BREAKING- Mueller Statement Imminent (11 AM ET)

Mueller said: READ MY REPORT. It says I COULDN’T indict a sitting president. If my office could’ve concluded he was innocent of collusion or obstruction, we would’ve. We couldn’t so we didn’t. Only Congress can hold him accountable. The ball is in their court now.

If there were evidence of collusion or obstruction, Mueller could have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't. His comments are just a political hit job - and a rather cowardly one at that.

Nuff said.

Are you truly that out of touch!

There have been plenty of indictments!

The indictments were for things completely unrelated to collusion or obstruction (i.e. Manafort's financial irregularities years before he worked for Turmp) or entrapment process crimes (i.e. setting up Papadolous...who served TWO WEEKS for a fake process crime).

You lose.

Mueller's words:

"I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments—that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election."

So Mueller stated that the indictments were related to election interference.

That would be COLLUSION (aka CONSPIRACY)!

Dim Wit!

Collusion does not equal conspiracy, dumbass! No Americans were indicted for anything related to the Russians.
Collusion does not equal conspiracy, dumbass! No Americans were indicted for anything related to the Russians.


Exactly right.
Plenty of evidence of collusion.
If there were evidence of collusion or obstruction, Mueller could have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't. His comments are just a political hit job - and a rather cowardly one at that.

Nuff said.

Are you truly that out of touch!

There have been plenty of indictments!

The indictments were for things completely unrelated to collusion or obstruction (i.e. Manafort's financial irregularities years before he worked for Turmp) or entrapment process crimes (i.e. setting up Papadolous...who served TWO WEEKS for a fake process crime).

You lose.

Mueller's words:

"I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments—that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election."

So Mueller stated that the indictments were related to election interference.

That would be COLLUSION (aka CONSPIRACY)!

Dim Wit!

Collusion does not equal conspiracy, dumbass! No Americans were indicted for anything related to the Russians.
Collusion does not equal conspiracy, dumbass! No Americans were indicted for anything related to the Russians.


Exactly right.
Plenty of evidence of collusion.

My brain operates properly.
Apparently not. You made up up something stupid and false, then were corrected with public knowledge that is the most basic of knowledge of this topic.
Then you say i am dreaming. Clearly you have gone down the trump cult rabbit hole.
The Attorney General needs to release a statement saying: "If we had had confidence that Robert Mueller clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

"If we had had confidence that Nancy Pelosi clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

"If we had had confidence that Joe Biden clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

Mueller didn't exonerate you?
i'm here aren't i?

I don't know where you are, don't care either.
The MSM is going to have a meltdown when they find out there was no collusion and that Trump is ready to go in 2020 :D
There was collusion, 251 contacts with Trump campaign staff and russians who interfered in our election, during the campaign, according to the Mueller Report.

What Mueller found is that they could not establish CONSPIRACY, beyond a reasonable doubt.

They could not establish that the Trump campaign, worked with the Russians on stealing the DNC, Podesta, and Democratic Committee's emails, they could not prove that the Trump campaign were in on the actual theft with the Russian operatives. Collusion is apparently, not a crime.

but the Mueller report did show collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians/wilileaks, after the emails were stolen...

i.e. manafort gave the Russians secret Trump polling data so they could focus their Russian influence campaign in all the right places... Campaign members directed the timing and release of the emails, Trump's son set up a meeting with Russians hoping to get dirt or emails from the Russians, Flynn worked with Peter Smith, a republican operative, (who allegedly committed suicide) to get Hillary emails, Flynn told the Russian Ambassador to hold off on retaliating the US for the sanctions by Obama just put on them... Cohen and Trump were still working the Moscow Trump Tower deal, up until the election while lying to the public about it, Trump offered Putin a $50 million dollar Penthouse, to help the deal go through....

Like the report lays out, 251 of these type of contacts/ which defines collusion with the Russians.

It did not lay out collusion in the sense that the Trump campaign called the Russians and asked them to help. The Trump campaign knew of Russia's interest in electing Trump and they wanted to facilitate their help. They laid out a roadmap for how the Russians could help by giving the campaign strategy and internal polling data to someone associated with Russian Intelligence. They also sought dirt from the Russians. I also suspect Roger Stone knows quite a bit but has refused to cooperate.
none of that makes any sense, but thanks for wasting my time reading that nonsense. Hitlery had dealings with putin, there is absolutely no evidence to anything in your post. Not one fking thing you fake.
It did not lay out collusion in the sense that the Trump campaign called the Russians and asked them to help. The Trump campaign knew of Russia's interest in electing Trump and they wanted to facilitate their help. They laid out a roadmap for how the Russians could help by giving the campaign strategy and internal polling data to someone associated with Russian Intelligence. They also sought dirt from the Russians. I also suspect Roger Stone knows quite a bit but has refused to cooperate.

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."
Mueller, was basically telling Congress it's time to impeach.

On what? Mueller didn't even say that...

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."

Yes, Mueller is saying he cannot exonerate the president and due to DOJ policy he also cannot indict a sitting president. And in fact the Constitutional remedy for an indictment is impeachment.

I'm sorry, Mueller is an adult and he's not going to go around ranting "Lock him up!, Lock him up!", you actually have to hear what he is saying and not depend on your bedwetting emotions.
Mueller, was basically telling Congress it's time to impeach.

On what? Mueller didn't even say that...

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."
Which means that Mueller perpetrated a fraud upon the American people and wasted millions of dollars.

If he knew that going into the investigation that one cannot indict a sitting President, and according to his own words, "to even look at obstruction is unconstitutional", then I think that he should be made to answer for the waste and fraud he perpetrated on the American people.

According to Mueller there were no facts found that Trump committed any crimes. Whereas when Clinton was investigated by Starr, they found at least 13 counts of crimes committed by William Jefferson Clinton....
Mueller, was basically telling Congress it's time to impeach.

On what? Mueller didn't even say that...

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

Let me finish this.....

But we still need to get Trump, so I will break all protocols to pretend that we really, really wanted to charge him but even we couldn't make up something to charge him with, so I will imply that not charging him is as bad as charging him, to give cover to the democrats to impeach him for crimes he didn't commit...

No, Mueller kicked it over to Congress because it was literally impossible for him to indict a sitting president if he followed (which he obviously did) DOJ policy regarding indicting a sitting president.

Maybe sticking to failing at 2nd amendment debates is something you should think about.
Mueller, was basically telling Congress it's time to impeach.

On what? Mueller didn't even say that...

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."
Which means that Mueller perpetrated a fraud upon the American people and wasted millions of dollars.

If he knew that going into the investigation that one cannot indict a sitting President, and according to his own words, "to even look at obstruction is unconstitutional", then I think that he should be made to answer for the waste and fraud he perpetrated on the American people.

No, considering he found plenty of others to indict and farmed out even more investigations not directly under his purview. Not all investigations lead to indictments or are even meant to. He gathered evidence that others including Congress can pick up, but an accurate record of what happened you would think is important to all Americans.
Mueller, was basically telling Congress it's time to impeach.

On what? Mueller didn't even say that...

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."
Which means that Mueller perpetrated a fraud upon the American people and wasted millions of dollars.

If he knew that going into the investigation that one cannot indict a sitting President, and according to his own words, "to even look at obstruction is unconstitutional", then I think that he should be made to answer for the waste and fraud he perpetrated on the American people.

According to Mueller there were no facts found that Trump committed any crimes. Whereas when Clinton was investigated by Starr, they found at least 13 counts of crimes committed by William Jefferson Clinton....

That is incorrect. Where did Mueller say that he didn't discover any facts? Be specific.
It did not lay out collusion in the sense that the Trump campaign called the Russians and asked them to help. The Trump campaign knew of Russia's interest in electing Trump and they wanted to facilitate their help. They laid out a roadmap for how the Russians could help by giving the campaign strategy and internal polling data to someone associated with Russian Intelligence. They also sought dirt from the Russians. I also suspect Roger Stone knows quite a bit but has refused to cooperate.

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."
then why did they start it? how fking stupid is that excuse?
Mueller, was basically telling Congress it's time to impeach.

On what? Mueller didn't even say that...

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."
Which means that Mueller perpetrated a fraud upon the American people and wasted millions of dollars.

If he knew that going into the investigation that one cannot indict a sitting President, and according to his own words, "to even look at obstruction is unconstitutional", then I think that he should be made to answer for the waste and fraud he perpetrated on the American people.

According to Mueller there were no facts found that Trump committed any crimes. Whereas when Clinton was investigated by Starr, they found at least 13 counts of crimes committed by William Jefferson Clinton....
Blowjobs are not crimes, unless done improperly..
That is incorrect. Where did Mueller say that he didn't discover any facts? Be specific.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced Wednesday that there was "insufficient" evidence to charge President Donald Trump with conspiring with Russia during the 2016 election, but made clear that it was "not an option" for his team to charge a sitting president with a crime .

"I have not spoken publicly during our investigation," Mueller said at the Department of Justice. "The attorney general has made the report on our investigation largely public. We are formally closing the special counsel's office and as well, I'm resigning from the Department of Justice to return to private life."

Mueller further said that while there have been calls for him to testify before Congress about the report, he does not plan to do so, and if he does, he won't go beyond what's in his 400-plus page report.

"No one has told me whether I can or should testify or speak further about this matter," said Mueller. "There has been discussion about an appearance before Congress. Any testimony from this office would not go beyond our report. It contains our findings and analysis and the reasons for the decisions we made."

The words in the document were chosen carefully, he said, and "the work speaks for itself and the report is my testimony. I would not provide information beyond that which is already public in any appearance before Congress."

Mueller said his office was established because of indictments against Russian intelligence officers alleging they had hacked into computers and networks used by Hillary Clinton's campaign and released the information through WikiLeaks.

"The releases were designed and timed to interfere with our election and to damage a presidential candidate," said Mueller. "At the same time as the grand jury alleged in a separate indictment, a private Russian entity engaged in a social media operation where Russian citizens posed as Americans in order to influence an election."

Mueller said the first part of his report detailed efforts from Russia to influence the election, including a discussion of the Trump campaign's response to the activity and the conclusion that there was "insufficient evidence to charge a broader conspiracy."

The second volume of the report described the results and analysis of the obstruction investigation, and "we did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime," as "charging the president with a crime" wasn't an "option we could consider."

He added that "if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime.
Mueller, was basically telling Congress it's time to impeach.

On what? Mueller didn't even say that...

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."
Which means that Mueller perpetrated a fraud upon the American people and wasted millions of dollars.

If he knew that going into the investigation that one cannot indict a sitting President, and according to his own words, "to even look at obstruction is unconstitutional", then I think that he should be made to answer for the waste and fraud he perpetrated on the American people.

According to Mueller there were no facts found that Trump committed any crimes. Whereas when Clinton was investigated by Starr, they found at least 13 counts of crimes committed by William Jefferson Clinton....
Blowjobs are not crimes, unless done improperly..

Lying about the fact under oath is a crime. It's called perjury....

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