Breaking: Muslim Beheads Coworker In Oklahoma

One mans actions ? Have you taken your head out of the sand long enough to look around the world ?
Is this not the first beheading on American soil? I thought this was what the thread was about. Or are you talking about all the other worldwide beheadings?
Excluding accidents, there has been one in 2009. Aasiya Zubair was beheaded by her husband. Executions by beheading are extremely rare. Despite all the press, there has only been about a dozen in the world over the last 15 years.

Oh, grow up.
There's actually been more beheadings in Mexico but because they are not muslim the US reactionists usually ignore it.
Who told you I was associated with anyone? I am pretty sure thats an association you formed on your own in your attempt to put a label on me. Either that or you are embarrassed about advocating for a man that thought you inferior so you have lowered yourself to deflecting.

Uh, you are reaching to try to make that one stick, Applesauce.

To avoid gaffes like that in the future try to remember I'm not a petty minded Liberal.

First of all, my self confidence is not tied to anything I post here. Secondly, I know my limitations and am comfortable in my own skin.

You must recognize this if you are to learn more subtle lessons in the future...

I'm not a Liberal.

What you described is behavior endemic to Liberals.

Conservatives are different than Liberals.

In certain things we Conservatives are better, typically, than Liberals.

In other things Liberals are the BEST when compared to similar endeavors by Conservatives.

But, in this political climate and with what we've already been through as a nation, we can not afford one more Liberal Presidential Administration in a row without allowing a GOP POTUS to come in and right this ship of state. To fix things and eliminate the lack of faith we have in the current Resident in Chief and his culture of constant crisis in government.

But I digress...

Uh, if you associate with Muslims you are associating with racists or racist lovers or those who enable Islamic anti-Jewish racism.

However, If I am mistaken I welcome the opportunity to learn the truth.
Uh....Its a very valid conclusion based on your hasty attempt to get away from the fact you didn't know Abe Lincoln was a racist.

I dont care what your political leanings are. All that tells me is that its easier for you to be led around by the nose by someone that impresses you.

Its evident your entire self confidence rests on appearing to be the "intelligent voice" for Black people so you can prove to your white friends you aren't such a bad guy. IOW you are not like the rest of the Blacks.

You need to absorb this if you wish to continue to grow. Its ok to have shortcomings but its criminal to remain ignorant when I have shown you the truth of things. All it takes is a little hard work researching and you can expand your store of knowledge to my level.

Again i don't care what you call yourself. All I demand is common sense. I have friends that call themselves conservative and friends that call themselves liberal. Your voluntary self placement on a specific team simply makes you a fan which is short for fanatic. Stop being a fanatic about propaganda and become a fanatic of intelligence and learning. I dont want to catch you talkling about something again unless you know all about it. The good or the bad.

Associating with Muslims doesn't make me a racist. i have associated with KKK members and that didnt make me a racist. Why would associating with Muslims make me a racist?

If you can answer that last question with a semblance of intelligence I will have high hopes for your continued growth.

Only an incomplete intellectual can't discern different types of associating.

Do you associate with the Klansmen the same way you associate with the Muslims?

And why would you be associating with the KKK? You have reciprocal Gym Membership privileges? Or maybe it has something to do with this...

Only an incomplete intellectual would not make that distinction in their statement. You said associate. You never specified what level of association. Chalk that up to your inability to express yourself in a manner that elicits the desired response.

No I didn't associate with the KKK for the same amount of time and level I did with the Muslims.

I spoke with some KKK members in an attempt to figure out their fear and hatred of Blacks, Jews, etc. It was quite interesting.

Please won't you compare and contrast the racism of the KKK vs Islamic racism for us?

White Muslims

Asian Muslims

Black Muslims

Mexican Muslims

I searched and searched but could find no evidence the KKK were ok with other races besides white people.
I'm talking about around the world today, the problems we have with radicalized Islam. We don't have this kind of problems with other religions, and because of the violence surrounding this religion we need to be monitoring the followers as closely as possible. Every mosque in this country should be investigated to see what is being preached. As time goes by the Muslim population in America and in the west in general grows, and that should be of great concern to non-Muslims.
I personally had no doubt in my mind that after ISIS just the other day called out to Muslims worldwide to attack Americans, Canadians, etc., that it was only a matter of time before there would be a beheading in America.
Now this story may be a complete coincidence, but I sincerely doubt it. I think once this guy heard the call, he took advantage of this situation and went ahead and beheaded this poor woman.

Only a moron would suggest suspending constitutional rights and acquiesce to what the lunatics want. You fool. Don't you get they want to show the world the hypocrisy in the US? Your fear of everything you dont understand smacks of an animalistic perdisposition inherent in clowns of your ilk.
Sorry pal, I think these people need to be monitored. Just as the Brits had to do with members of the IRA.
Islam has NEVER historically had much of a footprint in the U.S. Looks like any legacy they'll have will be mostly of a violent nature.
I say watch Muslims closely, and watch their places of worship.

I know you think they should be monitored. Thats why a I called you a moron. You are wrong about the history of Islam but no one really cares about it because thats not the point. The point is that Muslims are in fact american citizens. Only morons advocate giving up constitutional protections out of fear. My guess is that you have a violently negative reaction to banning weapons? Makes sense according to you since people that own weapons are 100% responsible for shooting other people right?

Some of them are citizens, yes of course. Doesn't mean they can't be monitored. We're all being monitored today, and so I would monitor them more so.
I would also consider dropping any tax exemption of any congregation that is preaching any hate towards America, and that goes for the fruitcakes over at Westboro as well.
The piece of shit like Farakhan, I'd be monitoring his ass every minute, and I bet they pretty much are already doing that anyway.
We are at war with radicalized Islam, you and every other lib in this country better get used to that, accept it, or get the fuck out of the way.

Here in lies the moronic nature of your post. You just said everyone was already monitored. If that's true then why start monitoring them more? Please make sense when you post. Its tiring to have read through your post only to find you are contradicting yourself. If we are at war with radicalized Islam then focus on those you can prove are radicalized Muslims. If you cant then step off. Who is going to make me get out of the way if I don't adhere to your admonishments?

I keep forgetting about your comprehension issue.

We all know we're being monitored, but to what extent, who knows. I'm simply saying these people who CHOOSE to be part of this archaic religion, and they are doing so in western societies, where IMO, they shouldn't be in the first place, should be monitored more closely.
Got it now ?

Ever discuss trends ? Ever invest based on trends ? Today the organized violence around the world is largely orchestrated by radical Islamists. Knowing and understanding how trends evolve, should then allow Americans to see that this one case of a beheading just days after a radicalized group such as ISIS has asked Muslims around the world to punish individual Americans, and other western citizens, should be of concern.
Only a moron would suggest suspending constitutional rights and acquiesce to what the lunatics want. You fool. Don't you get they want to show the world the hypocrisy in the US? Your fear of everything you dont understand smacks of an animalistic perdisposition inherent in clowns of your ilk.
Sorry pal, I think these people need to be monitored. Just as the Brits had to do with members of the IRA.
Islam has NEVER historically had much of a footprint in the U.S. Looks like any legacy they'll have will be mostly of a violent nature.
I say watch Muslims closely, and watch their places of worship.

I know you think they should be monitored. Thats why a I called you a moron. You are wrong about the history of Islam but no one really cares about it because thats not the point. The point is that Muslims are in fact american citizens. Only morons advocate giving up constitutional protections out of fear. My guess is that you have a violently negative reaction to banning weapons? Makes sense according to you since people that own weapons are 100% responsible for shooting other people right?

Some of them are citizens, yes of course. Doesn't mean they can't be monitored. We're all being monitored today, and so I would monitor them more so.
I would also consider dropping any tax exemption of any congregation that is preaching any hate towards America, and that goes for the fruitcakes over at Westboro as well.
The piece of shit like Farakhan, I'd be monitoring his ass every minute, and I bet they pretty much are already doing that anyway.
We are at war with radicalized Islam, you and every other lib in this country better get used to that, accept it, or get the fuck out of the way.

Here in lies the moronic nature of your post. You just said everyone was already monitored. If that's true then why start monitoring them more? Please make sense when you post. Its tiring to have read through your post only to find you are contradicting yourself. If we are at war with radicalized Islam then focus on those you can prove are radicalized Muslims. If you cant then step off. Who is going to make me get out of the way if I don't adhere to your admonishments?

I keep forgetting about your comprehension issue.

We all know we're being monitored, but to what extent, who knows. I'm simply saying these people who CHOOSE to be part of this archaic religion, and they are doing so in western societies, where IMO, they shouldn't be in the first place, should be monitored more closely.
Got it now ?

Ever discuss trends ? Ever invest based on trends ? Today the organized violence around the world is largely orchestrated by radical Islamists. Knowing and understanding how trends evolve, should then allow Americans to see that this one case of a beheading just days after a radicalized group such as ISIS has asked Muslims around the world to punish individual Americans, and other western citizens, should be of concern.

I forgot you said you burned your dictionary. Christianity is more archaic than Islam. You also seem to forget this country was founded on religious freedom you dimwit. Its a good thing you opinion is less than valid.

You simply cant be this dumb and still manage to tie your shoes. By far the most organized violence is done by christian nations. Just because they dont show it to you on TV doesnt mean its not there moron.
Sorry pal, I think these people need to be monitored. Just as the Brits had to do with members of the IRA.
Islam has NEVER historically had much of a footprint in the U.S. Looks like any legacy they'll have will be mostly of a violent nature.
I say watch Muslims closely, and watch their places of worship.

I know you think they should be monitored. Thats why a I called you a moron. You are wrong about the history of Islam but no one really cares about it because thats not the point. The point is that Muslims are in fact american citizens. Only morons advocate giving up constitutional protections out of fear. My guess is that you have a violently negative reaction to banning weapons? Makes sense according to you since people that own weapons are 100% responsible for shooting other people right?

Some of them are citizens, yes of course. Doesn't mean they can't be monitored. We're all being monitored today, and so I would monitor them more so.
I would also consider dropping any tax exemption of any congregation that is preaching any hate towards America, and that goes for the fruitcakes over at Westboro as well.
The piece of shit like Farakhan, I'd be monitoring his ass every minute, and I bet they pretty much are already doing that anyway.
We are at war with radicalized Islam, you and every other lib in this country better get used to that, accept it, or get the fuck out of the way.

Here in lies the moronic nature of your post. You just said everyone was already monitored. If that's true then why start monitoring them more? Please make sense when you post. Its tiring to have read through your post only to find you are contradicting yourself. If we are at war with radicalized Islam then focus on those you can prove are radicalized Muslims. If you cant then step off. Who is going to make me get out of the way if I don't adhere to your admonishments?

I keep forgetting about your comprehension issue.

We all know we're being monitored, but to what extent, who knows. I'm simply saying these people who CHOOSE to be part of this archaic religion, and they are doing so in western societies, where IMO, they shouldn't be in the first place, should be monitored more closely.
Got it now ?

Ever discuss trends ? Ever invest based on trends ? Today the organized violence around the world is largely orchestrated by radical Islamists. Knowing and understanding how trends evolve, should then allow Americans to see that this one case of a beheading just days after a radicalized group such as ISIS has asked Muslims around the world to punish individual Americans, and other western citizens, should be of concern.

I forgot you said you burned your dictionary. Christianity is more archaic than Islam. You also seem to forget this country was founded on religious freedom you dimwit. Its a good thing you opinion is less than valid.

You simply cant be this dumb and still manage to tie your shoes. By far the most organized violence is done by christian nations. Just because they dont show it to you on TV doesnt mean its not there moron.

More archaic ? Heeeee, think you might try living in 2014 for a few minutes ? :biggrin: Was your dad a colonel in the Crusades ? Lol !
Is there ever any good news where Islam is concerned? It has been just one violent abhorrent act after another. And still some make excuses. There are no excuses. It is Islam.............................
Well here it is folks. Had enough yet ?

Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace

MOORE, Okla. - Police say a woman who was killed by a co-worker at a food distribution center in suburban Oklahoma City was beheaded and that witnesses have said the suspect had been trying to convince co-workers to convert to Islam.

Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis said Friday that 30-year-old Alton Nolen had been terminated from Vaughan Foods in Moore shortly before the incident took place on Thursday afternoon.

Colleen Hufford, 54, was beheaded and another woman, 43-year-old Traci Johnson, was stabbed. Both victims were employees of Vaughan Foods, but according to Lewis, it appeared the women were not targeted and were instead stabbed at random.

Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace police say - CBS News

This person does not represent my religion. Shame on you for believing it does.

Too late.

You needed to tell us about him BEFORE he committed his act of violent, murderous Jihad.

Otherwise we could have 100 acts of terrorist Jihad every day and all we'd have is,

"This person does not represent my religion. Shame on you for believing it does."

And obviously that would help none and not at all.

Because we can't count on you to police your own violent members we need to put a limit on how many Muslims can live in the US at a time.

That way we'll never reach the Second Stage of Islam.

That's where this nasty, ugly stuff happens and you would be very worried about reprisals from American patriots taking justice into their own hands.

If we can limit the number of Muslims in America at or below the Stage Two level it will ALSO prevent anger against moderate Muslims from getting out of hand. It will help keep them safe.

And it will spare America from the nastiness of Middle Eastern Muslim habits and culture like female genital mutilation and Honor Killings.

As clarified by Imam Mojo, Minister of Propaganda for ISIS.


I know how you Muslims prefer the "strong horse."
Even though we all agree the moderate Muslims don't behead people every day, we know what happens when Muslim populations grow too high.

Let's prevent that.
White Muslims

The irony is that that kid actually looks Jewish, to me.

Blue eyes, though.

Must be Chechen.
I thought Jewish people were white?

Obviously, you're not nearly as well read as you'd have us believe you are.

Beta Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Your projecting. I never said I knew everything.

Regardless, we are talking about perception. I know the original Jews were Black. I'm talking about what everyone envisions when you speak of Jewish people today. The Ashkenazi Jews from Europe.

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