Breaking: medical examiner rules Epstein died of suicide by hanging

Seems like the youngest girl so far was 14

And seems like he was paying her or giving other value

So maybe he could beat a rape charge...why would he then kill himself NOW instead of waiting and then if convicted and a long sentence he then could do the act ??
A rape charge? Trafficking underage girlS for prostitution! And it involved Princes, presidents anyone important.

Heads will have to roll

But if the ages don't go under 14 could they spin this ??

Paying a 14 yr old and letting her to make her own decision. What crime would that be??

Epstein killing himself over a non rape may not be a real suicide but murder by the others doing the same to cover up

Murder seems to be the most logical decision on this situation

And murder by High level democrats
BREAKING NEWS: Coroner rules a 6 ft. guy hangs self from 5 ft. 6 in. bunkbed.

Further fairytales to come.....
The coroner was probably already fixed before the murder happened. These guys aren't leaving anything to chance. They probably threatened the life of his loved ones or his favorite grand daughter with a video of her activities. The choice was probably her life or payment in form of full college tuition scholarship to her granddaugher or something like that. I have relatives in politics in a third world country and I know they got paid by Boeing in form of ownership of luxury suite in a capital city at Hyatt Regency. World at the power center (Rothschild etc.) is incredibly corrupt and ruthless. Cartel bosses have nothing on them.
Seems like the youngest girl so far was 14

And seems like he was paying her or giving other value

So maybe he could beat a rape charge...why would he then kill himself NOW instead of waiting and then if convicted and a long sentence he then could do the act ??
A rape charge? Trafficking underage girlS for prostitution! And it involved Princes, presidents anyone important.

Heads will have to roll

But if the ages don't go under 14 could they spin this ??

Paying a 14 yr old and letting her to make her own decision. What crime would that be??

Epstein killing himself over a non rape may not be a real suicide but murder by the others doing the same to cover up

Murder seems to be the most logical decision on this situation

And murder by High level democrats

This maybe a coverup of a murder from the worst crooked democrats in the nation

New York Democrat Leaders !!

It seems Epstein was working this underage sex system with the Democrat leaders and especially the democrat leaders of New York

The clintons ran from New York to be their real selves and are very close to Epstein

Al gore ran out of tenn to New York and is listed as possibly in the documents

Crooked and immoral people seems to move to New York to be protected so they can do their perverted and crooked stuff !
/////////Forensic Pathologist Says Epstein Fractures Would Only Happen ‘If He Hurled Himself Off The Top Bunk’
They need to check the guards blood, to see if they has been inhaling sleeping gas through air ducts and or to see if any of them were given sleeping pills. That don't makes any sense at all. Why all the guards has went to sleep together at the same time.

Coroner knew his fate with any report other than suicide
Fake guards, sleeping guards, falsified logs, suicide watch inexplicably rescinded, camera malfunction.
Just one unlucky guy, huh?
They didn’t rule out assisted suicide.

I actually think that's the mostly likely scenario. He wanted to take the easy way out and his "friends" in high places were more than willing to help him.
Assisted suicided is like euthanasia. He didn't want to kill himself, he wanted the Country Club prison with friendly girls visiting often.

Perhaps he finally realized that wasn't going to happen.

I have no idea how he died. But again, that's not the problem here. The problem is that it was allowed to happen. Whoever decided to take Epstein off of suicide watch, whoever left him in a room alone, unmonitored, robbed his victims of justice. And likely let a lot of powerful people off the hook in the process.
Epstein died exactly like Harvey Lee Oswald died...killing himself LOL...just saying....

But I think you are not that stupid to believe that

..Hallelujah :04::2up:
Coroner knew his fate with any report other than suicide
Fake guards, sleeping guards, falsified logs, suicide watch inexplicably rescinded, camera malfunction.
Just one unlucky guy, huh?
Yeah, I'm simply "amazed" at this rush to judgement and the "incompetent" job this prison did keeping an eye on Epstein.

Just like with the JFK killing the cover up will be ultimately much more interesting than the death itself.

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