BREAKING: Marine GENERAL- Military Coup Against Obama

Joint Chief Top Marine Criticizes Obama Admin For Handling Of U.S. Troops In Iraq - The Kelly File - YouTube

Defend the Constitution as ALL Soldiers have taken the vow to do...

Soldiers are NOT there to defend the Government...or it's ASSHOLE "LEADERS".

Priority ONE...the Constitution and the Rule of LAW that Obama and the Democrats circumvent.

And once again: you're clearly insane.

Neither the president nor democrats have 'circumvented' the law.

That you advocate for a 'coup' is the actual violation of the rule of law, as the Constitution and its case law are supreme, and all citizens are subject to the Federal Constitution, including the military.

And the Constitution stipulates the sole means by which a president may be removed from office outside of a General Election: impeachment in the House and trial in the Senate.

That you and other insane partisan rightists have no evidence that the president has violated any laws – because in fact the president has not violated any laws – is not 'justification' to call for a 'military coup.'

Only a racist, bigoted far left Obama drone would believe such things and yet wanted the same things when there was an (R) is office.
They're actually advocating for a military coup for no other reason than the president winning reelection in 2012.

Such is the contempt for the rule of law exhibited by the partisan right.

Truly bizarre and pathetic.

Declaration of Independence 7/4/1776

".....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness......"

Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript

Ahem, sparky, the Declaration of Independence is a FOUNDING document - but NOT a GOVERNING document. In other words - it ain't law.

Declaration of Independence Is Not Law


The DoI is completely devoid of the force of law, and as such cannot authorize the action of any government or private person.
Bottom line? Obama has Defied the Constitution...and become AN ENEMY OF THE CONSTITUTION. The POINT.

Cannot defend it you Statist/Leftist BASTARDS.

Obama Needs to be IMPEACHED...JAILED....but it will NOT HAPPEN.

I WILL SUPPORT the Military if they EVER decide to take him under arrest, as they are CONSTITUTIONALLY resigned to do.

God bless the Oath Keepers.
As a former US Marine I can only imagine the unpopularity of Obama inside the rank and file of those warriors who stand up and take the test to become "Marine." If it it came down to my government and the Corps...I can say with all honesty I would die fighting for my Commandant and Corps. I mean that...with all fucking honesty. The only true thing in this world...or should the Corps. Before my family or any other oath besides that to my God...the Corps takes precedent.
Especially when hundreds of THOUSANDS of troops are getting "PINK SLIPS".

This President and his SCDEF (Hagel), are making this nation VULNERABLE...and on fucking PURPOSE.

Obama needs to be reigned in and CALLED OUT for his TREASON.

Skip impeachment. Why can't he be arrested straight out?
The time draws near.

It does indeed. Time to take these corrupt sons of bitches OUT. WE ARE DUTY BOUND by the Constitution to do so.

go for it then internet pussy. You've been doing this dance about removing Obama since 08.

its sunday so you should be what? 24 cans in today so far?

OH im SORRY, perhaps I needed TO type LIKE this FOR you TO understand.

Now i think you are a 14 year old girl
The time draws near.

It does indeed. Time to take these corrupt sons of bitches OUT. WE ARE DUTY BOUND by the Constitution to do so.

go for it then internet pussy. You've been doing this dance about removing Obama since 08.

its sunday so you should be what? 24 cans in today so far?

OH im SORRY, perhaps I needed TO type LIKE this FOR you TO understand.

Now i think you are a 14 year old girl

So does that mean you are now attracted to them?
As a former US Marine I can only imagine the unpopularity of Obama inside the rank and file of those warriors who stand up and take the test to become "Marine." If it it came down to my government and the Corps...I can say with all honesty I would die fighting for my Commandant and Corps. I mean that...with all fucking honesty. The only true thing in this world...or should the Corps. Before my family or any other oath besides that to my God...the Corps takes precedent.
Especially when hundreds of THOUSANDS of troops are getting "PINK SLIPS".

This President and his SCDEF (Hagel), are making this nation VULNERABLE...and on fucking PURPOSE.

Obama needs to be reigned in and CALLED OUT for his TREASON.

Skip impeachment. Why can't he be arrested straight out?

get off your ass and go do it.

you pussies wont do shit but cry on this message board.
What are these crimes of Obama's again?

Not political decisions and differences or poor decisions or even mistakes, but these CRIMINAL OFFENSES you all speak about that have not been utilized by other Presidents or determined to be criminal actions by other Presidents, what are they again?

Can you list them in your own words and explain why you have deemed them CRIMINAL?
It does indeed. Time to take these corrupt sons of bitches OUT. WE ARE DUTY BOUND by the Constitution to do so.

go for it then internet pussy. You've been doing this dance about removing Obama since 08.

its sunday so you should be what? 24 cans in today so far?

OH im SORRY, perhaps I needed TO type LIKE this FOR you TO understand.

Now i think you are a 14 year old girl

So does that mean you are now attracted to them?

LOL. This plasma guy is a hoot to watch. One of the first posts I'd ever seen from him was him saying he wasn't partisan. LMFAO.

What is with these tards not even owning their beliefs and admitting what they are????

Always a sign of no inner core.
Declaration of Independence 7/4/1776

".....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness......"

Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript

Ahem, sparky, the Declaration of Independence is a FOUNDING document - but NOT a GOVERNING document. In other words - it ain't law.

Declaration of Independence Is Not Law


The DoI is completely devoid of the force of law, and as such cannot authorize the action of any government or private person.

It's not law per se but you act as if it's devoid of any meaning.

Are you saying it is devoid of any meaning?

If you think it has meaning, tell us what it is?
They're actually advocating for a military coup for no other reason than the president winning reelection in 2012.

Such is the contempt for the rule of law exhibited by the partisan right.

Truly bizarre and pathetic.

Declaration of Independence 7/4/1776

".....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness......"

Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript

Ahem, sparky, the Declaration of Independence is a FOUNDING document - but NOT a GOVERNING document. In other words - it ain't law.

Declaration of Independence Is Not Law

So you're saying we might as well wipe our asses with the Declaration of Independence since it's so worthless in your mind?

Just what does it mean to you?
Ahem, sparky, the Declaration of Independence is a FOUNDING document - but NOT a GOVERNING document. In other words - it ain't law.

Declaration of Independence Is Not Law


The DoI is completely devoid of the force of law, and as such cannot authorize the action of any government or private person.

It's not law per se but you act as if it's devoid of any meaning.

Are you saying it is devoid of any meaning?

If you think it has meaning, tell us what it is?

Think of the DoI as filing for divorce from England. It carries no legal weight - like the Bible.

The DoI is completely devoid of the force of law, and as such cannot authorize the action of any government or private person.

It's not law per se but you act as if it's devoid of any meaning.

Are you saying it is devoid of any meaning?

If you think it has meaning, tell us what it is?

Think of the DoI as filing for divorce from England. It carries no legal weight - like the Bible.

Bad analogy with the same debunked far left propaganda and talking points from the racist far left Obama drone.

A committee of five had already drafted the formal declaration, to be ready when Congress voted on independence. The term "Declaration of Independence" is not used in the document itself.

However it is a Congressional Document.
It's not law per se but you act as if it's devoid of any meaning.

Are you saying it is devoid of any meaning?

If you think it has meaning, tell us what it is?

Think of the DoI as filing for divorce from England. It carries no legal weight - like the Bible.

Bad analogy with the same debunked far left propaganda and talking points from the racist far left Obama drone.

A committee of five had already drafted the formal declaration, to be ready when Congress voted on independence. The term "Declaration of Independence" is not used in the document itself.

However it is a Congressional Document.

Yes, it's a FOUNDING document - NOT a GOVERNING document. We are GOVERNED by the U.S. Constitution.
I thought it was almost illegal to talk against the president while in the service.....

He must feel very strongly about this to jeopardize his career this way.


He does feel strongly. Finally.............someone with some backbone in DC!

That's the REAL definition of leadership.
I thought it was almost illegal to talk against the president while in the service.....

He must feel very strongly about this to jeopardize his career this way.


He does feel strongly. Finally.............someone with some backbone in DC!

That's the REAL definition of leadership.

Or insanity...
Amos is another dirty FOX Top talking head:

The last piece of a 16-month investigation against the Marine Corps’ top officer, Commandant Gen. James F. Amos, has come to close with the general cleared of wrongdoing.

The Defense Department Inspector General did not substantiate allegations that Amos inserted himself illegally into the military justice system to ensure tough punishments against Marine scout snipers who were depicted in a video urinating on dead Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, a Pentagon official told The Washington Post on Monday. The news was first reported by Marine Corps Times over the weekend, citing an anonymous Defense Department official. The investigation is said to have ended July 24.

The case began when Maj. James Weirick, a Marine attorney then serving at Quantico, Va., filed a complaint with the Pentagon IG in March 2013 alleging that the cases for against the snipers was tainted because Amos and other members of his staff had inappropriately got involved.

Amos has NOT been cleared yet, like traitor North, wants to capitalize on his infamy.

What is it with you slanderous pieces of shit on this thread? What part of "the general was cleared of wrongdoing" did you not get?

But I've come to expect this of you fucking hollow liberals. I remember when liberals at least had some integrity.

You really need to recant.

Oh, wait, that's what old fashioned liberals would've done. This new breed is nothing but slimey "win at all costs."

That's why your hero is tanking in the polls.
I thought it was almost illegal to talk against the president while in the service.....

He must feel very strongly about this to jeopardize his career this way.


He does feel strongly. Finally.............someone with some backbone in DC!

That's the REAL definition of leadership.

Or insanity...

I hate to break this to ya, but no one's buying your BS spin and lies anymore. Week by week, they are running from you libs as fast as they can.

I can hardly wait to see next week's polls after his Iraq debacle when this week's polls had Obama already in the dirt.
I think presidents should be popular and adored by the military or they should resign. If Obama gave all military promotions, raises and reduced their work-load it would be to Obama's or any president's benefit. It could be a new era in our nation, take care of the military and they will take care of you.

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