Breaking: Muller flips another Trump staffer

Manafort was there for four months then was fired.
Flynn was there for less than a month.
You expect a non politician is suppose to know the inner works of just how dirty the government has become?
He got rid of them both when the allegations came to light.

Nonsense - Flynn was one of the earliest onboard the Trump Train and was one of Dotards biggest confidants - With him at all times.

Michael Flynn: Timeline of his rise, fall and guilty plea

He pretty much knows everything.

Tick Tock :)

Gates was there even longer, even after Manifort and Flynn were gone.
True........local news has done several stories over the yrs of providing same info to multiple tax preparers and having them all come back different. Why is that? ..They can't all be don't think a malicious agent out to score political points couldn't throw them all in are naive.

Actually they could all be right.
And all could be wrong depending on how they want to interpret the gray areas and host of of other reasons. Wife deals with IRS on regular basis for her clients.....I here the stories.

So what was your report to jail tax evader.....

The point was you said they couldn't all be right, but given how messed up our tax laws are, they could all be right.
But you agreed they could all go to jail too.....which is my orig other than waste space....what was the point again
yada yada yada
bla bla bla

legal summation;


All the focus on the daily s*%# throwing, while America the beautiful is turning into a place where hate & distrust rules.
Trump Boasts of Hiring Only the Best, but Picks Haunt Him
The tales of three former advisers to Donald Trump have created a steady stream of allegations that are clouding Trump's presidency and raising questions about his judgment.


i'm draining the swamp, believe me!

The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know

Just ahead of the election, Trump declared that James Comey, then the FBI director, had redeemed himself by reopening his investigation into Hillary Clinton. It was a move widely credited with pushing Clinton’s numbers down far enough to put Trump over the top. Trump is now pushing the narrative that the FBI was, in fact, attempting to elect Clinton.

Trump promised to roll back America’s involvement in overseas conflicts. As president, he has sent more troops to Afghanistan and took off whatever leash was on the air war elsewhere. Civilian casualties have soared.

Trump warned during the campaign that Goldman Sachs has “total control over Hillary Clinton.” He has stocked his administration and financial regulatory agencies with Goldman veterans, including the firm’s president, Gary Cohn.

He slammed Clinton for using a personal email account and for mishandling classified intelligence. Members of his own administration occasionally used personal accounts, and Trump himself divulged classified intelligence to Russian representatives in the Oval Office, compromising a confidential source embedded with the Islamic State.

Trump warned that Clinton’s ties to the Clinton Foundation, which took money from corporations, despots, and others seeking influence, amounted to a conflict of interest. He has gone on to lead the most ethically conflicted administration imaginable.

Donald Trump Made a Few Promises During the State of the Union. Let’s Add Them to the Pile.

So let me see how this works in Lib Land...Gates gets brought up on charges that have nothing to do with Russian collusion or anything else that Donald Trump has done...and you're praying that threatening to put him in jail will make him come up with something to give to Mueller to "get" Trump?

What's amusing is that if half the time and half the money that you've wasted chasing Trump had been spent investigating Hillary Clinton's little pay for play empire...there would be ten times the people facing charges!

benghazi investigation- $7.8m, no indictments
mueller investigation- $5m, 3 guilty pleas so far

keep swinging, corky

Which Benghazi investigations were carried out by a Special Counsel with essentially unlimited legal powers?
The DOJ is in charge of Mueller's investigation.
What special council can and cannot do.
Actually they could all be right.
And all could be wrong depending on how they want to interpret the gray areas and host of of other reasons. Wife deals with IRS on regular basis for her clients.....I here the stories.

So what was your report to jail tax evader.....

The point was you said they couldn't all be right, but given how messed up our tax laws are, they could all be right.
But you agreed they could all go to jail too.....which is my orig other than waste space....what was the point again

Well, no I didnt. I agreed all could be wrong, but people rarely go to jail for making mistakes on tax forms.
All the focus on the daily s*%# throwing, while America the beautiful is turning into a place where hate & distrust rules.

good thing RW's havent been slinging shit at Obama for the last 9 years and counting or trashing anything Clinton since the last century isnt it ?
And all could be wrong depending on how they want to interpret the gray areas and host of of other reasons. Wife deals with IRS on regular basis for her clients.....I here the stories.

So what was your report to jail tax evader.....

The point was you said they couldn't all be right, but given how messed up our tax laws are, they could all be right.
But you agreed they could all go to jail too.....which is my orig other than waste space....what was the point again

Well, no I didnt. I agreed all could be wrong, but people rarely go to jail for making mistakes on tax forms.
Fine nonetheless I could nail ya to have such laws for political persecution.....approved are protected while opposition can be throttled.....O showed ya a taste of it......

Dark Money

In the age of Citizens United and unlimited campaign donations, the NRA has emerged as an important "dark money" hub in Republican politics. Under its tax code designation, the NRA is a "social welfare" organization, largely exempt from disclosing its donors.
To skirt disclosure, other big-dollar political players – including a SuperPAC linked to Karl Rove and a "chamber of commerce" controlled by the Koch Brothers – have routinely steered money into the NRA, confident that the gun group's spending will advance the GOP cause.

It is illegal, however, for foreign money to be used to influence U.S. elections. According to McClatchy, the heart of the FBI investigation is whether the NRA became a conduit for Russian cash, linked to the Kremlin, that bolstered Trump.

The Banker and "Godfather"

The key figure in the NRA/Russia investigation, McClatchy reports, is Alexander Torshin. Torshin is a longtime Putin ally who previously served as a top Russian senator. He is now a deputy governor of Russia's central bank, where his purview includes cracking down on the outflow of dirty money.

That's ironic, because Torshin has been linked to money laundering. Bloomberg reported


NRA Connections

Torshin helped establish a Russian gun group called Right to Bear Arms, whose president calls Torshin "a great gun lover." Torshin is also a life member of the NRA – and forged ties to its leadership after attending the NRA's national convention in 2013. McClatchy reports that, in 2015, Toshin hosted "a high-level NRA delegation" during a week-long Moscow trip "that included meetings with influential Russian government and business figures." An attendee describes a debauched week: "They were killing us with vodka and the best Russian food," he told McClatchy. "The trip exceeded my expectations by logarithmic levels."

Trump Connections

At the May 2016 NRA convention in Louisville, Kentucky, where Donald Trump accepted the group's endorsement, Torshin shared a table at dinner with the candidate's son Donald Jr. According to Bloomberg, Torshin claimed to also have met now-president Trump at the convention, and that: "He keeps photos of the event on his computer tablet."

The 2016 NRA convention came off just as Russians were actively seeking contact with the Trump campaign – just weeks earlier, a Russian conduit told Trump staffer George Papadopoulos that Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, including thousands of her emails. – and hoping to set up a meeting with Trump and Putin.

According to the New York Times, Torshin tried to set up a dinner meeting in Louisville at the time of the NRA convention with then-candidate Trump – with the aim of connecting Trump with Putin. The request was conveyed through a Trump ally in the Christian conservative world, who reportedly sent the campaign an email with the subject line: "Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite." (Trump did not attend that dinner.)

Separately, an NRA member, Paul Erickson – who had been part of the 2015 NRA delegation to Moscow – wrote an email titled, "Kremlin Connection," to Trump campaign adviser Rick Dearborn, according to the New York Times. Erickson reportedly told the campaign that Russia was "quietly but actively seeking a dialogue with the U.S." and would be seeking "first contact" at the NRA convention.

Weeks later, in early June 2016, the trio of Donald Trump Jr., then-campaign manager Paul Manafort, and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner took a meeting with a Putin-connected lawyer who had offered incriminating material on Hillary Clinton. Former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon has dubbed that meeting "treasonous."

A Potential Game Changer

The allegation that Russia funneled money into the NRA – to directly support Trump's presidential bid – is staggering. Until now, we've understood the Russian support of Trump to have been oblique, delivered by a cadre of Facebook and Twitter trolls, and by the release of hacked DNC and Clinton campaign emails through Wikileaks.

The notion that the Kremlin was supporting Trump's presidential bid financially – and through an organization that holds itself up as a paragon of American patriotism – is almost unreal.

The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know
So let me see how this works in Lib Land...Gates gets brought up on charges that have nothing to do with Russian collusion or anything else that Donald Trump has done...and you're praying that threatening to put him in jail will make him come up with something to give to Mueller to "get" Trump?

What's amusing is that if half the time and half the money that you've wasted chasing Trump had been spent investigating Hillary Clinton's little pay for play empire...there would be ten times the people facing charges!

benghazi investigation- $7.8m, no indictments
mueller investigation- $5m, 3 guilty pleas so far

keep swinging, corky

Which Benghazi investigations were carried out by a Special Counsel with essentially unlimited legal powers?
The DOJ is in charge of Mueller's investigation.
What special council can and cannot do.

Apparently you don't read your own article:

the scope of the investigation set by the attorney general. The job is the equivalent of a U.S. attorney, but is not subject to day-to-day supervision by the Justice Department.

If you read the original mandate by Rod Rosenstein, he left it pretty much wide open for Mueller to take the investigation anywhere he saw fit. And it says right above that Mueller is not subject to daily oversight by the DOJ. They don't sound much "in charge" to me. At any rate, if they were, it is some of the top people in the DOJ now under fire for being highly driven to hurt Trump!
if "hurting trump" is equivalent to honorably doing their jobs, then yeeeah. sorry, snowflake.
Breaking: Muller flips another Trump staffer

Breaking, my ass. Much ado about nothing. Only difference between the Trump Campaign investigations and all the ones against Obama and Hillary as we now know from the Nunes Memo is that in their cases, the DOJ and FBI were working overtime to drag their feet and run interference to block everything while with the Mueller team, they are bending over backwards breaking the law to make shit up if they have to in order to try to get Trump out of office. Nothing big will come of it.
So let me see how this works in Lib Land...Gates gets brought up on charges that have nothing to do with Russian collusion or anything else that Donald Trump has done...and you're praying that threatening to put him in jail will make him come up with something to give to Mueller to "get" Trump?

What's amusing is that if half the time and half the money that you've wasted chasing Trump had been spent investigating Hillary Clinton's little pay for play empire...there would be ten times the people facing charges!

benghazi investigation- $7.8m, no indictments
mueller investigation- $5m, 3 guilty pleas so far

keep swinging, corky

Which Benghazi investigations were carried out by a Special Counsel with essentially unlimited legal powers?
The DOJ is in charge of Mueller's investigation.
What special council can and cannot do.

Apparently you don't read your own article:

the scope of the investigation set by the attorney general. The job is the equivalent of a U.S. attorney, but is not subject to day-to-day supervision by the Justice Department.

If you read the original mandate by Rod Rosenstein, he left it pretty much wide open for Mueller to take the investigation anywhere he saw fit. And it says right above that Mueller is not subject to daily oversight by the DOJ. They don't sound much "in charge" to me. At any rate, if they were, it is some of the top people in the DOJ now under fire for being highly driven to hurt Trump!

The DOJ does not need to mico-manage Mueller. In fact, the credibility of the entire investigation is based in the autonomy of the special counsel.
Breaking, my ass. Much ado about nothing. Only difference between the Trump Campaign investigations and all the ones against Obama and Hillary as we now know from the Nunes Memo is that in their cases, the DOJ and FBI were working overtime to drag their feet and run interference to block everything while with the Mueller team, they are bending over backwards breaking the law to make shit up if they have to in order to try to get Trump out of office. Nothing big will come of it.

My favorite part of your post?

"We know from the Nunes memo"

LoLz - we know NOTHING from the Nunes Dud


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