It's that he wont do anything at all. (Wrong! Making the major players think this through and come up with small things like and exit plan, when do we hand over to the Afghans, is forcing them to better plan what to do. The knee jerk shit from Bush and Cheney are what got US into this mess.We had the worst month on record in Afghanistan for troop deaths due in no small part from a military standpoint that we don't have enough troops on the ground there to stay safe. (I agree we siphoned the forces off to Iraq and now we are paying the price. Just sending in 40,000 more without a real plan is not great strategic planning.)Thus the options are either put a lot more in or get them all out and rethink how we combat terrorists. (This, I believe is what they are doing. This shit about a war on terrorism is plain shit. A war against terrorists is something that can be planned and executed.I vote for the later.

When the Dithering Duo blame Obama about dithering, you know the right is full of it and trying to cover their mistakes that got us where we are.:evil:

I know this:

YOUR actual support of almost any "position" is pretty solid evidence that the position is bass-ackward bullshit.

A mind numbed moron such as you is simply incapable of contemplating that there was something extraordinary and perhaps even "right" about what we did going into Iraq. And I know that simple-minded morons like you are utterly unable to grasp the fact that just because you dislike him is no rational basis to assume that Vice President Cheney is wrong in his criticism of the Dopey Changey guy with whom we have infected the Oval Office.
Obama is reading the writing on the wall and the current round of Polls. This decision has almost nothing to do with the War in Afghanistan and the war plans and everything to do with the fact that Republican polling numbers are up strongly against the Democrats going into 2010. especially among likely voters and independents in particular.

Bullshit. The polls are almost split over increasing the troop level. I can understand your hatred of Obama, but comments like that are ignorant.
Yes Bush did take his eye off the ball in Afg to go into Iraq. Bush is no longer President. Obama is and this is his RIGHT WAR.

Obama gets dailey briefings from his Generals just as Bush did and knows exactly whats going on. He has known for months and still can't seem to make a decision. The general on the ground is handpicked by him to lead the war. If he can't trust his judgement, than who's can he trust?? I wonder how many more meetings before he finally decides what he's going to do??? Mayby hell will freeze over first.

Personally I think this dog and pony show is purely political but that doesn't alter the fact that we have our young men and women and our allies waiting for this joker to be a President and make a decision on a course of action. Guess this is what you get when you elect the most powerful man in the world and he has no experience whatsoever.
You just had to fucking go there didn't you....

Look...if you are too stupid to see the tree but for the leaves perhaps you better keep your opinions to yourself. Saying bin Laden isn't a priority hasn't got jack shit to do with military strategy.

Now...answer the fucking question......What exactly was the failure of the last Administration in Afghanistan?

well, von clauswitz, since we went there to capture osama, wipe out al qaida and wipe out the taliban, and since osama hasn't been captured, al qaida's still in business and the taliban is in control of large parts of the country, i'd say the last administration failed at *everything* in afghanistan.

at the risk of repeating myself, do you have any more blindingly stupid questions, herr generalmajor?

Once again, Colonel Klink, you have FAILED to see what the actual situation is in Afghanistan...I don't know whether it's just stubborness on your part or maybe you do in fact champion retreat as a strategy....but at any rate...let's look at some facts shall we?

we went there to kill, capture or incapacitate the Taliban, Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda. This is a true statement. After 9/11 NATO held a conference and all parties agreed to send combat troops to aid in that effort. WHO stepped up to the plate. Canada and Britan...THAT'S IT!!! The USA had AGREEMENTS FROM ALL other parties to that conference that they would send combat troops to help but their contingencies NEVER ARRIVED!!!
We successfully destroyed the Taliban, caused Al Qaeda to retreat into Pakistan and bin Laden to become a nothing leader of a decimated terrorist group who has to hide in a cave FOREVER. Or did history start for you in 2005. got any more dumbass responses Klink?

nope, you seem to have the dumbass responses under control, but thanks for asking.

someone should let the taliban they've been destroyed, and while they're at it, they should tell US intel, because they claim there are 25K full time taliban in a-stan right now..
Taliban strength in Afghanistan nears military proportion - Yahoo! News

while they're at it, they should let al qaida know they exist only in pakistan

Al Qaeda in Iraq ally claims bombings -

you might be right about osama, under the broken clock theorem, so i'll give you that one, general custer.


nice work
Forgive me but I need to catch up here-----Obama has decided on changing nothing.
Is that correct ?
Obama took his eye off bin Laden to focus on getting Jon Corzine reelected

bin laden hasn't been a *priority* since march 2002, frank.

try to keep up.

"President-elect Barack Obama: We took our eye off the ball when we invaded Iraq. And now it's done. My job is to withdraw in a responsible way from Iraq and stabilize the situation there. But our real focus has to be on Afghanistan, the border regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan. And we have to put as much pressure on them as possible. I've already, you know, spoken to my national security team about how we're going to do that. And I'm confident that we can keep them on the run, and ensure that they cannot train terrorists to attack our homeland. That's my number one priority as President of the United States.

Couric: How important do you think it is, Mr. President-elect, to apprehend Osama bin Laden?

Mr. Obama: I think that we have to so weaken his infrastructure that, whether he is technically alive or not, he is so pinned down that he cannot function. My preference obviously would be to capture or kill him. But if we have so tightened the noose that he's in a cave somewhere and can't even communicate with his operatives, then we will meet our goal of protecting America. "

Obama: "Capture Or Kill" Bin Laden - CBS Evening News - CBS News
I think it's time to bring the troops home from Afganistan. Without a strategy of a victory, or an end game, this will end up like Viet Nam, with a lot of our military becoming statistics. I don't want to see that again.....ever.

Obama is being dishonest.

His goal is to get out any way possible and the way he wants to do it is let things fester and deteriorate to the point where the cry to withdraw is so great he can't be blamed when he does it.

It happened that way in Vietnam and Clinton set that scenario up in Somalia while myself and my buddies were left hanging in a hostile city. (Mogadishu)

I just don't understand why he wanted to be in charge of the military when he intended on being derelict in his duties once he got the job.

It's so intriguing how all the critics seem to KNOW exactly what the strategy is. Do you people have any idea how utterly stupid you sound? YOU KNOW NOTHING. How about if you actually READ what's going on before spouting off about what you think you KNOW!! Here, I'll help you out. Just the facts, and I do hope this isn't too lengthy for you to be bothered with.

Obama seeks revisions to Afghanistan plans, sources say -
Obama is being dishonest.

His goal is to get out any way possible and the way he wants to do it is let things fester and deteriorate to the point where the cry to withdraw is so great he can't be blamed when he does it.

It happened that way in Vietnam and Clinton set that scenario up in Somalia while myself and my buddies were left hanging in a hostile city. (Mogadishu)

I just don't understand why he wanted to be in charge of the military when he intended on being derelict in his duties once he got the job.
Yes. And it's beyond slimy.

To understand Obama better, I recommend that people review his speeches. Not the content but the man. I have found it very telling that he speaks with such passion and eloquence when he talks about certain subjects. Yet, when he talks about our military, etc, he speaks the words but there is nothing behind them. He doesn't care.

Got any links, dear? (This should be good...)
bin laden hasn't been a *priority* since march 2002, frank.

try to keep up.

That's not what Obama said

you've seen bin laden out walking around have you?

you should report it, frank, i thought you were a *patriot*.

tsk, tsk.

So was Obama lying during the campaign, or in the January interview or in the March Strategy or (the correct answer) all of the above
I just appearing on Letterman and campaigning for Corzine is more important than acting on McChrytals advise or capturing or killing bin Laden
I think you're confused.

Obama and the Dems said this was the good war.

You must be thinking of Iraq.

The reason we're supposed to be in Afghanistan is to find Bin Laden.

Last time I looked we haven't found him yet.

No, you are confused.

I'm not a politician running for public office. I don't have a constituency who I must woe in order to get their support.

My loyalty is to the US Constitution.


That is highly doubtful....because the Constitution just might get in the way of your ideology.

Obama's constituency isn't one side or the other. His constituency is the American people as a whole. Once he became President his actions should have reflected that.

And the number one constituency is the men and women in uniform he is duty bound to lead in a competent manner....not neglect in a manner that borders on criminal.

So he should just send an additional 40,000 troops into harms way without careful consideration that the outcome will succeed or not? Got it. :cuckoo:
No, you are confused.

I'm not a politician running for public office. I don't have a constituency who I must woe in order to get their support.

My loyalty is to the US Constitution.


That is highly doubtful....because the Constitution just might get in the way of your ideology.

Obama's constituency isn't one side or the other. His constituency is the American people as a whole. Once he became President his actions should have reflected that.

And the number one constituency is the men and women in uniform he is duty bound to lead in a competent manner....not neglect in a manner that borders on criminal.

So he should just send an additional 40,000 troops into harms way without careful consideration that the outcome will succeed or not? Got it. :cuckoo:

Maggie----is our military in Afghanistan operating under the SAME OLD PLAN since Obama took office ?
The Great one was elected with no experience and boy does it show. This guy has known for months that he needs to make a decision and even with the help of 8 meetings with his oh so smart advisors he still can't reach a decision on HIS RIGHT WAR. I guess no experience means just that. This guy is such a winner on so many levels. NOT.

Of course the fact that we've learned much more about the inherent corruption of the Karzai government has nothing to do with that careful decision, right?

Jeezus christ, would you people PLEASE pay attention? Why should we send MORE troops to prop up a corrupt government that could turn against us on a dime even after all the troops and treasure invested?
The Great one was elected with no experience and boy does it show. This guy has known for months that he needs to make a decision and even with the help of 8 meetings with his oh so smart advisors he still can't reach a decision on HIS RIGHT WAR. I guess no experience means just that. This guy is such a winner on so many levels. NOT.

Obama had bigger things on his agenda: the Chicago Olympics, appearing on Letterman, campaigning for Corzine, Deeds and Abdullah in Afghanistan.

Where are yoru priorities?

Your foolish comments always amuse me. All anyone (you included) need to do is check Obama's daily schedule (backward and forward by month) by going here (it's off to the right of the page). You and your ilk must enjoy being dumbed down, I'm convinced:

POLITICO 44: The Obama Presidency. Minute by Minute -
I'm going to only say this, as a former member of the US Military, without any clear mission objectives which include force structure, exit, etc. Then to keep those young men and women there is placing them in harms way without guidence . That being said, it's time for these brave soldiers, sailors, arimen and marines to come home if they will not have the support from the top they need to accomplish the mission. To leave them there now, is just placing their lives in danger and ALL those hero's deserve better than that.

What makes you think they don't have guidance? The situation is in limbo, with the status quo being they're doing their jobs the same as they did six weeks ago. McChrystal came to Washington wanting a NEW strategy, which doesn't mean he abandoned the old one.

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