The Great one was elected with no experience and boy does it show. This guy has known for months that he needs to make a decision and even with the help of 8 meetings with his oh so smart advisors he still can't reach a decision on HIS RIGHT WAR. I guess no experience means just that. This guy is such a winner on so many levels. NOT.
The Great one was elected with no experience and boy does it show. This guy has known for months that he needs to make a decision and even with the help of 8 meetings with his oh so smart advisors he still can't reach a decision on HIS RIGHT WAR. I guess no experience means just that. This guy is such a winner on so many levels. NOT.

Obama had bigger things on his agenda: the Chicago Olympics, appearing on Letterman, campaigning for Corzine, Deeds and Abdullah in Afghanistan.

Where are yoru priorities?
So right Crusader and lets not forget Obamacare and lets certainly not forget his speeches all across Europe where he did nothing but badmouth America. Much more important than our troops and allies in Afg. Oh crap, lets not forget the porkulus bill. How in hell could I leave that out on the priorities list.? What a guy.
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Sending more troops isn't strategy, he is asking for strategic options. Makes sense.

Of course it is a very smart move. If he has to send more troops in the end, fine but they'd better have an exit strategy.
Sending more troops isn't strategy, he is asking for strategic options. Makes sense.

Of course it is a very smart move. If he has to send more troops in the end, fine but they'd better have an exit strategy.
Obama got a military strategy for a military situation from McChrystal, a military man, on Labor Day. Read it - the strategy is there.
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I'm going to only say this, as a former member of the US Military, without any clear mission objectives which include force structure, exit, etc. Then to keep those young men and women there is placing them in harms way without guidence . That being said, it's time for these brave soldiers, sailors, arimen and marines to come home if they will not have the support from the top they need to accomplish the mission. To leave them there now, is just placing their lives in danger and ALL those hero's deserve better than that.
It's not a weakness to base your tactics off of the facts on the ground. As for your definition of victory, that's fine if you want to define things that way, but it gets to the heart of the issue. What you spelled out is a goal that can never be accomplished with force. The military is there to flatten enemy forces. It can't construct civil society. It can't ensure that the individual Afghan tribes will rally around a central government.

Obviously you are not a student of history or you wouldn't make such idiotic claims. All one has to do is look to the Allied victories over Germany and Japan.
Marshall plan?
General MacArthur WROTE the Japanese constitution.

Seems to me those 2 countries are quite "civil" now doesn't it?

A program of direct aid is not a military action, nor is writing a constitution (which MacArthur did not write the Japanese constitution personally, he gave the orders to do so to members of his staff who were trained legal professionals).

Yada yada yada....thank you for acknowledging that I'm your traditional left wing loon style.:clap2:
Proven right again!
I said that whatever Obama chose it would be the wrong thing. Boy, was I right. Now he's choosing non-choice.
How's that hope n change working out for all those kids killed in Afghanistan??
Sending more troops isn't strategy, he is asking for strategic options. Makes sense.

Of course it is a very smart move. If he has to send more troops in the end, fine but they'd better have an exit strategy.

Definition: Exit Strategy

1. Politically correct term used in place of retreat
2. A plan to lose a war
3. To cut and run
4. A term used by politicians who know nothing of military strategy and defense
5. To be cowardly in the face of war
6. Political cover for a pacifists retreat
7. Democratic political propaganda
8. To admit one has no knowledge of the military and is unfit for command.
So he rejected a bunch of plans that had no clear end game and exit strategy. Good.

What an asshat. Wh the fuck gets into a war with their eye on how to get out of it.
I'm going to only say this, as a former member of the US Military, without any clear mission objectives which include force structure, exit, etc. Then to keep those young men and women there is placing them in harms way without guidence . That being said, it's time for these brave soldiers, sailors, arimen and marines to come home if they will not have the support from the top they need to accomplish the mission. To leave them there now, is just placing their lives in danger and ALL those hero's deserve better than that.

Absolutely correct. Right now the troops have ZERO support from their Commander in Chief.
No military strategy will work in Afghanistan unless the corruption of the civilian government ceases.

That is exactly what we failed, in part, in Vietnam. If the Afghani leadership will not support the irradication of the Taliban and stop feathering their nests, then troop strength is not going to mean anything.
So he rejected a bunch of plans that had no clear end game and exit strategy. Good.

What an asshat. Wh the fuck gets into a war with their eye on how to get out of it.

What diminished intellect you demonstrate, Soggy. One goes into a war know exactly what the goals are, how to accomplish them, dedicate the signficant resources necessary, and have an exit strategy. The last administration failed miserably on how to successfully manage the initial military victories.

And you want to blame this administration for the failures of the previous administration?

No wonder you have no relevance when you post.
mdn: a definition

A poster who has no clue to matters military. Move on.
I'd like to see us get out of Afghanistan, but I think we would be damning the female Afghanis to hell.

Maybe we could offer them sanctuary and leave the country to the assholes.
We can send the willows to Afghanistan and expatriate a like number of Afghani to America.

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