BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

I realize they have to defend her, but sheesh.

I know, they look stupid doing so.

When you look at the way Maddow went about this, she failed from the very start.

Here's her original tweet, and pay attention to the way she worded it.

Rachel Maddow MSNBC‏ @maddow

BREAKING: We've got Trump tax returns. Tonight, 9pm ET. MSNBC. (Seriously)

When she say's "we've got Trump tax returns" most people are thinking of the "current" returns.

Now she does try to disguise it a bit by saying "Trump tax returns" instead of "Trump's tax returns", but still I'll guarantee you most people are thinking of the katest returns.

So from the start she not only disappoints with the fact that this was an old tax return, but of course the content blows up in her face with the fact that Trump paid millions in taxes.

Imagine her leftist audience ready to pop champagne corks in anticipation of some really damaging news for Trump, but instead the return makes Trump look like a patriotic tax paying American.
She handled this so poorly that you have to wonder what happened.

Maybe her staff told her they found something damaging, or maybe she just ASSUMED they would.

This was just brutal.

Yes, and I would have loved to have been in the room after the show when it finally dawned on Maddow and her staff that they looked more like a FOX NEWS show that an anti-Trump show.
Hopefully someone removed all the loose objects from the room.
Y'know, I've seen this debacle compared to Geraldo Rivera's Al Capone Vault fiasco, but there's big difference:

Rivera didn't know the vault was empty until they broke it open; Maddow HAD THE TAX FORMS.

And she did as a journalist would do. She reported on the facts. Funny you want to make a partisan issue about a journalist reporting on facts.

Maybe it's because you conflate Maddow with Hannity and the other Fox talking heads. They're miles apart.

It was the way she reported on it, where the complete fail comes in.
Taxes from 2005? Who gives a fuck? Who gives a fuck about his 2016 taxes? What on earth are you hoping to find? Did he find some nice tax loop holes and get some write offs? I expect that he did. Who cares, if its legal? I dont give a shit how much money the president made or didnt make.

I assume Trump, like the rest of us, paid as little in taxes as humanly possible. Are there any of you dumb enough to pay MORE than you need to? Taxes, taxes, taxes... who fucking cares?
I like how the OP humorously mocks Maddow's 'accomplishment' as if it were as important as those other events... funny! :p
I like how the OP humorously mocks Maddow's 'accomplishment' as if it were as important as those other events... funny! :p
Geraldo thanked MSNBC, and Madcow for letting him off the hook after his embarrassing Al Capone vault fiasco.

To think no one has topped that Epic Fail for 40 years or so until this week?
revealed Donald Trump's taxes?
I was in the car driving to work when I heard on the radio
that this big expose ended up nowhere.

It was already known that Trump had dealings and owed
money to Chinese and Russian banks. And if these banks
laundered money that looks bad but can't be proven as linked to Trump.

As for whether Trump leaked this himself,
or set someone up, or other people leaked it illegally,
Wouldn't Hillary Clinton say "What difference does it make [at this point]"
So far no far left drone has admitted that they were wrong!

AS we all know the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Wrong about what? Do you know who he got money from and who he paid money to? Do you know how much he donated to charity? Do you know which banks or foreign interests he's beholden to?

Show where you cared about that with Clinton?

Silly far left drones!

The new winning for them is loosing!

The Clintons released their taxes back to the 70s so I knew the answer.

No you did not care, because you do not care about anything unless it goes against your far left religion!

And the fact is Trump paid taxes, which defeats the far left religious dogma!

Also the Clintons have been in politics most of their lives, Trump has not!

Silly far left drones!

I would care if the Clintons refused to release their taxes and boy oh boy would you. You should care that Donnie Small Hands won't release his. Makes one think he's hiding something.
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?

Will any of them GRASP that she got played?

I doubt it...
I know, they look stupid doing so.

When you look at the way Maddow went about this, she failed from the very start.

Here's her original tweet, and pay attention to the way she worded it.

Rachel Maddow MSNBC‏ @maddow

BREAKING: We've got Trump tax returns. Tonight, 9pm ET. MSNBC. (Seriously)

When she say's "we've got Trump tax returns" most people are thinking of the "current" returns.

Now she does try to disguise it a bit by saying "Trump tax returns" instead of "Trump's tax returns", but still I'll guarantee you most people are thinking of the katest returns.

So from the start she not only disappoints with the fact that this was an old tax return, but of course the content blows up in her face with the fact that Trump paid millions in taxes.

Imagine her leftist audience ready to pop champagne corks in anticipation of some really damaging news for Trump, but instead the return makes Trump look like a patriotic tax paying American.
She handled this so poorly that you have to wonder what happened.

Maybe her staff told her they found something damaging, or maybe she just ASSUMED they would.

This was just brutal.

Yes, and I would have loved to have been in the room after the show when it finally dawned on Maddow and her staff that they looked more like a FOX NEWS show that an anti-Trump show.
Hopefully someone removed all the loose objects from the room.
Y'know, I've seen this debacle compared to Geraldo Rivera's Al Capone Vault fiasco, but there's big difference:

Rivera didn't know the vault was empty until they broke it open; Maddow HAD THE TAX FORMS.

And she did as a journalist would do. She reported on the facts. Funny you want to make a partisan issue about a journalist reporting on facts.

Maybe it's because you conflate Maddow with Hannity and the other Fox talking heads. They're miles apart.
Rachel Maddow is a left wing partisan ideologue, a biased commentator who does what biased commentators on both sides do: They "analyze" the news purely from their partisan ideological perspective. They start with facts and then slant their "analysis" to match their agenda by highlighting that which maximizes their agenda, and avoiding/ignoring that which is contrary to it.

Unfortunately, many fans of these people appear to not understand this, which gives the industry an aura not unlike professional wrestling. Some people still believe THAT is real, TOO.

Indeed, she's much better at it than Hannity, who is essentially unwatchable. But she still is what she is. She is a biased advocate journalist, no more, no less.

Do you or have you ever watched either? Doesn't sound like it or you would not be able to make comparisons between Maddow and Hannity.
Maddow forced the regressive Trump to release his tax return, and somebody silly regressively thinks Trump won?

Even if that was true the numbers contained in the tax return are very favorable to the President. In any scenario Madcow loses.
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?

Will any of them GRASP that she got played?

I doubt it...
I can never tell when partisans are in denial or just lying. I'm working on that.
There are of course other huge historical moments, Geraldo opening Al Capones lost vault for instance.

When Trump beat Clinton and proved the media hype was wrong.
Started a whole new level of exposing the media bias that was going unchallenged.
Made a believer out of me. I didn't think he could beat the big machinery in place...
Why would anyone be embarrassed? Somebody leaked a couple of pages of trump's 2005 tax documents. A news pundit with a TV show on cable news announced she would have the pages on her show that night along with the guy who got the documents in the mail. That is what happened. There wasn't a whole lot of hype and claims of what the documents would reveal. So why wouldn't the show announce what their show was going to be about on that evening?
trumpots are pissed off just like trump because the media and trump opponents are not falling for the orchestrated ruse designed by trump. The ruse is a fail. Everyone with sense knows it was trump that had his documents leaked to take away attention from the other more serious news, and scandals occupying media attention.
She handled this so poorly that you have to wonder what happened.

Maybe her staff told her they found something damaging, or maybe she just ASSUMED they would.

This was just brutal.

Yes, and I would have loved to have been in the room after the show when it finally dawned on Maddow and her staff that they looked more like a FOX NEWS show that an anti-Trump show.
Hopefully someone removed all the loose objects from the room.
Y'know, I've seen this debacle compared to Geraldo Rivera's Al Capone Vault fiasco, but there's big difference:

Rivera didn't know the vault was empty until they broke it open; Maddow HAD THE TAX FORMS.

And she did as a journalist would do. She reported on the facts. Funny you want to make a partisan issue about a journalist reporting on facts.

Maybe it's because you conflate Maddow with Hannity and the other Fox talking heads. They're miles apart.
Rachel Maddow is a left wing partisan ideologue, a biased commentator who does what biased commentators on both sides do: They "analyze" the news purely from their partisan ideological perspective. They start with facts and then slant their "analysis" to match their agenda by highlighting that which maximizes their agenda, and avoiding/ignoring that which is contrary to it.

Unfortunately, many fans of these people appear to not understand this, which gives the industry an aura not unlike professional wrestling. Some people still believe THAT is real, TOO.

Indeed, she's much better at it than Hannity, who is essentially unwatchable. But she still is what she is. She is a biased advocate journalist, no more, no less.

Do you or have you ever watched either? Doesn't sound like it or you would not be able to make comparisons between Maddow and Hannity.
Of course, I've watched both quite a bit. They're different in many ways. Maddow is far more prepared and articulate. Hannity is tough to watch.

That doesn't change the fact that they share the specific behaviors I describe above.

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