BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

Backatacha, Lester.

You should try reviewing your own link.

No, Clinton did not use the exact same deduction when she lost money, as you claimed.

A deduction of 3,000.00 for a Capital Gains loss


IS NOT the same as Trump's near a billion "net operating loss"

Do you know the difference, or are you just a moron?

That is a schedule D for capital gains and losses. Trump's losses were business operations correct? That would be a Schedule E, not a D.
that's so shallow....2005 taxs, whoop dee do, only 2 front pages....a year trump actually paid taxes....WHO CARES about that, but Trump?
we want to see his last 5 to 10 years, IN FULL, like
he was still writing off that nearly 1 billion dollar loss that showed on his conveniently leaked, State tax returns of his....

we have on the Clintons!
We want to know his Foreign nation connections

But the scoop! This is groundbreaking earth shattering news; TRUMP PAYS MORE TAXES PERCENTAGE THAN MSNBC!
in 2005? Msnbc in 2005 vs Trump in 2005???

Remember Trump got to write off $110 million, so he earned $110 million more than was taxed...

And this was from the near $1 billion loss that we got to see on his conveniently leaked State income taxes years earlier....

AND it was a loophole that was just plain wrong, that he took advantage of....

The Bank he borrowed the Billion dollars from and declared bankruptcy on, TOOK the Billion dollar write off for their loss, on their taxes

AND the TRUMPSTER, took the billion dollar loss as well on his taxes!!! :eek:
Fake News BLINKY got pwnd by Rush already today and will get pwnd again by Hannity in an hour!

It's not "fake news" it was verified by the White House prior to being on the air... it might have been insignificant news, but not fake. You should get your shit together before posting. Just yelling "fake news" at everything is just a sign of ignorance.
Remember you are talking to the alt-right, alternative facts crowd. Der Gropenfuhrer probably sent them out himself.

Why do people keep arguing this? As a journalist who was given the information anonymously she did not break any laws. Holy shit you people need to learn the laws before starting 5 million threads and posts about this.

It's called Journalistic Privilege. She did not solicit the information and therefor broke no laws.

How can you sit and say it was a "nothing burger" in one breath and then ask for her to be arrested in the next... you're having a mental meltdown.
I snapped? I'm having a ball watching all the Trumpbots in multiple threads throw out misinformation like frisbees. Here's a small list:

#1. People still think MSNBC and Maddow broke the law.
They sought to profit from illegally obtained documents by another. Clearly this was the reason as the documents did not damage Trump.

#2. People think tax returns are "classified" information
They are protected by federal law from all but specific government employees with court approval.

#3. People don't understand journalists have extra specific rights of protection
Really? They can torture/extort/steal and stuff then?

#4. An idiot is arguing that Trump had to pass a background check to get a security clearance
Cite the link he didn't have a background check.

#5. Some believe that Maddow committed espionage
Not sure that is the right word.

That's just a couple off the top of my head from the last couple hours. It's as if Trumpbots don't care about truth.

I'll add you to the list of idiot Trumpbots. They are journalists... their JOB is to pass along information. So your point on #1 is invalid.
No, they have a duty to inform people with legally obtained and verified stories.

#2. A tax return is NOT classified information. It is private Confidential information...
I didn't use the word classified, you did. I find that dishonest on your part.

#3. You created a strawman argument... because you know damn well what special rights of protection they have, it's been talked about in multiple threads over and over... Reporter's Privilege and Shield Laws.
You were not that specific above. Now you back track.

#4. President's are elected by the people to become Commander-in-chief they don't go through a background check for security clearance...
I didn't ask for a rehash, I said provide a link.

#5. Of course it isn't the right word, BECAUSE SHE BROKE NO LAWS!

You used the word espionage, quite a different meaning. She certainly was attempting to spy by proxy.

answered in blue

#1. Did you even watch the show? They reached out to the White House and verified the taxes were real before they reported it. In fact the White House reported what was in it before Maddow reported it on air. Again you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

#2. I said some people on this forum are saying that taxes are classified information, you didn't agree that they aren't instead you gave an explanation that pointed towards them being classified.

#3. I shouldn't have to be specific because it has been talked about over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over what special rights journalists get, and it has NOTHING to do with torture or any of the other crap you listed... and you know that which is dishonest of YOU.

#4. Provide a link to what? It's a fact. How about you provide a link showing a President has to pass a background check for a security clearance?

#5. Wrong. I'm saying what OTHER people are saying. These aren't my words to describe her or her actions. Are you that fucking retarded or trying to be dishonest on purpose? She was not trying to be a spy... she was reporting information provided to her. Like it or not, when you become POTUS you become a public figure and therefor are put into a position of being under a microscope to the public. It's why some very qualified people never run for POTUS. They don't want the hassle of it.

It doesn't matter! The 2005--12 year old income tax return DID NOT SHOW the K-1 form. The K-1 form shows foreign investments which is WHAT IS IMPORTANT. How much someone makes and how much in taxes they pay is in accordance with TAX code, and is really not INTERESTING. You can argue the point that the tax code needs to be changed, but that's it. You can rant and rave all day long that someone didn't pay their fair share in taxes, but that's all you can do.

The PRIMARY reason that Presidential candidates have released their income tax returns over the last 40 YEARS is to look for FOREIGN CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Which can be consideed a National Security Threat.

"Never in American history has a president-elect presented more conflict of interest questions and foreign entanglements than Donald Trump. Given the vast and global scope of Trump’s business interests, many of which remain shrouded in secrecy, we cannot predict the full gamut of legal and constitutional challenges that lie ahead. But one violation, of constitutional magnitude, will run from the instant that Mr. Trump swears he will “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” While holding office, Mr. Trump will receive—by virtue of his continued interest in the Trump Organization and his stake in hundreds of other entities—a steady stream of monetary and other benefits from foreign powers and their agents."
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution provides as follows: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

This is a reason for impeachment. If Republicans won't do it, be assured Democrats will in 2018. Democrats will obtain Trump's recent income tax returns (the full returns) when they take over the Ways & Means committee. Republicans recently refused to do that.
Republicans (ways & means committee) refuse to release Trump's tax returns over Russia investigation

This is why the 2005 return that Rachael Maddow released is totally WORTHLESS.

Which of course is totally legal. In fact hillary used the exact same deduction when she lost money.
No, she didn't.

Ya can lead a moron to knowledge but you cant make em think.....
Backatacha, Lester.

You should try reviewing your own link.

No, Clinton did not use the exact same deduction when she lost money, as you claimed.

A deduction of 3,000.00 for a Capital Gains loss


IS NOT the same as Trump's near a billion "net operating loss"

Do you know the difference, or are you just a moron?

Nice cherry pick.
Did you happen to notice that most say she did?
.....of course not.


Who to believe, Trumpbart & the RWNJ echo chamber or your lying eyes? :lol:

You said "In fact hillary used the exact same deduction when she lost money." - you were proven immensely wrong.

Own the fuck up.
that's so shallow....2005 taxs, whoop dee do, only 2 front pages....a year trump actually paid taxes....WHO CARES about that, but Trump?
we want to see his last 5 to 10 years, IN FULL, like
he was still writing off that nearly 1 billion dollar loss that showed on his conveniently leaked, State tax returns of his....

we have on the Clintons!
We want to know his Foreign nation connections

But the scoop! This is groundbreaking earth shattering news; TRUMP PAYS MORE TAXES PERCENTAGE THAN MSNBC!
in 2005? Msnbc in 2005 vs Trump in 2005???

Remember Trump got to write off $110 million, so he earned $110 million more than was taxed...

And this was from the near $1 billion loss that we got to see on his conveniently leaked State income taxes years earlier....

AND it was a loophole that was just plain wrong, that he took advantage of....

The Bank he borrowed the Billion dollars from and declared bankruptcy on, TOOK the Billion dollar write off for their loss, on their taxes

AND the TRUMPSTER, took the billion dollar loss as well on his taxes!!! :eek:

Care 4 all is not just butt hurt. This election has absolutely butt raped her!

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I snapped? I'm having a ball watching all the Trumpbots in multiple threads throw out misinformation like frisbees. Here's a small list:

#1. People still think MSNBC and Maddow broke the law.
They sought to profit from illegally obtained documents by another. Clearly this was the reason as the documents did not damage Trump.

#2. People think tax returns are "classified" information
They are protected by federal law from all but specific government employees with court approval.

#3. People don't understand journalists have extra specific rights of protection
Really? They can torture/extort/steal and stuff then?

#4. An idiot is arguing that Trump had to pass a background check to get a security clearance
Cite the link he didn't have a background check.

#5. Some believe that Maddow committed espionage
Not sure that is the right word.

That's just a couple off the top of my head from the last couple hours. It's as if Trumpbots don't care about truth.

I'll add you to the list of idiot Trumpbots. They are journalists... their JOB is to pass along information. So your point on #1 is invalid.
No, they have a duty to inform people with legally obtained and verified stories.

#2. A tax return is NOT classified information. It is private Confidential information...
I didn't use the word classified, you did. I find that dishonest on your part.

#3. You created a strawman argument... because you know damn well what special rights of protection they have, it's been talked about in multiple threads over and over... Reporter's Privilege and Shield Laws.
You were not that specific above. Now you back track.

#4. President's are elected by the people to become Commander-in-chief they don't go through a background check for security clearance...
I didn't ask for a rehash, I said provide a link.

#5. Of course it isn't the right word, BECAUSE SHE BROKE NO LAWS!

You used the word espionage, quite a different meaning. She certainly was attempting to spy by proxy.

answered in blue

#1. Did you even watch the show? They reached out to the White House and verified the taxes were real before they reported it. In fact the White House reported what was in it before Maddow reported it on air. Again you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

#2. I said some people on this forum are saying that taxes are classified information, you didn't agree that they aren't instead you gave an explanation that pointed towards them being classified.

#3. I shouldn't have to be specific because it has been talked about over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over what special rights journalists get, and it has NOTHING to do with torture or any of the other crap you listed... and you know that which is dishonest of YOU.

#4. Provide a link to what? It's a fact. How about you provide a link showing a President has to pass a background check for a security clearance?

#5. Wrong. I'm saying what OTHER people are saying. These aren't my words to describe her or her actions. Are you that fucking retarded or trying to be dishonest on purpose? She was not trying to be a spy... she was reporting information provided to her. Like it or not, when you become POTUS you become a public figure and therefor are put into a position of being under a microscope to the public. It's why some very qualified people never run for POTUS. They don't want the hassle of it.

It doesn't matter the 2005--12 year old income tax return DID NOT SHOW the K-1 form. The K-1 form shows foreign investments which is WHAT IS IMPORTANT. How much someone makes and how much in taxes they pay is in accordance with TAX code, and is really not INTERESTING. You can argue the point that the tax code needs to be changed, but that's it. You can rant and rave all day long that someone didn't pay their fair share in taxes, but that's all you can do.

The PRIMARY reason that Presidential candidates have released their income tax returns over the last 40 YEARS is to look for FOREIGN CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Which can be consideed a National Security Threat.

"Never in American history has a president-elect presented more conflict of interest questions and foreign entanglements than Donald Trump. Given the vast and global scope of Trump’s business interests, many of which remain shrouded in secrecy, we cannot predict the full gamut of legal and constitutional challenges that lie ahead. But one violation, of constitutional magnitude, will run from the instant that Mr. Trump swears he will “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” While holding office, Mr. Trump will receive—by virtue of his continued interest in the Trump Organization and his stake in hundreds of other entities—a steady stream of monetary and other benefits from foreign powers and their agents."
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution provides as follows: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

This is a reason for impeachment. If Republicans won't do it, be assured Democrats will in 2018. Democrats will obtain Trump's recent income tax returns (the full returns) when they take over the Ways & Means committee. Republicans recently refused to do that.
Republicans (ways & means committee) refuse to release Trump's tax returns over Russia investigation

This is why the 2005 return that Rachael Maddow released is totally WORTHLESS.

Why are you quoting me to post that? I want to see Trump's taxes to see his conflicts of interests and to see if he makes as many donations as he says he does.... not to mention whether he is a billionaire like he claims to be.
Why do people keep arguing this? As a journalist who was given the information anonymously she did not break any laws. Holy shit you people need to learn the laws before starting 5 million threads and posts about this.

It's called Journalistic Privilege. She did not solicit the information and therefor broke no laws.

How can you sit and say it was a "nothing burger" in one breath and then ask for her to be arrested in the next... you're having a mental meltdown.

90% of the rightists here are paid posters. They receive their marching orders and do as they're told like good little muppets.
Fake News BLINKY got pwnd by Rush already today and will get pwnd again by Hannity in an hour!

It's not "fake news" it was verified by the White House prior to being on the air... it might have been insignificant news, but not fake. You should get your shit together before posting. Just yelling "fake news" at everything is just a sign of ignorance.

Bitch, after your performance in this thread you are in no position to be leveling criticisms at anyone.

Sent from my iPhone using
Why do people keep arguing this? As a journalist who was given the information anonymously she did not break any laws. Holy shit you people need to learn the laws before starting 5 million threads and posts about this.

It's called Journalistic Privilege. She did not solicit the information and therefor broke no laws.

How can you sit and say it was a "nothing burger" in one breath and then ask for her to be arrested in the next... you're having a mental meltdown.

90% of the rightists here are paid posters. They receive their marching orders and do as they're told like good little muppets.

I can't say who or who isn't a paid poster, but I can say some posters here make some very ignorant statements and they will stick with their statements and misinformation until the very end. No matter what proof you show them to contradict their beliefs, they will NEVER change their position.
I note your non-answer, you cheap, dime store hack.

Dude, go ahead and be led like a little puppy...eating up right out of Trumps hand that is feeding you..

It would be illegal if an IRS person leaked it..

Trump is the one would told everyone that he didn't pay taxes...

If there had been anything incriminating I would be agreeing with you...but Trump is lying his ass off right now..
Targeting taxpayers
Exactly what Trump wants , to discredit her.. She has been getting some very good stories out these last few weeks on connecting the Dots to Russia...

Maddow is an excellent researcher. This isn't over by a long shot....anyone who things it is, is a simpleton of the Drumpfster variety.
She didn't research crap. She was given two pages that make the Trump narratives by leftists, (he is broke/doesn't pay taxes) look completely foolish.
yep, by ultimately, Trump.

YES HE DID THIS was all to Trump's advantage, th year of 2005, only the front two pages, and all to change the subject, to get his lemmings to go after Rachel Maddow, who is doing an incredible job investing and connecting the dots on the Russian Connection.

Simple as's been done before by him and I'm certain it will be done again by him... he's controlling the media...they are not controlling him. Same with you guys, his are his good little sheep! He has you so pegged, knows exactly what you will do, once he tweets..... :p
Care4all, you have no idea how foolish you sound, do you?
Oh, I'm certain it may sound absurd... and don't blame you for thinking so! :D

But I have a lot of years of practice in trying to "read" the situation, and have a pretty good track record over the years.....I trust my feminine intuition, my gut... and the ability to observe the entire politics, there is always a reason for every action and a known reaction to the initial action.... it's a scummy scum world out there!

And since this was a DELIBERATE via courier, and timed leak of his tax return, with a specific year of 2005, where Trump had done well and actually paid taxes, with a very limited view of only the first 2 pages, giving us absolutely no information on any of his foreign nation, oligarch or bank connections, and earlier enough of a year, that he may not have even had any Russian connections yet...

YES, most certainly the ONLY ONE TO GAIN from this kind of limited leak, was Trump, himself.
Fake News BLINKY got pwnd by Rush already today and will get pwnd again by Hannity in an hour!

It's not "fake news" it was verified by the White House prior to being on the air... it might have been insignificant news, but not fake. You should get your shit together before posting. Just yelling "fake news" at everything is just a sign of ignorance.

Bitch, after your performance in this thread you are in no position to be leveling criticisms at anyone.

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Show me one thing in this thread I've been wrong about. :lmao:

Coming from the idiot that started this thread to complain about Maddow and NBC breaking the law when they obviously didn't. Poor thing, you need some salve for that chapped ass?
Which of course is totally legal. In fact hillary used the exact same deduction when she lost money.
No, she didn't.

Ya can lead a moron to knowledge but you cant make em think.....
Backatacha, Lester.

You should try reviewing your own link.

No, Clinton did not use the exact same deduction when she lost money, as you claimed.

A deduction of 3,000.00 for a Capital Gains loss


IS NOT the same as Trump's near a billion "net operating loss"

Do you know the difference, or are you just a moron?

Nice cherry pick.
Did you happen to notice that most say she did?
.....of course not.


Who to believe, Trumpbart & the RWNJ echo chamber or your lying eyes? :lol:

You said "In fact hillary used the exact same deduction when she lost money." - you were proven immensely wrong.

Own the fuck up.

So you're telling me hillary and bill have never taken deduction based on losses?
Back in 1940s Germany you would of been gassed, CC.

When confronted with what facts are wrong this is your answer. Sad deflection attempt.
Btw, notice how CC deflected by alleging a deflection. That is called the "double deflection".

We all know that CC would have been in the oven in 1940 Central Europe.

You claimed she wasnt presenting facts. Then your defense was because you "rarely" seen her do so, which means you've seen it but you called it "rare". When asked what facts are wrong you start talking about hypotheticals of what would happen to people if they were in Germany.

I think we know why.
Why do people keep arguing this? As a journalist who was given the information anonymously she did not break any laws. Holy shit you people need to learn the laws before starting 5 million threads and posts about this.

It's called Journalistic Privilege. She did not solicit the information and therefor broke no laws.

How can you sit and say it was a "nothing burger" in one breath and then ask for her to be arrested in the next... you're having a mental meltdown.

90% of the rightists here are paid posters. They receive their marching orders and do as they're told like good little muppets.
I am a paid poster.
Look, Maddow can do whatever dykes do. But when that dude goes on TV she is part of the press; I.e., part of the purported constitutional Check on government power becoming too concentrated.

However, when the press, or factions therein, start choosing political sides then it can no longer fulfill this duty. A biased press is a corrupt press. They disguise this corruption by labeling it "investigative journalism".

The MSM is corrupt, MSNBC is corrupt, and Maddow is corrupt. Maddow was not breaking a story. Rather, she was perpetuating a narrative and trying to undermine Trump.

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How exactly is MSNBC corrupt? Does he sexual preference have anything to do with her on air performance?

I explained why they are corrupt, you illiterate fuck. Go back and reflect on my post.

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You dont seem to have a problem when Fox chooses sides. Doesnt that, by your definition, make them corrupt also- along with all the other right wing publications??
Why do people keep arguing this? As a journalist who was given the information anonymously she did not break any laws. Holy shit you people need to learn the laws before starting 5 million threads and posts about this.

It's called Journalistic Privilege. She did not solicit the information and therefor broke no laws.

How can you sit and say it was a "nothing burger" in one breath and then ask for her to be arrested in the next... you're having a mental meltdown.

90% of the rightists here are paid posters. They receive their marching orders and do as they're told like good little muppets.
Lol! Just because we continually crush your idiotic theories does not mean we are paid to do so. It's just something to do to pass the time.

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