BREAKING- Mueller Statement Imminent (11 AM ET)

The Attorney General needs to release a statement saying: "If we had had confidence that Robert Mueller clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

"If we had had confidence that Nancy Pelosi clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

"If we had had confidence that Joe Biden clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."
What a load of horseshit!!!
Claiming his team of investigators were impartial and fair.:auiqs.jpg:

So tell us Mewler? Why did a shitload of em get fired?
Why did a shitload of em get fired?
The Wrath of Don.... vengeance, Trump style....

Mueller would have seen any wrong doing when the FBI investigation was handed over to him... you would think...? He had access to all of it.... how it began, for what reason, etc...

Like Strzoks and Pages emails?
yes, those emails between lovers prove nothing... we would need facts, showing they did not do the jobs they were paid for....

they said nothing worse about Trump as a candidate, than all the other Republicans at the time... even Lindsey Graham said worse things about Trump, than the two lovers, at that time period of the emails.

I have no problem with the IG investigating it though, like to find out what the comment on insurance policy meant... if anything, etc.... just to be certain the lovers did not do anything wrong...

But even if they did, it does not invalidate the reason for the investigation.... and what the Mueller investigation found out.

A partisan investigation by Barr, will not be believed by nearly 2/3's of this country....

The IG is impartial, and his investigation would be.

Than why'd they,along with many others get shit canned?
The Attorney General needs to release a statement saying: "If we had had confidence that Robert Mueller clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

"If we had had confidence that Nancy Pelosi clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

"If we had had confidence that Joe Biden clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."
Troll level: mediocre
if Bob Mueller doesnt have the guts to indict Trump, doesnt even have the guts to testify before Congress, he should retire from being a prosecutor & find another job!

DOJ policy is not to indict a sitting president. To Mueller he never had the choice. At least try to keep up.
The Attorney General needs to release a statement saying: "If we had had confidence that Robert Mueller clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

"If we had had confidence that Nancy Pelosi clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

"If we had had confidence that Joe Biden clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

Mueller didn't exonerate you?
The Attorney General needs to release a statement saying: "If we had had confidence that Robert Mueller clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

"If we had had confidence that Nancy Pelosi clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

"If we had had confidence that Joe Biden clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

Keep grasping at those straws! Maybe someday you'll grab one.
Mueller said: READ MY REPORT. It says I COULDN’T indict a sitting president. If my office could’ve concluded he was innocent of collusion or obstruction, we would’ve. We couldn’t so we didn’t. Only Congress can hold him accountable. The ball is in their court now.

If there were evidence of collusion or obstruction, Mueller could have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't. His comments are just a political hit job - and a rather cowardly one at that.

Nuff said.

Are you truly that out of touch!

There have been plenty of indictments!

The indictments were for things completely unrelated to collusion or obstruction (i.e. Manafort's financial irregularities years before he worked for Turmp) or entrapment process crimes (i.e. setting up Papadolous...who served TWO WEEKS for a fake process crime).

You lose.
Mueller said: READ MY REPORT. It says I COULDN’T indict a sitting president. If my office could’ve concluded he was innocent of collusion or obstruction, we would’ve. We couldn’t so we didn’t. Only Congress can hold him accountable. The ball is in their court now.

If there were evidence of collusion or obstruction, Mueller could have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't. His comments are just a political hit job - and a rather cowardly one at that.

Nuff said.
There was INSUFFICIENT evidence

There was plenty of evidence for obstruction and Mueller laid that out but couldn't indict due to DOJ policy.

No he didn't. He spewed a word salad designed to dupe gullible moonbats. In RealityLand, if there were evidence of either crime, he would have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't.
Mueller said: READ MY REPORT. It says I COULDN’T indict a sitting president. If my office could’ve concluded he was innocent of collusion or obstruction, we would’ve. We couldn’t so we didn’t. Only Congress can hold him accountable. The ball is in their court now.

If there were evidence of collusion or obstruction, Mueller could have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't. His comments are just a political hit job - and a rather cowardly one at that.

Nuff said.
There was INSUFFICIENT evidence

There was plenty of evidence for obstruction and Mueller laid that out but couldn't indict due to DOJ policy.

No he didn't. He spewed a word salad designed to dupe gullible moonbats. In RealityLand, if there were evidence of either crime, he would have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't.

Why would Mueller indict others for obstruction when the acts themselves were committed by the President?

Word salad? You mean the utter babbling bullshit that spontaneously vomits out of the mouths of the last two Republican presidents?
Mewler is the deepest of deep-state scumbags. He registers as a Republican so he can mix with them and sabotage their every move. The man is a piece of shit. HE is the criminal. HE is the one that belongs in Prison.

But the Deep State won't allow it. Nobody protects their own like thr Deep State.


But I'm here to tell you -- He done fvcked with the wrong man.

Check this out, H/T Ace..... (if you don't know who 'Ace' you should Ace of Spades HQ )


"Trump is known as a builder, but if there's anything really Trump likes to do, it's breaking things. Trump broke Kathy Griffin. He broke her really badly. He broke Michael Moore. He reduced Hillary Clinton to a bitter old drunk. He broke both Michael Avenatti and Stormy Daniels. He broke Rosie O'Donnell. He broke his former aide Omarosa. He's in the process of breaking the anti-Trump progaganda network CNN completely. Everyone who goes up against Trump loses. It's uncanny how some celebrity or athlete goes off on an anti-Trump rant and then fails professionally in some fashion, sometimes in unrelated ways. Just look at this schadenfreudelicious list. And now I hear that there are supposedly a whole bunch of anti-Trump movie scripts that have lately been floating around Hollywood. It reminds me of the height of the Iraq war when Hollywood released a bunch of anti-Iraq war movies. They were abysmal failures at the box office. They must've thought that most Americans were against the Iraq War. But at that time, most Americans supported the war. What a bubble they must live in. They must think that most Americans hate Trump. But that's the way to get more Trump. And they're going to get more Trump. Good and hard."


Yes, Trump broke CNN.
Mueller said: READ MY REPORT. It says I COULDN’T indict a sitting president. If my office could’ve concluded he was innocent of collusion or obstruction, we would’ve. We couldn’t so we didn’t. Only Congress can hold him accountable. The ball is in their court now.

If there were evidence of collusion or obstruction, Mueller could have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't. His comments are just a political hit job - and a rather cowardly one at that.

Nuff said.
There was INSUFFICIENT evidence

There was plenty of evidence for obstruction and Mueller laid that out but couldn't indict due to DOJ policy.

No he didn't. He spewed a word salad designed to dupe gullible moonbats. In RealityLand, if there were evidence of either crime, he would have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't.

Why would Mueller indict others for obstruction when the acts themselves were committed by the President?

Word salad? You mean the utter babbling bullshit that spontaneously vomits out of the mouths of the last two Republican presidents?

Uh. Because they committed crimes.

And again, you are thoroughly duped.
If there were evidence of collusion or obstruction, Mueller could have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't. His comments are just a political hit job - and a rather cowardly one at that.

Nuff said.
There was INSUFFICIENT evidence

There was plenty of evidence for obstruction and Mueller laid that out but couldn't indict due to DOJ policy.

No he didn't. He spewed a word salad designed to dupe gullible moonbats. In RealityLand, if there were evidence of either crime, he would have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't.

Why would Mueller indict others for obstruction when the acts themselves were committed by the President?

Word salad? You mean the utter babbling bullshit that spontaneously vomits out of the mouths of the last two Republican presidents?

Uh. Because they committed crimes.

And again, you are thoroughly duped.

Other than the president, who obstructed justice?

Are you going to try to argue that others int he administration committed crimes?
The indictments were for things completely unrelated to collusion or obstruction
Excuse you. Manafort was charged with obstruction. Stone is charged with obstruction. Flynn: guilty of lying to the FBI (also obstruction). Cohen: lying to congress (also obstruction)

I see this has already turned into "make shit up " day on USMB. As it always does, whenever president pussyboy takes a hit.
Mueller said: READ MY REPORT. It says I COULDN’T indict a sitting president. If my office could’ve concluded he was innocent of collusion or obstruction, we would’ve. We couldn’t so we didn’t. Only Congress can hold him accountable. The ball is in their court now.

If there were evidence of collusion or obstruction, Mueller could have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't. His comments are just a political hit job - and a rather cowardly one at that.

Nuff said.

Are you truly that out of touch!

There have been plenty of indictments!

Who was indicted for collusion, which isn't even a crime?
Mueller said: READ MY REPORT. It says I COULDN’T indict a sitting president. If my office could’ve concluded he was innocent of collusion or obstruction, we would’ve. We couldn’t so we didn’t. Only Congress can hold him accountable. The ball is in their court now.

If there were evidence of collusion or obstruction, Mueller could have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't. His comments are just a political hit job - and a rather cowardly one at that.

Nuff said.

Are you truly that out of touch!

There have been plenty of indictments!

The indictments were for things completely unrelated to collusion or obstruction (i.e. Manafort's financial irregularities years before he worked for Turmp) or entrapment process crimes (i.e. setting up Papadolous...who served TWO WEEKS for a fake process crime).

You lose.

Mueller's words:

"I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments—that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election."

So Mueller stated that the indictments were related to election interference.

That would be COLLUSION (aka CONSPIRACY)!

Dim Wit!

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