BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

Look, Maddow can do whatever dykes do. But when that dude goes on TV she is part of the press; I.e., part of the purported constitutional Check on government power becoming too concentrated.

However, when the press, or factions therein, start choosing political sides then it can no longer fulfill this duty. A biased press is a corrupt press. They disguise this corruption by labeling it "investigative journalism".

The MSM is corrupt, MSNBC is corrupt, and Maddow is corrupt. Maddow was not breaking a story. Rather, she was perpetuating a narrative and trying to undermine Trump.

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Her sexual orientation has zip to do with the issue at hand. A Deep Throat II may have had a copy of Trump's 1040, which is only an appetizer; let's wait and see if the other tax documents (schedules) appear too.

Consider too,Trump may have released this little tidbit of his '05 return to quell the debate on the GOP replacement - is it Trumpcare, or Ryancare: The H. of Rep. Bill is a document which benefits the wealthy at the expense of the many; and the real problem for Trump is the Russian, Chinese, Deutsche Bank, Trump&Co. connections. Those connections will tell the story Trump does not want anyone to read.
Why do people keep arguing this? As a journalist who was given the information anonymously she did not break any laws. Holy shit you people need to learn the laws before starting 5 million threads and posts about this.

It's called Journalistic Privilege. She did not solicit the information and therefor broke no laws.

How can you sit and say it was a "nothing burger" in one breath and then ask for her to be arrested in the next... you're having a mental meltdown.

because if it truly is a crime to disseminate someone's tax information, the content of said tax return is meaningless.

And ask the people over at Gawker how far you can stretch journalistic privilege.

Big difference between a sex tape they PAID for...which is solicitation, and what happened last night. Insert another quarter and please try again.

So a journalist can release kiddie porn and be shielded?

I know this is an extreme example, but if the tax law states you cannot release someone's tax information without their knowledge (or a court order maybe) why does the journalists shield protect you?

Kiddie porn isn't the same thing. Kiddie porn isn't even in the same fucking galaxy as a tax return. Whomever sent out Trump's taxes broke the law, unless it was Trump or someone acting as his agent. Maddow and MSNBC did not pay for it and therefor as a journalist should could report on it without breaking the law. She also has Shield Laws that allow her to protect her source, though here those don't matter because the pages were mailed anonymously so she doesn't even know her source.

Both are illegal, one merely in the possession, the other to disseminate without the permission of the owner. Once they decided to release the information, they became part of the chain of release outside the limits imposed by the owner of said returns.

If the Tax returns actually showed something illegal, that would maybe give Maddow more of a shield from prosecution under the law, but the return shows nothing of the sort. How can she claim her actions were in the public interest when they show nothing but he paid taxes that year?
Are you either a tax lawyer or tax attorney? I am sure the real lawyers at NBC know what they are doing
Why do we care what his tax return was like 12 years ago?
Big f-ing deal.

It was a big deal last night, until it wasn't.

I missed all the drama. We were having a Nor'easter and the winds were making me nervous so I took a sleeping pill and went to bed. Missed all the excitement. Dang.
I would have thought you would want to be alert during a storm in case you have to take some action.
Nope. It makes me to stressed when the winds are shaking the house and various unidentified things are going "thunk" and "wham" outside. Then a long howling shriek of wind nailing sleet straight at the windows, more whamming and shaking, rumbling. Sucks. I'd rather be asleep.
What law?

How bout identity theft.

Look it up.

I don't need to look it up. I've given you the real laws that matter here, and you continue to argue it.

Any document with your name and SSN on it can be missused and is classified as identity theft.
Id like to take this survey,,,,if Maddow had sex with Elizabeth Warren, what will the child look like ? {well what blend of animals and liberals will it turn out to be}
Why do we care what his tax return was like 12 years ago?
Big f-ing deal.

It was a big deal last night, until it wasn't.

I missed all the drama. We were having a Nor'easter and the winds were making me nervous so I took a sleeping pill and went to bed. Missed all the excitement. Dang.

Not a good policy.

It's better to stay alert and be as prepared as possible during storms.
Thanks gentlemen. I will keep that in mind for the next big blow.
Why do people keep arguing this? As a journalist who was given the information anonymously she did not break any laws. Holy shit you people need to learn the laws before starting 5 million threads and posts about this.

It's called Journalistic Privilege. She did not solicit the information and therefor broke no laws.

How can you sit and say it was a "nothing burger" in one breath and then ask for her to be arrested in the next... you're having a mental meltdown.

because if it truly is a crime to disseminate someone's tax information, the content of said tax return is meaningless.

And ask the people over at Gawker how far you can stretch journalistic privilege.

Big difference between a sex tape they PAID for...which is solicitation, and what happened last night. Insert another quarter and please try again.

So a journalist can release kiddie porn and be shielded?

I know this is an extreme example, but if the tax law states you cannot release someone's tax information without their knowledge (or a court order maybe) why does the journalists shield protect you?

Kiddie porn isn't the same thing. Kiddie porn isn't even in the same fucking galaxy as a tax return. Whomever sent out Trump's taxes broke the law, unless it was Trump or someone acting as his agent. Maddow and MSNBC did not pay for it and therefor as a journalist should could report on it without breaking the law. She also has Shield Laws that allow her to protect her source, though here those don't matter because the pages were mailed anonymously so she doesn't even know her source.

Both are illegal, one merely in the possession, the other to disseminate without the permission of the owner. Once they decided to release the information, they became part of the chain of release outside the limits imposed by the owner of said returns.

If the Tax returns actually showed something illegal, that would maybe give Maddow more of a shield from prosecution under the law, but the return shows nothing of the sort. How can she claim her actions were in the public interest when they show nothing but he paid taxes that year?

No. You are arguing against a law. Do you understand that? Have you taken the time to look up the law the entire time you have been arguing with me? Journalists do not have to follow the same rules that you and I do. They did not solicit the information in the same way Gawker pays for information and therefor are protected differently than the situation Gawker was. What they did was not illegal.

The New York Times reported on Trump's 1995 tax returns a long time ago... this is nothing new.

Who gave Trump’s taxes to the New York Times? The mystery behind a bombshell story.
Why do we care what his tax return was like 12 years ago?
Big f-ing deal.

It was a big deal last night, until it wasn't.

I missed all the drama. We were having a Nor'easter and the winds were making me nervous so I took a sleeping pill and went to bed. Missed all the excitement. Dang.

Not a good policy.

It's better to stay alert and be as prepared as possible during storms.
Thanks gentlemen. I will keep that in mind for the next big blow.
I think Maddow is giving a statement soon, so you won't have to wait long.
Does Donald Trump pay any income taxes at all? we'll find out!

James Stewart wrote about Trump’s taxes, and compared him with Mitt Romney, who was criticized in 2012 for paying just $4.9 million in federal income tax. “No one should be surprised, though, if Donald J. Trump has paid far less—perhaps even zero federal income tax in some years,” Stewart wrote. “Indeed, that’s the expectation of numerous real estate and tax professionals I’ve interviewed in recent weeks.” These experts explained to Stewart that the federal tax code is so generous to real-estate developers—so stuffed with deductions, credits, and loopholes they can exploit—that it may well have allowed Trump to bring his taxable income down to nothing, or next to nothing. Which might help explain why he is so reluctant to release his tax returns.

We know for sure that Trump does everything he can to avoid sending money to the I.R.S. In May, he told ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos, “I fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible.”
Turns out Trump did pay his taxes you asshole!
Look it up.

I don't need to look it up. I've given you the real laws that matter here, and you continue to argue it.

Any document with your name and SSN on it can be missused and is classified as identity theft.

It has to be misused in order to be considered identity theft numbnuts, and I don't see MSNBC or Maddow signing up for a credit card in Trump's name anytime soon.
Publishing it without written authorization is a misuse, fuck-nuts. The IRS is strictly prohibited from turning it over to anyone to use to embarass a taxpayer. That is a felony.

Confidentiality of Tax Return Information

They didn't publish it. They reported on it. Do you understand the difference? Do you know what "publish" means?
Apparently you don't know. about....release...
Publish on the internet.
Post a pdf of it.
Show copies of it on your news program.

No difference.
Does Donald Trump pay any income taxes at all? we'll find out!

James Stewart wrote about Trump’s taxes, and compared him with Mitt Romney, who was criticized in 2012 for paying just $4.9 million in federal income tax. “No one should be surprised, though, if Donald J. Trump has paid far less—perhaps even zero federal income tax in some years,” Stewart wrote. “Indeed, that’s the expectation of numerous real estate and tax professionals I’ve interviewed in recent weeks.” These experts explained to Stewart that the federal tax code is so generous to real-estate developers—so stuffed with deductions, credits, and loopholes they can exploit—that it may well have allowed Trump to bring his taxable income down to nothing, or next to nothing. Which might help explain why he is so reluctant to release his tax returns.

We know for sure that Trump does everything he can to avoid sending money to the I.R.S. In May, he told ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos, “I fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible.”

I don't believe that Trump has paid any federal taxes for 18 years or more. That was a hot button topic several months ago. Remember the campaign was changed to "how SMART he was" for not paying any taxes.
Bootlickin’ Rudy Giuliani Believes Donald Trump Is An “Absolute Genius” For Scamming His Way Out Of Taxes For 20 Years [Video]

And you're right Romney was crucified for only paying 5 million in taxes in one year.
Turns out you are wrong.........again.
Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle
Why do people keep arguing this? As a journalist who was given the information anonymously she did not break any laws. Holy shit you people need to learn the laws before starting 5 million threads and posts about this.

It's called Journalistic Privilege. She did not solicit the information and therefor broke no laws.

How can you sit and say it was a "nothing burger" in one breath and then ask for her to be arrested in the next... you're having a mental meltdown.

Ever hear of receiving stolen property?
Someone in the IRS must have leaked them specifically to her. Probably a fan of hers that wants to see her get the credit. Hopefully Trump gets his lawyers going on this right away.
what are his lawyers going to do? Don't you really want to see just what his relation with Russia is?
Wow, you really drink the kool-aid, don't you?

The left has made up this fiction about how the tax returns are the smoking gun that Trump has a relationship with Russia. Do you realize that such a statement is a political charge without merit or proof?

If the courts allow this to be release, I intend to rub it in every one's nose if it turns out to be just a normal business tax return.

He did have business with Russia...he did the pageant over it will be another left wing fail....
Yes, but they were looking for specific items that could be construed as being "blackmail" items as a means of trying to impeach him or portray him as in the Russian's pocket.

I see that they failed, again.
Why do we care what his tax return was like 12 years ago?
Big f-ing deal.

It was a big deal last night, until it wasn't.

I missed all the drama. We were having a Nor'easter and the winds were making me nervous so I took a sleeping pill and went to bed. Missed all the excitement. Dang.

Not a good policy.

It's better to stay alert and be as prepared as possible during storms.
Thanks gentlemen. I will keep that in mind for the next big blow.
I think Maddow is giving a statement soon, so you won't have to wait long.
Probably the most viewed show she'll have this year.
Trump released the returns because he was forced into it.

Maddow reported on it.

No law broken.
I don't need to look it up. I've given you the real laws that matter here, and you continue to argue it.

Any document with your name and SSN on it can be missused and is classified as identity theft.

It has to be misused in order to be considered identity theft numbnuts, and I don't see MSNBC or Maddow signing up for a credit card in Trump's name anytime soon.
Publishing it without written authorization is a misuse, fuck-nuts. The IRS is strictly prohibited from turning it over to anyone to use to embarass a taxpayer. That is a felony.

Confidentiality of Tax Return Information

They didn't publish it. They reported on it. Do you understand the difference? Do you know what "publish" means?
Apparently you don't know. about....release...
Publish on the internet.
Post a pdf of it.
Show copies of it on your news program.

No difference.

Wrong. Do you know the definition of insanity?

Did they post Trump's Social Security number on camera? Nope.
If anyone takes the so-called president down with good solid investigation and facts, it will be Rachel Maddow. Good for her. She needs to keep digging. :clap:
Libs think Maddow is great but in reality, she is fake news.

Is it any wonder Americans are so divided?

RWnuts think everything unpleasant is fake news. It's like a fundamentalist Christian's attitude towards evolution.
What was "unpleasant" about her releasing Trump's tax returns? It was illegal but that means nothing to the left, unless it is done to one of them.

Did it mean anything to you when the illegally obtained DNC emails were published?
If some scumbag liberal working for the federal government leaked the return, they should be prosecuted.

The DNC emails were easily stolen because those involved were too stupid to protect their communications from hackers.

See what I mean? You cannot shame a RWnut around here even of the most blatant hypocrisy.

It's a cult. A shameless, mindless cult.

Trump will have you selling flowers on street corners next.

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