The Great one was elected with no experience and boy does it show. This guy has known for months that he needs to make a decision and even with the help of 8 meetings with his oh so smart advisors he still can't reach a decision on HIS RIGHT WAR. I guess no experience means just that. This guy is such a winner on so many levels. NOT.

Obama had bigger things on his agenda: the Chicago Olympics, appearing on Letterman, campaigning for Corzine, Deeds and Abdullah in Afghanistan.

Where are yoru priorities?

Your foolish comments always amuse me. All anyone (you included) need to do is check Obama's daily schedule (backward and forward by month) by going here (it's off to the right of the page). You and your ilk must enjoy being dumbed down, I'm convinced:

POLITICO 44: The Obama Presidency. Minute by Minute -

He's too BUSY ??? ohh cmon
Sending more troops isn't strategy, he is asking for strategic options. Makes sense.

Of course it is a very smart move. If he has to send more troops in the end, fine but they'd better have an exit strategy.

Definition: Exit Strategy

1. Politically correct term used in place of retreat
2. A plan to lose a war
3. To cut and run
4. A term used by politicians who know nothing of military strategy and defense
5. To be cowardly in the face of war
6. Political cover for a pacifists retreat
7. Democratic political propaganda
8. To admit one has no knowledge of the military and is unfit for command.

Somebody needs to read the basics. Start with The Art of War. You NEVER start or enter a war without an exit strategy. Otherwise, it's a potential suicide mission. Hello?
I just appearing on Letterman and campaigning for Corzine is more important than acting on McChrytals advise or capturing or killing bin Laden

The US Ambassador --Karl Eikenberry-- is a Retired General who was the Commander in Afghanistan for several years. He has advised the Prez not to send in more troops.

Yes. And it's beyond slimy.

To understand Obama better, I recommend that people review his speeches. Not the content but the man. I have found it very telling that he speaks with such passion and eloquence when he talks about certain subjects. Yet, when he talks about our military, etc, he speaks the words but there is nothing behind them. He doesn't care.

Got any links, dear? (This should be good...)

Yea. I have links. However, I think it is better for people to do their own research on his speeches. That way you choose what speeches you listen to. I would just recommend that people look at the difference in tone between his 'community' speeches and his 'job' speeches. Interesting.
Deciding that the strategies presented to him are bad doesn't mean he reject ALL of the, only the ones he's been given so far. Maybe there was no exit strategy?

So what are there? About a hundred al Queda in Afghanistan?

We had more than half a million troops in Vietnam and that country had half as many people, and was a third the size of Afghanistan, where we only have about a hundred thousand troops.

Besides, Bin Laden is gone. Bush and the Republicans LET HIM GO. They gave him a SEVEN YEAR HEAD START.

So, what is the goal in Afghanistan? Make it a "democracy" they way we have in Iraq? Ask Iraqi Christians and women how successful we were.
Couric: How important do you think it is, Mr. President-elect, to apprehend Osama bin Laden?

Mr. Obama: I think that we have to so weaken his infrastructure that, whether he is technically alive or not, he is so pinned down that he cannot function. My preference obviously would be to capture or kill him. But if we have so tightened the noose that he's in a cave somewhere and can't even communicate with his operatives, then we will meet our goal of protecting America. "

Looks like The Barry could give a rats ass about Osama also.....
Deciding that the strategies presented to him are bad doesn't mean he reject ALL of the, only the ones he's been given so far. Maybe there was no exit strategy?

So what are there? About a hundred al Queda in Afghanistan?

We had more than half a million troops in Vietnam and that country had half as many people, and was a third the size of Afghanistan, where we only have about a hundred thousand troops.

Besides, Bin Laden is gone. Bush and the Republicans LET HIM GO. They gave him a SEVEN YEAR HEAD START.

So, what is the goal in Afghanistan? Make it a "democracy" they way we have in Iraq? Ask Iraqi Christians and women how successful we were.

What is Obama's strategy ?
The Great one was elected with no experience and boy does it show. This guy has known for months that he needs to make a decision and even with the help of 8 meetings with his oh so smart advisors he still can't reach a decision on HIS RIGHT WAR. I guess no experience means just that. This guy is such a winner on so many levels. NOT.

Obama had bigger things on his agenda: the Chicago Olympics, appearing on Letterman, campaigning for Corzine, Deeds and Abdullah in Afghanistan.

Where are yoru priorities?

Your foolish comments always amuse me. All anyone (you included) need to do is check Obama's daily schedule (backward and forward by month) by going here (it's off to the right of the page). You and your ilk must enjoy being dumbed down, I'm convinced:

POLITICO 44: The Obama Presidency. Minute by Minute -

If there is any hope of a "point" in your churlish little rejoinder, it is not making an appearance.

Presidents, in modern times, get over-booked. They are called upon to deal with tons of ceremonial crap as well as with more significant matters of state.

big fucking hairy deal.

If President Obama is too over-worked, he should advise his appointments secretary and his Chief of Staff to simmer it down. "I want some nap-time! No fair! I need recess! Gimme basketball after lunch or else!"

In the interim, he has known for a long time that he was facing the prospect of having to make one of the larger decisions any President can make: the direction we will be going in time of war.

And his official decision appears to be that he needs yet more time and more advice in order to decide.

Yes sir, Mr. President. You have officially decided not to decide. Very indecisive in a decisive way -- or perhaps it's the other way around. Difficult to say.

The criticism is clearly valid, despite all the Obamaphiles and Messiah Addicts who would play the role of supplicant and apologist. This President is the DITHERER in Chief!
Deciding that the strategies presented to him are bad doesn't mean he reject ALL of the, only the ones he's been given so far. Maybe there was no exit strategy?

So what are there? About a hundred al Queda in Afghanistan?

We had more than half a million troops in Vietnam and that country had half as many people, and was a third the size of Afghanistan, where we only have about a hundred thousand troops.

Besides, Bin Laden is gone. Bush and the Republicans LET HIM GO. They gave him a SEVEN YEAR HEAD START.

So, what is the goal in Afghanistan? Make it a "democracy" they way we have in Iraq? Ask Iraqi Christians and women how successful we were.

You you're saying Viet Nam only had a population of 250,000 citizens in the 60's? :rofl:
the population was over 30,000,000!!!!!
Surely you post is sarcasm or a joke??? :eek:

I think Pres. Bush was spot on. He did somethign never done before. He took the fight to the terrorists, rather than the terrorists continuously attacking the US and then go and hide in their safe haven countries.
Bush attacking Iraq after 9/11 was idiotic

As someone once said: It was like attacking Mexico in response to Pearl Harbor

Translation: I have no clue about the war on terror. :rolleyes:
Obama is not going to do anything, folks, until has an iron-clad commitment that Kharzai will reform the corruption in his country that interferes with the war effort before the U.S. does much more than guards Kabul from the good guys.

The corrupt SV government and armed forces is the primary reason we lost in Vietnam. You can't win the 'hearts and minds of the people' when the powers that be keep kicking them in the collective butt. Until that stops in Afghanistan, we don't have a chance.
Obama is not going to do anything, folks, until has an iron-clad commitment that Kharzai will reform the corruption in his country that interferes with the war effort before the U.S. does much more than guards Kabul from the good guys.

The corrupt SV government and armed forces is the primary reason we lost in Vietnam. You can't win the 'hearts and minds of the people' when the powers that be keep kicking them in the collective butt. Until that stops in Afghanistan, we don't have a chance.

I'm sure the the military will appreciate knowing they are there to do nothing.
Obama is not going to do anything, folks, until has an iron-clad commitment that Kharzai will reform the corruption in his country that interferes with the war effort before the U.S. does much more than guards Kabul from the good guys.

The corrupt SV government and armed forces is the primary reason we lost in Vietnam. You can't win the 'hearts and minds of the people' when the powers that be keep kicking them in the collective butt. Until that stops in Afghanistan, we don't have a chance.

I'm sure the the military will appreciate knowing they are there to do nothing.


Of course they are doing something......they are providing Dick Cheney's Halliburton a gazillions dollars, may be more, per month.

The warmongers and jingoists get a hard-on at the sight of spilt blood.

Obama is not going to do anything, folks, until has an iron-clad commitment that Kharzai will reform the corruption in his country that interferes with the war effort before the U.S. does much more than guards Kabul from the good guys.

The corrupt SV government and armed forces is the primary reason we lost in Vietnam. You can't win the 'hearts and minds of the people' when the powers that be keep kicking them in the collective butt. Until that stops in Afghanistan, we don't have a chance.

I'm sure the the military will appreciate knowing they are there to do nothing.


Of course they are doing something......they are providing Dick Cheney's Halliburton a gazillions dollars, may be more, per month.

The warmongers and jingoists get a hard-on at the sight of spilt blood.


I assume Obama knows about this and approves---he IS the CinC now ya know
"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

any more blindingly stupid questions you'd like to pose?

Nice try...

President Bush Says Usama Bin Laden May Not Be Captured During His Time in Office - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum -

Capturing Usama bin Laden has been one of President Bush's top priorities during his time in office, but the president now seems to doubt the Al Qaeda mastermind will be found before his term ends next January.

Speaking about his goals for his last year in the White House, Bush tells FOX News in an exclusive interview to air this weekend that if U.S. military and intelligence knew where bin Laden was, they would have apprehended him already.

"If we could find the cave he is in, I promise you — he would be brought to justice or wherever he's hiding," he tells FOX News in "George W. Bush: Fighting to the Finish," a documentary scheduled to air Sunday, Jan. 27, at 8 p.m. ET.

The president adds: "I will have left behind a mechanism — and a structure for the next president to better protect America."

During interviews conducted on Air Force One, in the Oval Office and at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, the nation's commander-in-chief opens up about his first seven years in office and the final one to come, which he hopes to finish strong.

Bush insists that finding bin Laden, who is believed to be hiding in the Pakistan-Afghan border region, remains a priority.

"For the country, it's a matter of closure in many ways for those who suffered under the attacks," Bush said. "He's hiding. He's isolated. He's not out there leading any parades."

Bush says he is briefed at least once a week on bin Laden and other Al Qaeda leaders.

His former Homeland Security Adviser, Fran Townsend, who left the White House in November, told FOX News:

"The president has made perfectly clear that he wants bin Laden brought to justice before he leaves office. That's the objective: To ... bring bin Laden to justice before the end of the administration. And we have organized ourselves to try and achieve that objective."
Bush says in the interview he's confident bin Laden ultimately will be found.

"He'll be gotten by a president," Bush says.

And to critics who say he hasn't done enough to find bin Laden, Bush is blunt:

"They don't know what they're talking about," he says.

nothing you've posted negates what he said in '02.

nice try.

I didn't say it, Pres. Bush said it.

He clearly says that bin Laden was a priority. Read what he said.
Watch what the CINC decides. It will be geared to Kharzai's commitment and the response by the Afghani leadership to stablize the corruption that threatens the war effort. That makes sense.
Obama to Couric.

Obama to Couric: 'We took our eye off the ball' - Politico Staff -

OBAMA: Well, I think-- I talked frequently during this campaign that we took our eye off the ball when we invaded Iraq. And now it's done. My job is to withdraw in a responsible way from Iraq and stabilize the situation there. But our real focus has to be on Afghanistan, the border regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan. And we have to put as much pressure on them as possible.

I've already spoken to my National Security team about how we're going to do that.

And I'm confident that we can keep them on the run and ensure that they cannot train terrorists to attack our homeland. That's my number one priority as President of the United States.

Douche bag.
"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

any more blindingly stupid questions you'd like to pose?

Nice try...

President Bush Says Usama Bin Laden May Not Be Captured During His Time in Office - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum -

Capturing Usama bin Laden has been one of President Bush's top priorities during his time in office, but the president now seems to doubt the Al Qaeda mastermind will be found before his term ends next January.

Speaking about his goals for his last year in the White House, Bush tells FOX News in an exclusive interview to air this weekend that if U.S. military and intelligence knew where bin Laden was, they would have apprehended him already.

"If we could find the cave he is in, I promise you — he would be brought to justice or wherever he's hiding," he tells FOX News in "George W. Bush: Fighting to the Finish," a documentary scheduled to air Sunday, Jan. 27, at 8 p.m. ET.

The president adds: "I will have left behind a mechanism — and a structure for the next president to better protect America."

During interviews conducted on Air Force One, in the Oval Office and at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, the nation's commander-in-chief opens up about his first seven years in office and the final one to come, which he hopes to finish strong.

Bush insists that finding bin Laden, who is believed to be hiding in the Pakistan-Afghan border region, remains a priority.

"For the country, it's a matter of closure in many ways for those who suffered under the attacks," Bush said. "He's hiding. He's isolated. He's not out there leading any parades."

Bush says he is briefed at least once a week on bin Laden and other Al Qaeda leaders.

His former Homeland Security Adviser, Fran Townsend, who left the White House in November, told FOX News:

"The president has made perfectly clear that he wants bin Laden brought to justice before he leaves office. That's the objective: To ... bring bin Laden to justice before the end of the administration. And we have organized ourselves to try and achieve that objective."
Bush says in the interview he's confident bin Laden ultimately will be found.

"He'll be gotten by a president," Bush says.

And to critics who say he hasn't done enough to find bin Laden, Bush is blunt:

"They don't know what they're talking about," he says.

nothing you've posted negates what he said in '02.

nice try.

One more thing...

Obama to Couric: 'We took our eye off the ball' - Politico Staff -

COURIC: How important do you think it is, Mr. President-elect, to apprehend Osama bin Laden?

OBAMA: I think that we have to so weaken his infrastructure that, whether he is technically

alive or not, he is so pinned down that he cannot function. My preference obviously would be

to capture or kill him. But if we have so tightened the noose that he's in a cave somewhere

and can't even communicate with his operatives then we will meet our goal of protecting


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