BREAKING- Mueller Statement Imminent (11 AM ET)

mueller still works for Justice dept...

there will be nothing said in his opening statement that was not approved by Barr....

the questioning of Mueller, will be behind closed doors, we won't see it....

but we will be given transcripts of the questions and answers, from what Naddler said last week....

I don't think Mueller has agreed to testify.
Yeah, he did agree to it.... at least according to what Naddler said last week on Maddow's interview.... he said the Justice department negotiators said he agreed to testify, but in private.... did not want to be part of a congressional show and media frenzy, he wanted to stay out of the fray, of politics....

Naddler said that the middle men negotiating the testimony, that Mueller wanted to give only an opening statement in the public, then it would go to a closed door hearing.

apparently he's changed his mind on wanting to stay out of the media frenzy....
Maybe just maybe he's heard enough republican shit and changed his mind?

Short statement: "TDS afflicted Moon Bats just shut the fuck up".
The MSM is going to have a meltdown when they find out there was no collusion and that Trump is ready to go in 2020 :D
There was collusion, 251 contacts with Trump campaign staff and russians who interfered in our election, during the campaign, according to the Mueller Report.

What Mueller found is that they could not establish CONSPIRACY, beyond a reasonable doubt.

They could not establish that the Trump campaign, worked with the Russians on stealing the DNC, Podesta, and Democratic Committee's emails, they could not prove that the Trump campaign were in on the actual theft with the Russian operatives. Collusion is apparently, not a crime.

but the Mueller report did show collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians/wilileaks, after the emails were stolen...

i.e. manafort gave the Russians secret Trump polling data so they could focus their Russian influence campaign in all the right places... Campaign members directed the timing and release of the emails, Trump's son set up a meeting with Russians hoping to get dirt or emails from the Russians, Flynn worked with Peter Smith, a republican operative, (who allegedly committed suicide) to get Hillary emails, Flynn told the Russian Ambassador to hold off on retaliating the US for the sanctions by Obama just put on them... Cohen and Trump were still working the Moscow Trump Tower deal, up until the election while lying to the public about it, Trump offered Putin a $50 million dollar Penthouse, to help the deal go through....

Like the report lays out, 251 of these type of contacts/ which defines collusion with the Russians.
Mueller has to clarify and I hope he does. The democrat lies are just spinning out of control. The Wolff allegation was probably the defining moment. Left unchallenged it could only get worse.
I am sure Mueller will fill us all in about how Comey, Brennan and Page and Strozk were part of trying to take down the POTUS :D
mueller still works for Justice dept...

there will be nothing said in his opening statement that was not approved by Barr....

the questioning of Mueller, will be behind closed doors, we won't see it....

but we will be given transcripts of the questions and answers, from what Naddler said last week....

I don't think Mueller has agreed to testify.
Yeah, he did agree to it.... at least according to what Naddler said last week on Maddow's interview.... he said the Justice department negotiators said he agreed to testify, but in private.... did not want to be part of a congressional show and media frenzy, he wanted to stay out of the fray, of politics....

Naddler said that the middle men negotiating the testimony said, that Mueller wanted to give only an opening statement in the public, then it would go to a closed door hearing.

Naddler? Lol.
There was collusion, 251 contacts with Trump campaign staff, during the campaign, according to the Mueller Report.

What Mueller found is that they could not establish CONSPIRACY, beyond a reasonable doubt.

They could not establish that the Trump campaign, worked with the Russians on stealing the DNC, Podesta, and Democratic Committee's emails, they could not prove that the Trump campaign were in on the actual theft with the Russian operatives. Collusion is apparently, not a crime.

but the Mueller report did show collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians/wilileaks, after the emails were stolen...

i.e. manafort gave the Russians secret Trump polling data so they could focus their Russian influence campaign in all the right places... Campaign members directed the timing and release of the emails, Trump's son set up a meeting with Russians hoping to get dirt or emails from the Russians, Flynn worked with Peter Smith, a republican operative, (who allegedly committed suicide) to get Hillary emails, Flynn told the Russian Ambassador to hold off on retaliating the US for the sanctions by Obama just put on them... Cohen and Trump were still working the Moscow Trump Tower deal, up until the election while lying to the public about it, Trump offered Putin a $50 million dollar Penthouse, to help the deal go through....

Like the report lays out, 251 of these type of contacts/ which defines collusion with the Russians.

All Mueller said that the President cannot be charged while sill in Office. Nothing we didn't already know...
There was collusion, 251 contacts with Trump campaign staff, during the campaign, according to the Mueller Report.

What Mueller found is that they could not establish CONSPIRACY, beyond a reasonable doubt.

They could not establish that the Trump campaign, worked with the Russians on stealing the DNC, Podesta, and Democratic Committee's emails, they could not prove that the Trump campaign were in on the actual theft with the Russian operatives. Collusion is apparently, not a crime.

but the Mueller report did show collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians/wilileaks, after the emails were stolen...

i.e. manafort gave the Russians secret Trump polling data so they could focus their Russian influence campaign in all the right places... Campaign members directed the timing and release of the emails, Trump's son set up a meeting with Russians hoping to get dirt or emails from the Russians, Flynn worked with Peter Smith, a republican operative, (who allegedly committed suicide) to get Hillary emails, Flynn told the Russian Ambassador to hold off on retaliating the US for the sanctions by Obama just put on them... Cohen and Trump were still working the Moscow Trump Tower deal, up until the election while lying to the public about it, Trump offered Putin a $50 million dollar Penthouse, to help the deal go through....

Like the report lays out, 251 of these type of contacts/ which defines collusion with the Russians.

All Mueller said that the President cannot be charged while sill in Office. Nothing we didn't already know...
yea, that... and he said if he could have exonerated President Trump of a crime, he would have.... he basically spelled out, that the constitution spells out that it is in the congress's hands now, with impeachment, if they so choose.
Mueller could have came to a collusion,, this will just keep us talking .. he’s such a loser
He did stick it to the lying pig Barr
yes and no.

He did say that even though he asked barr to release his limited summaries with the announcement, that he felt that Barr's decision to wait and release the whole redacted report at once, was in good faith.
yea, that... and he said if he could have exonerated President Trump of a crime, he would have.... he basically spelled out, that the constitution spells out that it is in the congress's hands now, with impeachment, if they so choose.

For the past 2 years...Mueller was looking for the 'smoking gun'. He mentioned there was none. Which means the MSM will spin Mueller's words. And they have already started running with the same old false narratives. :abgg2q.jpg:
He did stick it to the lying pig Barr
yes and no.

He did say that even though he asked barr to release his limited summaries with the announcement, that he felt that Barr's decision to wait and release the whole redacted report at once, was in good faith.
Didn't Barr say ,in other words ,that trump was as innocent as the new falling snow?? NOT what Mueller said
The Trumpbots are truly in a state of denial today!

Mueller just fried Trump. He basically called for impeachment hearings.

He made it clear that his report DID NOT exonerate Trump and that it was the responsibility of Congress to take action.

The one thing that Mueller had wrong is that IF congress subpoenas him he will have to testify and answer any questions that they ask beyond what is said in his report.
What a load of horseshit!!!
Claiming his team of investigators were impartial and fair.:auiqs.jpg:

So tell us Mewler? Why did a shitload of em get fired?
Why did a shitload of em get fired?
The Wrath of Don.... vengeance, Trump style....

Mueller would have seen any wrong doing when the FBI investigation was handed over to him... you would think...? He had access to all of it.... how it began, for what reason, etc...

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