Breaking: medical examiner rules Epstein died of suicide by hanging

I posted all my thoughts on another thread. I heard the interview with Cril Wecht, the medical examioner and he seemed to be questioning his own decision of suicide!
So, this is how it stands...
Epstein was taken off suicided watch. Why? Where is the psych review?
What happened to his cell mate? Why was he taken away?
Why was there a bunk bed in his room when he was alone?
Why did they not have the regular guards on duty?
Why were they on overtime and allowed to sleep. Who falsified their records of cell watch?
Why did Cyril Wecht explain the autopsy questioning his own facts?
Why did Epstein have cloth sheets instead of paper?
Why couldn't Wecht tell about how the bones we broken and how many?
This from a medical expert


Top forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht said only 1% of hanging deaths resulted in broken hyoid bones.


Today they say several bones in the neck was broken along with that hyoid bone

But the med examiner says its a suicide from hanging from a bunk bed

Outrageous to say that when there is more of a chance for strangulation .. A correct statement would be Just don't know. Could be either. Them not saying that proves a TOTAL COVER UP and a high crime committed by the med examinar

Again a bunk bed hanging would be even more hard to do because it can be either 6 ft or 7 ft tall the bunk bed

When a person drops from a bunk bed they will swing back to the bed to interact with the bed... And with that the gravity force would be lessened

With the gravity force lessened the passing out would come much sooner than the bones breaking because the body would go limp and swing back to interact with the bed to bring less gravity force
Media Assails Epstein Suicide Skeptics Conspiracy Theorists; NYC Fire Officials Call for 9/11 Truth

Multiple fractures in neck when he fell just a matter if a couple feet? Another medical exsaminer wants to know what kind of fractures were there, hair line or moderate or large fracrures. Why was there a bunk bed in his cell when the other prisoner was taken out of that cell?
Many, many wquestuions.

I remember hanging scenes from westerns. The guy was on a horse with a noose around his neck. Once his hands were tied behind his back, the hit the bottom of the horse and he galloped away, leaving the hanged man swinging under the tree. Here, the distance is shorter than his height!

I'm listening to Wecht now and he is saying he has to find out more to be sure and seemed to make an argument against suicide! ??????Huh? Is it me or is the world upside down?
If he had published any other conclusion he would have met a sudden and unanticipated demise.
A bunk bed hanging would bring more of a chance of less gravity force which would make the passing out to swing the body back to interact with the bed come much faster than the broken bones
They didn’t rule out assisted suicide.
That's rich. This wasn't assisted was murder. Hell I doubt if he thought he was going to prison for good. With all of the elite people involved, he figured he would get out of this like he did before.
If he had published any other conclusion he would have met a sudden and unanticipated demise.
The man is 88 years old. He needs to retire. But you may be right. Check his bank accounts, too for sudden millions of dollars.
Seems like the youngest girl so far was 14

And seems like he was paying her or giving other value

So maybe he could beat a rape charge...why would he then kill himself NOW instead of waiting and then if convicted and a long sentence he then could do the act ??
They didn’t rule out assisted suicide.
That's rich. This wasn't assisted was murder. Hell I doubt if he thought he was going to prison for good. With all of the elite people involved, he figured he would get out of this like he did before.
If he had published any other conclusion he would have met a sudden and unanticipated demise.
The man is 88 years old. He needs to retire. But you may be right. Check his bank accounts, too for sudden millions of dollars.
I would say check anyone connected with the prison for recent large deposits
A bunk bed hanging would bring more of a chance of less gravity force which would make the passing out to swing the body back to interact with the bed come much faster than the broken bones
He wasn't hanging off the bunkbed. He was on his knees leaning forward. That should not have broken the hyoid bone. There was a broken cervical vertebrae in the back of his neck. So no. The hanging was staged.
BREAKING NEWS: Coroner rules a 6 ft. guy hangs self from 5 ft. 6 in. bunkbed.

Further fairytales to come.....
...and Seth Rich was “robbed”....but they left all his valuables on his person. :21:

I wonder how many people think 9/11 was a false flag operation, but think Seth was robbed and Epstein was a pure suicide.
Like I said. Suicide my eye.

and probably next, we'll have this, right? :rolleyes-41:

GOD give us strength to accept all the lies and all the never ends

Seems like the youngest girl so far was 14

And seems like he was paying her or giving other value

So maybe he could beat a rape charge...why would he then kill himself NOW instead of waiting and then if convicted and a long sentence he then could do the act ??
A rape charge? Trafficking underage girlS for prostitution! And it involved Princes, presidents anyone important.
I posted all my thoughts on another thread. I heard the interview with Cril Wecht, the medical examioner and he seemed to be questioning his own decision of suicide!
So, this is how it stands...
Epstein was taken off suicided watch. Why? Where is the psych review?
What happened to his cell mate? Why was he taken away?
Why was there a bunk bed in his room when he was alone?
Why did they not have the regular guards on duty?
Why were they on overtime and allowed to sleep. Who falsified their records of cell watch?
Why did Cyril Wecht explain the autopsy questioning his own facts?
Why did Epstein have cloth sheets instead of paper?
Why couldn't Wecht tell about how the bones we broken and how many?
Way to much is just wrong about the whole incident. It has been covered up to the point of no return...Good luck if the true is ever known, but it will give the people a lot of room to make up a story that will fit better.

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