BREAKING- Mueller Statement Imminent (11 AM ET)

Mueller said it we had evidence that trump DID
Wow, what a moron.

Oh, come now, Darkwind -- Jim a moron? Really now!

You know as well as I do that you would have to add AT LEAST another 30 to 40 points to his IQ before he would qualify as a moron .
Mueller said it we had evidence that trump DID
Wow, what a moron.

Oh, come now, Darkwind -- Jim a moron? Really now!

You know as well as I do that you would have to add AT LEAST another 30 to 40 points to his IQ before he would qualify as a moron .

NANCY will be hard pressed now to keep the Impeachment calls down. Watch public opinion sway also....
If that was true, WTF was Mueller doing? We spent 30 fucking million dollars and 2 years for Meuller to say "well I can't say anything." WTF is that? Why did he undertake this knowing that he couldn't make a conclusion at the end???

Mueller was grandstanding for the past 2 years :D
Remember, Mueller hates Trump...he wanted to be sure (as much as the Democrats) to investigate Trump on any charges (which we all knew along), so that he wouldn't make a complete ass out of himself :D
mueller still works for Justice dept...

there will be nothing said in his opening statement that was not approved by Barr....

the questioning of Mueller, will be behind closed doors, we won't see it....

but we will be given transcripts of the questions and answers, from what Naddler said last week....

I don't think Mueller has agreed to testify.
Yeah, he did agree to it.... at least according to what Naddler said last week on Maddow's interview.... he said the Justice department negotiators said he agreed to testify, but in private.... did not want to be part of a congressional show and media frenzy, he wanted to stay out of the fray, of politics....

Naddler said that the middle men negotiating the testimony, that Mueller wanted to give only an opening statement in the public, then it would go to a closed door hearing.

apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Don't think so.

He made two important statements in regard to the investigation of Trump.

  • "And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime."
  • "Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."
Mueller makes quite clear that Trump's statement that the Mueller Report cleared him of wrong doing is false. Secondly, he clarifies the report saying that he did not have the option of charging the president with a crime because of the legal restraints he was operating under . He makes it clear that impeachment is the process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. The House is going to take these statements as an endorsement of continuing their investigation.

and by making those statements publicly, to the media, he hasn't changed his mind on staying out of the media frenzy.

I guess I've got a different read on that particular issue, which is what I was responding to, as from my perspective I wouldn't expect people wanting to stay out of the media frenzy to hold press conferences.
and by making those statements publicly, to the media, he hasn't changed his mind on staying out of the media frenzy.

The MSM is going to continue to spin anyway they can..its "Blame Trump! So we must impeach!"

Leave it up to Nancy "Blow Me" Pelosi to continue her ringmastership. :D
Mueller has to testify.

Question for Mueller. In your statement, you expressed no issues with AG Barr and his handling of the report. AG Barr stated in his testimony that he asked you directly on 3 separate occasions if DOJ policy was the foundation for your obstruction decisions. AG Barr indicated you told him it was not based on DOJ policy. Was AG Barr misleading Congress? We have some major contradictions that need to be addressed here.
If that was true, WTF was Mueller doing? We spent 30 fucking million dollars and 2 years for Meuller to say "well I can't say anything." WTF is that? Why did he undertake this knowing that he couldn't make a conclusion at the end???

Mueller was grandstanding for the past 2 years :D
Remember, Mueller hates Trump...he wanted to be sure (as much as the Democrats) to investigate Trump on any charges (which we all knew along), so that he wouldn't make a complete ass out of himself :D

Right....Mueller the Republican hates trump....the Republican....

Mueller is a respector of the law. He knows a criminal slug when he sees one....
Mueller has to testify.

Question for Mueller. In your statement, you expressed no issues with AG Barr and his handling of the report. AG Barr stated in his testimony that he asked you directly on 3 separate occasions if DOJ policy was the foundation for your obstruction decisions. AG Barr indicated you told him it was not based on DOJ policy. Was AG Barr misleading Congress? We have some major contradictions that need to be addressed here.

If course he was lying. Just like he lied when he had no idea if Mueller agreed with his "summary."
and by making those statements publicly, to the media, he hasn't changed his mind on staying out of the media frenzy.

The MSM is going to continue to spin anyway they can..its "Blame Trump! So we must impeach!"

Leave it up to Nancy "Blow Me" Pelosi to continue her ringmastership. :D

trump OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE! Mueller laid out the case the Congress. IMPEACH HIS FAT ASS!
Mueller is a respector of the law.
If that was true, WTF was Mueller doing? We spent 30 fucking million dollars and 2 years for Meuller to say "well I can't say anything." WTF is that? Why did he undertake this knowing that he couldn't make a conclusion at the end???

Mueller was grandstanding for the past 2 years :D
Remember, Mueller hates Trump...he wanted to be sure (as much as the Democrats) to investigate Trump on any charges (which we all knew along), so that he wouldn't make a complete ass out of himself :D

Right....Mueller the Republican hates trump....the Republican....

Mueller is a respector of the law. He knows a criminal slug when he sees one....

Yea he's about as republican as McCain. And just as brain dead.
mueller still works for Justice dept...

there will be nothing said in his opening statement that was not approved by Barr....

the questioning of Mueller, will be behind closed doors, we won't see it....

but we will be given transcripts of the questions and answers, from what Naddler said last week....

I don't think Mueller has agreed to testify.
Yeah, he did agree to it.... at least according to what Naddler said last week on Maddow's interview.... he said the Justice department negotiators said he agreed to testify, but in private.... did not want to be part of a congressional show and media frenzy, he wanted to stay out of the fray, of politics....

Naddler said that the middle men negotiating the testimony, that Mueller wanted to give only an opening statement in the public, then it would go to a closed door hearing.

apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Don't think so.

He made two important statements in regard to the investigation of Trump.

  • "And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime."
  • "Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."
Mueller makes quite clear that Trump's statement that the Mueller Report cleared him of wrong doing is false. Secondly, he clarifies the report saying that he did not have the option of charging the president with a crime because of the legal restraints he was operating under . He makes it clear that impeachment is the process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. The House is going to take these statements as an endorsement of continuing their investigation.

If Mueller had reason to think TRUMP was guilty of a crime why did he end the investigation?
This is America, not a banana republic of Obama's

Muellers comment that he could not say Trump is innocent is irrelevant in our law and judicial system. His comments are as far out of line as Comey's was when he cleared Her Thighness Clinton

mueller still works for Justice dept...

there will be nothing said in his opening statement that was not approved by Barr....

the questioning of Mueller, will be behind closed doors, we won't see it....

but we will be given transcripts of the questions and answers, from what Naddler said last week....

I don't think Mueller has agreed to testify.
Yeah, he did agree to it.... at least according to what Naddler said last week on Maddow's interview.... he said the Justice department negotiators said he agreed to testify, but in private.... did not want to be part of a congressional show and media frenzy, he wanted to stay out of the fray, of politics....

Naddler said that the middle men negotiating the testimony, that Mueller wanted to give only an opening statement in the public, then it would go to a closed door hearing.

apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Don't think so.

He made two important statements in regard to the investigation of Trump.

  • "And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime."
  • "Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."
Mueller makes quite clear that Trump's statement that the Mueller Report cleared him of wrong doing is false. Secondly, he clarifies the report saying that he did not have the option of charging the president with a crime because of the legal restraints he was operating under . He makes it clear that impeachment is the process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. The House is going to take these statements as an endorsement of continuing their investigation.

If Mueller had reason to think TRUMP was guilty of a crime why did he end the investigation?
Did he end it so abruptly, or did Barr order it to be shut down?

Whether the president was allegedly guilty of a crime or not, may not have factored in to it, because he already had the evidence, the 10 alleged obstruction instances in the report... even with those, he still was not allowed to bring an indictment on a sitting president?

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