BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

Look, Maddow can do whatever dykes do. But when that dude goes on TV she is part of the press; I.e., part of the purported constitutional Check on government power becoming too concentrated.

However, when the press, or factions therein, start choosing political sides then it can no longer fulfill this duty. A biased press is a corrupt press. They disguise this corruption by labeling it "investigative journalism".

The MSM is corrupt, MSNBC is corrupt, and Maddow is corrupt. Maddow was not breaking a story. Rather, she was perpetuating a narrative and trying to undermine Trump.

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What is wrong with you? The pamphleteers of the American Revolution were far more biased than the media of today.
revealed Donald Trump's taxes?

Studying in the Caltech geology library- I was somewhere in Africa freezing my ass off- at home, on the porch, listening to the wind, sipping an 18 year old single malt.

Oh yes, I remember sipping an 18 year old, it was heaven. Her 41 year old mother was good too!

Yes, i have a couple of those lurking around here as well. But they are for special occasions.
Why do people keep arguing this? As a journalist who was given the information anonymously she did not break any laws. Holy shit you people need to learn the laws before starting 5 million threads and posts about this.

It's called Journalistic Privilege. She did not solicit the information and therefor broke no laws.

How can you sit and say it was a "nothing burger" in one breath and then ask for her to be arrested in the next... you're having a mental meltdown.

Journalistic privilege does not cover Personal FINANCIAL documents, or other personal information that is covered by privacy laws.
So far no far left drone has admitted that they were wrong!

AS we all know the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Wrong about what? Do you know who he got money from and who he paid money to? Do you know how much he donated to charity? Do you know which banks or foreign interests he's beholden to?

Show where you cared about that with Clinton?

Silly far left drones!

The new winning for them is loosing!

The Clintons released their taxes back to the 70s so I knew the answer.

No you did not care, because you do not care about anything unless it goes against your far left religion!

And the fact is Trump paid taxes, which defeats the far left religious dogma!

Also the Clintons have been in politics most of their lives, Trump has not!

Silly far left drones!

I would care if the Clintons refused to release their taxes and boy oh boy would you. You should care that Donnie Small Hands won't release his. Makes one think he's hiding something.

Of course I would be upset since my taxes pay their salary while they were in government!

Just like if Trump tries it next year, I will be saying that he should even though he is only taking a $1 salary!

But then again what does the far left care about a private citizen (who was not in government 30+ years)?

Why do you care what Trump made before he was in government?
She handled this so poorly that you have to wonder what happened.

Maybe her staff told her they found something damaging, or maybe she just ASSUMED they would.

This was just brutal.

Yes, and I would have loved to have been in the room after the show when it finally dawned on Maddow and her staff that they looked more like a FOX NEWS show that an anti-Trump show.
Hopefully someone removed all the loose objects from the room.
Y'know, I've seen this debacle compared to Geraldo Rivera's Al Capone Vault fiasco, but there's big difference:

Rivera didn't know the vault was empty until they broke it open; Maddow HAD THE TAX FORMS.

And she did as a journalist would do. She reported on the facts. Funny you want to make a partisan issue about a journalist reporting on facts.

Maybe it's because you conflate Maddow with Hannity and the other Fox talking heads. They're miles apart.
Rachel Maddow is a left wing partisan ideologue, a biased commentator who does what biased commentators on both sides do: They "analyze" the news purely from their partisan ideological perspective. They start with facts and then slant their "analysis" to match their agenda by highlighting that which maximizes their agenda, and avoiding/ignoring that which is contrary to it.

Unfortunately, many fans of these people appear to not understand this, which gives the industry an aura not unlike professional wrestling. Some people still believe THAT is real, TOO.

Indeed, she's much better at it than Hannity, who is essentially unwatchable. But she still is what she is. She is a biased advocate journalist, no more, no less.

Do you or have you ever watched either? Doesn't sound like it or you would not be able to make comparisons between Maddow and Hannity.

They are the same, they are both partisan hacks. Except to far left drones like you!
Why do people keep arguing this? As a journalist who was given the information anonymously she did not break any laws. Holy shit you people need to learn the laws before starting 5 million threads and posts about this.

It's called Journalistic Privilege. She did not solicit the information and therefor broke no laws.

How can you sit and say it was a "nothing burger" in one breath and then ask for her to be arrested in the next... you're having a mental meltdown.

Journalistic privilege does not cover Personal FINANCIAL documents, or other personal information that is covered by privacy laws.

Wrong. And Trump is considered a public figure which also makes a difference. Please insert another quarter and try again.
Prove she didn't break any law dipshits, THERE ARE LAWS AGAINST HAVING ANYONES PERSONAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION much less reporting it on national TV or any other media outlet. As far as your statement that she did not solicit the information, PURE LIE, easily proved she proved it herself when she said she had the tax returns. SO just dig in your lie hole a little deeper for another It's okay for them!!!! Just not for you!!!!
Maddow was a flash in the pan and was desperate for ratings!

The others were actual events that deserved to be covered..

That is fro those far left drones that do not understand sarcasm..
Prove she didn't break any law dipshits, THERE ARE LAWS AGAINST HAVING ANYONES PERSONAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION much less reporting it on national TV or any other media outlet. As far as your statement that she did not solicit the information, PURE LIE, easily proved she proved it herself when she said she had the tax returns. SO just dig in your lie hole a little deeper for another It's okay for them!!!! Just not for you!!!!

You don't even understand what it means to solicit the material. :lmao:

Seriously dude, just stop. You are making a fool of yourself.
Rachel Maddow's next big TV spectacular will be Donald Trumps 1997 dental records.

Nixon just "got going" before it happened! I lived it; even the Republicans had the "long knives" out for him! Clinton knew he could survive the BS of loser type of Repooplicans who have nothing better to do than create a Constitutional crisis during Clinton and Obama tenure, but think nothing of allowing a dunce to have access to the nuclear codes during "W" & Trump's! :321::blahblah: :bang3:

What Clinton did was 50 times worse than what Nixon did; I lived through them both as well. But Republicans at the time had integrity. democrats under Clinton had ZERO integrity, and have even less now.

Of course Obama makes both Nixon AND Clinton look downright honest - the most corrupt motherfucker to ever disgrace this nation. Nixon was hounded from office for suggesting the IRS be used on political enemies. Obama actually did it, but that's no problem for democrat brown shirts, gutter scum that they are.

The people who praised the illegal Russian hacking of the DNC because they thought it hurt Hillary Clinton NOW want to talk about the law.

How unsurprising is that?

Exposing corrupt, immoral and criminal activity as the Wikileaks did with DNC emails is not the same as publishing a personal document that has been filed with the government and actually has its own laws for protection.
that's so shallow....2005 taxs, whoop dee do, only 2 front pages....a year trump actually paid taxes....WHO CARES about that, but Trump?
we want to see his last 5 to 10 years, IN FULL, like
he was still writing off that nearly 1 billion dollar loss that showed on his conveniently leaked, State tax returns of his....

we have on the Clintons!
We want to know his Foreign nation connections

But the scoop! This is groundbreaking earth shattering news; TRUMP PAYS MORE TAXES PERCENTAGE THAN MSNBC!
in 2005? Msnbc in 2005 vs Trump in 2005???

Remember Trump got to write off $110 million, so he earned $110 million more than was taxed...

And this was from the near $1 billion loss that we got to see on his conveniently leaked State income taxes years earlier....

AND it was a loophole that was just plain wrong, that he took advantage of....

The Bank he borrowed the Billion dollars from and declared bankruptcy on, TOOK the Billion dollar write off for their loss, on their taxes

AND the TRUMPSTER, took the billion dollar loss as well on his taxes!!! :eek:
And your pointless point is?
This so far has been the greatest 24 hours of the week, by far.

Madcow and BSNBC fail miserably on this huge reveal that Trump...gasp...paid a fuck ton of taxes. The lefties on this board, the news and pretty much everywhere are in spin mode so damn hard trying to make this something it's had me in stitches all day. Pathetic.

And some are even claiming Trump himself set this all up as a distraction. Like that makes it better for them when it's the complete opposite. If Trump sent those tax returns to her it's the greatest fucking troll of all time. You can't knock a guy that can pull something like that off. If you fell for it and are still trying to defend your stance while claiming he set it all up? You had your ass handed to you. You need to admit defeat, salute that fucker and acknowledge his unparalleled awesomeness then shrink your sucker ass into a dark corner to lick your wounds.

Trump has been the greatest president of my lifetime purely based on the entertainment he causes you lefties to supply us all with. Thank you God, thank you PDT and thank you snowflakes. God bless America.

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