BREAKING: Marine GENERAL- Military Coup Against Obama

And the far left can not admit that they voted for worse than Bush twice.

Of course these racist, bigoted far left posters are running on their masters far left programming.

Programmed?!?! Look who's talking. You repeat the same lies over and over like a computer caught in an infinite loop. :eusa_boohoo:
Lois Lerner will be arrested long before a military coup or impeachment takes place.

And Yellowstone will erupt long before the far left can admit they vote for worse than Bush twice. Then again the sun will expire in about 500 Billion years or so and I bet the far left will never admit that they voted for worse than Bush before then.
And the far left can not admit that they voted for worse than Bush twice.

Of course these racist, bigoted far left posters are running on their masters far left programming.

Programmed?!?! Look who's talking. You repeat the same lies over and over like a computer caught in an infinite loop. :eusa_boohoo:

Oh the irony of those comments from the racist. bigoted far left Obama drone.

Then again the far left could never handle being mocked on a daily basis.

Then if the far left would stop posting the programmed propaganda then pointing out what they are will not be necessary.
Righties like to preach impeachment - but they never have any "legal" grounds for such. I wish they would go for it - before November.

Well, they seem to have given up on legal proceedings and are now cheering for outright murder.

Of course, race has nothing to do with it.

They're actually advocating for a military coup for no other reason than the president winning reelection in 2012.

Such is the contempt for the rule of law exhibited by the partisan right.

Truly bizarre and pathetic.

Declaration of Independence 7/4/1776

".....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness......"

Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript
Actual military are working to defeat ISIS, the two interviewed by FOX are not active duty, to phrase it gently.

You forgot to insert the term "Obama's illegal war in Iraq" somewhere in there..

Please explain to us exactly how and why Obama's "war in Iraq" is illegal.

Why The U.S. Is Acting To Prevent Atrocities In Iraq, Ignoring Others

Once again using the think progress far left blog site as your "facts"?

Please post the mutual defense treaty that US has with Iraq.

Please post where Obama asked the UN for permission for his illegal war in Iraq.

Please post where the members of congress were notified about the action in Iraq.
Well, they seem to have given up on legal proceedings and are now cheering for outright murder.

Of course, race has nothing to do with it.

They're actually advocating for a military coup for no other reason than the president winning reelection in 2012.

Such is the contempt for the rule of law exhibited by the partisan right.

Truly bizarre and pathetic.

Declaration of Independence 7/4/1776

".....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness......"

Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript

Ahem, sparky, the Declaration of Independence is a FOUNDING document - but NOT a GOVERNING document. In other words - it ain't law.

Declaration of Independence Is Not Law
They're actually advocating for a military coup for no other reason than the president winning reelection in 2012.

Such is the contempt for the rule of law exhibited by the partisan right.

Truly bizarre and pathetic.

Declaration of Independence 7/4/1776

".....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness......"

Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript

Ahem, sparky, the Declaration of Independence is a FOUNDING document - but NOT a GOVERNING document.

Tell That to King George
And the far left can not admit that they voted for worse than Bush twice.

Of course these racist, bigoted far left posters are running on their masters far left programming.

Programmed?!?! Look who's talking. You repeat the same lies over and over like a computer caught in an infinite loop. :eusa_boohoo:

Oh the irony of those comments from the racist. bigoted far left Obama drone.

Then again the far left could never handle being mocked on a daily basis.

Then if the far left would stop posting the programmed propaganda then pointing out what they are will not be necessary.

You don't know me. You're just repeating knee-jerk comments which only serve to accentuate your own use of propaganda and basic lack of democratic principles.
Programmed?!?! Look who's talking. You repeat the same lies over and over like a computer caught in an infinite loop. :eusa_boohoo:

Oh the irony of those comments from the racist. bigoted far left Obama drone.

Then again the far left could never handle being mocked on a daily basis.

Then if the far left would stop posting the programmed propaganda then pointing out what they are will not be necessary.

You don't know me. You're just repeating knee-jerk comments which only serve to accentuate your own use of propaganda and basic lack of democratic principles.

The irony of those comments from the racist. bigoted far left Obama drone.
Oh the irony of those comments from the racist. bigoted far left Obama drone.

Then again the far left could never handle being mocked on a daily basis.

Then if the far left would stop posting the programmed propaganda then pointing out what they are will not be necessary.

You don't know me. You're just repeating knee-jerk comments which only serve to accentuate your own use of propaganda and basic lack of democratic principles.

The irony of those comments from the racist. bigoted far left Obama drone.

LOL!!! You answer is to confirm my post?!?! PATHETIC! :lmao:
You forgot to insert the term "Obama's illegal war in Iraq" somewhere in there..

Please explain to us exactly how and why Obama's "war in Iraq" is illegal.

Why The U.S. Is Acting To Prevent Atrocities In Iraq, Ignoring Others

Once again using the think progress far left blog site as your "facts"?

Please post the mutual defense treaty that US has with Iraq.

Please post where Obama asked the UN for permission for his illegal war in Iraq.

Please post where the members of congress were notified about the action in Iraq.

Are you just stupid, or what?

“As we can provide air support to relieve that pressure, the president has given the military the authority to do so,” the senior official said. He said that congressional leaders had been consulted, but that Obama had the legal authority as commander in chief to launch the strikes to protect U.S. personnel and national security interests.

More: U.S. airstrikes target Islamic State militants in northern Iraq - The Washington Post
"Against ALL enemies foreign AND domestic."

Military Coup Will Remove Obama

In the fall of 2012, it is now clear that President Obama survived an attempted military coup. My sources tell me, that Obama, is fully aware of the fact that key elements of the military want him gone as the President and, in response, Obama has secretly embedded his CIA operatives in various military command structures around the world by placing these operatives into executive command positions in order to help them prevent just such a military coup and these embedded forces have indeed served him well in the aftermath of Benghazi.

I haven't researched this article as I generally do - but the viewpoint is relevant to the OP

Perhaps you should have researched it, GreenPeen. This guy makes Alex Jones look sane.

Well, they seem to have given up on legal proceedings and are now cheering for outright murder.

Of course, race has nothing to do with it.

They're actually advocating for a military coup for no other reason than the president winning reelection in 2012.

Such is the contempt for the rule of law exhibited by the partisan right.

Truly bizarre and pathetic.

Declaration of Independence 7/4/1776

".....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness......"

Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript

Well, you just go on and overthrow this mean dirty nasty gubmint, whydontcha?
Joint Chief Top Marine Criticizes Obama Admin For Handling Of U.S. Troops In Iraq - The Kelly File - YouTube

Defend the Constitution as ALL Soldiers have taken the vow to do...

Soldiers are NOT there to defend the Government...or it's ASSHOLE "LEADERS".

Priority ONE...the Constitution and the Rule of LAW that Obama and the Democrats circumvent.

And once again: you're clearly insane.

Neither the president nor democrats have 'circumvented' the law.

That you advocate for a 'coup' is the actual violation of the rule of law, as the Constitution and its case law are supreme, and all citizens are subject to the Federal Constitution, including the military.

And the Constitution stipulates the sole means by which a president may be removed from office outside of a General Election: impeachment in the House and trial in the Senate.

That you and other insane partisan rightists have no evidence that the president has violated any laws – because in fact the president has not violated any laws – is not 'justification' to call for a 'military coup.'
In the fall of 2012, it is now clear that President Obama survived an attempted military coup. My sources tell me, that Obama, is fully aware of the fact that key elements of the military want him gone as the President and, in response, Obama has secretly embedded his CIA operatives in various military command structures around the world by placing these operatives into executive command positions in order to help them prevent just such a military coup and these embedded forces have indeed served him well in the aftermath of Benghazi.

Obviously only a deranged partisan rightist would believe such monumental insanity.
Please explain to us exactly how and why Obama's "war in Iraq" is illegal.

Why The U.S. Is Acting To Prevent Atrocities In Iraq, Ignoring Others

Once again using the think progress far left blog site as your "facts"?

Please post the mutual defense treaty that US has with Iraq.

Please post where Obama asked the UN for permission for his illegal war in Iraq.

Please post where the members of congress were notified about the action in Iraq.

Are you just stupid, or what?

“As we can provide air support to relieve that pressure, the president has given the military the authority to do so,” the senior official said. He said that congressional leaders had been consulted, but that Obama had the legal authority as commander in chief to launch the strikes to protect U.S. personnel and national security interests.

More: U.S. airstrikes target Islamic State militants in northern Iraq - The Washington Post

So in other words you can not produce any legal documents to prove the far left programmed stance.

Yes Obama is conducting illegal operations in Iraq.

So far not one far left posters has proven what he is doing is legal.

Yet they still condemn Booooossshhhh! for legal operations and won't condemn their own for truly illegal operations in Iraq.
Once again using the think progress far left blog site as your "facts"?

Please post the mutual defense treaty that US has with Iraq.

Please post where Obama asked the UN for permission for his illegal war in Iraq.

Please post where the members of congress were notified about the action in Iraq.

Are you just stupid, or what?

“As we can provide air support to relieve that pressure, the president has given the military the authority to do so,” the senior official said. He said that congressional leaders had been consulted, but that Obama had the legal authority as commander in chief to launch the strikes to protect U.S. personnel and national security interests.

More: U.S. airstrikes target Islamic State militants in northern Iraq - The Washington Post

So in other words you can not produce any legal documents to prove the far left programmed stance.

Yes Obama is conducting illegal operations in Iraq.

So far not one far left posters has proven what he is doing is legal.

Yet they still condemn Booooossshhhh! for legal operations and won't condemn their own for truly illegal operations in Iraq.

Jesus told me it was legal.

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