BREAKING- Mueller Statement Imminent (11 AM ET)

Exactly! :thup::thup::thup:

I'll be dipped in sh*t before i take the word of that two legged pig

I don't think Mueller has agreed to testify.
Yeah, he did agree to it.... at least according to what Naddler said last week on Maddow's interview.... he said the Justice department negotiators said he agreed to testify, but in private.... did not want to be part of a congressional show and media frenzy, he wanted to stay out of the fray, of politics....

Naddler said that the middle men negotiating the testimony, that Mueller wanted to give only an opening statement in the public, then it would go to a closed door hearing.

apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Don't think so.

He made two important statements in regard to the investigation of Trump.

  • "And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime."
  • "Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."
Mueller makes quite clear that Trump's statement that the Mueller Report cleared him of wrong doing is false. Secondly, he clarifies the report saying that he did not have the option of charging the president with a crime because of the legal restraints he was operating under . He makes it clear that impeachment is the process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. The House is going to take these statements as an endorsement of continuing their investigation.

If Mueller had reason to think TRUMP was guilty of a crime why did he end the investigation?
Did he end it so abruptly, or did Barr order it to be shut down?

Whether the president was allegedly guilty of a crime or not, may not have factored in to it, because he already had the evidence, the 10 alleged obstruction instances in the report... even with those, he still was not allowed to bring an indictment on a sitting president?
or did you not get what you feelz you should get so you go this route to keep "someone is being mean to me" in play?

the plot thickens!
Yeah, he did agree to it.... at least according to what Naddler said last week on Maddow's interview.... he said the Justice department negotiators said he agreed to testify, but in private.... did not want to be part of a congressional show and media frenzy, he wanted to stay out of the fray, of politics....

Naddler said that the middle men negotiating the testimony, that Mueller wanted to give only an opening statement in the public, then it would go to a closed door hearing.

apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Don't think so.

He made two important statements in regard to the investigation of Trump.

  • "And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime."
  • "Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."
Mueller makes quite clear that Trump's statement that the Mueller Report cleared him of wrong doing is false. Secondly, he clarifies the report saying that he did not have the option of charging the president with a crime because of the legal restraints he was operating under . He makes it clear that impeachment is the process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. The House is going to take these statements as an endorsement of continuing their investigation.

If Mueller had reason to think TRUMP was guilty of a crime why did he end the investigation?
Did he end it so abruptly, or did Barr order it to be shut down?

Whether the president was allegedly guilty of a crime or not, may not have factored in to it, because he already had the evidence, the 10 alleged obstruction instances in the report... even with those, he still was not allowed to bring an indictment on a sitting president?
or did you not get what you feelz you should get so you go this route to keep "someone is being mean to me" in play?

the plot thickens!
apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Don't think so.

He made two important statements in regard to the investigation of Trump.

  • "And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime."
  • "Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."
Mueller makes quite clear that Trump's statement that the Mueller Report cleared him of wrong doing is false. Secondly, he clarifies the report saying that he did not have the option of charging the president with a crime because of the legal restraints he was operating under . He makes it clear that impeachment is the process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. The House is going to take these statements as an endorsement of continuing their investigation.

If Mueller had reason to think TRUMP was guilty of a crime why did he end the investigation?
Did he end it so abruptly, or did Barr order it to be shut down?

Whether the president was allegedly guilty of a crime or not, may not have factored in to it, because he already had the evidence, the 10 alleged obstruction instances in the report... even with those, he still was not allowed to bring an indictment on a sitting president?
or did you not get what you feelz you should get so you go this route to keep "someone is being mean to me" in play?

the plot thickens!
do you even hear yourself?

"i know what the left did was bullshit and not a damn thing was found, but we don't like the way he acted during the bogus investigation so we're going after that now since our investigation again - was bogus..."

like accusing kavanaugh of rape then hoping his "lying" would keep him out.

ya just don't give a shit what ship takes you where you wanna go, as long as you get what you want and your emotional child is happy again.

your consolation prizes shift to your priorities so easily. ever wonder why?

no. i didn't think so.
I don't think Mueller has agreed to testify.
Yeah, he did agree to it.... at least according to what Naddler said last week on Maddow's interview.... he said the Justice department negotiators said he agreed to testify, but in private.... did not want to be part of a congressional show and media frenzy, he wanted to stay out of the fray, of politics....

Naddler said that the middle men negotiating the testimony, that Mueller wanted to give only an opening statement in the public, then it would go to a closed door hearing.

apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Don't think so.

He made two important statements in regard to the investigation of Trump.

  • "And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime."
  • "Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."
Mueller makes quite clear that Trump's statement that the Mueller Report cleared him of wrong doing is false. Secondly, he clarifies the report saying that he did not have the option of charging the president with a crime because of the legal restraints he was operating under . He makes it clear that impeachment is the process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. The House is going to take these statements as an endorsement of continuing their investigation.

If Mueller had reason to think TRUMP was guilty of a crime why did he end the investigation?
Did he end it so abruptly, or did Barr order it to be shut down?

Whether the president was allegedly guilty of a crime or not, may not have factored in to it, because he already had the evidence, the 10 alleged obstruction instances in the report... even with those, he still was not allowed to bring an indictment on a sitting president?

If Mueller thought he had something on TRUMP he would testify. Mueller wouldn't even answer questions from the press, pretty much shows he knows there is nothing to be found against TRUMP.
Yeah, he did agree to it.... at least according to what Naddler said last week on Maddow's interview.... he said the Justice department negotiators said he agreed to testify, but in private.... did not want to be part of a congressional show and media frenzy, he wanted to stay out of the fray, of politics....

Naddler said that the middle men negotiating the testimony, that Mueller wanted to give only an opening statement in the public, then it would go to a closed door hearing.

apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Don't think so.

He made two important statements in regard to the investigation of Trump.

  • "And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime."
  • "Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."
Mueller makes quite clear that Trump's statement that the Mueller Report cleared him of wrong doing is false. Secondly, he clarifies the report saying that he did not have the option of charging the president with a crime because of the legal restraints he was operating under . He makes it clear that impeachment is the process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. The House is going to take these statements as an endorsement of continuing their investigation.

If Mueller had reason to think TRUMP was guilty of a crime why did he end the investigation?
Did he end it so abruptly, or did Barr order it to be shut down?

Whether the president was allegedly guilty of a crime or not, may not have factored in to it, because he already had the evidence, the 10 alleged obstruction instances in the report... even with those, he still was not allowed to bring an indictment on a sitting president?

If Mueller thought he had something on TRUMP he would testify. Mueller wouldn't even answer questions from the press, pretty much shows he knows there is nothing to be found against TRUMP.
the only thing mueller is likely trying to hide now is his embarrassment.
Yeah, he did agree to it.... at least according to what Naddler said last week on Maddow's interview.... he said the Justice department negotiators said he agreed to testify, but in private.... did not want to be part of a congressional show and media frenzy, he wanted to stay out of the fray, of politics....

Naddler said that the middle men negotiating the testimony, that Mueller wanted to give only an opening statement in the public, then it would go to a closed door hearing.

apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Don't think so.

He made two important statements in regard to the investigation of Trump.

  • "And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime."
  • "Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."
Mueller makes quite clear that Trump's statement that the Mueller Report cleared him of wrong doing is false. Secondly, he clarifies the report saying that he did not have the option of charging the president with a crime because of the legal restraints he was operating under . He makes it clear that impeachment is the process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. The House is going to take these statements as an endorsement of continuing their investigation.

If Mueller had reason to think TRUMP was guilty of a crime why did he end the investigation?
Did he end it so abruptly, or did Barr order it to be shut down?

Whether the president was allegedly guilty of a crime or not, may not have factored in to it, because he already had the evidence, the 10 alleged obstruction instances in the report... even with those, he still was not allowed to bring an indictment on a sitting president?

If Mueller thought he had something on TRUMP he would testify. Mueller wouldn't even answer questions from the press, pretty much shows he knows there is nothing to be found against TRUMP.
Well, I differ with ya.... because he spelled out in capital letters if he could, in the Mueller Report 10 or so instances where Trump allegedly obstructed justice. There is nothing else needed from him, as far as the House bringing charges.

But he will be called in to testify, not so much on the obstruction accusations.... but to find out other things that were left unanswered in his report.

Like why didn't he have Don Jr testify? Did Don Jr.'s lawyers tell him he was going to plead the 5th? Or Kushner?

Why did he not subpoena the president for his testimony?

Did Barr lie to congress regarding him saying Mueller did not indict because there was no evidence or was it because of the Justice dept rule?

Could you see how the Russian investigation began, when given all the FBI records?

What happened with Cambridge Analytica?

So many other questions too that were left hanging....

If they subpoena Mueller, he will have to testify.... Yes, I'm certain he is exhausted and would like to go home and relax, but I don't think congress is done with him....
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mueller still works for Justice dept...

there will be nothing said in his opening statement that was not approved by Barr....

the questioning of Mueller, will be behind closed doors, we won't see it....

but we will be given transcripts of the questions and answers, from what Naddler said last week....

I don't think Mueller has agreed to testify.
Yeah, he did agree to it.... at least according to what Naddler said last week on Maddow's interview.... he said the Justice department negotiators said he agreed to testify, but in private.... did not want to be part of a congressional show and media frenzy, he wanted to stay out of the fray, of politics....

Naddler said that the middle men negotiating the testimony, that Mueller wanted to give only an opening statement in the public, then it would go to a closed door hearing.

apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Don't think so.

He made two important statements in regard to the investigation of Trump.

  • "And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime."
  • "Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."
Mueller makes quite clear that Trump's statement that the Mueller Report cleared him of wrong doing is false. Secondly, he clarifies the report saying that he did not have the option of charging the president with a crime because of the legal restraints he was operating under . He makes it clear that impeachment is the process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. The House is going to take these statements as an endorsement of continuing their investigation.

Try this one on for size:

  • "And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that Santa Claus does exist, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether Santa Claus exists."
  • "Charging Santa Claus with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."
See how stupid that sounds? There is no logic involved in those decisions! NONE1
You're free to believe what you wish Admiral

Myself, i believe very little from GubMit

In fact, the reason it's so 'effed up, is that folks do....

apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Don't think so.

He made two important statements in regard to the investigation of Trump.

  • "And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime."
  • "Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."
Mueller makes quite clear that Trump's statement that the Mueller Report cleared him of wrong doing is false. Secondly, he clarifies the report saying that he did not have the option of charging the president with a crime because of the legal restraints he was operating under . He makes it clear that impeachment is the process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. The House is going to take these statements as an endorsement of continuing their investigation.

If Mueller had reason to think TRUMP was guilty of a crime why did he end the investigation?
Did he end it so abruptly, or did Barr order it to be shut down?

Whether the president was allegedly guilty of a crime or not, may not have factored in to it, because he already had the evidence, the 10 alleged obstruction instances in the report... even with those, he still was not allowed to bring an indictment on a sitting president?

If Mueller thought he had something on TRUMP he would testify. Mueller wouldn't even answer questions from the press, pretty much shows he knows there is nothing to be found against TRUMP.
Well, I differ with ya.... because he spelled out in capital letters if he could, in the Mueller Report 10 or so instances where Trump allegedly obstructed justice. There is nothing else needed from him, as far as the House bringing charges.

But he will be called in to testify, not so much on the obstruction accusations.... but to find out other things that were left unanswered in his report.

Like why didn't he have Don Jr testify? Did Don Jr.'s lawyers tell him he was going to plead the 5th? Or Kushner?

Why did he not subpoena the president for his testimony?

Did Barr lie to congress regarding him saying Mueller did not indict because there was no evidence or was it because of the Justice dept rule?

Could you see how the Russian investigation began, when given all the FBI records?

What happened with Cambridge Analytica?

So many other questions too that were left hanging....

If they subpoena Mueller, he will have to testify.... Yes, I'm certain he is exhausted and would like to go home and relax, but I don't think congress is done with him....
you just can't read for shit can you.

he's done. his testimony is in his report. he's retired and not going to go before anyone at all.

your questions are to cover your fears and anger and don't have jack nor shit to do with reality. you can tell mueller WANTED something to be there but found NOTHING he could push. yet somehow you know more than he does.

you ever just jump the fuck back and kiss yourself for being so bad ass?

congress and you on the left won't be done until you get what YOU want and ONLY THEN. even if you have to make up shit on a daily basis hoping *something* can stick.
apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Don't think so.

He made two important statements in regard to the investigation of Trump.

  • "And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime."
  • "Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."
Mueller makes quite clear that Trump's statement that the Mueller Report cleared him of wrong doing is false. Secondly, he clarifies the report saying that he did not have the option of charging the president with a crime because of the legal restraints he was operating under . He makes it clear that impeachment is the process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. The House is going to take these statements as an endorsement of continuing their investigation.

If Mueller had reason to think TRUMP was guilty of a crime why did he end the investigation?
Did he end it so abruptly, or did Barr order it to be shut down?

Whether the president was allegedly guilty of a crime or not, may not have factored in to it, because he already had the evidence, the 10 alleged obstruction instances in the report... even with those, he still was not allowed to bring an indictment on a sitting president?

If Mueller thought he had something on TRUMP he would testify. Mueller wouldn't even answer questions from the press, pretty much shows he knows there is nothing to be found against TRUMP.
Well, I differ with ya.... because he spelled out in capital letters if he could, in the Mueller Report 10 or so instances where Trump allegedly obstructed justice. There is nothing else needed from him, as far as the House bringing charges.

But he will be called in to testify, not so much on the obstruction accusations.... but to find out other things that were left unanswered in his report.

Like why didn't he have Don Jr testify? Did Don Jr.'s lawyers tell him he was going to plead the 5th? Or Kushner?

Why did he not subpoena the president for his testimony?

Did Barr lie to congress regarding him saying Mueller did not indict because there was no evidence or was it because of the Justice dept rule?

Could you see how the Russian investigation began, when given all the FBI records?

What happened with Cambridge Analytica?

So many other questions too that were left hanging....

If they subpoena Mueller, he will have to testify.... Yes, I'm certain he is exhausted and would like to go home and relax, but I don't think congress is done with him....
A repeat

Senator Mitch McConnell for example said on February 10, 1999, “The problem is lying under oath and obstructing justice. The subject matter[Monica Lewinsky] is not what is significant here. It is lying under oath and obstructing justice.”
Senator Lindsey Graham said on January 16, 1999, “The point I’m trying to make is you don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic. Impeachment is not about punishment, impeachment is about cleansing the office.”
Senator Chuck Grassley said on January 9, 1999, “We are miraculously transformed from politicians to people who leave their Republican and Democrat labels at the door. We’re there to seek the truth and to find out whether the president is guilty or not guilty, and no stone should be left unturned to make that determination.”

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