a pilot his license. Flight crew, cabin crew passengers, everyone.
They don't give a fuck about those rules. You think that will stop them? The CHANCE they might get caught?

Pilots smuggle guns, drugs and illegals every day.
They don't give a fuck about those rules. You think that will stop them? The CHANCE they might get caught?

Pilots smuggle guns, drugs and illegals every day.
For big money, not normal pilot's pay which what I'm sure Epstein was paying.
A woman who championed "traditional American values" was booted from the Virginia Board of Education one week after sparring with another board member over whether public schools should present socialism as "incompatible with democracy."

Why do you think traditional American values such as breaking treaties, genocide and slavery, to name just a few, should be championed?

Too, why should the system retards say most of your allies practice be condemned by your public schools as incompatible with democracy?

After all, most of them rank higher on scales of freedom and democracy than does the US.
Those are not traditional values

No nation ranks higher on freedom than the US they only rank on subjective scales specifically designed to cast the US in a bad light
It’s now come down to this. Something that would have been unthinkable even 10 years ago. democRATs have seized control of our education system.

It is Republicans who want to seize control of our country and push blind allegiance. There are good points and bad points to our Constitution. It was outrageous that women did not get the right to vote until the 20th century and it took a constitutional amendment to do so. That is a black mark against the Constitution. The good and bad should be taught.
It is Republicans who want to seize control of our country and push blind allegiance. There are good points and bad points to our Constitution. It was outrageous that women did not get the right to vote until the 20th century and it took a constitutional amendment to do so. That is a black mark against the Constitution. The good and bad should be taught.
/——-/ “seize control of our country and push blind allegianc
Got anything besides cliches and straw man arguments?

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