BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

I guess Maddow had to air the two whole pages of 2005 tax returns so she could find out what was in them. She is looking very much the fool today and that is no ones fault but hers.
What we see is the Trump puppets following their talking points today.

Not hard to see the fail here, and it's fucking hillarious !!
and they are defending her, that's what is truly special. how does one defend that debacle. yet here they all are front and center like they have skin in the game .
Defending Maddow from what? Doing her job? I'm glad she's investigating this.......and it's just the beginning.
see, you just can't stop the stupid that is a butt hurt lib even when the obvious occurs. dude, you aren't worth any time if you believe she did something valuable for your side. It just isn't worth talking to a fking brick.
Jake, the more you post on this topic, the more idiotic you look. I would highly recommend that you take a break from the board for a few days and come back when your head clears.
I realize they have to defend her, but sheesh.

I know, they look stupid doing so.

When you look at the way Maddow went about this, she failed from the very start.

Here's her original tweet, and pay attention to the way she worded it.

Rachel Maddow MSNBC‏ @maddow

BREAKING: We've got Trump tax returns. Tonight, 9pm ET. MSNBC. (Seriously)

When she say's "we've got Trump tax returns" most people are thinking of the "current" returns.

Now she does try to disguise it a bit by saying "Trump tax returns" instead of "Trump's tax returns", but still I'll guarantee you most people are thinking of the katest returns.

So from the start she not only disappoints with the fact that this was an old tax return, but of course the content blows up in her face with the fact that Trump paid millions in taxes.

Imagine her leftist audience ready to pop champagne corks in anticipation of some really damaging news for Trump, but instead the return makes Trump look like a patriotic tax paying American.
She handled this so poorly that you have to wonder what happened.

Maybe her staff told her they found something damaging, or maybe she just ASSUMED they would.

This was just brutal.

Yes, and I would have loved to have been in the room after the show when it finally dawned on Maddow and her staff that they looked more like a FOX NEWS show that an anti-Trump show.
Hopefully someone removed all the loose objects from the room.
Y'know, I've seen this debacle compared to Geraldo Rivera's Al Capone Vault fiasco, but there's big difference:

Rivera didn't know the vault was empty until they broke it open; Maddow HAD THE TAX FORMS.

And she did as a journalist would do. She reported on the facts. Funny you want to make a partisan issue about a journalist reporting on facts.

Maybe it's because you conflate Maddow with Hannity and the other Fox talking heads. They're miles apart.
So far no far left drone has admitted that they were wrong!

AS we all know the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Wrong about what? Do you know who he got money from and who he paid money to? Do you know how much he donated to charity? Do you know which banks or foreign interests he's beholden to?
So far no far left drone has admitted that they were wrong!

AS we all know the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Wrong about what? Do you know who he got money from and who he paid money to? Do you know how much he donated to charity? Do you know which banks or foreign interests he's beholden to?

Show where you cared about that with Clinton?

Silly far left drones!

The new winning for them is loosing!
So far no far left drone has admitted that they were wrong!

AS we all know the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Wrong about what? Do you know who he got money from and who he paid money to? Do you know how much he donated to charity? Do you know which banks or foreign interests he's beholden to?

Show where you cared about that with Clinton?

Silly far left drones!

The new winning for them is loosing!

The Clintons released their taxes back to the 70s so I knew the answer.
So far no far left drone has admitted that they were wrong!

AS we all know the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Wrong about what? Do you know who he got money from and who he paid money to? Do you know how much he donated to charity? Do you know which banks or foreign interests he's beholden to?

Show where you cared about that with Clinton?

Silly far left drones!

The new winning for them is loosing!

The Clintons released their taxes back to the 70s so I knew the answer.

No you did not care, because you do not care about anything unless it goes against your far left religion!

And the fact is Trump paid taxes, which defeats the far left religious dogma!

Also the Clintons have been in politics most of their lives, Trump has not!

Silly far left drones!
I realize they have to defend her, but sheesh.

I know, they look stupid doing so.

When you look at the way Maddow went about this, she failed from the very start.

Here's her original tweet, and pay attention to the way she worded it.

Rachel Maddow MSNBC‏ @maddow

BREAKING: We've got Trump tax returns. Tonight, 9pm ET. MSNBC. (Seriously)

When she say's "we've got Trump tax returns" most people are thinking of the "current" returns.

Now she does try to disguise it a bit by saying "Trump tax returns" instead of "Trump's tax returns", but still I'll guarantee you most people are thinking of the katest returns.

So from the start she not only disappoints with the fact that this was an old tax return, but of course the content blows up in her face with the fact that Trump paid millions in taxes.

Imagine her leftist audience ready to pop champagne corks in anticipation of some really damaging news for Trump, but instead the return makes Trump look like a patriotic tax paying American.
She handled this so poorly that you have to wonder what happened.

Maybe her staff told her they found something damaging, or maybe she just ASSUMED they would.

This was just brutal.

Yes, and I would have loved to have been in the room after the show when it finally dawned on Maddow and her staff that they looked more like a FOX NEWS show that an anti-Trump show.
Hopefully someone removed all the loose objects from the room.
Y'know, I've seen this debacle compared to Geraldo Rivera's Al Capone Vault fiasco, but there's big difference:

Rivera didn't know the vault was empty until they broke it open; Maddow HAD THE TAX FORMS.

And she did as a journalist would do. She reported on the facts. Funny you want to make a partisan issue about a journalist reporting on facts.

Maybe it's because you conflate Maddow with Hannity and the other Fox talking heads. They're miles apart.
Rachel Maddow is a left wing partisan ideologue, a biased commentator who does what biased commentators on both sides do: They "analyze" the news purely from their partisan ideological perspective. They start with facts and then slant their "analysis" to match their agenda by highlighting that which maximizes their agenda, and avoiding/ignoring that which is contrary to it.

Unfortunately, many fans of these people appear to not understand this, which gives the industry an aura not unlike professional wrestling. Some people still believe THAT is real, TOO.

Indeed, she's much better at it than Hannity, who is essentially unwatchable. But she still is what she is. She is a biased advocate journalist, no more, no less.
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Remember Trump got to write off $110 million, so he earned $110 million more than was taxed...

And this was from the near $1 billion loss that we got to see on his conveniently leaked State income taxes years earlier....

AND it was a loophole that was just plain wrong, that he took advantage of....

The Bank he borrowed the Billion dollars from and declared bankruptcy on, TOOK the Billion dollar write off for their loss, on their taxes

AND the TRUMPSTER, took the billion dollar loss as well on his taxes!!! :eek:

Trump took a deduction on his business losses and stretched them out over a few years, but so what? That is the existing tax law at the time, so he did not do anything wrong.

It is amazing to me how you liberals over look Clintons many shady deals while Secretary of State then try to make a mountain out of a mole hill regarding Trump taxes paid.
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?

I have no problem characterizing this as a huge fail.

This was obviously a cherry-picked return designed to cast the most favorable light possible.

Maddow should've give it the two minute dismissal at the very end of her show it deserves.

Your whole RESIST DEMOCRACY JIHAD is a fail.
Why is Lefty doing Putin's Dirty work for him?
Putin could never in his wildest dreams try to subvert Democracy like The DNC, Clinton, Obama and Liberal Fascist Racist Collectivist Scum have been trying to do.
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?

I am not a liberal, I am a fiscal conservative Independent and I will agree with you that putting out 12 year old income tax returns (with just the typical 2 pages of a 1040 form) was a little over the TOP because all it disclosed was income and taxes paid that year. I am certain it was done as a "show" stopper, and Racheal Maddow is way to smart to go there, but she did it anyway. Maybe just to get under the Comrade's skin.

What was missing in this old return was the K-1 form which will show his investments, both in country & foreign. This K-1 form is usually attached to the 1040 form.

The PRIMARY reason that Presidential candidates have released their income tax returns over the last 40 YEARS is to look for FOREIGN CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Which can be consideed a National Security Threat. It's not about how much money they made, and what taxes they paid. You can rant all day long about the tax code, and or he/she didn't pay their fair share but it really has nothing to do with releasing income tax returns.

"Never in American history has a president-elect presented more conflict of interest questions and foreign entanglements than Donald Trump. Given the vast and global scope of Trump’s business interests, many of which remain shrouded in secrecy, we cannot predict the full gamut of legal and constitutional challenges that lie ahead. But one violation, of constitutional magnitude, will run from the instant that Mr. Trump swears he will “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” While holding office, Mr. Trump will receive—by virtue of his continued interest in the Trump Organization and his stake in hundreds of other entities—a steady stream of monetary and other benefits from foreign powers and their agents."
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution provides as follows: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

This is a reason for impeachment. If Republicans won't do it, be assured Democrats will in 2018. Democrats will obtain Trump's recent income tax returns (the full returns) when they take over the Ways & Means committee. Republicans recently refused to do that.
Republicans (ways & means committee) refuse to release Trump's tax returns over Russia investigation

She needs to talk about Article 1, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution, his foreign conflicts of interest and what they mean. Because the Trump empire has expanded into many foreign countries.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president
Trump registered eight companies in Saudi Arabia during campaign: report
Donald Trump's Many Conflicts of Interest: From His Hotels to Family Ties (Photos)


To add insult to injury General Flynn could have been Trump's national security adviser, who has been and still is a lobbyist for Turkey.

German Language Class, High School

Home on Boot Camp leave.
(got to my ship in Pearl Harbor in time to see the capsule arrive)

Sitting here online laughing my ass off
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?
I find it fascinating....all the so-called president's defenders posting thread after thread today in an attempt to discredit Maddow. She's sure onto something.
She may be, but if she's going to go after him, she'd better be right when she does. She only hurts herself and the Democrats with stuff like this.

That a screw up by a partisan TV news personality might hurt a political party just highlights the often ridiculous nature of politics in this country.
It might be entertaining to watch BLINKY tonight to see how it deals with what it got itself into! :p

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