Breaking: Melania blasts Trump policy: I "hate" to see immigrant children separated from parents

Easy solution: Deport the entire family back to their home country.

Kids and parents get deported together

There I fixed the problem.
The court system is backlogged and they all have the right to their day in court. Apparently we can't deport them without a judge's order and that requires a hearing and there is a waiting list of over two years. So, it sounds simple but it needs some work.
says you. we say, can't have it both ways. either you want to give them their day in court or if you don't like the treatment, send them back to where they came from immediately. your choice. pick from one.
"If I don't like the treatment," is exactly what this is about. Hostage takers. "We've got these little children and if you want them to be reunited with their mothers, you have to do what we say."
Don't you realize how awful that is?
So. At the border, we are stopping illegals with children, and when they are with children that aren't related to them, when they have pending criminal charges against them, or when the children are actually at risk of physical harm, the children are removed from them and lodged in safe, secure facilities on the US dime until we can find a parent or suitable sub for them.

Families seeking asylum are given a can stay and your children will remain in US custody until you get your paperwork finished....or you can take your children and depart the border.

The left is arguing that we allow the traffickers to traverse freely with their child *families*....and is pretending that the children of asylum seekers are being abused.

The reason they are removed is because they are at risk because of the nature of the TRAFFICKERS that are being processed. The kids, if allowed to stay with their *families*, are being held with murderers, child predators, pimps, traffickers, and gang members.

I think we just need to eliminate American leftists. They are a menace to society and life, and they work to facilitate child sex trafficking and abuse. Why the fuck are we not shooting them in the streets?
Families seeking asylum are given a can stay and your children will remain in US custody until you get your paperwork finished....or you can take your children and depart the border.
I think this might be where it USED to be that way. Now it is automatic if they stepped foot on our soil, into the arms of border patrol agents and immediately requested asylum, they are still being arrested.
Easy solution: Deport the entire family back to their home country.

Kids and parents get deported together

There I fixed the problem.
The court system is backlogged and they all have the right to their day in court. Apparently we can't deport them without a judge's order and that requires a hearing and there is a waiting list of over two years. So, it sounds simple but it needs some work.
says you. we say, can't have it both ways. either you want to give them their day in court or if you don't like the treatment, send them back to where they came from immediately. your choice. pick from one.
"If I don't like the treatment," is exactly what this is about. Hostage takers. "We've got these little children and if you want them to be reunited with their mothers, you have to do what we say."
Don't you realize how awful that is?
well it's a choice the parent made knowing the consequences. they can leave or live with the consequence. correct/ we have consequences as a society? everyday for almost everything. you are not held accountable for any of my issues I might have. neither is the US government accountable to a parent making a choice for his/her family. sorry, your feel sorry for me shit doesn't work here.
Bullshit. She just repeated what her fat assed husband said. She hates it but calls on Congress to pass legislation that would include the wall.
Bullshit. She just repeated what her fat assed husband said. She hates it but calls on Congress to pass legislation that would include the wall.
why are you against a wall? why can't you fks ever answer that question?
Am I supposed to feel bad about illegal aliens coming into our country and getting separated from their children? Because if I am, I must be a bad person. Good parents wouldn’t put their children in that situation

Period. Donald Trump isn’t to blame, their parents are.
Good parents who are trying to save their children from growing up in abject poverty would "put their children in that situation." They are desperate or they wouldn't be doing it. Spoiled Americans have absolutely no idea what these people are trying to escape from. They hope to give their children decent housing, food, medical care and education so they have a life that is not filled with pain and suffering.

Somewhere back along the way, your people were immigrants, possibly for the same reason.
we're continually being shown Obama era child detention photos and told it's proof that Trump's a nazi. So I can't rule anything out in this brave new Orwellian world we're living in.
Am I supposed to feel bad about illegal aliens coming into our country and getting separated from their children? Because if I am, I must be a bad person. Good parents wouldn’t put their children in that situation

Period. Donald Trump isn’t to blame, their parents are.
Good parents who are trying to save their children from growing up in abject poverty would "put their children in that situation." They are desperate or they wouldn't be doing it. Spoiled Americans have absolutely no idea what these people are trying to escape from. They hope to give their children decent housing, food, medical care and education so they have a life that is not filled with pain and suffering.

Somewhere back along the way, your people were immigrants, possibly for the same reason.
stop yourself already. just stop. you don't get to question every fking immigrant because illegals are detained for not having proper paperwork. We are not the catch all society for every fking poor third world victims. stop saying we are. we're not. no one is. sometimes life hands us a box of chocolate and sometimes hands us gangs and violence. Why don't you first rid our country of the third world gang shit and then perhaps we can think about other countries poor.
Malaria finally is standing up to her evil vinegar and piss Filthy Don? Say it isn't so.

Expect the WeakWhyte racists ficks call for her deportation as she as for humane treatment of people. :113:

Wow. Having diaper rash?​

I do know your puzzy is sore from all that Filthy Don groping and molestation he does to your Weak Whyte cootch. So there's that!:113:

Um, ok. Remember high school when that wasn't lame?
Dem Sen. Blumenthal with strong words for Trump policy separating kids from their parents at border, says the policy is like the “darkest periods” in history, comparing it to Japanese internment camps and Nazi concentration camps in WWII
No pain. No gain
Stop doing illegal stuff and you can keep your children
Get separated and the illegal behavior ends
Now Trump is being blamed for separating abusive parents from innocent children at the border. The Deep State will never stop their insane compulsion to make us commie no matter how many children get killed.
we're continually being shown Obama era child detention photos and told it's proof that Trump's a nazi. So I can't rule anything out in this brave new Orwellian world we're living in.
One pic from that era that I've seen over and over. I read the correction on here the same day I first saw it.
It's Orwellian, alright, the way you folks are believing cries of "Fake News" and the lies the President is making on a daily basis. The truth will out, though. I believe that.
Now Trump is being blamed for separating abusive parents from innocent children at the border. The Deep State will never stop their insane compulsion to make us commie no matter how many children get killed.
Now they're "abusive" parents? Keep it coming! You're burying yourselves.
Now Trump is being blamed for separating abusive parents from innocent children at the border. The Deep State will never stop their insane compulsion to make us commie no matter how many children get killed.
Now they're "abusive" parents? Keep it coming! You're burying yourselves.

Absolutely Not! Study History if you dare or take from the horse' mouth. A child was worth one quarter of a credit and a woman worth one half of a credit and a man was worth one credit in Nam.

edit: I apologize for flashing back.
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