BREAKING: Marine GENERAL- Military Coup Against Obama

This country needs a modern Augusto Pinochet to purge our nation of the parasitic and despotic statist sociopaths that currently control the government.

If something drastic isn't done soon, I believe the terror unleashed by the Bolsheviks on the Russian people will pale in comparison to the nightmarish Orwellian hell hole the leftist oligarchy is desperate to achieve.


I would rather die on my belly in a pile of empty brass as a free man, than starve to death making brass for tyrants as a slave. Eventually there will only be those two choices I'm afraid. God help us if we can't do it in the ballot box.
Kind of like those drunken goobers (my great uncle) that liberated the Nazi death camps. Glad you appreciate it prick.

Like my father an three uncles who fought the nazis now put down the bottle goyim boy

and by the way it was the Red army who liberated the first camps and beat the nazis at Stalingrad and the eastern front , without them Europe would have been lost

With them, Eastern Europe was lost. However, that had more to do with dumbass American politicians than the Red army.

If the Soviet Union had quit the war, it would have taken longer, and caused a lot more US casualties, but the Allies would have won the war.
This country needs a modern Augusto Pinochet to purge our nation of the parasitic and despotic statist sociopaths that currently control the government.

If something drastic isn't done soon, I believe the terror unleashed by the Bolsheviks on the Russian people will pale in comparison to the nightmarish Orwellian hell hole the leftist oligarchy is desperate to achieve.


I would rather die on my belly in a pile of empty brass as a free man, than starve to death making brass for tyrants as a slave. Eventually there will only be those two choices I'm afraid. God help us if we can't do it in the ballot box.

Righties like to preach impeachment - but they never have any "legal" grounds for such. I wish they would go for it - before November.
"Against ALL enemies foreign AND domestic."

Military Coup Will Remove Obama

In the fall of 2012, it is now clear that President Obama survived an attempted military coup. My sources tell me, that Obama, is fully aware of the fact that key elements of the military want him gone as the President and, in response, Obama has secretly embedded his CIA operatives in various military command structures around the world by placing these operatives into executive command positions in order to help them prevent just such a military coup and these embedded forces have indeed served him well in the aftermath of Benghazi.

I haven't researched this article as I generally do - but the viewpoint is relevant to the OP
Righties like to preach impeachment - but they never have any "legal" grounds for such. I wish they would go for it - before November.

Well, they seem to have given up on legal proceedings and are now cheering for outright murder.

Of course, race has nothing to do with it.
Pinochet was a mass murdering dictator, of course that explains the love of ISIS vs. the US by some posters:

Various reports and investigations claim that between 1,200 and 3,200 people were killed, up to 80,000 people were interned and as many as 30,000 were tortured during the time Pinochet was in government.[7][8][9]
Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Against ALL enemies foreign AND domestic."

Military Coup Will Remove Obama

In the fall of 2012, it is now clear that President Obama survived an attempted military coup. My sources tell me, that Obama, is fully aware of the fact that key elements of the military want him gone as the President and, in response, Obama has secretly embedded his CIA operatives in various military command structures around the world by placing these operatives into executive command positions in order to help them prevent just such a military coup and these embedded forces have indeed served him well in the aftermath of Benghazi.

I haven't researched this article as I generally do - but the viewpoint is relevant to the OP

That's funny. It's right up there with Hillary Clinton adopts alien baby.
Joint Chief Top Marine Criticizes Obama Admin For Handling Of U.S. Troops In Iraq - The Kelly File - YouTube

Defend the Constitution as ALL Soldiers have taken the vow to do...

Soldiers are NOT there to defend the Government...or it's ASSHOLE "LEADERS".

Priority ONE...the Constitution and the Rule of LAW that Obama and the Democrats circumvent.

The truth is they take an oath to obey the orders of the President.

The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ, 64 Stat. 109, 10 U.S.C. Chapter 47), is the foundation of military law in the United States. It was established by the United States Congress in accordance with the authority given by the United States Constitution in Article I, Section 8, which provides that "The Congress shall have Power....To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval forces."

Effective upon its ratification in 1789, Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution provided that Congress has the power to regulate the land and naval forces

The current version of the UCMJ is printed in latest edition of the Manual for Courts-Martial (2012), incorporating changes made by the President (executive orders) and National Defense Authorization Acts of 2006 and 2007. By Guess Who ?
"Against ALL enemies foreign AND domestic."

Military Coup Will Remove Obama

In the fall of 2012, it is now clear that President Obama survived an attempted military coup. My sources tell me, that Obama, is fully aware of the fact that key elements of the military want him gone as the President and, in response, Obama has secretly embedded his CIA operatives in various military command structures around the world by placing these operatives into executive command positions in order to help them prevent just such a military coup and these embedded forces have indeed served him well in the aftermath of Benghazi.

I haven't researched this article as I generally do - but the viewpoint is relevant to the OP

That's funny. It's right up there with Hillary Clinton adopts alien baby.

Adopted One - I thought she was One ? .... are you sure she didn't pop it out her ass , like you just popped that post out of yours ?
Righties like to preach impeachment - but they never have any "legal" grounds for such. I wish they would go for it - before November.

Well, they seem to have given up on legal proceedings and are now cheering for outright murder.

Of course, race has nothing to do with it.

They're actually advocating for a military coup for no other reason than the president winning reelection in 2012.

Such is the contempt for the rule of law exhibited by the partisan right.

Truly bizarre and pathetic.
Righties like to preach impeachment - but they never have any "legal" grounds for such. I wish they would go for it - before November.

Well, they seem to have given up on legal proceedings and are now cheering for outright murder.

Of course, race has nothing to do with it.

They're actually advocating for a military coup for no other reason than the president winning reelection in 2012.

Such is the contempt for the rule of law exhibited by the partisan right.

Truly bizarre and pathetic.

Yep, they're all smoke and no fire.
Well, they seem to have given up on legal proceedings and are now cheering for outright murder.

Of course, race has nothing to do with it.

They're actually advocating for a military coup for no other reason than the president winning reelection in 2012.

Such is the contempt for the rule of law exhibited by the partisan right.

Truly bizarre and pathetic.

Yep, they're all smoke and no fire.

And the far left can not admit that they voted for worse than Bush twice.

Of course these racist, bigoted far left posters are running on their masters far left programming.
Actual military are working to defeat ISIS, the two interviewed by FOX are not active duty, to phrase it gently.
Lois Lerner will be arrested long before a military coup or impeachment takes place.

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