BREAKING- Mueller Statement Imminent (11 AM ET)

Attn liberals:

In our justice system, a lack of evidence = innocence. It does NOT equal "guilty without evidence".

They don't care about this.
Hell, 60 House Dems previously voted for impeachment BEFORE the Mueller report came out!
'Presumption of innocence' is NOT in their vocabulary.
I say again, in our justice system, a lack of evidence = innocent. It does not mean "guilty without proof."
The MSM is going to have a meltdown when they find out there was no collusion and that Trump is ready to go in 2020 rump cult member whgich means you are soft in the
There was collusion, 251 contacts with Trump campaign staff and russians who interfered in our election, during the campaign, according to the Mueller Report.

What Mueller found is that they could not establish CONSPIRACY, beyond a reasonable doubt.

They could not establish that the Trump campaign, worked with the Russians on stealing the DNC, Podesta, and Democratic Committee's emails, they could not prove that the Trump campaign were in on the actual theft with the Russian operatives. Collusion is apparently, not a crime.

but the Mueller report did show collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians/wilileaks, after the emails were stolen...

i.e. manafort gave the Russians secret Trump polling data so they could focus their Russian influence campaign in all the right places... Campaign members directed the timing and release of the emails, Trump's son set up a meeting with Russians hoping to get dirt or emails from the Russians, Flynn worked with Peter Smith, a republican operative, (who allegedly committed suicide) to get Hillary emails, Flynn told the Russian Ambassador to hold off on retaliating the US for the sanctions by Obama just put on them... Cohen and Trump were still working the Moscow Trump Tower deal, up until the election while lying to the public about it, Trump offered Putin a $50 million dollar Penthouse, to help the deal go through....

Like the report lays out, 251 of these type of contacts/ which defines collusion with the Russians.

It did not lay out collusion in the sense that the Trump campaign called the Russians and asked them to help. The Trump campaign knew of Russia's interest in electing Trump and they wanted to facilitate their help. They laid out a roadmap for how the Russians could help by giving the campaign strategy and internal polling data to someone associated with Russian Intelligence. They also sought dirt from the Russians. I also suspect Roger Stone knows quite a bit but has refused to cooperate.
none of that makes any sense, but thanks for wasting my time reading that nonsense. Hitlery had dealings with putin, there is absolutely no evidence to anything in your post. Not one fking thing you fake.

A massive conspiracy against Trump makes sense to you but this does not. You are a Trump cult member which means you have no ability to think for yourself. P148 in the Mueller report describes a series of meetings with a Russian associate who has ties to Russian Intelligence.

"Second, Manafort briefed Kilimnik on the state of the Trump Campaign and Manafort's plan to win the election. That briefing encompassed the Campaign's messaging and its internal polling data . According to Gates, it also included discussion of "battleground" states , which Manafort identified as Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota. Manafort did not refer explicit!y to "battle round " states in his telling of the August 2 discussion,"

Maybe you can think of another reason Manafort might have given that information.

Roger Stone knew of the Podesta e-mails being released on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were actually released. Maybe he used a Ouija board or maybe he had ties to Assange who posted the information or Russians who hacked the information. Name your poison. Assange or Russians.
and in his report, many times, collusion isn't a crime. and he stated so several times. Stone knew of the emails because he got an email from wikileaks, that isn't illegal either. so, honesty isn't your strong suit, I get it. you just want orangemanbad to get his no matter the consequences or misuse of justice out there. right? come on dude, make me laugh some more.
I for one am shocked Mueller will not testify. The American people deserve the opportunity to have their representatives (both sides of the isle) question Mueller about the report and challenge his conclusions if necessary. The report at this point is nothing more than a hit and run. Mueller could clear up many of the nagging questions easily.

This is a sham folks. None of us should put up with this result.
Mueller, was basically telling Congress it's time to impeach.

On what? Mueller didn't even say that...

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."
Which means that Mueller perpetrated a fraud upon the American people and wasted millions of dollars.

If he knew that going into the investigation that one cannot indict a sitting President, and according to his own words, "to even look at obstruction is unconstitutional", then I think that he should be made to answer for the waste and fraud he perpetrated on the American people.

According to Mueller there were no facts found that Trump committed any crimes. Whereas when Clinton was investigated by Starr, they found at least 13 counts of crimes committed by William Jefferson Clinton....

Mueller specifically said that Trump was NOT EXONERATED. He decided that since a sitting President cannot be indicted, he would not make a determination on whether Trump should be charged. The potential instances of where Trump obstructed justice are far more than 13.

I for one am shocked Mueller will not testify. The American people deserve the opportunity to have their representatives (both sides of the isle) question Mueller about the report and challenge his conclusions if necessary. The report at this point is nothing more than a hit and run. Mueller could clear up many of the nagging questions easily.

This is a sham folks. None of us should put up with this result.

I agree. Congress should subpoena Mueller.
I for one am shocked Mueller will not testify. The American people deserve the opportunity to have their representatives (both sides of the isle) question Mueller about the report and challenge his conclusions if necessary. The report at this point is nothing more than a hit and run. Mueller could clear up many of the nagging questions easily.

This is a sham folks. None of us should put up with this result.
he can be compelled to testify, through subpoena....
Basically Mueller said.....trump committed Obstruction....but DOJ policy states we could not indict a sitting president. is your call.
I for one am shocked Mueller will not testify. The American people deserve the opportunity to have their representatives (both sides of the isle) question Mueller about the report and challenge his conclusions if necessary. The report at this point is nothing more than a hit and run. Mueller could clear up many of the nagging questions easily.

This is a sham folks. None of us should put up with this result.
he can be compelled to testify, through subpoena....
I think he did a great job given what he was allowed to do Now he's left it up to congress to shit or get off of the pot
Mueller said it we had evidence that trump DID NOT commit a crime we would present it......HE COULD NOT SAY We have evidence trump committed a crime

Mueller is giving the Congress the Green Light for IMPEACHMENT.
Now we know why he wrote the letter stating his disagreement with Barr's lame summary.

Most of the Dem Congressmen are attorneys. They should see what Mueller is saying.
Mueller, was basically telling Congress it's time to impeach.

On what? Mueller didn't even say that...

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."
Which means that Mueller perpetrated a fraud upon the American people and wasted millions of dollars.

If he knew that going into the investigation that one cannot indict a sitting President, and according to his own words, "to even look at obstruction is unconstitutional", then I think that he should be made to answer for the waste and fraud he perpetrated on the American people.

No, considering he found plenty of others to indict and farmed out even more investigations not directly under his purview. Not all investigations lead to indictments or are even meant to. He gathered evidence that others including Congress can pick up, but an accurate record of what happened you would think is important to all Americans.
That is incorrect.

Given the make up of his office, all rabid progressives, if there were evidence of some crime, Mueller would have explicitly said there was evidence of a crime, and would THEN have used the excuse that because of DOJ regulations, we could not prosecute.

It is NOT the job of the Special Council to make judgments on crimes. He either has the evidence of a crime, or he does not.
mueller still works for Justice dept...

there will be nothing said in his opening statement that was not approved by Barr....

the questioning of Mueller, will be behind closed doors, we won't see it....

but we will be given transcripts of the questions and answers, from what Naddler said last week....

I don't think Mueller has agreed to testify.
Yeah, he did agree to it.... at least according to what Naddler said last week on Maddow's interview.... he said the Justice department negotiators said he agreed to testify, but in private.... did not want to be part of a congressional show and media frenzy, he wanted to stay out of the fray, of politics....

Naddler said that the middle men negotiating the testimony, that Mueller wanted to give only an opening statement in the public, then it would go to a closed door hearing.

apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Don't think so.

He made two important statements in regard to the investigation of Trump.

  • "And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime."
  • "Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."
Mueller makes quite clear that Trump's statement that the Mueller Report cleared him of wrong doing is false. Secondly, he clarifies the report saying that he did not have the option of charging the president with a crime because of the legal restraints he was operating under . He makes it clear that impeachment is the process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. The House is going to take these statements as an endorsement of continuing their investigation.

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