BREAKING- Mueller Statement Imminent (11 AM ET)

Mueller said: READ MY REPORT. It says I COULDN’T indict a sitting president. If my office could’ve concluded he was innocent of collusion or obstruction, we would’ve. We couldn’t so we didn’t. Only Congress can hold him accountable. The ball is in their court now.

If there were evidence of collusion or obstruction, Mueller could have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't. His comments are just a political hit job - and a rather cowardly one at that.

Nuff said.

Are you truly that out of touch!

There have been plenty of indictments!

The indictments were for things completely unrelated to collusion or obstruction (i.e. Manafort's financial irregularities years before he worked for Turmp) or entrapment process crimes (i.e. setting up Papadolous...who served TWO WEEKS for a fake process crime).

You lose.

Mueller's words:

"I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments—that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election."

So Mueller stated that the indictments were related to election interference.

That would be COLLUSION (aka CONSPIRACY)!

Dim Wit!

Collusion does not equal conspiracy, dumbass! No Americans were indicted for anything related to the Russians.
The indictments were for things completely unrelated to collusion or obstruction
Excuse you. Manafort was charged with obstruction. Stone is charged with obstruction. Flynn: guilty of lying to the FBI (also obstruction). Cohen: lying to congress (also obstruction)

I see this has already turned into "make shit up " day on USMB. As it always does, whenever president pussyboy takes a hit.
Brennan should be sent to the slammer for the same thing Cohen was.. Lying to Congress

Just that fact that Mueller found overwhelming evidence of Russia's interference in our election, AND that Trump has taken NO ACTION to safe guard our elections show that TRUMP is GUILTY of DERELICTION OF DUTY and SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE!

What actions did Obama take? Trump was not President at the time, dumbass!

During Obama's Presidency investigations were underway, but no conclusions had been reached.

There were clear conclusions reached since Trump has been in office, and there have been clear statements by our intelligence agencies that action must be taken.

BTW - feel free to remove Obama from office any time you'd like!

The Attorney General needs to release a statement saying: "If we had had confidence that Robert Mueller clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

"If we had had confidence that Nancy Pelosi clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

"If we had had confidence that Joe Biden clearly did not commit a crime, we would say so."

Mueller didn't exonerate you?
i'm here aren't i?
One thing that dimocrap FILTH seem to conveniently forget.

Because, well because they're scum.

But there is a "PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE" in this Country. I'm not talking about some moral bullshit. I'm talking about the fucking law.

Juries don't find people 'innocent'. They find them 'Not Guilty'.

Before, During and Afterwards, they are "PRESUMED" to be innocent unless tried and found guilty by a jury of their peers. NOT by a fucking prosecutor. By a JURY.

dimocrap FILTH would have us believe that EVERYBODY IS GUILTY of something unless we have been 'exonerated'.

But what else would you expect from the political heirs of the Nazi Party.

The Party of Infanticide. The Anti-Constitution. The party that thinks most of the Country is made up of 'Deplorables'

The party masquerading as a political organization when, in fact, it is nothing more than a criminal enterprise.

dimocraps are scum
Mueller, was basically telling Congress it's time to impeach.

On what? Mueller didn't even say that...

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."
The MSM is going to have a meltdown when they find out there was no collusion and that Trump is ready to go in 2020 :D
INSUFFICIENT evidence NO confidence trump is innocent

And a real prosecutor would have kept his mouth shut......but mueller is part of the witch hunt, so he broke all protocols and decency to go after Trump.....
Just that fact that Mueller found overwhelming evidence of Russia's interference in our election, AND that Trump has taken NO ACTION to safe guard our elections show that TRUMP is GUILTY of DERELICTION OF DUTY and SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE!

What actions did Obama take? Trump was not President at the time, dumbass!

During Obama's Presidency investigations were underway, but no conclusions had been reached.

There were clear conclusions reached since Trump has been in office, and there have been clear statements by our intelligence agencies that action must be taken.

BTW - feel free to remove Obama from office any time you'd like!


Responsibility goes with the office. Obama and his minions were responsible. Trying to lay off actions that occurred before Trump became President is just fucking stupid, like you!
Mueller, was basically telling Congress it's time to impeach.

On what? Mueller didn't even say that...

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

Let me finish this.....

But we still need to get Trump, so I will break all protocols to pretend that we really, really wanted to charge him but even we couldn't make up something to charge him with, so I will imply that not charging him is as bad as charging him, to give cover to the democrats to impeach him for crimes he didn't commit...
The MSM is going to have a meltdown when they find out there was no collusion and that Trump is ready to go in 2020 :D
There was collusion, 251 contacts with Trump campaign staff and russians who interfered in our election, during the campaign, according to the Mueller Report.

What Mueller found is that they could not establish CONSPIRACY, beyond a reasonable doubt.

They could not establish that the Trump campaign, worked with the Russians on stealing the DNC, Podesta, and Democratic Committee's emails, they could not prove that the Trump campaign were in on the actual theft with the Russian operatives. Collusion is apparently, not a crime.

but the Mueller report did show collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians/wilileaks, after the emails were stolen...

i.e. manafort gave the Russians secret Trump polling data so they could focus their Russian influence campaign in all the right places... Campaign members directed the timing and release of the emails, Trump's son set up a meeting with Russians hoping to get dirt or emails from the Russians, Flynn worked with Peter Smith, a republican operative, (who allegedly committed suicide) to get Hillary emails, Flynn told the Russian Ambassador to hold off on retaliating the US for the sanctions by Obama just put on them... Cohen and Trump were still working the Moscow Trump Tower deal, up until the election while lying to the public about it, Trump offered Putin a $50 million dollar Penthouse, to help the deal go through....

Like the report lays out, 251 of these type of contacts/ which defines collusion with the Russians.
collusion isn't a crime. and collusion is only a crime with a conspiracy to act. And he didn't find that. your statement is useless as usual.
Mueller, was basically telling Congress it's time to impeach.

On what? Mueller didn't even say that...

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."
Which means that Mueller perpetrated a fraud upon the American people and wasted millions of dollars.

If he knew that going into the investigation that one cannot indict a sitting President, and according to his own words, "to even look at obstruction is unconstitutional", then I think that he should be made to answer for the waste and fraud he perpetrated on the American people.
Mueller, was basically telling Congress it's time to impeach.

On what? Mueller didn't even say that...

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”

Mueller explained longstanding Justice Department policy, which states that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

“Charging the president with a crime was not an option we could consider,” Mueller explained, adding that “it would be unfair to accuse someone of a crime when there could be no court resolution of the charge.”

"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing," Mueller said Wednesday, echoing his report which states that Congress "may apply obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."

The "process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse the president of wrongdoing" is called an 'impeachment'.
Yeah, he did agree to it.... at least according to what Naddler said last week on Maddow's interview.... he said the Justice department negotiators said he agreed to testify, but in private.... did not want to be part of a congressional show and media frenzy, he wanted to stay out of the fray, of politics....

Naddler said that the middle men negotiating the testimony, that Mueller wanted to give only an opening statement in the public, then it would go to a closed door hearing.

apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Maybe just maybe he's heard enough republican shit and changed his mind?

and maybe he's going to announce he's transgender.

point is who the hell knows why he's doing this.....
He's doing it because Congress has asked him to, and he respects the constitution and the law. He's required to do it.

He's required by law to make a public statement? somehow I doubt that....
more of the leftist know it all's that think they have all DC knowledge.
The MSM is going to have a meltdown when they find out there was no collusion and that Trump is ready to go in 2020 :D
There was collusion, 251 contacts with Trump campaign staff and russians who interfered in our election, during the campaign, according to the Mueller Report.

What Mueller found is that they could not establish CONSPIRACY, beyond a reasonable doubt.

They could not establish that the Trump campaign, worked with the Russians on stealing the DNC, Podesta, and Democratic Committee's emails, they could not prove that the Trump campaign were in on the actual theft with the Russian operatives. Collusion is apparently, not a crime.

but the Mueller report did show collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians/wilileaks, after the emails were stolen...

i.e. manafort gave the Russians secret Trump polling data so they could focus their Russian influence campaign in all the right places... Campaign members directed the timing and release of the emails, Trump's son set up a meeting with Russians hoping to get dirt or emails from the Russians, Flynn worked with Peter Smith, a republican operative, (who allegedly committed suicide) to get Hillary emails, Flynn told the Russian Ambassador to hold off on retaliating the US for the sanctions by Obama just put on them... Cohen and Trump were still working the Moscow Trump Tower deal, up until the election while lying to the public about it, Trump offered Putin a $50 million dollar Penthouse, to help the deal go through....

Like the report lays out, 251 of these type of contacts/ which defines collusion with the Russians.

It did not lay out collusion in the sense that the Trump campaign called the Russians and asked them to help. The Trump campaign knew of Russia's interest in electing Trump and they wanted to facilitate their help. They laid out a roadmap for how the Russians could help by giving the campaign strategy and internal polling data to someone associated with Russian Intelligence. They also sought dirt from the Russians. I also suspect Roger Stone knows quite a bit but has refused to cooperate.
The indictments were for things completely unrelated to collusion or obstruction
Excuse you. Manafort was charged with obstruction. Stone is charged with obstruction. Flynn: guilty of lying to the FBI (also obstruction). Cohen: lying to congress (also obstruction)

I see this has already turned into "make shit up " day on USMB. As it always does, whenever president pussyboy takes a hit.

Keep dreaming, bub. It must be a great comfort to you to have such an active fantasy life as consolation for reality eluding you.

Mueller's remarks are just part of the political hit to take out Trump. Rational people see them in context with Comey's CYA editorial and the finger pointing between Brennan, Clapper, Baker et al.

IOW: The Rats on the Sinking Coup Attempt Ship are DESPERATE.
Mueller said: READ MY REPORT. It says I COULDN’T indict a sitting president. If my office could’ve concluded he was innocent of collusion or obstruction, we would’ve. We couldn’t so we didn’t. Only Congress can hold him accountable. The ball is in their court now.

If there were evidence of collusion or obstruction, Mueller could have indicted the co-conspirators. He didn't. His comments are just a political hit job - and a rather cowardly one at that.

Nuff said.

Are you truly that out of touch!

There have been plenty of indictments!

The indictments were for things completely unrelated to collusion or obstruction (i.e. Manafort's financial irregularities years before he worked for Turmp) or entrapment process crimes (i.e. setting up Papadolous...who served TWO WEEKS for a fake process crime).

You lose.

Mueller's words:

"I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments—that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election."

So Mueller stated that the indictments were related to election interference.

That would be COLLUSION (aka CONSPIRACY)!

Dim Wit!

Uh. Did you even listen to his remarks? He was talking about Russians, not Trump or his campaign.
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The MSM is going to have a meltdown when they find out there was no collusion and that Trump is ready to go in 2020 :D
There was collusion, 251 contacts with Trump campaign staff and russians who interfered in our election, during the campaign, according to the Mueller Report.

What Mueller found is that they could not establish CONSPIRACY, beyond a reasonable doubt.

They could not establish that the Trump campaign, worked with the Russians on stealing the DNC, Podesta, and Democratic Committee's emails, they could not prove that the Trump campaign were in on the actual theft with the Russian operatives. Collusion is apparently, not a crime.

but the Mueller report did show collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians/wilileaks, after the emails were stolen...

i.e. manafort gave the Russians secret Trump polling data so they could focus their Russian influence campaign in all the right places... Campaign members directed the timing and release of the emails, Trump's son set up a meeting with Russians hoping to get dirt or emails from the Russians, Flynn worked with Peter Smith, a republican operative, (who allegedly committed suicide) to get Hillary emails, Flynn told the Russian Ambassador to hold off on retaliating the US for the sanctions by Obama just put on them... Cohen and Trump were still working the Moscow Trump Tower deal, up until the election while lying to the public about it, Trump offered Putin a $50 million dollar Penthouse, to help the deal go through....

Like the report lays out, 251 of these type of contacts/ which defines collusion with the Russians.

It did not lay out collusion in the sense that the Trump campaign called the Russians and asked them to help. The Trump campaign knew of Russia's interest in electing Trump and they wanted to facilitate their help. They laid out a roadmap for how the Russians could help by giving the campaign strategy and internal polling data to someone associated with Russian Intelligence. They also sought dirt from the Russians. I also suspect Roger Stone knows quite a bit but has refused to cooperate.

If the Obamanoids were really concerned about Russian interference:

1. They would have given Trump a head's up so that his folks would be on the alert for potential inference and could then inform the DOJ. Instead, they planted spies in order to manufacture the appearance of collusion (they failed epically).

2. Obama wouldn't have dismissed the threat of Russian collusion prior to the election. He did dismiss it because he thought hiLIARy would win and their spying operation could be kept under cover.

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