Breaking: Melania blasts Trump policy: I "hate" to see immigrant children separated from parents

However, right now I don't care about the laws not applying to corrupt mega millionaire assholes like Crooked Hillary.

and that, my man, is why issues are never resolved in the USofA


You mis interpreted my point.

It would be great for Crooked Hillary to go to jail. She deserves it big time. However, between choosing between her going to jail and me having a M-60 machine gun right now I would take the the weapon.

It would be a hoot and a half to see Crooked Hillary on the Perp Walk but I would have more fun shooting the M-60.

Merely a selfish point of view. Honestly not that much different than these idiot Democrats that want the Illegals to flood in to vote for Democrats in order to keep their welfare checks, Obamacare subsidies and Obmaphones.
building the wall would, it's too much to even think about.

end this heartlessness right now!
Crooked Hillary looking particularly wicked as she is gloating over this issue... AAyPnJu.jpg
Many people seem to want to just complain about the deporting tactics, yet, for some reason, few want to fix it. Why?
Now Trump is being blamed for separating abusive parents from innocent children at the border. The Deep State will never stop their insane compulsion to make us commie no matter how many children get killed.
Now they're "abusive" parents? Keep it coming! You're burying yourselves.
Sure they are. As much as trump kidnapped them right?
we're continually being shown Obama era child detention photos and told it's proof that Trump's a nazi. So I can't rule anything out in this brave new Orwellian world we're living in.
One pic from that era that I've seen over and over. I read the correction on here the same day I first saw it.
It's Orwellian, alright, the way you folks are believing cries of "Fake News" and the lies the President is making on a daily basis. The truth will out, though. I believe that.
Now Trump is being blamed for separating abusive parents from innocent children at the border. The Deep State will never stop their insane compulsion to make us commie no matter how many children get killed.
Now they're "abusive" parents? Keep it coming! You're burying yourselves.
They may not be a parent . Do you know? How?
Looking more and more like this policy has been incorrectly and/or poorly portrayed by MSM
before we ask what is fair to illegal criminals, we must ask what is fair to American families.

Trump is taking folks out of jail, he's reuniting folks with their families!
before we ask what is fair to illegal criminals, we must ask what is fair to American families.


oh puuuleeease can't possibly be that niave....

Life isn't fair, nor are we as a people

Since when did life liberty & the pursuit of happiness apply to humanity across the board?

Seriously, you were more on your mark viewing us through the lense of Orwellian morality

"We must always arrest people coming into our Country illegally. Of the 12,000 children, 10,000 are being sent by their parents on a very dangerous trip, and only 2000 are with their parents, many of whom have tried to enter our Country illegally on numerous occasions." - President Trump

it's the parent's fault. IT'S THE PARENTS FAULT!
If two adults with children violate the law and break into my house, should I not call the police because I would be separating families? You can bet Hollywood elitists wouldn't hesitate to call the police if someone broke into their house.
Irresponsible adults and parents doing irresponsible and immoral things so it’s good we are being very stern about it and hope the message has been sent that USA will not accommodate this behavior any more
Having a porous southern border creates a lot of unnecessary human suffering. Best to seal it up with a big beautiful wall so no one is incentivized to make such a risky journey.

"Think of the children!"

"Yes, I would like for them to still have a somewhat functional country by the time they're adults."

"NO! Not YOUR children! OTHER people's children!"
"Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said today she will put a hold on the nomination of Kathy Kraninger to lead the CFPB until she turns over all documents about any role she played in families being separated at the border. In her current position as an associate director at OMB, Kraninger oversees the budgets for the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security — meaning she "helps oversee the agencies that are ripping kids from their parents," Warren tweeted this morning."
I truly believe arguing & trying to convince people is not going to work. If they can see pictures of children in cages and justify it, in any way, they are gone. It is a waste of time and energy. We have to mobilize and motivate the other people, those who are rightly horrified.
President Trump, have a heart for a change! take that doggone pen of yours and do away with this horrifying, inhumane policy that rips children from the arms of their parents!
"Melania is getting slammed for a cringeworthy tweet in which she said she and the king and queen of Spain talked over tea about how they can “positively impact children” even as her husband’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy is resulting in kids being torn away from their parents at the border."

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